The Portuguese Studies Review
(PSR home page )

Bulletin of the Lusophone Studies Association
The Lusophone Studies Association (LSA) meetings and conferences (either basic data or full conference websites / resource pages) are archived here. For earlier conferences, which may not have had dedicated full websites of their own, the pages are based on existing records and materials. The original appearance of relevant data has been captured, wherever possible, in the interest of accurate record-keeping. Archived data will be maintained integrally. Components and resources supplied by third parties will be mirrored in the LSA cloudspace and relinked as needed, unless existing or arising copyright and/or access restrictions prevent data maintenance.
Date |
Identification / Venue |
2019 |
Portugal (Évora ~ Covilhã ~ Aveiro) |
2019 |
Original Website Page-image (PDF, static, no active links)  |
2019 |
Original Final Program: Évora  |
2019 |
Original Final Program: Covilhã  |
2019 |
Ancillary Documents: Aveiro - 001  |
2019 |
Other Ancillary Documents  |
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