
In a procession from the waterfront to the Basilica – Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s ►, four – five thousand Portuguese fishermen from the “White Fleet” march through the city of St. John’s on 27 May 1955. Nine votive statues commemorating Our Lady of Fatima were presented to Archbishop Patrick J. Skinner of St. John’s by Reverend Father J. A. Rosa, chaplain of the Portuguese fishing fleet. Clicking on the static archival image will take you to a 3-D Google sphere at the Basilica, and you will be able to explore the 2023 setting at will, for comparison. If you are attending this Conference and have spare days in your schedule, perhaps plan a relaxing trip to St. John's (Newfoundland). |
The Lusophone Studies Association (LSA) is pleased to announce that our 2023 conference, June 28 to July 1, 2023, concluded in Toronto, Canada, home of one of the largest Portuguese-speaking diasporas in the world. The conference was held at York University, the third largest university in Canada, with one of the most multicultural and diverse student populations. The year 2023 is an important milestone for the Portuguese, as it marks the 70th anniversary of the official arrival of the Portuguese pioneers in Canada. In honor of this important date, the conference’s theme was The Lusophone World and its Diasporas. As such, it welcomed individual papers, thematic panels and roundtables on topics such as diasporas, ethnicity, race, migration, resettlement, gender, education, film, history, law, literature, race, and religion, among other important themes. Although a limited number of online proposals were accepted, in-person proposals were prioritized.
A Associação de Estudos Lusófonos (LSA) tem o prazer de anunciar que a nossa conferência, 28 de junho a 1 de julho de 2023, fica concluída, em Toronto, Canadá, sede de uma das maiores diásporas lusófonas do mundo. A conferência teve lugar na York University, a terceira maior universidade do Canadá e com uma das mais multiculturais e diversas populações estudantis. O ano de 2023 é um marco importante para os portugueses, uma vez que assinala o 70º aniversário da chegada oficial dos pioneiros portugueses ao Canadá. Em homenagem a esta data importante, o tema da conferência é O Mundo Lusófono e suas Diásporas. A conferência contou com trabalhos individuais, painéis temáticos e mesas-redondas sobre temas e em disciplinas diversos tais como: diásporas, género, educação, cinema, história, direito, literatura, migração, raça, religião, entre outros. Embora termos aceitado um número limitado de propostas on-line, propostas presenciais foram tratadas prioritariamente.
L'Association des Etudes Lusophones (LSA) est heureuse d'annoncer que notre conférence, 28 juin au 1 juillet 2023, s'est terminée à Toronto, Canada, qui héberge une des plus grandes diasporas lusophones dans le monde. La conférence eut lieu à l'Université de York, la troisième université au Canada en importance, avec une population étudiante la plus multiculturelle et la plus diversifiée. L'année 2023 est une étape importante pour les Portugais au Canada. Elle marque le 70e anniversaire de l'arrivée officielle des pionniers portugais au Canada. En l'honneur de cette date, le thème de la conférence fut Le monde lusophone et ses diasporas. Pour refléter le thème, la conférence accueillit des présentations individuelles, des panels de présentations thématiques, et des tables rondes sur des sujets tels que les diasporas, l'ethnicité, la race, la migration, le déplacement et le réétablissement, le genre, l'éducation, le cinéma, l'histoire, le droit, la littérature, et la religion, entre autres thèmes importants. Bien qu'un nombre limité de présentations en ligne fut accepté, des présentations en personne ont reçu une cote de priorité.
Pedro da Silva, dit 'le Portugais', 1705 / Canada Post stamp |
Premier messager de la Nouvelle France, 1705 / Canada Post stamp
The link from this image leads to the Mount Carmel Cemetery, St. John's, Newfoundland. In 2011-2012 the forgotten grave of Dionísio Cândido Quintas Esteves, a 26 year old Portuguese fisherman who sailed on board the famous Santa Maria Manuela, was identified here, and is now marked by a memorial (designed by Antonio Neves and unveiled in 2015) that honours all Portuguese fishermen who lost their lives in Newfoundland waters. Clicking on the static image will load in your browser window a Google Maps 3D sphere that allows you to take a digital walkthrough around the neighbourhood. Hovering your cursor over the 3D -surround scene allows you, as usual, to grab-and-rotate the scene in all directions. Flattened 'oval and arrow' pointers, when hovering, tell you where you may go further, to other available adjacent 3D spheres. The map in the lower left hand corner, when enlarged and filling the lower portion of the screen, will show you where exactly you are in town, and blue lines in the streets indicate where other 3D spheres & linked walkthrough street scenes may be accessed.
The Santa Maria Manuela in its original condition, before modernization, subsequent stripping down to hull only, and subsequent restoration. Inset is a photo of Dionísio Cândido Quintas Esteves, native of Vila Praia de Âncora. For further data, and a correct version of how Dionísio Cândido in fact died (according to the in-person verbal testimony of Celestino Ribeiro and others), please visit the site of Sidónio Patrício (https://caxinas-a-freguesia.blogs.sapo.pt/241062.html). In a sense, courageous humans facing storms live forever -- even their unmarked graves are eventually found and honoured, regardless of any rhetorical 'intent to forget'. See also https://www.santamariamanuela.pt/pages/history, http://archivalmoments.ca/2015/10/02/portuguese-ambassador-to-unveil-memorial-to-white-fleet-fisherman. The iconic Santa Maria Manuela, a steel-hull (thus, hardened against loose floating ice) four-masted gaff schooner, was built by the Companhia União Fabril (CUF) in only 62 days. It was launched at the docks of Rocha do Conde de Óbidos, Alcântara, Lisboa. It was commissioned by the Empresa de Pesca de Viana. We have omitted here an image of the subsequently de-masted and modernized Santa Maria Manuela before her decommissioning. We would have had to negotiate permissions from the Maritime History Archive, Memorial University, Newfoundland, and there was no time for that. Please consult https://mha.mun.ca/mha/pviewphoto/Record_ID/5469
Unfortunately, as we have now been informed, clicking on the image of Antonio Neves' memorial to Portuguese fishermen in Canadian and North Atlantic Ocean waters, at http://archivalmoments.ca/2015/10/02/portuguese-ambassador-to-unveil-memorial-to-white-fleet-fisherman only produces a "Worth Your Time? -- Oops! That page can’t be found" 404-record. The memorial features the Santa Maria Manuela four-masted schooner and a Portuguese fisherman in a typical tiny 'dory' boat, handling a fish. We thus take the liberty, logically, to reproduce the valuable photograph of the memorial, in design and before installation, on this webpage. It fully qualifies as part of the history of St. John's, NL.