The PSR, Intellectual Pluralism, Open Discourse, and Truly Universal Human Rights
The PSR does not promote endless echo-chambering and groupthink. Translation: we do not have any "proper [i.e. mandatory] lens", any Party Line (Генеральная линия партии) "optics". We do not obey any "democratic centralism" guidelines for monotone ideological compliance that is designed to "build critical [ideological] mass" and impose top-down control. We do not impose any "grounding philosophy undergerding" the topics we 'allow' or 'disallow'. We do not support 'messaging' along the lines of: "Caution: This account is temporarily restricted. You're seeing this warning because there has been some unusual non-Party-Line activity by an independent mind. Do you still want to view such proscribed thoughts? Please sign a digital release and get tracked and put on a SnoopState official ideology surveillance list". We are not favourably inclined toward any mechanistic and memetic proliferation and replication of ideologies. Any ideologies. We love, truly and really love "direct challenges" to opinions and to any Генеральная линия партии entrenched positions. We love, really love head-on-clashes of the kind that pitch against each other -- in a rough tumble of vigorous and reasoned intellectual battle -- well-documented and coherently laid out conflicting views, approaches, and above all candid and realist data. We love conflicts of opinion. We love 'toxic' "fact-mongering" and we are not interested in censorship that pompously purports "to improve the health of the public conversation". We support the use of the only truly scientific method, the Method of Multiple Working Hypotheses. And we love those tiny but powerful 'unauthorized' words -- why? and cui bono? Any fiercely pushed agenda or sociological, historical, political, and economic narrative, no matter how ostensibly awful or ostensibly all-saintly and all-beneficent, ALWAYS has some sort of hidden-trap cui bono baked in, a cui bono that large numbers of those who never wanted to 'embrace' the proclaimed 'benefits' end up paying for, very often in disastrous direct and indirect ways and with punishing long-run consequences. Is it not remarkable that merely asking "cui bono?" -- "who really gains from a given process?" -- tarnishes one as an 'idiot', 'tin-foil hat', "toxic this or that', 'disturbing', 'dangerous', or 'breaker of community rules' while making one a target for omnipotent 'fact-checkers'? And who exactly are those sainted 'fact-checkers' anyway?
'Fact-mongering' has always been the mainspring of a healthy and vigorous intellectual scene, as opposed to (1) stale paradigm-driven thought shackled by a Party Line terminology; (2) the Method of Assumptions Driven by Mandatory Consensus Assumptions; or (3) the Method of Simply Criminalizing All Unapproved Lines of Research and Inquiry. Needless to say, we are hardly inclined to believe any sort of 100% Consensus "as though it’s a religion" -- 'consensus' is a purely political and organizing notion and principle, it never ever has been a scientific or a scholarly one, and never will be. That we genuinely care about solid ideas and solid writing also is not a bland and false reassurance. It is an absolutely fundamental premise. As are objectivity, vigorous individualism, a keen sense of intellectual urgency (an 'impulse for independent and autonomous discovery'), logic, precision, and even a hard-bitten search for perfectionism (as an explicitly voluntaristic 'quest', unconstrained by any mandated thought: a 100% free quest to unveil that which remains hidden or has deliberately been concealed, that which is obfuscated or has deliberately been lacquered over by Party or Ideological mandate). Genuine diversity of thought, opinions, intellectual pursuits, and research approaches is of vital importance to the future of humanity.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” (Benjamin Franklin)
“And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. ... How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. ... I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. ... ... There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor ... ... He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. ... [But] while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth." (V for Vendetta, 2005) [NB: Including the words in banned history lessons, in banned history books that must be 'cancelled' (burned or shredded), in art that must be 'veiled', in philosophy that must be 'unthought'.]
"In order to control public opinion of the masses, the ruling class [NB: Or The Party, The Movement, The Cult, The Politburo, The Supreme Ideology, The Vanguard] should regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments [soldiers’] bodies." (Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928)
"When reality and truth become the sworn enemies of society's political and economic elites, the society is well and truly doomed." (Charles Hugh Smith) [NB: As perfectly encapsulated in the most recent haughty and all-mighty-me public repartee: "What YOU want is irrelevant!" (No, we are not going to reference and source this -- by now, this particular item of utterly candid political utterance is viral and famous enough. Just remember -- 'what YOU want is irrelevant; YOU simply do NOT matter.' As simple as that! Just remember and NEVER EVER forget!)]
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” (George Orwell, 1984)
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” (Hanlon's Razor)
"The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." (George Orwell) [NB: We DO NOT APOLOGIZE and we NEVER, EVER, EVER WILL, APOLOGIZE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER for quoting a man who SAW CLEARLY, regardless of his weaknesses and varied entanglements, but who according to some is now all of a sudden a "vile man" and a "total fraud". Too many among us -- way too many, and our relatives, and our parents, and our grandparents, and our extended families, and so on -- have had a direct (lineage) personal tangle, back when, with a Commissar or StaSi or VB (Veřejná Bezpečnost) or STB or Kádrovací Komise, survived it, and came out with one single feeling: "Never forget, never forgive." Forgiveness is divine -- we are mere humans and act accordingly. The feeling is that of searing and ice-cold contempt for all Party and Movementist Apparatchiks. The feeling is too strong to be laid out in writing, lest we have our 'unsafe' "thinking checked" by the current Police. But should it come to that, we are ready! Enough is more than enough!]
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." (George Orwell)
“So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.” (Kurt Vonnegut)
"Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience. In other words, I feel that the nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World. The change will be brought about as a result of a felt need for increased efficiency. Meanwhile, of course, there may be a large-scale biological and atomic war—in which case we shall have nightmares of other and scarcely imaginable kinds.” (letter from Aldous Huxley to George Orwell, 1949)
"Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was [properly] demoralized is unable to assess true information; the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic truth, with documents, with pictures ... he will refuse to believe it .... When the military boot [of real totalitarianism] crashes [in his face], then he will understand, but not before that." (Yuri Bezmenov)
"Industrialized mass murder only becomes possible when people stop questioning narratives." (Werner Herzog)
[NB: This, exactly this, is why a chill should run down our spine when we witness all the ceaseless calls for abolishing freedom of speech, suppressing all freedom of thought on campus, confining speech in ghetto-like 'designated free speech zones' marked by striped yellow 'danger' lines, instituting widespread censorship, worshipping 97% - 100% Consensus, 'cancelling' every single word a faction happens to dislike or has decreed 'unsafe', and professionally and economically 'destroying' all those whose thinking dares to diverge from an endlessly repeated and regurgitated (i.e. meta-streamed) Gleichschaltung ideology. This, exactly this, is why a chill should run down our spine when human language and all past literature and art are declared obsolescent, 'mouth noises' are dismissed as primitive, digital Newspeak is made mandatory, and centralized Borg censorship of thought-patterns is implemented by a mere click of a faceless Digicensor's button. You have a choice -- live as a mere serf and a programmed toy inside a de facto tyrannical surveillance universe ruled by sterile and insufferably smarmy, corrupt, and really neotenously childish hyper-elite Optimen (e.g. Frank Herbert, The Eyes of Heisenberg, 1966), or resist and win as a fully autonomous non-sterile (i.e. 'self-viable') Human.]
"Only a group that can count on the consent of the governed can establish a lasting regime. Whoever wants to see the world governed according to his own ideas must strive for domination over men’s minds. It is impossible, in the long run, to subject men against their will to a regime that they reject." (Ludwig von Mises) [NB: There are of course those, today, who would surely yell at LvM, at the top of their voice: "Who the hell do you think you are! Get in your 'traffic lane' and stay there! " The proper, measured answer: "Ludwig von Mises is who I am -- and who, might I ask very politely, are you?"]
"In emergencies, manufactured or real, when people fear for their lives, they eagerly surrender their freedom to the State, to the Temple that is perched on top of the archaeological culture-mound. They eagerly denounce each other; they compete in 'unmasking' the 'evildoer', the 'kulak'; they ridicule the rational independent thinker, the stalwart and unbowed strong human; they compete in producing more and more imbecile accusations inspired by the overall Ideological Cant; they lose their grip on any sort of reality, above all when Ideologues preach at them 24/7 that there is no 'reality' at all, only a vague relativism of unmoored circular Narrative. They lavishly dub themselves a 'Servant' of their Deity/Ideology, or even a 'Servant of Servants.' As they already did some 4,420 years ago, in the era of clay cuneiform tablets. You say that 'no'? Do not bore me! Learn Assyrian, Akkadian, Elamite, and all relevant more ancient dialects and languages and scripts. Then read. Then come and talk to me. And bring beer or wine. But do NOT, EVER, EVER, bore me! Whether the technology is an unimaginably ancient clay tablet or a silicon-chip quantum computer does not make the slightest iota of difference." (No One in Particular)
"The common self-placating intellectual placebo of 'That could never happen here' is the most monumental, the most monstrous lie and self-deception in the whole of human history -- in every country, in every system, in every single organization. ALL career bureaucrats and 'Central Scrutnizers' have within them barely dormant seeds of the Authoritarian Personality, as do ALL prominent experts whose allegiance is predominantly to an Establishment that pays them lavishly or to a teleological and domineering Ideology. People typically keep mumbling the pious lie of 'That could never happen here' up to the very moment when SWAT team or Security jackboots kick in their front door." (No One in Particular)
As to ritually burning relentlessly iterative terminological incense on stern altars of montonous creeds, either so-called left or so-called right? No, thank you. We really have no interest in that. It is in fact boring, really, really very boring already. And repetitive. And we also have run out of "grounding philosophy" incense cones. We are not getting a fresh supply ... And we forgot to 'make a space reservation' -- approved by the Thought Police (ThinkPol) -- to exercise our Natural Law Sovereign Citizen Right to think and write and speak and research and publish freely. And yes, we are healthily skeptical of all kinds of ideological epistocracy, especially when there are very clear indications that said epistocracy is clearly guilty of citogenesis and that it is programmatically tainted to an increasing extent. Have we 'defected from the Party Line (Генеральная линия партии)? Yes. For sure. We have. Are we 'boringly Boomer'? No, not at all. We really and truly adore and affirm 'cancel culture' -- we namely love cancelling the cancellers' cancellations -- all the while giving them all the platform they want, because that is what free speech is all about. We love opening up all debates. What we profoundly despise is the Ministry of Love and of course ThinkPol, 1984-style . Plus, you think that 'cancel culture' is somehow brand shining new? Really hip? Here goes, from Wiki's own mouth, pulled basically at random, just so, random: “After being advised by bishops and magnates that Northampton was a threat to Oxford [i.e. Oxford basically needed a 'safe space' and also felt 'existentially threatened'?] , Henry III dissolved the university in 1265, and signed a Royal Decree that banned the establishment of a university in Northampton.” Anti-competitive 'cancel culture' at its very finest -- a full seven hundred and fifty-four years before 'cancel culture', also with the full support of the 'authorities' and of powerful influencer 'lobbyists' and of the then equivalent of 'all major corporations' plus Big Tech Con Inc.
"Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Yet those who do study history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it." (A Cartoon -- very prescient) [NB: Then, of course, there are those who affirm "History is Bunk". So did, decade after decade, whole swarms of 'engaged' and 'consciousness-raised' Youth-of-the-Future-that-Sings shock-troops and brassarded street-muscle squads, busy imposing one totalitarian teleological regime or cult after another.]
"When a theory blatantly no longer fits meticulous observations on the ground, those observations must /sarc on/ clearly be ruled 'wrong' by ideological fiat and 'adjusted' /sarc off/. Those who disagree with the 'adjustment' (aka 'hypernormalization') or have entirely legitimate yet rival (so that we would not use the term 'alternative' -- which has now emerged as a cheap automatically invalidating label akin to that hoary old verbal artefact -- 'conspiracy theory', promoted by the CIA already back in the 1960s) and also research- or evidence-based views are then ritually labelled 'fringe' provocateurs and 'online trolls' (remarkably enough, this label does not really depend, at all, on whether or not they actually do operate online) who 'traffic in disinformation and conspiracies' and engage in 'unnecessary' and 'provocative and dramatic expression' and are thus automatically guilty of ideologically 'harmful activity' -- regardless of their academic qualifications or their hard-won expertise. The simplistic derogatory and dismissive language that is deployed in this context, particularly by the so-called mainstream 'media', never ever varies. It is always the same and utterly predictable boilerplate, always along the lines of: '... these "fringe" provocateurs, as experts explain ...'. The relevant 'experts' are of course seldom if ever named. In other words, if you hold any opinion other than the boilerplate that happens to suit the powers that be, you are a provocative and very 'dramatizing' malcontent. If, however, an 'activist' whose activism happens to suit perfectly the approved Narrative Line does exactly the same, then they are an anointed Hero in the Fight for the Future that Sings, Just Sings. You, however, are a reviled 'Hetzer' ('online troll') and source of 'Schund- und Schmutzschriften', just like the Frankfurt free press -- for instance -- was before 1871. But, /sarc on/ there of course is never a Double Standard /sarc off/. Ever. By definition and by 'authority' decree. What a pathetic farce! " (No One in Particular)
"How do you identify the point when a research field, a theory, a modelling trend, an ideology, a policy, an identity politics faction, or a journalistic fad have reached a state of fully circular echo chamber sterility? When you can predict from one day to the next and on the spur of the moment, with near-100% accuracy, what the proponents, protagonists and activists and 'fact-checkers' are going to say on any given subject and what well-worn communication tactics they are going to deploy on 'social media' -- down to the specific wording and purportedly alarmed and outraged mien and cadence -- and when all they have to say is throughly larded with repetitive slogans, ideological cookie-cutter platitudes, stale non sequiturs, and transparent canards that were not viable to being with and are readily disproved by a mass of idependent evidence (with original documents, leaked material, third-party data, footage from multiple public and private cameras, computations, maps, graphs, research article references ['peer-reviewed', too], etc.) within a span of not even ten to twenty minutes of having been laboriously deployed online by people who seem to make six-figure salaries and are the anointed 'trusted voices' of the Establishment. At that point, you know you are dealing with a serious evolutionary snag that verges on total cultural and cognitive stagnation, no matter how much the players keep ritually clamouring that they champion Progress." (No One in Particular)
“Science is the culture of doubt." (Richard Feyman) [NB: It is therefore NOT a culture of Newspeak political 'consensus', a culture of 'democratic centralism' scripted by a Poliburo Committee, enforced by the apparatchiks of the Human Resources and Compliance Office and loudly advertised by the zealous and ambitious junior Commissars in the PR and Outreach Office.]
"Whoever said he acted in the name of 'science' [NB: as a blanket, uniform and thus also uniformizing 'consensus' concept] [has] dishonestly usurped science prestige. For what type of “science” is this, unanimous and consensual, that no one has ever heard of? Could someone give me its address, so I can confirm its 'consent'? Its phone, email and WhatsApp? (Marcos Nogueira Eberlin, founder of the Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory)
"The market economy, say the socialists and the interventionists, is at best a system that may be tolerated in peacetime. But when war comes, such indulgence is impermissible. It would jeopardize the vital interests of the nation for the sole benefit of the selfish concerns of capitalists and entrepreneurs. War, and in any case modern total war, peremptorily requires government control of business.” (Ludwig von Mises, Human Action) [NB: What better, then, than to manufacture a crisis akin to 'war', in order to install a command economy. Every ancient Temple accountant, every Jesuit administrator of reducciones, every stodgy Prussian bureaucrat, every Tzarist revizor would unfailingly agree and applaud.)
"... Big-Tech stealthily ensures future generations become digital addicts who blindly accept and embrace, like sheep, the emergence of digital tyranny." (Mitchell Feierstein)
" 'It's all just conspiracy theory'! One has become used to this stolid, complacent return serve: so apparently grounded in reason and scepticism but so often naive and one-dimensional" (Christopher Hitchens). And let us pair this up with another item (by means of transiting to the next quotation immediately below, which will be a rather prescient quotation from the Dosadi Experiment, 1974). "Significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices ... The general trend toward more speech control will not abate" (Atlantic Magazine, 2020) [NB: "Control is freedom"; "ignorance is strength"; "corporate censorship promotes 'conversation' "; "The Censor always knows best, in all areas of research"'; or "You are not sure what your research ought to tell you? Just ask The Censor and The Commissar for Mindsculpting! They already have all the compliant answers! They are much smarter than you will ever be, for they follow The Party Line. That is why they are 'essential'! "]
"Behavioral engineering in all of its manifestations always degenerates into merciless manipulation. It reduces all (manipulators and manipulated alike) to a deadly 'mass effect.' The central assumption, that manipulation of individual personalities can achieve uniform behavioral responses, has been exposed as a lie by many species but never with more telling effect than by the Gowachin on Dosadi. Here, they showed us the 'Walden Fallacy' in ultimate foolishness, explaining: 'Given any species which reproduces by genetic mingling such that every individual is a unique specimen, all attempts to impose a decision matrix based on assumed uniform behavior will prove lethal.' " (Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment, 'The Dosadi Papers', 'BuSab reference', 1974)
One unfortunately encounters today all too many undergraduates trapped inside ideological treehouses overgrown with mind-control moss. They are unable to tolerate any frank, realistic, and worthwhile exchange of ideas, any unvarnished presentation of data. 'Safe spaces' and draconic speech-codes produce minds caught up in political fandom and in ideological rave cultures, devastatingly addicted to identity-group belonging and to unceasing dopamine-driven in-group 'validation'. In more ways than one, such minds become prone to letting go of all individual critical independence -- and even worse, they are being incessantly indoctrinated to believe that such critical independence is somehow 'toxic' and that they should just "believe like it's religion". Some of them (including those whose so-called job it is to 'push' cancel buttons at major social media) appear to think that the mere act of gathering, assessing and discussing already peer-reviewed and published scholarly and scientific data that does not suit specific political and ideological interests is tantamount to "abuse and harassment" and warrants 'permanent banning' and silencing. They have yet to learn, alas, that all things that sport a fancy 'scientific' label of one sort or another but whose validity they must awkwardly justify to themselves and to others by resorting to something along the lines of "it really is, for lack of a better term, a faith-based system because you can’t see behind the curtain” indeed are what they appear to be -- ideologically engineered artifacts that ought to be distrusted a priori and subjected to extra-rigorous adversarial corroboration and verification. Because ... there is this pesky percentage issue in any sort of ' "There should only be one voice, otherwise it will create chaos” and dilute/weaken The Movement ' -- 100% consensus leaves exactly 0% room for independent rational and critical thought, i.e. 100% consensus is NOT "inclusive" by any stretch of anyone's imagination. It is no better than ideologically imposed dogma, and the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain is more often than not a liar. Or worse than a liar -- given that lying (on camera, on social media, in magazines and newspapers, in press releases, etc.) has become an almost daily and hourly banality these days. Worse than a liar? Is that a thing? Yes, it is: e.g. someone who, on political and ideological principles alone, and regardless of context, will fail-grade students for no other reason than daring to cite an ideological dissident as a research source. This used to be called Gleichschaltung. Only 'very bad and evil people' were deemed to have been doing it. Now, however, it has morphed into 'There is no room in The Party for any dissenters -- or even for somewhat different opinions -- agree with us in every single respect all the time (aka 'Total democratic Centralism, on command and by rota') or get out!' Which, marvel of inane marvels, is readily declared to be 'inclusive'. One would have thought that "tell them that they shouldn’t listen to what other people think" and "tell them that there is no such thing" if that thing disagrees with an ideological credo is in fact pretty 'exclusive' and 'non-inclusive'. Gee whiz, one would have thought that we might listen to all. But, not so. Because ... Herbert Marcuse and 'repressive tolerance', you know, gradually escalating to Gleichschaltung 'zero tolerance' ... "All animals are equal -- but some animals are [very clearly, by Party Line legislation] more equal than others" (George Orwell, Animal Farm)
