CAAS Lifetime achievement Award
José C. Curto is Senior Scholar, Department of History at York University (Canada), Professor Estrangeiro Associado (Programa de Pós-graduação em História, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul [Brazil]), and Investigador in the Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade do Porto (Portugal). He is a member of the Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on Africa and its Diasporas, York University, Associate Editor of Portuguese Studies Review, former co-editor of African Economic History, and Past-President of the Lusophone Studies Association and of the Canadian Association of African Studies. Widely published in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, Professor Curto’s publications concentrate on the alcohol-slave trades in, the historical demography of, and slavery in Angola. His current research focuses on reconstructing the population past of Muxima (Angola) from the early 1700s to the mid-1800s.
A LSA gostaria de felicitar o Professor José Curto, recipiente do Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) Lifetime Achievement Award pelas suas contribuições para os estudos africanos e CAAS.
Como muitos de vocês sabem, José é ex-presidente e membro fundador da LSA e atuou como vice-diretor do Instituto Harriet Tubman, bem como presidente da Associação Canadense de Estudos Africanos. Publicou numerosos artigos sobre a história de Angola e os seus livros incluem New Perspectives on Angola: From Slaving Colony to Nation State (2021), Africa and the Americas: Interconnections during the Slave Trade (2005) e Enslaving Spirits: The PortugueseBrazilian Alcohol Trade at Luanda and its Hinterland, c. 15501830 (2004).
O prémio CAAS Lifetime Achievement reconhece académicos seniores que são membros ativos da CAAS e que se aposentaram ou estão em vias de se aposentar. Os requisitos são (1) produção académica sólida, (2) realizações académicas (prémios de pesquisa, ensino e orientação, etc.) e (3) envolvimento nas atividades da CAAS.
Aqueles de nós que trabalhamos com José ao longo dos anos sabemos que ele é um excelente colega e merecedor desse prémio.
Parabéns, José!
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The LSA would like to congratulate Professor José Curto who has been awarded the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to African Studies and CAAS.
As many of you are well aware, José is a former president and founding member of the LSA and served as the Deputy Director of the Harriet Tubman Institute as well as the President of the Canadian Association of African Studies. He has published numerous articles on the history of Angola and his books include New Perspectives on Angola: From Slaving Colony to Nation State (2021), Africa and the Americas: Interconnections during the Slave Trade (2005) and Enslaving Spirits: The PortugueseBrazilian Alcohol Trade at Luanda and its Hinterland, c. 15501830 (2004).
The CAAS Lifetime Achievement award “recognizes senior scholars who have been engaged actively as CAAS stalwarts and have retired or nearing retirement. The requirements are (1) a lifetime of sound scholarship, (2) accomplishments (research, teaching and mentoring awards, etc.) and (3) involvement in the activities of CAAS.”
Those of us who have worked with José over the years know him to be an excellent colleague and well deserving recipient.
Parabens José!
José C. Curto: Publications (1981-2024)
2024 “Fontes de Arquivo sobre Muxima (Angola): Destacando um Inventário Meio Perdido”, Africana Studia 41, in press.
2023 “A Life in a Short Frame: The Story of Fernanda Tavares”, Portuguese Studies Review, 31.2: 161-182.
2023 “A Família Fortunato da Costa: De Portugal a Angola, via São Tomé, c. 1808 a 1859”, Afro-Ásia 67: 97-141. DOI: 10.9771/aav0i67.43390
2023 “Uma vila esclavagista: Proprietários e seus cativos em Moçâmedes, 1855”, Revista Brasileira de História 43/93: 225-269. DOI: 10.1590/1806-93472023v43n93-12
2022 “Fontes eclesiásticas para a história de Angola antes de 1900: O caso do Arquivo do Bispado de Luanda”, Estudos Ibero-Americanos 48/1: 1-16, DOI: 10.15448/1980-864X.2022.1.41343
2022 “Um Olhar Sobre o Mercado Luandense de Escravizados, 1819-1822”, Portuguese Studies Review, 30.2: 71-89.
