The deadline for submitting individual paper and thematic panel/roundtable proposals was 15 January 2022. Individual paper submissions were to include: names(s) of author(s); institutional affiliation; email address(es); specification if in-person or online; title of abstract; and abstract of 250 words, maximum. Thematic panel and/or roundtable proposals were to include, beyond a title and a summary of no more than 250 words, all of the information above for each participant. Proposals for individual papers and thematic panels/roundtables had to be submitted in MS Word or RTF format and in Times New Roman font size 12. Papers might be presented in English, French or Portuguese: however, simultaneous translation will not be available. Submissions were to be directed to lsa@yorku.ca and cham.diretor@uac.pt with the subject header “Proposal International LSA conference, 2022.” The Program has since been timetable-finalized and closed. 
O prazo para a apresentação de proposta individual ou proposta temática/mesa-redonda era 15 de janeiro de 2022. As submissões individuais devendo incluir: nome(s) do(s) autor(es); filiação institucional; endereço de e-mail; indicação se presencial ou online; título do resumo e resumo de 250 palavras, no máximo. Os painéis temáticos e/ou as propostas de mesa-redonda devendo incluir, para além de um título e um resumo de não mais de 250 palavras, todas as informações acima referidas para cada participante. As propostas para trabalhos individuais e painéis temáticos/mesas-redondas devendo ser apresentadas em MS Word ou formato RTF e em Times New Roman, tamanho 12. Os trabalhos devendo ser apresentados em inglês, francês ou português -- no entanto, não haverá tradução simultânea. Submissões para lsa@yorku.ca e cham.diretor@uac.pt com o assunto "Proposta - Conferência Internacional LSA, 2022". O Programa foi ultimado e fechado. 
La date limite de soumission des propositions de communications individuelles, d'ateliers thématiques et de tables rondes avait été fixée au 15 janvier 2022. Les propositions de communications individuelles devaient inclure: le nom de l'auteur ou des auteurs, l'affiliation institutionnelle, l'adresse électronique, l’indication en présence ou en ligne, le titre du résumé et un résumé de 250 mots maximum. Les propositions d’ateliers thématiques et/ou de tables rondes devaient inclure, outre un titre et un résumé de 250 mots maximum, toutes les informations ci-dessus pour chaque participant. Les propositions de communications individuelles et d’ateliers thématiques/tables rondes devaient être soumises en format MS Word ou RTF et en police Times New Roman taille 12. Les communications peuvent être présentées en anglais, en français ou en portugais -- mais, aucune traduction simultanée ne sera disponible. Propositions à lsa@yorku.ca et cham.diretor@uac.pt avec en en-tête "Proposition Conférence internationale de l'AEL, 2022". Le Programme est finalisé et désormais clos. 
Aeroporto de Ponta Delgada - São João Paulo II (IATA: PDL, ICAO: LPPD), named after Pope John Paul II. Clicking on the static image will load in your browser window a Google Maps 3D sphere that allows you to take a digital drivethrough in the vicinity. Hovering your cursor over the 3D -surround scene allows you, as usual, to grab-and-rotate the scene in all directions. Flattened 'oval and arrow' pointers, when hovering, tell you where you may go further, to other available adjacent 3D spheres. The map in the lower left hand corner, when enlarged and filling the lower portion of the screen, will show you where exactly you are in town, and blue lines in the streets indicate where other 3D spheres or linked street scenes may be accessed. |