"He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may be able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side; if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion." (John Stuart Mill) [NB: And, of course /sarc on, and NOT against JSM/ if in doubt, always "Let the Elites / Technocrats / Party Bureaucrats Decide" -- through mechanisms of 'managed spontaneity' deploying an eminently Marcusian 'repressive tolerance' mantra: "avoid presenting both sides of the argument in the messaging – [for] there’s only one side (sic) ... [there] can be no (apparent) exceptions”. A systematic avoidance of presenting 'both sides' is an absolutely standard, age-old, and well documented agitprop / propaganda technique. "Freedom of speech" and "academic freedom" after all are quaintly obsolete and outdated "historical concepts" by now, are they not? [at least the Federal Court of Australia appears to think so -- e.g. Griffiths, Rangiah and SC Derrington JJ -- and also seems to think remarkably little of John Stuart Mill, John Locke, Isaiah Berlin and others] /sarc off/]
The 'Law of the Instrument' Theory: "When the only thing you have is a hammer, all issues begin to look like a nail." (Abraham Maslow, 1966) [NB: The same thing of course happens when only one Ideology, one 'Scientific Materialism', one Newspeak, one legally permitted pattern of expressing oneself begin not only to dominate but to rule through a savage application of law, surveillance, ritual denunciation, self-policing, 'pre-crime' analysis, etc. A society that embarks on such a course is not 'more civlized' -- it is in fact dying, in a morass of fear and stale compliance. A sterile stasis that benefits only specific members of a ritually honored so-called Vanguard -- a Vanguard that might perhaps have been at the forefront of specific issues once upon a time, but has long since become a self-glorifying political caste whose main task is to continue generating, by any means necessary, obligatory 'statistics' of further 'advances' and 'achievements' in The Struggle. Those 'advances' largely consist of the notional scalps of designated dissidents and free-thinkers, displayed on the Ideological Scalp Rack as a deterrent. Hunting the Dissident Snark becomes at that point the Ideology's main and often only justification for continued existence. The issues that brought the Vanguard to power may no longer exist, or have evolved into something very different, yet the illusion must be maintained that the issues in question are as poignant and relevant as when the Movement was fresh. Thus a ceaselessly repetitive application of the Hammer, so that the 'integrity' of 'foundational' texts would remain perpetually intact and unchallenged. The pattern does not differ in any appreciable sense from the ritual behaviour of countless previous despotic and / or hieratic regimes on Planet Earth. The level and nature of the technology that helps to ensure 'enforcement' is irrelevant to the core mechanism at play.]
“Though the silenced opinion be an error, it may, and very commonly does, contain a portion of truth; and since the general or prevailing opinion on any object is rarely or never the whole truth, it is only by the collision of adverse opinions that the remainder of the truth has any chance of being supplied.” (John Stuart Mill)
"Believe nothing, O monks, merely because you have been told it . . . or because it is traditional, or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis [NB: And not simply because you are told by an 'organizer' to 'believe it like it's religion'] , you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide." (Gautama Buddha)
"People in general, journalists and academics in particular, hate to have their paradigms broken. Most will run a mile from the truth – rather than objectively seeking it." (Ken Irwin)
"Unmitigated, the authority of ‘experts’ can become a tyranny." (Eric Schmidt)
"Science is the belief in the knowledge of experts." [NB: You agree? OK, gotcha! You just fell for a literal anti-definition of science. The cure is to spend more time reading Richard Feynman and Karl Popper. Take both, in ample dosage, on empty stomach, and do not call us in the morning.]
According to Percy Carlton, there really are three kinds of science -- (a) agenda based science (one might also call it ideologically informed 'science'; (b) bought and paid- for corporate science; (c) real science (one might also call it Independent Science). The first two are all too often mere pseudo-science. The results are so skewed by what an ideology or a corporate sponsor either desires or demands that the output may amount to nothing more than vacuous noise in a sterile echo chamber. Only the third kind of science is de facto and de iure real Science, real and honest Scholarship. Unfortunately, people are generally unable, unwilling, and/or forbidden to realize this, or are ferociously committed to baked-in agendas inseparable from their declared ideological identity and from their bureaucratic career path. This literally renders Real Science a 'sin', a 'crime', and/or a 'duly punishable deviation from consensus'.
"People don’t want to hear the truth; they never do. They wanna live in some kind of fantasy." (Paul Mooney)
“I will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashions.” (Lillian Hellman)
“If everyone is thinking alike, then NO ONE is [in fact] thinking.” (Benjamin Franklin) [NB: An unequivocal and fitting condemnation of ALL varieties of imposed and mandatory 'consensus', 'groupthink', 'lockstep', 'ideological compliance', 'echo-chambering', and all mind-police-imposed Gleichschaltung aka ThinkPol tyranny. A stinging condemnation of "the unceasing and committed search for consensus" (which tends to reduce itself to Universal Party Dogma) so passionately espoused by some (who always aspire, covertly and overtly, to becoming sanctified 'authoritative' and de facto authoritarian 'consensus-managers', wielding power FOREVER, if possible.]
Ultimately, the freshly baked young acolytes of an overweening Dogma end up, in their turn, producing works that strenuously and often disingenuously evade candid engagement with raw data, figures, plain and sober evidence, primary sources, and careful computations. They end up living as uncritical heirs to hoary ideologies that portray themselves as 'inevitable' and 'necessary' in terms of 'bending the arc of history' (or, with even grander hubris -- the Arc of The Universe) the 'correct' way -- the 'correct' way being Correct because it is simply decreed Correct. The decreeing, however, is really quaint -- is it not -- when the powerful champions of such teleologically exclusive 'correct' bending turn out to be impressively ancient ultra-mega-billionaires, as well as astoundingly richer-than-rich actors and comedians who are somehow supposed to be great "influencers" -- apparently someone somewhere supposes that they are, even though the grounds for supposing so are not really clear, certainly not from an analytical standpoint. There are solid grounds to think that humanity is close to shedding its fascination with the 'moving pictures' industry shadowplay on the slimy rear wall of Plato's cave, and that the Era of Always Wagging the Dog is about to end, rather abruptly. When so-called 'amateur' Deepfake CGI gets notably better than stuff for which movie studios fork out entire millions, the Game-changing Era is about to dawn ... .
Yet, the 24/7 asserted 'inevitability' of the teleological grand bending is so absolute and in fact so crudely deterministic (even while it is very loudly professed not to be so) that it comically flies in the face of quantized space-time, quantum indeterminacy and quantum superposition -- in the very face of advanced physics -- amid all the copious spouting about 'science'. The underlying ideologies have gone very sadly mummified despite intricate PR reinventions and tortuously endless Communication Studies rebranding attempts ever since the eighteenth century (and earlier). Their followers busy themselves -- above all else -- with endlessly purging anything that might in the slightest deviate from an orthodox ideological template deemed 'correct' and 'harmless' by Party Line Decree. All too often, the 'correct' and mostly 'harmless', however, is little more than top-down force-fed thought that is mechanistically regurgitated from below, for the rather paltry price of a career-and-lunch ticket. Such thought has become very reductionist, predicated on mind-numbing mantras of allegiance and on a clannish closing of ranks. And, by now, also on simple fear, a Culture of Fear: "I can’t go public with this [data] because I’d get fired". "I have been strongly advised against using this term". "I am under immense pressure to comply". How very, very 'liberating'! "Maul halten und weiter dienen" -- "Shut your face and keep in step", or we are going to 'dismantle your career and destroy your life', so that the glorious Arc of The Universe would 'bend' the decreed correct way. The problem is that all worthwhile scholarship is a structured process of rational debate. No debate (as in, 'only one side is heard, shouting slogans all the time') -- absolutely no real scholarship. “The time for debate has ended” = abrupt totalitarian death of all scholarship. Result -- a Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee 'orthodoxy' vs. 'heterdoxy' kabuki shadow show. As has famously been said: "heterdoxy is merely the other man's doxy" (failure to comprehend the pun can be remedied by consulting banned old pre-Newspeak HR-deprecated dictionaries; trigger warning: a 'state of being traumatically offended' may very well ensue).
“The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.” (George Orwell) [NB: The concept of 'objective truth' has not only faded by now, to the extent of being officially considered an "outdated cultural relic". It is being actively and deliberately undermined, smeared, discredited, 'fluidized', dissolved, and dismantled. The process is part of a systematic matrix of interconnected trends, ultra-lavishly funded in the context of multi-billionaire-cum-government-sponsored communication and dissemination programs. It is an unceasing 24/7 push toward utterly blatant Synanon-style brainwashing. For nearly fifty years now, overtly and with an ever increasing aggressiveness, this has been an integral component of specific ideologies and clusters of socio-cultural desiderata (both spontaneous and intricately manufactured -- with a heavy prevalence of the manufactured part, in a ceaseless top-down/bottom-up loop). The self-reinforcing dynamic goes all the way back to the second half of the nineteenth century and in significant respects it reaches much further back into the past.]
