Q: What is the simplest way to submit an article / proposal?
E-mail it to the PSR as attachment(s). > Editorial Contact: click here <. When sending material, perhaps make sure you have Javascript enabled in your browser (if one is security-conscious, one can of course enable / disable good'ol Javascript using browser settings or third party browser add-ons). Click 'Send Mail to PSR' (between the two 'postal envelope' icons). If the file(s) is (are) very large (it will almost never be so), ZIP & attach ZIP file. If you need to send any 'very large' image files (such as copyright-cleared quality illustrations from museums, archives, or other sources), post those on a Cloud server (MANY options, starter accounts are usually free). E-mail us file share link so we can pull the material. Send us, of course, illustration copyright releases from the institutions / rights holders where you obtained the images from (unless the material is explicitly 'in public domain' or under 'public domain license'. For general submission requirements (a very simple up-front check-list), click >> here << . Current Calls for Papers, see: https://maproom44.com/psr/calls.html . |
Q: Can I machine-translate (e.g. Google-translate) my abstract (or even worse, my article)?
No. The only thing we can say is: this is an absolutely terrible idea. A machine-assisted translation (MT) remains useless, even with AI, and unpublishable in a proper academic or professional environment. So are "subprime translations" from fly-by-night outfits that use machine-translation anyway and charge you for it. NO existing software possesses the fine conceptual, intepretive, and stylistic abilities of a truly experienced human translator. A machine translation is instantly spotted by any professional editor or reviewer with many years of multiple-context (and thus fully 'based') experience. Submission of MT material creates situations where the Editors or press staff would have to step in and 'clean up' the product, or even retranslate from scratch. We simply cannot do that, for very obvious time-related, professional, and ethical reasons. We can commission a translation, but only for a fee, to be borne by the author. Translation rates vary significantly (just like the prices of plumber or electrical jobs in your house). Agency pricing, if listed up front, typically does not take into account the complexity and nature of your translation project. Accurate, context-specialized translation demands much more time and expertise than generic hack jobs. Please, check on the Internet. Done by a senior specialist, reviewed by a second specialist, and then proofread -- thus error-free and completely ready for print -- academic translation is commonly charged by reputable translation agencies around $0.25 CDN to $0.33 CDN per word, depending on the complexity of the text, tables, graphics, etc., and this excludes note reformatting (certified compliance with publisher's format) or additional research (industry rates commonly range from $ 60.00 to $ 120.00 CAD / hr, depending on level of expertise).
Q: What if my article needs editing?
If it does, this will be pointed out by the referee(s) or by the Editors. Sometimes the Editors will undertake the editing of a very important contribution. Most often, however, you will be advised to seek the services of a third-party editor. The PSR can also contract a professional editor for you, quite naturally for a standard industry fee.
Q: Why do you use OpenOffice?
Because it is an open-source application, with excellent handling characteristics in case of crash and text recovery. Plus, we have highly customized it to our needs and work-flow. Corrupted files are handled and salvaged very easily, compared to various proprietary file formats (e.g. Microsoft™).
Q: How can I speed up the publication of my article?
PSR content is made up in a flow process. Only conference proceedings are bundled together and authors have to wait until all the referee reports have been received for all contributors and all corrections have been made. If your article is not part of conference proceedings or of a thematic collected volume, is ready-to-go in all respects (above all note format) and the referee reports have been positive, you may be prioritized and put into an earlier issue than scheduled.
Q: What if I need to make changes to my text after proof corrections have been keyed in?
The PSR regretfully announces that multiple and repeated text alterations requested after proofs have been set, inspected by the author, and resulting corrections to proofs have been keyed in, will be accommodated only at the Editors' discretion, and only for a paying charge of $ 60.00 CDN per 1 hour's worth of work or $ 120.00 CDN per 1 hour's worth of work for last-minute rush requests (fully the equivalent of an 'emergency call' by a plumber or electrician). Ultimately, you see, someone, somewhere has to do the job. Usually, it happens to be the person who is paid the least or is paid on a piecework basis. It never is the kind of person who earns a six-figure salary and "does not do their own keyboarding", as one of our freelancers was eloquently informed years ago at a major international conference by a 'senior expert academic'. Such words are really hard to forget, even decades after the fact. So, please, do weigh some subtle questions of real 'social justice', in the process.
A corrected and revised pre-press proof should not be treated as yet another kind of "draft." The PSR is very flexible indeed and very understanding, more so than many or most other academic journals, but proofs simply cannot be made a venue for ongoing incremental alterations, in bits and pieces, especially when this involves an author's back-and-forth changes of mind. Such alterations do not pertain at all to production but actually to the process of writing. They should all have been resolved after receipt of the referee comments and before the final version was submitted and page-set.
Q: What if I need bibliographic assistance?
If your article requires it, this will be pointed out by the referee(s) or by the Editors. Sometimes the Editors will volunteer additional bibliographic service for a very important article. 'Volunteer' means 'volunteer' -- a favour, not an 'obligation'. Most often, however, you will be advised to seek the services of a third-party bibliographer of your choice, at your institution or University. In rare instances, the PSR may also recommend a professional bibliographer / helper.
Q: What if I want to share the published article on professional network sites (e.g. Academia.edu) or use it in course texts?
We subscribe to a fair OpenSharing policy, in terms of so-called "self-archiving rights".
You may share with colleagues and the general public the pre-press proofs of your contributions, as sent to you by the PSR. You may do so free of charge, through dedicated personal webpages or through personal pages on collegial/peer aggregator networks such as university repositories (open access), Intranets (restricted access), or sites like Academia.edu or LinkedIn. com (where PDF or other file download is restricted to registered users or dedicated Cloud links). An institution employing you may archive the refereed pre-press proofs on its website or Intranet free of charge. No permission is required in either case, as long as proper acknowledgement of the original publication is clearly posted. You may link freely to such posted material, from other personal webpages or from professional profile sites.
The pre-press proofs may not be sold, however, re-sold, further posted with commercial e-pub distributors, or otherwise monetized. Use of articles in for-sale student course-packs is subject to a copyright fee. This is usually handled by the course-pack agency that assembles your text.
You may use text, illustrations and graphics from your articles in the classroom and in conference or public performance venues, without any limitation.
Unrestricted Internet and other online posting of PSR articles, selling of complete PSR issues, or monographs in any form is not allowed. This includes open respositories, file-sharing aggregators, or private or public sites. For redistribution permissions and contracts, contact the PSR. |
Access and Distribution
Look for us at Gale/CENGAGE and EBSCOhost e-resource and database centers in your subscribing library (our abstracts will also be restreamed at ProQuest). Soon on JSTOR. Ask your library to subscribe. Or subscribe in person. Previews of the PSR are available through Google Books (program now discontinued, replaced by previews on our own sites).
National Library of Canada Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals. 4. Portugal–Civlisation–Périodiques. 5. Afrique lusophone– Civilisation–Périodiques. 6. Brésil–Civilisation–Périodiques.
DP532 909/.0917/5691005 21
Library of Congress Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals.
DP532 .P67 909/.091/5691 20 92-659516
Indexing: American History and Life, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Complete, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; EBSCOHost. Archive: Google Books (preview program now terminated, replaced by a preview program on our own sites); GALE/Cengage Learning (Academic OneFile).