2021 ed. (with the assistance of Maryann Buri), New Perspectives on Angola: From Slaving Colony to Nation State. Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf.
2021 “'That Abominable Practice': Child Marriage in Two Slaving Ports (Luanda and Benguela), c. 1797 – 1846”, International Journal of African Historical Studies 54: 129-147.
2021 “Marriage in Benguela, 1797-1830: A Serialized Analysis”, in José C. Curto, ed. (with the assistance of Maryann Buri), New Perspectives on Angola: From Slaving Colony to Nation State. Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 119-143.
2021 “Introduction,” in José C. Curto, ed. (with the assistance of Maryann Buri), New Perspectives on Angola: From Slaving Colony to Nation State. Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 1-7.
2020 “Women Along the Catumbela River, 1797: Land Ownership, Agricultural Production, Labour, and Trade”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 54 (2): 1-21, DOI.org/10.1080/00083968.2020.1749098
2020 “Producing ‘Liberated’ Africans in mid-Nineteenth Century Angola”, in Richard Anderson and Henry B. Lovejoy, eds., Liberated Africans and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807-1896. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, pp. 238-256.
2020 “Notas sobre alguns documentos inexplorados para a história de Angola: Os róis dos confessados de 1704,” Revista Relegens Thréskeia 9: 255-269 online https://revistas.ufpr.br/relegens/article/view/76609/42076
2019 [with Fabio Lanza and Donizete Rodrigues, eds.] Portuguese Studies Review, 27 (1), Special Issue “Memória, Identidade, e Representações no Mundo Lusófono”.
2019 [2020] (with Arshad Desai) “The Early Demography of Moçamedes, Angola, 1839-1869: A Preliminary Analysis”, Revista HISTORIÆ 10: 11-32, online https://periodicos.furg.br/hist/article/view/12040/7796
2019 [with Fabio Lanza and Donizete Rodrigues], “Introdução: Memória, Identidade, e Representações no Mundo Lusófono”, Portuguese Studies Review, 27 (1), Special Issue “Memória, Identidade, e Representações no Mundo Lusófono”,. 1-10.
2018 [with Carlos Liberato, eds.] Ponta de Lança: Revista Eletrônica de História, Memória & Cultura, 12 (23), Dossiê Temático “Escravidão e Sociedade em Espaços Lusófonos”, online https://seer.ufs.br/index.php/pontadelanca
2018 “The Population of the Lower Kwanza River Valley, 1792-1796”, Ponta de Lança: Revista Eletrônica de História, Memória & Cultura, 12 (23): 95-117, online https://seer.ufs.br/index.php/pontadelanca/article/view/10263
2018 [with Carlos Liberato] “Apresentação”, Ponta de Lança: Revista Eletrônica de História, Memória & Cultura, 12 (23), pp. 1-12, Dossiê “Escravidão e Sociedade em Espaços Lusófonos”; online https://seer.ufs.br/index.php/pontadelanca/article/view/10664
2017 [with Silvia H. Lara and Lucilene Reginaldo, eds.] Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, No. 33, Dossiê “Escravidão, Trabalho Forçado, e Resistência na África Meridional”, online http://journals.openedition.org/cea/
2017 [with Lucilene Reginaldo and Silvia H. Lara, eds.] Cadernos Pagu, No. 49, Dossiê “História das mulheres, gênero e identidades femininas na África Meridional”, online http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_issuetoc&pid=0104-833320170001&lng= en&nrm=iso
2017 “Re-thinking the Origin of Slaves in West Central Africa”, in Awet T. Weldemichael, Anthony A. Lee, and Edward A. Alpers, eds., Changing Horizons of African History. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, pp. 23-47.