"Intellectual honesty is a crime in any totalitarian country; but even in England it is not exactly profitable to speak and write the truth." (George Orwell) [NB: What Orwell did not realize is that by 2019-2020, speaking and writing any sort of officially inconvenient yet solidly fact- and data-grounded truth would literally become 'speech crime'. "Truth is no defence" (sic -- one may be justifiedly tempted to say that only a profoundly sick and unhinged legal mind would spawn such a pronouncement, but we are not going to sink to such depths; yet, we are musing here, legitimately -- just hypothetically speaking, of course: how many possibly corrupt lawyers, legal scholars, Attorneys, District Attorneys, JPs, Judges, Supreme Court Judges, etc. would lose their cushy and extremely lucrative 'lifetime job-security' and quasi-sanctified official sinecures if a very novel legal concept prevailed -- namely that Truth is the Supreme Defence?). Poor Orwell ! It took only 80 years to make his 1984 nightmare a 'preferred' and court-enforced reality. Now we have reached the point where 'trivializing' a preferred ideology and 'sowing the seeds of doubt' through independent and impeccably factual research is being glibly equated with 'sabotage' and vocal advocates suggest that anything of the sort should be subject to fines and imprisonment for 'repeat offences'. This is exactly and precisely what all the East European Communists and the Nazis did. It is thus historically useful to ponder, in this context, the Solzhenitsyn IF: "And how we burned [with shame and rage] in the [political detainee] camps later [after having been arrested and fraudulently 'sentenced'], thinking: 'What would things have been like if every Security operative [Secret Thought Police], when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The 'Organs' [Thought Police, Political Police ... e.g. the NKVD, the Gestapo, CheKa, StaSi, STB, Santebal, Securitate, and their countless past and present equivalents, as well as their aspiring equivalents, all those who deem to have a State-sanctified ideological right to demand that, whenever one hears the historically ominous words: “Ihre Papiere, Bitte!" (or the equivalent thereof), one must meekly and submissively and promptly 'render acount of what one is presently doing, to the satisfaction of the Officer', or else ] would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's [bloody] thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If ... IF ... IF ... We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of [what] the real situation [was] ....” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn).] [NB2: Note, please, another omnipresent Invariant here -- all ideologues and regimes eager to give their henchmen such powers will INVARIABLY, with utter repetitiveness, invoke the argument: "Well, if you have nothing to hide, why should you worry? Do YOU have something to hide?"]
What once upon a time was an exciting novelty slides into turf defence, into circling the wagons around factional domains of competence and authority, with a deep mycelium of mutually cited research, cross-affiliations, and brand-name assets. The goal? As always throughout history: to freeze time, to forestall any erosion of adoring and often very lucrative constituencies and donors. The increasingly boilerplate thought can be summed up by "if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail." The outcomes are predictable: we presumably cannot entirely prevent you, as a private citizen, from saying what deserves to be said (at least not yet and not entirely legally, yet), but we certainly will stop you from saying anything that we do not like as long as it might be construed that you speak as a member of our institution, regardless of how factual and meticulously researched and well supported your statements might be. So-called democratic centralism in full action -- stay 'on message', or else. One of the characteristics of cult-like behaviour has always been an inability to listen even for an instant to anyone who, be it ever so mildly, queries ("creation of doubt") or questions one's belief system and any part of its undergirding premises. Expert and well-grounded outright challenges are of course completely off the menu. They must be crushed. The key psy-ops tool of all totalitarians, in this respect, has always been the society-wide imposition of a specific terminology that is declared to be the only politically and ideologically and 'historiosophically' and teleologically "correct" one and the only one permitted by law. In other words, a carefully calibrated distortion of language, enforced by means of a mandatory and punitive ideological 'consensus'. The other key psy-ops tool is to 'deperson' rational critics to the extent of eventually declaring them to be 'online bots', not even real people -- just bits of code, like a 34K 'virus' (a terminology already in use in some quarters). "The more [of these] are out there, the more likely people will think that there is a diversity of opinion and hence will weaken their support [for us]. ... the mere existence of [what we have tagged as] misinformation in social networks can cause people to trust accurate information less or disengage from the facts.” Because, you see, "diversity of opinion" is BAD. We must have real-time Total Full Spectrum Control, imposed by a servile 50-Cent-Army of Censors. All real and true and genuine and effective "diversity of opinion and thought" must be suppressed. Perish the thought that the plebes should get some sort of misguided idea that there actually is a solidly-grounded "diversity of opinion". That would be a disaster! Only 100% Democratically Centralist Consensus is GOOD. This is exactly the same principle as "Credo in unam sanctam ... etc.". And exactly the same as Herbert Marcuse's "repressive tolerance" which postulates that one must only tolerate opinions that 100% agree with one's established Worldview, so that those opinions could exercise their "liberating power".. None of this is even being concealed any more ... Naked Totalitarianism ...
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." (Article 19, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December 1948) [NB: This was an expression of a rather fleeting ideal -- it endured more or less, without really being fully implemented anywhere, c. 60-70 years (or much less, depending on where one lives). Interestingly enough, it essentially endured only until 1989-1990. The chronology is highly significant. Ponder those dates very well. Today, on worldwide social networks, in universities and in schools, inside all major coporations and across all the sickly labyrinthine levels of Deep State bureaucracy, tendencies to curtail, impede, and even outright criminalize any kind of free speech and 'outside-the-box' research are in one way or another ubiquitous and very much in vogue as "what we are" and "what we stand for". The very concept of 'freedom of opinion and expression' has been undergoing an incremental and strategic legal 'reframing' that seeks to impose increasingly Byzantine and draconic and automaton-like constraints that are more and more AI-controlled and invariably bring to mind Orwell's 1984.]
... when ‘gold’ 's only a bit of polished brass, /
when the air is full of soot so crass, /
holes and asphalt, asphalt and holes, /
when fear oozes through a mosaic of lies, /
to escape the straitjacket, to find any old loophole, /
unctuous hypocrisy her business plies.
Stuffed up, we puke -- even when dreaming, /
and every month begins on the same old day: /
Friday the 13th, why always the same bind! /
At midnight we startle, suddenly screaming, /
terrified we’ll be doxxed and ‘made to pay’ -- /
for something we wrote and foolishly signed.
Our valour is nothing but groupthink imitation, /
a bit of cheap make-up over a haggard face, /
Like Pontius Pilate we keep scrubbing our hands; /
we play endless checkers, in fancy cool calculation /
while fanaticism holds unrivalled pride of place: /
The game is on! -- unfortunately, tomorrow it ends ...
When lies are what fact-checks so-called truth /
then freedom takes a slow handcuffed walk /
among rows of flowering graves ... (translated and adapted, after Karel Kryl)
“Sweet, holy censorship,
Let us follow in your path;
Lead us by your hand.
Like children on a leash!” (Karikatur Die „gute“ Presse, unknown engraver, c. 1847)
"The banner being carried by the politically blind mole shows as a heraldic animal a crab walking backwards which has also obscured his view of the circumstances of the time by means of a blindfold. The mole is followed by a pared reed pen being used as a walking staff, and the ascetically austere censorship [NB: a foot-soldier of the "50-cent Army"], whose sharp eyes see everything and whose scissors are keen to excise every freely formulated sentence. Next, being led on a leash, is the gullible, intellectually limited government press, which cannot produce anything more than a “I-a”. The imperial official leading a Pomeranian (in German: 'Spitz') is the last in the procession; he signifies Vienna. It was there that the term 'Spitzel' first became commonly used for a police spy." (Dr. Jürgen Wilke) [NB: And let us add something in the range of Kafka-meets-Orwell humour. It is real. Not made up. A sponsored ad served through DuckDuckGo, Google, and many other outlets, when one enters specific search terms. The ad goes like this: "Große Auswahl an Zensur - Große Auswahl, Günstige Preise - - Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität. Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay! Über 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis; Das ist das neue eBay. Finde Zensur!" Repeat -- this is not a joke. It does come up on search.]
Die Gedanken sind frei,
wer kann sie erraten,
sie fliehen vorbei
wie nächtliche Schatten.
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen,
kein Jäger erschießen,
es bleibet dabei:
die Gedanken sind frei.
Ich denke, was ich will,
und was mich beglücket,
doch alles in der Still,
und wie es sich schicket.
Mein Wunsch und Begehren
kann niemand verwehren,
es bleibet dabei:
die Gedanken sind frei.
Ich liebe den Wein,
mein Mädchen vor allen,
sie tut mir allein
am besten gefallen.
Ich bin nicht alleine
bei meinem Glas Weine,
mein Mädchen dabei:
die Gedanken sind frei.
Und sperrt man mich ein
im finsteren Kerker,
das alles sind rein
vergebliche Werke;
denn meine Gedanken
zerreißen die Schranken
und Mauern entzwei:
die Gedanken sind frei.
Drum will ich auf immer
den Sorgen entsagen
und will mich auch nimmer
mit Grillen mehr plagen.
Man kann ja im Herzen
stets lachen und scherzen
und denken dabei:
die Gedanken sind frei.
(c. 1780, then published in Lieder der Brienzer Mädchen, Bern, 1842, with core motif going back all the way back to Freidank, "Bescheidenheit", 1229 [yes, the thirteenth century] -- a Cheshire Cat grin from all of us, generation upon generation upon generation upon generation, across all the long centuries, to all the verbal compliance inspectors, ominous Inquisitors, compliancization seminar 'instructors', conceited Newspeak judges and trial lawyers, and all the Gleichschaltung mavens, as well as "officers [goose]-stepping from the shadows".)
