Portuguese Studies Review

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The Portuguese Studies Review
(PSR home page )

The Lusophone Studies Association (LSA) annual (yearly) membership fees (Canadian $):

Full-time Faculty Members   $ 60.00 (CDN)  
Part-time Faculty Members / Independent Scholars / Graduate Students   $ 30.00 (CDN)  
Professors / Supervisors can pay the $ 30.00 LSA membership fee on behalf of graduate students  

Our membership is based on the academic year (e.g. 2021/2022) and not the calendar year. Membership renewal is payable in October of each academic year.

If you would like to become a member, please follow the instructions below.

Membership fees are paid to the Lusophone Studies Association, and are collected in Canadian currency. Through PayPal we accept worldwide payments based on current exchange rate (set by your bank or the payment processor / card company, according to foreign exchange rates valid at the moment when transaction is completed).

Paid-up members have full access (as per 'best practice' in many other associations, e.g. the Renaissance Society of America and others), to full digital copies of an affiliated academic journal -- in our case the Portuguese Studies Review (date-window-limited, for now -- we are phasing in a full span soon: the delay is not membership-related but arises from 'scanning & deployment', given that prior to 2002 the PSR was produced in the US and the production files [old and operating-system dependent] are no longer platform-compatible on any modern system). Members also have access to full digital copies of present and future PSR Edited Volumes and Monographs, as well as the LSA Bulletin.


Current Payment Methods:  

(annual payment button is located below)
Worldwide, easy, simple. PayPal membership or account is 100% NOT necessary. PayPal simply acts as digital payment processor. Pay directly through a very broad selection of credit cards and / or selected alternative payment instruments that are recognized by PayPal. One can even set up with PayPal a recurring membership payment ('set up on auto-pilot' until one decides otherwise). It is possible to have auto-generated-reminders sent by the LSA. Or not. Whatever suits mood, needs, and preferences. Note: At the present moment, you may use the button in the left column to pay your annual membership, and you will be added to the member database manually (by the LSA). The LSA member database is under our sole control, is not shared with PayPal, and PayPal has no physical way of accessing it. Automated controlled interlink options will be in place as soon as we bellieve this does not 'lock us in' to PayPal as processor and put us in a position of unacceptable vulnerability. The delay (not technical, but one of long-term 'reliability') has been caused by the widespread debate about PayPal's AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) and the issue of arbitrary and selective politicized censorship of online expression, including with respect to non-profit associations.
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