Portuguese Studies Review

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The Portuguese Studies Review
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The Lusophone Studies Association (LSA) in constituted under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act S.C. 2009, c. 23, including the Regulations made pursuant to the Act, and any statute or regulations that may be substituted, as amended from time to time. More specifically, the Association endeavours to:

~ Promote scholarly debate and exchange relating to the presence and influence of the Lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) nations and peoples, both internationally as well as in Canada

~ Promote a greater visibility and integration of Lusophone Studies within mainstream Canadian and international scholarship

~ Promote and support educational efforts in the area of Lusophone Studies

~ Provide networking opportunities for academics, students and community members working in Lusophone Studies

~ Co-operate with related associations and research institutes concerned with the study of the Lusophone presence and influence in Canada and globally

~ Maintain contact and exchanges with academic and community associations having complementary interests and objectives

~ Generate material for publication in the journal Portuguese Studies Review, subsequent to full peer review process, as well as material for other occasional publications, conference proceedings, and bibliographies

~ Organize and promote the organization of regular conferences, symposia, workshops and community meetings

~ The work of the Association is to be carried on without purpose of financial or material gain for its members. Any profits or other financial or material gains are used to promote the Association's objectives  


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