"What exactly is the ontological relationship between 'truth' and 'Truth' once we have reached the point of outright imposing -- by means of what amounts to a Party mandate -- a so-called Universal Truth that in fact is little more than the embodiment of one specific ideology and one specific version of reality, with all other versions and all 'inconvenient' data being ridiculed and suppressed?" (No One in Particular)
“Confirmations should count only if they are the result of risky predictions; that is to say, if, unenlightened by the theory in question [NB: not being mentally locked inside an echo-chamber of ritually 'affirming' and 'confirming' a 'grounding philosophy undergirding' our so-called results while we at the same time actively refuse to pay any attention whatsoever to anything else and forcefully prevent others from paying any attention to anything else], we should have expected an event which was incompatible with the theory – an event which would have refuted the theory.” (Karl Popper, Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge, 1963)
The ten absolutely classic traits of totalitarianism and of government by deeply entrenched technocratic and unelected (as well as quite frankly 'unelectable') authoritarian functionaries:
1) enforced and socially policed unanimity of thought and behaviour ("the creation of doubt is a pernicious and rhetorical agent", rule of politically imposed "consensus" whose lack of grounding in facts and data is all too easily demonstrated)
2) suppression of criticism, aided by censorship and/or selective suppression of speech ex cathedra (e.g. as if emanating from some sort of Papal Throne) ("You are excused from this conversation" and "You're not recognized" and "You're 'cancelled' " -- aka you're not towing the Party Line so you're "unpersoned" and don't you ever dare to "unperson" us (as we have accused you of doing all the time [i.e. valiantly "projecting" and "gaslighting"-- truly doing, in fact, what one falsely accuses other people of doing])
3) denial of conscience
4) constant, almost frantic need to keep rewriting and 'adjusting' History (including the history of one's own Founding Movement) and purging awkward empirical data in ways that would be more purely 'correct' and would better fit the governing ideology's foundational Master Narrative -- this goes hand in hand with a profound loathing for all independent historians and non-Movement scholars
5) abdication of reason (practicing "science by Consensus"; and if you disagree, you should be "put against the wall" ). [NB: "Put against the wall"? Really? Oh really? Really!!!! Please do try that -- and pass the popcorn! Shows exactly what the whole game has been about, for millennia. Those to be 'put against the wall', however, generally happen to be surprisingly good and pragmatic and determined fighters in full-on kinetic conflicts, as history shows, especially if they have 'necks in the game', and in any overt clash they will be more than able to give the 'put-them-against-the-wallers' a good run for the money. Just a historian's bet ... while reading Sun Tze.]
6) government and educational coercion (ever more stringent mandatory indoctrination and 're-education', starting ever earlier and earlier in the cycle)
7) mass conditioning of thought and sapping of all and any autonomous will (schools, corporate and mainstream media, 'social' organizations, HR 'training')
8) persecution of ideological dissenters ('educational' silencing, dismissal from employment ["job seekers reluctant to cough up their views and positions in interviews can't hide them because nearly all employers sift through social media posts, mostly Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, of those they are considering for jobs", "a company can ... terminate you [solely] for your political opinions" [2019 Survey]], campaigns and blacklists to 'make people with fact- and data-grounded dissenting views "unhirable in the academia" ' (i.e. a pure NKVD, KGB, STB, StaSi, Gestapo, the Departamentul Securității Statului (with 1 informer and/or housing-block-embedded confidant per every 43 Romanians), Cheka, Santebal, Inquisition, PIDE, etc. tactic), 'thought-crime' arrests)
9) enforcement of a Master Narrative ideology by means of the armed forces, especially when the pre-programmed 'managed micro-narratives' grafted into social awareness through 24/7 agit-prop, manipulation, obfuscation, and crude all-channel messaging begin to crack and pixellate under the weight of errors piled upon manifest errors piled upon further errors ("get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not","justify 'problematic' means", "have a more or less technocratic government and [just] get it through") [NB: I.e. explicit military/police Totalitarian Tyranny, tantamount to unlawful and illegitimate internal or external military occupation and martial law. Draw your own conclusions. We say nothing further. The problem is that such a house of cards starts falling with just one card -- just one socio-political grand theory with teleological pretensions that go brutally wrong, one grand predictive model that is revealed to be devastatingly unfit for purpose, one set of arrogant e-mails, one grandiose instance, at a peak of crisis, of 'do as I say, not as I do, because I am very "special" and belong to The Vanguard (i.e. "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others") '.]
10) the prevalent use of attainder by process, against political dissidents: first the individuals are summarily declared guilty (very often through the use of slander-epithets), and then 'the Organs' look for or cobble together evidence of whatever 'crimes' they might deem expedient to invoke (if such evidence is not found, it will be manufactured, because actual due process would "distort the truth" and would not be politically and ideologically 'productive' -- "And that will be documented too, that you were uncooperative, Comrade, and filed in your dossier." )
A Cloward-Piven Strategy on Meta-Uber-Steroids, with a very spicy dash of Pol Pot: (1) foster an acutely ustable situation by any means necessary (BAMN, combined with the classic 'engineered problem--official reaction--deus ex machina solution and a ritual celebration of those who engineered the "problem" in the first place'); (2) crash a planetary economy through a more-Byzantine-than-Byzantine tangle of outright contradictory or deliberately dysfunctional laws and regulations; (3) crash all the markets, by any means necessary (BAMN); (4) throw untold masses of people out of work; (5) take away or restrict any private means through which people might help themselves or others (e.g. ban the sale of viable vegetable seeds, permit only the sale of patented seeds that produce 'seedless' [sterile] plants), and also peremptorily demand that all and any means of production be expropriated -- because schematic and doctrinaire Five-year Plan planners using simplistic 'models' based on obsolete data and on manifestly ideologically skewed premises know far better than any other human; (6) threaten with 'administrative action', suspension, imprisonment, or worse, anyone who disseminates information about survival or self-help means, and let them know that your cops are "hiding in the shadows" everywhere; (7) make sure the food supply chain crashes (and also make sure that tons of food get dumped or destroyed before it reaches people -- that way you score twice: you destroy farmers and keep the sheeple hungry and manipulable); (8) get people out of a 'normal mode' and into a 'permanent emergency mode', by any means necessary (BAMN) (full-on equivalent of a permanent revolution or permanent socially engineered centralized State of Terror -- warrantless searches and arrests paired up with astronomical fines and automatic six months in jail will teach those sheeple to fear that heavy sound of SWAT jackboots on the stairs); (9) promote and 'celebrate' all sorts of dependency-creating drugs and/or medications; (10) prevent the sheeple, by Police order, from getting enough sun and fresh air (this will foster a slew of festering diseases that can then be further 'policed' and 'treated'); (11) permit the Police to define what people may and may not consume ('essential' grub as opposed to 'non-essential' frivolities; make sure, also, that you arbitrarily and without any warning keep switching around the definitions of what is 'essential'); (12) declare 'redundant' or outright physically expendable all those who still seek to pursue Truth ('evil Truthers') or pursue any activities that 'experts' and ideologues define as 'non-essential' (while of course making 100% sure that 'experts' and ideologues remain classified as 'eternally essential' and enjoy obscenely lavish perks); (13) throw around 'category errors' like candy, in your rhetoric and reasoning, and compare apples to oranges all the time, while you lavishly accuse your enemies of being guilty of 'naive category errors';(14) impress on the sheeple that only views compliant with your Ideology are allowed -- everything else is "propaganda" or "fake news", and you must make 100% certain to"regulate it, minimize it, and perhaps even eliminate it” (BAMN); (15) brand any questioning of data and any rational evidence-based contradicting of The Official Narrative as 'dangerous conspiracy theory that puts countless lives at risk', and rigidly enforce bans and systemic censorship, while loudly and sanctimoniously proclaiming yourself to be 'a marketplace of ideas free from political bias' (maskirovka hypocrisy consistent with the 'Alice in Wonderland' Psychological Warfare protocol); (16) declare any and all self-help and self-defence 'illegal', punishable by stiff fines and life-time prison; (17) impress on everyone that they MUST now 'adjust to the "shared" and permanent new normal/reality (standard boilerplate corporate/government-style message to any who disagree: "We are sorry you feel that way. Don't be evil. Just obey! Be 'smart'!"; (18) outlaw all and any small-scale private production and/or distribution of food and essentials; (19) make sure the measures hit very hard the poorest and / or the most precarious, in order to foster politically manipulable despair, hunger, and dull anger (the 'Hunger Games Society' tool of policy, creatively combined with 'oldie' dystopias -- "Logan's Run", "Soylent Green", "Bladerunner", "Matrix" -- all in the name of Ultimate Safety and Progress); (20) sytematically release violent criminals, to further enhance ideologically useful and politically exploitable instability; (21) impose all-pervasive and draconic high-tech surveillance measures, deployed 24/7, to monitor compliance (i.e. mass 'click-training' of sheeple, with generous help from servile social 'sciences'); (22) claim vociferously, 24/7, that everything you do is and always has been rooted purely in sophisticated model-based 'scientific evidence' ('scientific' materialism, consensus by 97% - 100% of 'career scientists', 'scientific' management, whatever furthers your current plan or purpose); (23) reduce people to total dependence on the State; (24) deploy a uniform bare pittance ("Soylent Green"-style) or controlled dole-outs from State-controlled food repositories as 'replacement' for what people might actually earn or produce, and if possible introduce random blitzes of rationing and ration-cards that are tied to ideologically manipulated 'behaviour scores'; (25) drastically limit or criminalize all freedom of speech, freedom of information, freedom of movement, all freedom of research and inquiry, and freedom of association; (26) 'Wag the Dog' through media Narrative, using any and all random footage -- even from inapplicable and manifestly unrelated events, locations, and timeframes -- to 'dramatize' and 'problematize' your talking points and wrap them in 'proper optics' that promote 'proper thoughts'; (27) arrest, shoot, and/or 'disappear' all those who might disagree (while making sure that you have previously forged their organ donor consent forms and DNR forms); (28) foster ceaseless fear, uncertainty, and intricate webs of mutual denunciation; (30) on a rotating basis and unpredictably place large swaths of the sheeple under a house arrest functionally fully equivalent to confinement in 'solitary', to break them down both mentally and physically; (31) make sure that arbitrary rules and strictures visibly do not apply to yourself, or to designated political 'allies' who are 'in the public eye', or to enforcers 'who need to project an image of command and authority', or to any of your ideologically empowered select and 'very special groups'; (32) make a stellar career while hiding or having your allies hide the exact same flaws or shortcuts in your research that you profusely criticize ideological opponents for (i.e., projecting and gaslighting, yet again); (33) use systems of ballot harvesting and indirect voting to ensure that a rigged simulacrum of 'democracy' continues to 'operate'; (34) enjoy and 'celebrate' your Enlightened One-Party Total Techno-Surveillance-Tyranny, in a world 'reframed' in perpetual harmonious homeostasis with 'a sincere and just social vision'. Done. Mission accomplished ...
