Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Winter 2021)
New Series (SHIPPED)
Given the current strongly inflationary economic environment and steeply rising shipping costs, this is the first issue where we have slightly recalibrated, to cut costs. A little 'shrinkflation'. We have no control over this -- neither does, according to their own statements, the vast majority of heads of state, Ministers of Finance, Ministers of Transportation, central banks, the bloated Administrative State, plus the Federal Reserve, the IMF, World Bank, WTO, WEF, etc., etc., etc. [all the very expensive and very 'essential' and very expert people].
Nemo ~ Μήτις (or Ούτις)
(Homer, Odyssey, 9: 405-414, "Cave of Polyphemus")(i.e. Wisdom, Skill, Craft, Manas, मनस्, NoOne, 'Depersoned', 'Cancelled', 'Silenced', 'without kleos' [Homer, Iliad, 23: 313-325], etc.) ("... It is with mētis that a helmsman ... / 317 / steers his swift ship ... / 318 / ...", " ... It is with mētis rather than force [biē] that a woodcutter is better ... " [Iliad, 23: 313-325])
Eurico Albino Gomes Martins Carvalho
“Pêro Vaz de Caminha e a figura da repetição: Uma revisitação histórico-filosófica da Carta do Achamento do Brasil"
Martin Malcolm Elbl
“A Tale of Two Breakwaters: Modelling Portuguese and English Works in the Port of Tangier Bathymetric Space (1500s - 1662)"
Ana Teresa Peixinho and Luís Augusto Costa Dias
“The Representation of the World in the Work of Eça de Queirós (1845-1900)”
Álvaro Cardoso Gomes and Beatriz Teixeira Cardoso Gomes
“Entre o 'histórico' e as 'lendas': O conto de Alexandre Herculano”
Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos
“ 'A Humble School-Master': Esmeralda Masson de Azevedo and the Cartography of Spaces”
Gilberto Fernandes
“Breaking the News: Portuguese Lusotropicalist Public Relations and Lobbying in the United States, 1961-1964”
Norberto do Vale Cardoso
“As pedras provisórias: fixidez e mobilidade na obra de António Lobo Antunes”
Bernard Arnal
“Pour une lecture musicale des mutations urbaines: le rôle géographique du fado à Lisbonne”
Luís Carlos S. Branco
“Um estudo sobre o discurso dos estrangeiros acerca Portugal”