The Portuguese Studies Review
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The Lusophone Studies Association (LSA) Members' Area offers access to the Portuguese Studies Review, to the PSR / Baywolf Press Monographs and Edited Volumes, and to additional LSA Conference Archive materials. This part of the website requires JavaScript enabled in your browser, for full functionality. Depending on your personal security browser configuration, you may have to enable certain sites as "trusted" if you have installed anti-script browser attachments such as NoScript or if you use various AdBlockers.
LSA Conference Archive -- Additional Archived Records / Resources 
The Portuguese Studies Review
Year |
Volume (Issue) |
12 (1)  | 12 (2)  |
13 (1) and (2) (two issues in one)  |
14 (1)  | 14 (2)  |
15 (1) and (2) (two issues in one)  |
16 (1)  | 16 (2)  |
17 (1)  | 17 (2)  |
18 (1)  | 18 (2)  |
19 (1) and (2) (two issues in one)  |
2012 |
20 (1)  | 20 (2)  |
2013 |
21 (1)  | 21 (2) (DELAYED) |
2014 |
22 (1)  | 22 (2)  |
2015 |
23 (1)  | 23 (2)  |
2016 |
24 (1)  | 24 (2)  |
2017 |
25 (1)  | 25 (2)  |
2018 |
26 (1)  | 26 (2)  |
2019 |
27 (1)  | 27 (2)  |
2020 |
28 (1)  | 28 (2)  |
2021 |
29 (1)  | 29 (2)  |
2022 |
30 (1)  | 30 (2)  |
2023 |
31 (1)  | 31 (2)  |
2024 |
32 (1)  | 32 (2) forthcoming Feb. 2025 |
The PSR / Baywolf Press Monographs and Edited Volumes
Series Number |
Monograph |
Martin Malcolm Elbl, Portuguese Tangier (1471-1662): Colonial Urban Fabric as Cross-Cultural Skeleton (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2013) |
James W. Nelson Novoa, Being the Nação in the Eternal City: New Christian Lives in Sixteenth-Century Rome (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2018)  |
Fernanda Olival, The Military Orders and the Portuguese Expansion (15th to 17th Centuries), Engl. trans. by James William Nelson Novoa and Martin Malcolm Elbl (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2018) |
4 |
Paul Christopher Manuel, ed., Voices of the Revolution: Revisiting the Portuguese Revolution of 25 April 1974 -- Interviews and Insights (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2019)  |
Series Number |
Edited Volume |
1 |
Rafael Chambouleyron and Luís Costa e Sousa, eds., Rivers and Shores: 'Fluviality' and the Occupation of Colonial Amazonia (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2019) |
2 |
Martin Malcolm Elbl, ed., Encounters in Borderlands: Portugal, Ceuta, and the 'Other Shore' (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2019)  |
3 |
José C. Curto, ed. (with the assistance of Maryann Buri), New Perspectives on Angola: From Slaving Colony to Nation State (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2021) |
4 |
Rafael de Freitas, Sirleia Maria Arantes, and Weder Ferreira Silva, eds., As Minas Gerais do Brasil: economia, ciência e cultura nos séculos XVIII e XIX (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2019)  |
5 |
Pablo A. Iglesias Magalhães and Walmira Costa, eds., Edição e editores no Brasil e Portugal entre os séculos XVIII e XX (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2022) |
6 |
Bruno Martins de Castro, Sirleia Maria Arantes & Vanda Lúcia Praxedes, eds, Escravidão e liberdades na América Portuguesa e no Império do Brasil (Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2024) |
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