“It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. You can see it in central America now, and after [the] crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have the so-called period of normalization. It may last indefinitely [i.e. 'new normal']. 'Normalization' is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda.” (Yuri Bezmenov) [NB: No Czech or Slovak, or instance, will ever foget the period of "Normalizace" after 1968, imposed at gunpoint and within and within an unctuous framework of 'brotherly solidarity'. Yo' bro'!]
“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it; and this I know, my lords: that where the law ends, tyranny begins.” (William Pitt)
Whenever and wherever authoritarianism beats its plinkity-plonk tin drum, it almost invariably attempts to control the academia first. Ideologically driven and 'visionary' movements, in their strenuous need to build and maintain adoring constituencies, find a free exchange of ideas profoundly inconvenient or even abhorrent. They fear open debate even while ostensibly paying lip-service to it. This is of course nothing new or strange. It has been so for centuries. Even longer. Intellectual war is intellectual war. Inter arma silent musae. It is not at all surprising that all too often the primary 'enforcers' include suitably partisan academics, teachers, and students. Both Goebbels and Lysenko were indeed academics. An academic degree is no automatic guarantee that its possessor will not behave at one point or another like a perfectly doctrinaire, vengeful, blinkered, scheming, conniving, unprincipled, careerist, climbing, snitchy, back-stabbing, politically vindictive, petty, corrupt, compliant, and fanatical Gauleiter or VChK commissar. Sterling human qualities unfortunately do not come included with any specific academic or legal degree, just like sterling human qualities never came ipso facto included with entering a monastic order, joining a cult, converting to any given religion, volunteering for this or that, championing a specific ideology, or demonstratively doing good -- whatever 'good' might pass for at any given historical juncture. Especially when 'doing good' becomes little more than performative signalling to other group members that one is 'engaged' and 'aware'. Moralists, tavern wits, dirt poor but keen-sighted street corner bards, wags and satirists of all epochs had much to say about this. Usually their humorous jabs were right on the money. Pun fully intended.
Ultimately, people must be able to voice their thoughts as they see fit, because suppressing speech creates more problems than it solves. The ideas can be accepted or rejected. There can be agreement or not. A way in the middle may be found, or not. Ultimately, we can all agree to disagree. But destroying a person utterly -- professionally, economically, socially, culturally, in social media, and in every other way (and this includes leveraging the very dubious power of ideologically motivated law firms and -- ahm-ahm-we need to clear our throat here -- Tribunals) simply because that person does not agree 100% and sufficiently loudly with a specific social engineering blueprint and fails to genuflect at all times before an ideological program, that clearly is totalitarian. "Fortunately for you, our office is only able to enforce the legislation as it is currently written.” In other words, you fully admit that current legislation is totally inconvenient for you, and that you would like to be rid of it -- that you would in fact like to abrogate it, BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), in order to implement totalitarian rule at will, exclusively according to your ideological blueprint ("We encourage you to be careful with what you say": a de facto thinly veiled threat, and thus actionable). Good luck with that. We wish you success in your 'future endeavours', to use your own standard HR lingo.
“We’re allowed to say what we want to say and we’re allowed to speak up about injustices and that’s just how it goes. And if people don’t understand that, that’s something that they have to deal with.” (Shaquille O’Neal)
“We don’t need people [NB: professional technocrats] deciding FOR us what to think, see or hear. That’s a load of totalitarian crap.” (Rob Schneider)
"Justice belongs to those who claim it, but let the claimant beware lest he create new injustice by his claim and thus set the bloody pendulum of revenge into its inexorable motion." ( -- Gowachin aphorism, Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment)
Permanent 'revolutions' and 'counter-revolutions' of all conceivable flavours have the uncanny habit of consuming their own progeny, in vast holier-than-thou orgies of fanaticized compulsion to keep affirming one's 'purity' and true 'commitment'. They also eat their own investigators when those investigators fail to deliver results that are demanded by a ruling ideology and that were expected, ordered, paid for. Because the investigator is just another appointed High Priest. Who brings the offerings, High Priest? Who pays the incense and the acolytes and the interns? Who pays the music? Who pays your robes, High Priest? Who pays your food, High Priest? It was your sacred obligation to proclaim loudly that the portents are exactly what we wanted to hear and nothing else. Poor High Priest! No choice, really! If he does not deliver what ideologists have decreed to be the 'Truth', regardless of 'Facts', he will be "restructured" or worse. “As for the chief architect, I have already explained that he should shut his mouth” -- Liberté, égalité, fraternité, clearly, but of course only as long as you shut up and put out. In other words, "Maul halten und weiter dienen! - jako říkávali nám na vojně. To je to nejlepší a nejkrásnější [trans.: -- as they told us in the Army. That's the best and the finest]" (Jaroslav Hašek, Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války / The Adventures of Good Soldier Schweik during the World War [i.e. World War I]). And the second notable spectacle here is that of prominent ideological lawfare attorneys falling out among themselves over the multi-million spoils of lawfare and of various sue-and-settle ventures, and in the end suing each other for shreds of what they had managed to extort judicially on behalf of one exalted Movement or another.
Societies sabotage themselves -- terminally so -- once they become trapped inside such a verbal panopticon. Discerning reason ceases to operate. Mechanistic and insincere Party Line recitations prevail, amid mandatory word choices, amid a 'shared language' and 'shared understanding' of 'who we are'. The latter is typically not 'shared' at all, not in ANY conceivable free-will sense. It is an imposed constructionist chimera template, cemented in place only by sustained and relentless threats of purging, 'de-platforming', de-credentialling, ostracism, demotion, social banishment, so-called disciplinary proceedings (generally quite kangaroo-court-style), and then dismissal (oh, apologies: 'dismissal' and 'firing' actually do not exist -- all of these are: SARC ON/ incentivized 'exits' from employment and do not involve any 'layoffs' or 'dismissals' at all, ever /SARC OFF). Then, in due course, comes the judicial criminalization of free thought (pre-crime 'assessment') -- and finally the chokehold of a rigid surveillance-state tech-fueled microchipped digi-drone micro-brain totalitarianism, on CCTV steroids and soon to be powered by quantum computing. No tangible evidence required, of course. Ever. That would only interfere, you see. 1984 + and + and + and +. All this, and more, is why it is a bad idea to welcome censors "into our homes and into our hearts".
What ultimately happens when any radically and aggressively intransigent
ideology begins to rule supreme over the academia is known exceedingly
well: "Nothing is stupid enough to be inadmissible during an [ideological] search [or witch-hunt]! For example, they seized from the antiquarian Chetverukhin 'a certain number of pages of Tsarist decrees' — to wit, the decree on ending the war with Napoleon, on the formation of the Holy Alliance, and a proclamation of public prayers against cholera during the epidemic of 1830. From our [i.e. Russian] greatest expert on Tibet, Vostrikov, they confiscated ancient Tibetan manuscripts of great value; and it took the pupils of the deceased scholar thirty years to wrest them from the KGB! When the Orientalist Nevsky was arrested, they [the KGB] grabbed Tangut manuscripts — and twenty-five years later the deceased victim was posthumously awarded a Lenin Prize for deciphering them [i.e. bureaucratic and ideological hypocrisy non plus ultra]. From Karger they took his archive of the Yenisei Ostyaks and vetoed [oh my, how 'inclusive'!] the alphabet and vocabulary he had developed for this people — and a small nationality was thereby left without any written language. It would take a long time to describe all this in academic terms, but there's a folk saying about 'The Search' which covers the substance: They are looking for something which was never put there. They [KGB] carry off whatever they have seized, but sometimes they [even] compel the arrested individual to carry it. Thus Nina Aleksandrovna Palchinskaya hauled over her shoulder a bag filled with the papers and letters of her eternally busy and active husband, the late great Russian engineer, carrying it into their maw [i.e. the KGB office] — once and for all, forever." (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago) [NB: The only possible and conceivable answer to such proceedings and such ideological tactics is -- Never Again -- μολων λαβέ.]