2017 [with Silvia H. Lara and Lucilene Reginaldo, “Apresentação”, Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, No. 33, pp. 55-57, Dossiê “Escravidão, Trabalho Forçado, e Resistência na África Meridional”; online http://journals.openedition.org/cea/
2017 [with Lucilene Reginaldo and Silvia H. Lara], “Apresentação”, Cadernos Pagu, No. 49, Dossiê “História das mulheres, gênero e identidades femininas na África Meridional”, online http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_issuetoc&pid=0104-833320170001&lng= en&nrm=iso
2016 [with Fabio Lanza and Donizete Rodrigues, eds.] Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 21 (2), Dossiê “Perspectivas Contemporâneas sobre o Mundo Lusófono”, online http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/mediacoes/issue/view/1129/showToc
2016 “Resistência à Escravidão na África: O Caso dos Escravos Fugitivos Recapturados em Angola, 1846-1876”, in João José Reis and Carlos da Silva Jr., eds., Atlântico de dor: faces do tráfico de escravos. Rio de Janeiro: Fino Traço, pp. 511-530. [re-print, with post-scriptum, of 2005 article in Afro-Ásia]
2016 “The Donas of Benguela, 1797: A Preliminary Analysis of a Colonial Female Elite”, in Edvaldo Bergamo, Selma Pantoja, and Ana Claudia Silva eds., Angola e as Angolanas: Memória, Sociedade e Cultura. São Paulo: Intermeios, pp. 99-120.
2016 [with Fabio Lanza and Donizete Rodrigues], “Perspectivas Contemporâneas sobre o Mundo Lusófono”, Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 21 (2), 12-25.
2015 [with Silvia H. Lara and Lucilene Reginaldo, eds.] Africana Studia, 25 (2), Dossiê “Arquivos da África Austral - Potencialidades”.
2015 [with Tracy Lopes, eds.] Portuguese Studies Review, 23 (2), Special Issue “Angola: Then and Now”.
2015 (with Frank J. Luce and Catarina Madeira-Santos) “The Arquivo Histórico da Comarca Judicial de Benguela: Problems and Possibilities”, Africana Studia, 25 (2): 11-32.
2015 “Another Look at the Slave Trade from Benguela: What we know and what we do not know”, Portuguese Studies Review, 23 (2): 9-26.
2015 [with Silvia H. Lara and Lucilene Reginaldo], “Editorial”, Africana Studia, 25 (2), “Arquivos da África Austral - Potencialidades”, 5-7.
2015 [with Tracy Lopes], “Introduction - Angola: Then and Now”, Portuguese Studies Review, 23 (2), Special Issue “Angola: Then and Now”, 3-5.
2014 “Whitening the ‘White’ Population: An Analysis of the 1850 Censuses of Luanda”, in Selma Pantoja and Estevam C. Thompson, eds., Em Torno de Angola: Narrativas, Identidades, Conexões Atlânticas. São Paulo: Intermeios, pp. 225-247.
2013 “Geribita in the Relations Between the Colony of Angola and the Kingdom of Kasanje”, Anais de História de Além-Mar, XIV: 301-325.
2011 “Alcohol in the Context of the Atlantic Slave Trade: The Case of Benguela and its Hinterland (Angola)”, Cahiers d'études africaines, LI (I), 201: 51-85.
DOI: 10.4000/etudesafricaines.16591
2011 (with Simon Heap) “Alcoól em África: Uma Bibliografia da Literatura Secundária, 1993-2011”, Africana Studia, 17: 299-316.
2011 “José Manuel and Nbena in Benguela in the late 1810s: Encounters with Enslavement”, in Dennis Cordell, ed., The Human Tradition in Africa. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 13-30.
2010 [with Paul E. Lovejoy] “Preface”, African Economic History, 38, Special Issue: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database and African Economic History.
2008 “Experiences of Enslavement in West Central Africa”, Histoire sociale – Social History 41 (82): 381-415.
2008 “Angola y el comercio atlántico de africanos esclavizados”, in Rina Cárceres Gómez, ed., Del olvido a la memoria: Vol. 3 África en tiempos de la esclavitud. San José, CR: Oficina Regional de la UNESCO para Centroámerica e Panamá, pp. 42-46.
2006 “Encounters with Enslavement: José Manuel and Nbena in Benguela during the late 1810s,” in Dennis Cordell, ed., The Human Tradition in Africa. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, in preparation.
