The PSR Previews
Listed below is a random selection of titles and volumes. For additional content, see our Back Issues page. Or use the Google Books search engine for earlier issues. All forthcoming PSR Monograph Series volumes are transiting for preview on our own platform.
PSR volumes up to 13 February 2016 will remain available for preview (20% of content, random span) at Google Books, at the sole discretion of Google. Starting with PSR 22 (2), previews have been transitioned to the PSR platform.
The balance of the New Series will be on preview. The Old Series is scanned. It will be available to LSA Members. Forthcoming volumes will be posted for preview at the same time as they appear in print, but they will not be delivered to Google (neither will scanned volumes of the Old Series). Our contributing authors have our full agreement to post their preprints and PSR publisher's proofs on Academia.edu or on Archive.org, at will.
New PSR material may eventually appear at Google Books as a result of the scanning process run by libraries and by Google under the fair use clause, but we are no longer partnered into that, we have zero interest in it -- not under the current so-called 'terms of service', and we have no influence over timing or progress. Please note that the partnering relationship between Google Books on the one hand and the PSR (Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf) on the other hand was effectively ended in 2014 and officially terminated as of 12:00 PM (midnight), 13 February 2016. This was a choice implemented by the PSR (Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf). Our attitude to Google is purely situational. "Nem carne, nem peixe". In vernacular medieval Italian "Chi se ne frega -- lo diceva anche il mago alla strega". We welcome Google so long as it serves as a universal and impartial data repository, we stand against it whenever it acts as a predatory corporation and -- even worse -- a censorious arbiter seeking to impose a specific worldview or ideology, to the total exclusion of all else. Read more here ...
The Google Books preview links on our site (or on saved copies of our site on your system) may continue to operate, but our Google account is no longer accessed nor maintained, and we shall take no steps toward maintaining it. We have neither obligation, nor incentive. $ 0.00. Compulsion index: 0.00. We have opted straight out of the "this is your space -- please help us improve it" (while THEY make gazillions off the back of those who 'work' and 'participate' for free while a cobweb grows over their 'you know what'). We are not owned (in the pejorative sense -- like neo-feudal digital serfs) by any trillion-dollar global managerialist globalist corporativist censorship consortium. Yes, we realize that authoritarians simply cannot stand the idea that people could just walk away and stop playing the mandatory Narrative Game. They better keep in mind, however, that in fact the Roman Empire, and many other such constructs collapsed exactly THAT way. Not of because of 'Barbarian invasions', really, but because people just walked away from The Narrative. "Chi se ne frega -- lo diceva anche il mago alla strega". One haunting image in a very tiny museum tells it all -- the imperial Silver Hoard of Augusta Raurica (Switzerland). No one ever came back to claim the buried bounty -- even digging it up was not worth it any more. And very clearly there were not enough neck-guard Roman-legion-style-helmeted police 'enforcers' left to compel anyone to do the digging. "Walk away, laddies, walk away ...".
Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 20, No. 2
Identity, Civic Engagement and Multiculturalism: Portuguese-Canadian Immigrant Descendants in Canada and Portugal
Editors: Robert A. Kenedy, Fernando Nunes, and Ana Paula Beja Horta
Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 19, Nos. 1 and 2
A Scholar for All Seasons: Jill Dias (Special Volume)
Editors: Joseph C. Miller, Philip J. Havik, David Birmingham

Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 18, No. 1
Iconografia e História: Artesãos, Artífices, Artistas e o Brasil (Séculos XVIII e XIX)/Iconography and History: Craftsmen, Tradesmen, Artists and Brazil (18th and 19th Centuries)
Editor: Carla Mary S. Oliveira
Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 22, No. 1
Portugal Inside and Out: Presence(s) of Lusophone Culture in the Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Periods (Selected Papers from the Colloque International "Portugal Inside and Out," Université de Montréal, 16-18 octobre 2013). In stock.
Guest Editor: James William Nelson Novoa
Portuguese Tangier (1471-1662): Colonial Urban Fabric as Cross-Cultural Skeleton
Martin Malcolm Elbl
Portuguese Studies Review Monograph Series, No. 1. Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2013. 1,074 pages (xxv +1047 + frt./back matter); 138 black-and-white ills. (maps, diagrams, structural schematics, spatial analysis of archival sources ); Appendices (incl. archival documents); Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 9" x 6.5" (2" spine); $140.00 CAD ; ISBN 978-0-921437-50-5 (paperback [soft-cover]). In stock.
Being the Nação in the Eternal City: New Christian Lives in Sixteenth-Century Rome
James William Nelson Novoa
Portuguese Studies Review Monograph Series, No. 2. Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2014. 354 pages (x +344, incl. frt./back matter); 16 ills. (b/w, incl. maps and plans); Appendix (archival documents (Portuguese, Latin, Italian, Spanish)); Glossary of Terms; Bibliography; Index; 9" x 6.5"; list price: $ 56.95 CAD ; ISBN 978-0-921437-52-9 (paperback [soft-cover]; dust jacket). In stock.

Access and Distribution
Look for us at Gale/CENGAGE and EBSCOhost e-resource and database centers in your subscribing library (our abstracts will also be restreamed at ProQuest). Soon on JSTOR. Ask your library to subscribe. Or subscribe in person. Previews of the PSR are available through Google Books (program now discontinued, replaced by previews on our own sites).
National Library of Canada Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals. 4. Portugal–Civlisation–Périodiques. 5. Afrique lusophone– Civilisation–Périodiques. 6. Brésil–Civilisation–Périodiques.
DP532 909/.0917/5691005 21
Library of Congress Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals.
DP532 .P67 909/.091/5691 20 92-659516
Indexing: American History and Life, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Complete, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; EBSCOHost. Archive: Google Books (preview program now terminated, replaced by a preview program on our own sites); GALE/Cengage Learning (Academic OneFile).