The social theatricality of 24-7 punctilious and fearful compliance with a mandated ideology in the end becomes a sickening farce, no more than an ancient Carnival-season role inversion charivari, and so do the ritualized confessions of bogus 'guilt', bogus extorted 'apologies', the intellectually wasteful purging of 'wrong-thinkers', and the mind-numbing obligatory sessions of 'constructive self-criticism' that do not comport even one iota of anything constructive. Oh, sorry -- we of course forgot that 'constructive criticism' or 'productive conversation' (the relevant verbiage is always invariant, always on 'message') apparently involves largely toeing the Party Line and voicing only platitudinous, ritual, and carefully controlled sanitized fake 'criticisms' that are formulated strictly from within and in compliance with the framework of an approved and consensus-sanctified "grounding philosophy". "Either you are with us or your are against us". No middle way. None at all. If one does not agree and 'affirm', that is "non-constructive input", clearly and very self-evidently not "useful". That much was of course clear from the very get-go: if something does not support the 'Message' it is not useful -- quite correct, Captain Obvious. “I can’t use this result. It doesn’t support the narrative.“ The best thing to do, and also the most "intelligent" (oh, really? please! spare us the shock!) thing to do, says then our intrepid Captain Obvious, "[is] to remove (i.e. 'cancel', in the current polit-sci-cult-act-identity jargon) any such [non-aligned] 'input' " -- one cannot get more cynically candid than this. "If you are not with us, your are against us ... Get out of the way!" Yes, well, Captain Obvious, we really knew that all along, you see, and we are not, not at all, playing the Game any more. We are not against you, otherwise we could not credibly and on principle and fundamentally defend free speech for all, but we certainly are not with you either -- and will not be as long as your real aims and goals remain as blatantly totalitarian as they are right now. We shrug at your wrath. We will not bow to wrath. Go and pound a pile of sand.
All of this, all of it without exception, has been tried innumerable times, over and over. Nothing new here at all, and the merry-go-round still keeps spinning. The victims -- mental, emotional, and physical -- arguably number in the dozens of millions and more by now. Across entire centuries they have been witch-hunted, anathematized, repressed, excommunicated from the church or expelled from the Party or driven out from the Collectivity or the Assembly (whichever relevant party or congregation or assembly of true-believers this might be at any given time), burnt at the stake, tortured, denounced, spied on, smeared, beaten, demonized, beheaded, crucified, jailed, bastonadoed, electrocuted, castrated, enslaved, sacrificed, lobotomized, 'medicated', processed through absolutely farcical show-trials run by very 'serious and worthy and honourable' lawyers and judges and Attorneys General, shunned, censored, deprived of employment. And also deprived of education. "Unless you share our ideology, you don’t fit in with us -- the door is over there -- and please check in with the StaSi on your way out, they are already waiting to have a Conversation with you. You really thought we would let a reactionary revisionist like you to graduate from our institution?” They have been sent to labour camps, to salt and copper mines, subjected to 'mandatory re-education' or scientific 'attitude adjustment' (e.g. mandatory courses in Marxism-Leninism, without which college or university graduation was impossible), assassinated, stoned, posted to punitive military units and driven against an enemy at bayonet-point, confined to 'psychiatric care' facilities, put on ideological 'hit lists', slated for a 'relocation of unreliables' or selective 'eradication of undesirables' (in plentifully documented episodes that span the globe, different historical eras, and a very large range of ethnic, religious, linguistic, regional, and cultural contexts), sent to their death in uranium mines (for the great glory of one People's Revolution or another), and otherwise subjected to every humiliation that humans can devise.
Their denouncers were duly idolized and 'celebrated', just like the
USSR's Pavlik Morozov, the 'heroic martyr' extolled for allegedly
reporting his own father to the political police. Instant ideological
stardom. The father's 'crime'? So-called subversion. It could have been anything else along the same deliberately broad and vague, loaded, ideologically preconceived, and crudely manufactured lines, in any culture or religion and in any political scenario or political fiction (e.g. 1984) -- literally whatever: 'incitement', 'fostering of disunity', 'disloyalty', 'deviation from Party Line', 'revisionism', 'wrongspeak', 'suspicious utterance', 'badthought', 'sluggish schizophrenia', 'facecrime', 'meritocracy', 'verbal non-compliance', 'listed behaviour', etc. Nero would be veyr proud of such a historically enduring panoply of pseudo-legal-cultural twaddle. Sejanus the champion of 'government by Praetorian Guard as a branch of government' would likewise be proud ... Sejanus' 'proscriptions', anyone? Care to emulate? Clearly you do, of course ... . The problem is, as always, as it had been throughout the history of Rome, and of a plethora of Eurasian dynasties, East and West and South, and of many other dynasties and shorter- or longer-lived regimes elsewhere, all around Planet Earth -- what if the Praetorian Guard (or equivalent, Palace Guard, the Immortals, whatever) or the Geheimstaatspolizei or the StaSi or the KGB (or equivalents) proves to be unbelievably corrupt? As indeed they all were at one point or another! Who forces the issues that have to be forced, then, and by what means? And what will the Praetorian Guard do in order to protect its vested interests, jobs, buddies, allies, ideological gurus, etc., and continue on its endless path of technocratic graft and corruption? Orwell's "Spies" likewise come to mind in this context -- dystopian children systematically “turned into ungovernable little savages” and serving as covert informants. Is the person athletic, have they bought and restored a farm, do they comb their hair this or that way, are they too loud or too quiet, do they lift their glass in the wrong hand, do they blow their nose the wrong way, do they whisper too much, do they whisper too little? Does one get "sensory overload" from their "whispering"? Denounce them! Report them! Shriek and point! Heretic! Do not think! Above all never ever think! Thinking is streng verboten! Just label and label! Trigger!
Yes, your blind 'loyalty' to the Party or the Movement will be lavishly rewarded. The immediate ego-stroking tasties -- sometimes unfortunately posthumous, as in the case of "St." Pavlik Morozov -- may be honours of all sorts, five minutes of social fame, medals, statues, maudlin songs -- even an entire obsequious and 'inspirational' opera that schoolchildren will have to attend by fiat, by the busload, to comply with 'consciousness-raising' quotas and numerical performance indicators (by the way, every one of them will obligatorily have to 'like' and 'praise' the opera and will have to applaud frantically and above all be 'seen applauding', otherwise they will be designated as class enemies, descendants of class enemies, subversives, kulaks, revisionists, revanchists, past-roaders, uneducated, ignorant, and generally on the wrong side of officially scripted Party-approved and duly censored historical Arc of the Universe). And of course the schoolchildren will be also profusely indoctrinated about every sacred even though totally fabricated and agit-prop-spun detail of the little Movementist's heroic so-called life. Yet even Stalin's private and very explicit reaction to Pavlik was a curt and really accurate: “What a little swine”. Dystopias, however, do come to an end -- medals then get tossed in the trash can, together with Award Certificates, opera librettos are shredded, pigeons squirt random white streaks of guano on grimy epic statues of Movementist 'heroes'. The same children who were forced to watch the turgid 'consciousness-raising' hagiographic opera grow up to heartily detest -- beyond any conceivable measure -- all the Party activists, social programmers and 'eminently qualified psychologists' and 'guardians of social cohesion' who compelled them to attend the melodramatic farce. Generational blowback. An important component of History's shiny and relentless piston engine ... And you have no Key to it!
Pervasive thought control, a hamfisted 'engineering of human souls', schematic conformism, the absolute rule and reign of enforced interpretations and 'safe' approaches, behavioural modification through officially pushed anonymous denunciation, all these ultimately produce intellectual impotence. Self-engineered sterility is what the relevant societies fully deserve, given that they foster it, desire it, crave it, glorify it, celebrate it, and legally enforce it with all their might: "... nothing exists except an endless present [NB: Sort of End of History in which the Arc of the Universe is permanently bent one way only?] in which the Party is always right” (Orwell, 1984). Such societies eventually sink under the weight of rigid dogma into a morass of not being able to do pretty much anything except stand in endless lines for 'correct' pap doled out into grimy bowls by acolytes of the Cathedral. The sooner they collapse, the better. Such systemic sterility and dull compliance with officially prescribed thought is exactly what in the final count played a major role in the wrenching and devastating self-alteration of the USSR and of the Eastern European 'People's Democracies' (external forces were likewise vigorously at play, of course, and they profited handsomely from the subsequent 'great pillaging of the East', but they were not responsible for the previous ideological excesses and illogical bureaucratic thought-loops of the Eastern system -- those came from the inside, from within the ideology, and because of the ideology).