2005 “Resistência contra a Escravidão em África: o Caso dos Escravos Fugas Recapturados em Angola, 1846-1876,” Afro-Ásia 33: 67-86.
2005 “Struggling Against Enslavement: José Manuel in Benguela, 1816-1820,” Canadian Journal of African Studies 39:1, 96-122.
2005 [with Renée Soulodre-La France, eds.] Africa and the Americas: Interconnections during the Slave Trade. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 338 pgs.
2005 [with Renée Soulodre-La France] “Introduction: Interconnections between Africa and the Americas during the Era of the Slave Trade,” in José C. Curto and Renée Soulodre-La France, eds., Africa and the Americas: Interconnections during the Slave Trade. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, pp. 1-11.
2004 Enslaving Spirits: The PortugueseBrazilian Alcohol Trade at Luanda and its Hinterland, c. 15501830. Leiden and Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, “Atlantic World: Europe, Africa and Americas 1500-1900” series. 252 pgs.
2004 [with Paul E. Lovejoy, eds.] Enslaving Connections: Changing Cultures of Africa and Brazil during the Era of Slavery. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books. 323 pgs.
2004 [with Paul E. Lovejoy] “Introduction: Enslaving Connections and the Changing Cultures of Africa and Brazil during the Era of Slavery,” in José C. Curto and Paul E Lovejoy, eds., Enslaving Connections: Changing Cultures of Africa and Brazil during the Era of Slavery. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, pp. 11-18.
2004 [Trans.] Manolo G. Florentino, “Slave Trading and Slave Traders in Rio de Janeiro, 1790-1830,” in José C. Curto and Paul E Lovejoy, eds., Enslaving Connections: Changing Cultures of Western Africa and Brazil during the Era of Slavery. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, pp. 57-79.
2003 “The Story of Nbena, 1817-1820: Unlawful Enslavement and the Concept of 'Original Freedom' in Angola,” in Paul E. Lovejoy and David V. Trotman, eds., Trans-Atlantic Dimensions of Ethnicity in the African Diaspora. London: Continuum, pp. 43-64.
2002 Álcool e Escravos: O comércio luso-brasileiro do álcool em Mpinda, Luanda e Benguela durante o tráfico atlântico de escravos (c. 14801830) e o seu impacto nas sociedades da África Central Ocidental. Lisbon: Editora Vulgata, Colecção "Tempos e Espaços Africanos". 402 pgs.
2002 [with Raymond R. Gervais] “A Dinâmica Demográfica de Luanda no Contexto do Tráfico de Escravos do Atlântico Sul, 1781-1844,” Topoí 4, 85-138.
2002 “`As If From a Free Womb’: Baptismal Manumissions in the Conceição Parish, Luanda, 1778-1807,” Portuguese Studies Review 10, 26-57.
2002 “A restituição de 10.000 súbditos ndongo `roubados’ na Angola de meados do século XVII: uma análise preliminar,” in Isabel C. Henriques, ed. Escravatura e Transformações Culturais: África-Brasil-Caraíbas. Lisbon: Editora Vulgata, pp. 185-208.
2002 “Un Butin Illégitime: Razzias d'esclaves et relations luso-africaines dans la région des fleuves Kwanza et Kwango en 1805,” in Isabel C. Henriques and Louis Sala-Molins, eds., Déraison, Esclavage et Droit: Les fondements idéologiques et juridiques de la traite négrière et de l'esclavage. Paris: Éditions UNESCO, 315-327.
2002 [with Raymond R. Gervais] “A História da População de Luanda Durante a Última Etapa do Tráfico Atlântico de Escravos, 17811844,” Africana Studia 5 (2002), 75-130.
2002 [with Raymond R. Gervais] “The Population History of Luanda During the Late Atlantic Slave Trade, 1781-1844: Addenda,” African Economic History 30, 155-162.
2001 “Luso-Brazilian Alcohol and the Legal Slave Trade at Benguela and its Hinterland, c. 16171830,” in Hubert Bonin and Michel Cahen, eds. Négoce Blanc en Afrique Noire: L'évolution du commerce à longue distance en Afrique noire du 18e au 20e siècles. Paris: Publications de la Société française d'histoire d'outremer, 351-369.
