Portuguese Studies Review

ISSN 1057-1515
Appearing since 1991
Formerly published by the ICGP (International Conference Group on Portugal)
The PSR is a non-partisan academic and transnational forum for the study of countries, regions, communities, and institutions sharing, exploring, transforming, or developing a Portuguese, Brazilian, or other Luso-related heritage  

Multi-lingual, peer reviewed, agenda-free research forum. Articles, review essays, and reviews in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish.


Vol. 32 Issue 1 (in Transit [affects only bound copies])

Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Summer 2024)
New Series
(in TRANSIT; please expect delays in delivery of bound copies, given the now suspended nation-wide strike (all of Canada) at Canada Post) [started November 2024], movement of trans-border mail [international] resumed only on 6 to 7 January 2025; please expect delays in delivery to addresses in California, US (joint Canada Post & USPS advisories]; release of our digital content was NOT affected; full DIGITAL ACCESS available to all LSA members [LSA Member Login Area, part of the LSA membership package]; digital content released to aggregators [EBSCO and GaleCENGAGE])

Eleazar Gutwirth

'... pelos amores d'huma fermosa pastora...': Samuel Usque's Consolaçam and the Question of Modernity"

Martin Malcolm Elbl

The Sunset of Portuguese Tangier (Morocco): Unpublished Damaged 'Registos paroquiais da Sé de Tânger, 1656-Nov. 1682 (Batismos, Casamentos e Óbitos)' as Archival Complement to Published Data (Casamentos, 1582-1678 & Reconciliações, 1611-1622)"

Milene dos Anjos
and Stéfani Hollmann
Social Networks and Life Courses of Azorean Immigrants in Rio Grande Do Sul, 1750-1830"

Eurico Albino Gomes Martins Carvalho

Variações em torno da Fórmula de Jacinto — Entre o Rousseau de António Sérgio e o “Rousseauismo” d’A Cidade e as Serras, de Eça de Queiroz"

Susete Albino

Olhos de coruja olhos de gato bravo, de Luís Cardoso: género e relações de poder"

Nuno Brito

“Imagens do 'Eu' e do 'Mundo' em Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Emily Dickinson"

Francisco Topa

'A Girl in Every Port' : The Proverbial Expression and Some of its Manifestations"

Augusto Nascimento

Notas sobre os cabo-verdianos em São Tomé e Príncipe: da usura na era colonial à marginalidade no pós-independência"

Bernard Arnal

'O fado fora de portas' ou quand le fado sort de Lisbonne"

Sophie Coquelin

“A influência da diáspora açoriana na revitalização das Chamarritas"







Access and Distribution

Look for us at Gale/CENGAGE and EBSCOhost e-resource and database centers in your subscribing library (our abstracts will also be restreamed at ProQuest). Soon on JSTOR. Ask your library to subscribe. Or subscribe in person. Previews of the PSR are available through Google Books (program now discontinued, replaced by previews on our own sites).

National Library of Canada Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals. 4. Portugal–Civlisation–Périodiques. 5. Afrique lusophone– Civilisation–Périodiques. 6. Brésil–Civilisation–Périodiques.
DP532             909/.0917/5691005 21

Library of Congress Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals.
DP532 .P67       909/.091/5691 20 92-659516

dexing: American History and Life, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Complete, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; EBSCOHost. Archive: Google Books (preview program now terminated, replaced by a preview program on our own sites); GALE/Cengage Learning (Academic OneFile).

PSR Background
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