2001 [with Raymond R. Gervais] “The Population History of Luanda During the Late Atlantic Slave Trade, 1781-1844,” African Economic History 29, 1-59.
1999 “The Anatomy of a Demographic Explosion: Luanda, 1844-1850,” International Journal of African Historical Studies 32, 381-405.
1999 “Vinho verso Cachaça: A Luta LusoBrasileira pelo Comércio do Álcoól e de Escravos em Luanda, 16481703,” in Selma Pantoja and José F.S. Saraiva, eds., Angola e Brasil nas Rotas do Atlântico Sul. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand, pp. 6997.
1994 [with Raymond R. Gervais] Bibliography of Canadian Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations on Africa, 1905-1993 / Bibliographie des mémoires de maîtrise et thèses de doctorat canadiens sur l'Afrique, 1905-1993. Montreal: Canadian Association of African Studies. 311 pgs.
1994 “Sources for the Pre-1900 Population History of Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Angola, 1773-1845,” Annales de démographie historique, 319-338.
1994 [with Raymond R. Gervais] “Introduction,” in José C. Curto and Raymond R. Gervais, eds., Bibliography of Canadian Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations on Africa, 1905-1993 / Bibliographie des mémoires de maîtrise et thèses de doctorat canadiens sur l'Afrique, 1905-1993. Montreal: Canadian Association of African Studies, pp. 1-36.
1994 [with Raymond R. Gervais], Bibliographie des mémoires de maîtrise et thèses de doctorat canadiens sur l'Afrique, 1905-1993: Les études africaines à l'Université de Montréal: tentative de bilan. Montreal, 44 pp.
1993-1994 “The Legal Portuguese Slave Trade from Benguela, Angola, 1730-1828: A Quantitative Re-appraisal,” África [Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil] 16-17, 101-116.
1993 (Fall) “The Network of Angola Scholars,” Newsletter of the Canadian Association of African Studies, pp. 16-20.
1992 “A Quantitative Re-assessment of the Legal Portuguese Slave Trade from Luanda, Angola, 1710-1830,” African Economic History 20, 1-25.
1992 “Historical Demography and the Effects of the Slave Trade in Africa: An Analysis of the Major Quantitative Studies,” Discussion Paper No. 77, Center for Developing Areas Studies, McGill University, 1992.
1991 “Demografia Histórica e os Efeitos do Tráfico de Escravos em África: Uma Análise dos Principais Estudos Quantitativos,” Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos 14-15, 243-277.
1991 “Bibliography of Works by Canadian Historians on Africa / Bibliographie des Travaux des Historiens Canadiens sur l'Afrique,” Canadian Association of African Studies. Bibliographic Series: Canadian Contributions to African Studies / Série Biliographique: Contributions Canadiennes aux Études Africaines. 38 pgs.
1989 “Alcohol in Africa: A Preliminary Bibliography of the Post-1875 Literature,” A Current Bibliography on African Affairs 21, 3-31.
1989 (Summer) “The Pre-1835 Africana Collection of the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, Lisbon,” Newsletter of the Canadian Association of African Studies, 35-38.
1988-1989 “A Preliminary Bibliographical Report on Crime in Africa,” Criminometrica 4-5, 53-94.
1988 “The Angolan Manuscript Collection of the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, Lisbon: Toward a Working Guide,” History in Africa 15, 163-189.
1988 (Autumn) “Aids in Africa,” Newsletter of the Canadian Association of African Studies, pp. 43-44.
1987 “A Colecção de Manuscritos Angolanos do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino de Lisboa: Para um Guia de Trabalho,” Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos 6-7 (1987), 275-306.
1984 [Trans.] D. A. Duarte, “The Cultural Dimension in the Strategy for National Liberation: The Cultural Bases of Unification between Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau,” Latin American Perspectives Vol. 11: 55-66.
1981 (April) “Amilcar Cabral and History,” Concordia University History Journal, 78-98.