Eventually the sheer dysfunctionality of dogma namely became so utterly grotesque that even those who still dutifully kept mouthing all the prescribed formulas and loudly and for the record saluted each other on every plausible and utterly implausible occasion with a loud "Honor to Labour, Comrade!" had to laugh at their own statements and at their audiences, who went on clapping mechanistically and mindlessly because they were terrified of what would happen if they were the first ones to stop clapping. Terrified of what would happen if their clapping was denounced by one very conscientious Comrade or another as 'slack', 'limp', not 'passionate' enough, insufficiently 'aware' and 'embracing'. Nodding off during interminable and always the same (invariant) speeches and 'programmatic' pronouncements was of course a complete no-no. It was necessary to maintain at any cost all the superificial physical appearances of being 'totally engaged' [as in: totalitarianism] . Otherwise, some stern-faced and 24/7/365 certifiably 'totally engaged' "kádrovací komise" career-ladder-climbing boffin (staff member of a cadre-profiling HR/Party board) would determine that overtly or covertly, behaviouristically or on some other phony but ideologically convincing grounds, one was a 'revisionist' and a depraved reactionary and/or an evil 'deviationist'. Liberty dies to the sound of thunderous Party Cadre applause and shouts of 'hurrah', 'hurrah', 'hurrah'! All societies that labour under the weight of such increasingly dogmatic and mechanistic ideologies and under a draconically enforced collective Gleichschaltung (totalizing ideological alignment) are fortunately already defunct or in the process of sterilizing themselves into utter oblivion. They are going nowhere. Their bio-societal clock has effectively stopped. They are in denial, disconnected, coasting. Truly on the wrong side of history, no matter how much they deny that very fact to themselves and to others, amid frenzied waves of 'total engagement', 'enthusiasm' and 'commitment' and 'embracing' and fiercely mandated 'affirmation'. Whenever one instills mandatory belief in lieu of candid open-discourse reason, that very act sabotages a society's overall ability to address systemic fault-signals in any realistic ways ... until the entire complex machinery fractures, a cascading Matrix collapse. And no, the broken and rusting dystopian yet ideologically 'correct' machine is not better than an evolving and virile one.
The prevalent Vanguard argument, for the past 150 years at the very least, has been that those who do not march in the ranks of a Vanguard are "not educated enough". But 'educated' in this case does not mean at all 'having an education' or 'having skills'. Not in any conceivable reality-based sense. 'Educated' = 'well indoctrinated into an ideology and accepting its mandatory "optics"; i.e. trained 'not to know what words really mean '. Which is supremely amusing given that there are those who at the very same time, within a single short half-sentence, decry a situation apparently characterized by absent "facts and a lot of education" (while The Vanguard adjustocenes facts and data to fit a Supreme Malthusian Narrative) and display everywhere the concept of "authenticity" while failing to mention, so it would seem, the key role that the latter also plays in Maoist doctrine, for instance. Priceless. Orwell got a handle on this way, way back in time -- "... the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them" (Orwell, 1984). For all other things there apparently is MasterCard (if, that is, your are still even remotely interested in having and using one). One might be the most brilliant physicist, astronomer, organic chemist, geologist, linguist, surgeon, engineer, etc. -- and all that means absolutely nothing, in such a schema of things, nothing at all, if one is not 'educated' in the exclusive sense of 'adhering to The Vanguard ideology' and genuflecting to it 365/24/7 and at every meeting and in every article that one writes and in everything one says in any place where what one says might be overheard. A very similar dynamic had asserted itself in the former USSR and the Eastern Bloc. The Nazis and others did the very same. If you do not 'embrace' the 'correct' world view, write and sign an ideological 'oath of allegiance', and if you cannot furnish proof of a 'correct background and origin', all your talent, drive, inventiveness, intelligence, skills, pragmatism, vast reading, multi-lingual capacities, and so on, are worth exactly nothing and you might just as well not possess them at all. No matter how good and extensive your scholarship, you are toast. In fact, the more you can accomplish, the more this will eventually work against you. It will only ensure that you are quickly tarnished as a 'meritocrat' and thus correspondingly demoted -- or fired. The only thing that namely matters is a loud and demonstrative verbal allegiance to every single ever-changing tenet of The United Vanguard Dogma. That ensures hiring (if you are reluctant to write and sign the 'oath of allegiance' to a specific ideology, even if it has zero to do with your specialization, you will be told "get smart and learn"-- this is quite interestingly almost Jesuit in terms of practical ideological control over education). And it is the only way to earn promotion, tasty perks, vacations, sweet buddy deals with Comrades, many medals, rewards, awards, Party Prizes, honours, resources beyond the generic 'planned level of distribution', etc. You might be an utter nullity in every respect that counts professionally and scientifically, but as long as you regurgitate the prescribed ideological pap and make it look as if you actually believed it, you will be 'affirmed'. You will simply "Reach Higher". Very much like all those mandatory courses in Marxism-Leninism that everyone had to pass in the old Eastern Bloc in order to graduate, no matter what discipline they actually happened to be graduating in.
As 'jerf' at Hacker News put it-- "it turns out that while everyone believes everyone believes that the right answer is X, [that] in fact nobody believes it." No amount of public sector and servilely 'compliancized' corporate private sector 'mandatory training' and 're-training' and 'holding each other accountable' will ever change that. No amount of Black-Mirror-flavoured digital SCS or 'good citizen' (aka unthinking 'subject') certificates such as those that were issued by Japan during the Second Sino-Japanese War 1931/[1937]-1945. The Black Mirror dystopia is of course pasted over with paper-thin forthcoming "sunlit tomorrows that sing, Just Sing" (and that line is actually not from where you might think it is from, but from official youth choir repertoires of East European pre-1989 'People's Democracies'). But, quite frankly, even Charlie Booker has now quit writing "Black Mirror" and as good as admits that we already live in a dystopia. All of it is just a new variation on old themes, new wine in very, very ancient bottles -- with a decoction of 'party discipline' and 'democratic centralism' (a terrible oxymoron redolent of an utter 'end-justifies-the-means' self-serving hypocrisy). All known variations on totalitarianism (and that includes religious ones) have tried all this, time after time ... and failed. They will fail again, eventually -- even though right now the situation is parlous. Their blithe core article of faith -- namely that an entire complex system can be forcefully sterilized and frozen in situ through surveillance, through fake guilt and ideological 'sin', and through self-policing facilitated by crude snitching -- is a vast social engineering fallacy. A dystopian dream that people can be forcefully kept in a falsely idyllic fake homeostasis of mindless compliance, to the benefit of a self-perpetuating, manipulative, parasitic, ferociously 'benign', and rather dysfunctional bloated bureaucracy. The Catholic Church tried this too -- only to spark off the Protestant Reformation and ... the Thirty Years' War. Yet radical Calvinists, for instance, in their well documented dour penchant for authoritarian purism and in their desire to censor, 'correct' and control, turned out to be just the other side of the same coin. The kinetic clash of worldviews that officially ended in 1648 failed to offer any real choices to freethinkers, rationalists, and libertarians.
Many keep asking, with regard to the current ferocious ideological purism, de-platforming and 'purging' and 'cancelling' -- "So where does this lead ... where and when does this stop?" Quite unfortunately, realist professional historians intuit the uncomfortable but logical answer -- "on battlefields, yet again." Some speak of a cusp, of an unsustainable pitch of ideological strife, and of an inevitable Fourth Turning. Thus far, the entire course of human history suggests that the more stifling, frantic, shrill, zealotic, 24-7, relentless, mindless, mendacious, monotonous, double-standard, Party-Line, cookie-cutter, agit-prop, doctrinaire, and utterly crude the attempt at Total Spectrum Control -- an attempt that drills down into every single minute aspect of life and deep into individual behaviour, into public and private thought, and into the very nature of the process of thinking -- the more it becomes absolutely certain that the final arguments in such pretended 'conversations' will unfold as a series of overt kinetic clashes. The more often one witnesses, repeatedly, the spectacle of documented data being gutted and altered under one's very eyes, in real-time, on-screen, in order to defend a chosen Narrative, the more the cookie crumbles. Trust and respect can never be legislated. They must be earned. Over a long time. But there is no time. What to do? Ahh. Bright old idea! Impose censorship! Censorship is the first (or perhaps arguably already the second) stage into which an ideology spins as it is gripped by a fear of losing. A fear that all the serial lies will unravel with terrifying speed. Then come attempts at economic and professional ostracism of opponents and those deemed politically 'unreliable' (already happening, all over the place). The 'evildoers' (of all ideological flavours -- really, WHATEVER FLAVOUR -- because this officious 'evildoer' tag has been used since at least 2,700 BCE and even earlier) will regret their choices "for the rest of their careers".™ The aspiring and power-hungry 'Servants of Servants of God XYZ [whichever deity might be the preferred and vengeful deity at the time]' will of course vastly enjoy every single bit of pain and humiliation they can inflict, in their blinding zeal -- and will claim that they are doing it "for the children; EVERYTHING we do is about the children [NB: a preternaturally stale, vapid, and patently false political rhetoric ploy that is as old politics and ideology]", the "future generations", to "save us all". Then comes legally enforced repression (already happening). Then false denunciations and ideologically 'justified' arrests (already happening). Then comes exile or 're-education' camps (The Gulag) (almost happening, currently widely advocated on social media by a diversity of voices). Then come the executions (the indiscriminate Killing Fields of Brother Number One, in the name of a teleologically correct Glorious Future That Sings, Just Sings). "Bring out the Guillotine!"™ Then comes the real tempest ... It always does. "Who sows the wind ... reaps the storm! " The notion that ideas and behaviours / expressions can simply be imposed by sheer force of law and by the guillotine on a large and unwilling and still somewhat intelligent population if only that population is rendered incapable of defending itself and if all means of defence are confiscated is an illusion that converges to material reality only in the heads of people who chronically despise history, who in fact despise humanity, and who appear to have failed to study history in depth. In the heads of those who really flunked the test. In the heads of fanatical ideologues.
"We’re getting the language into its final shape — the shape it’s going to have when nobody speaks anything else. When we’ve finished with it, people like you will have to learn it all over again. You think, I dare say, that our chief job is inventing new words. But not a bit of it! We’re destroying words — scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. We’re cutting the language down to the bone. The Eleventh Edition won’t contain a single word that will become obsolete before the year 2050. [NB: Strange, very strange, the world seems to be almost on schedule, chronologically -- does fiction imitate 'reality or does 'reality' imitate fiction? Was that The Plan all along?]" (1984, Part 1, chap. 5)
"When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom." (attributed to Confucius (Kǒngzǐ, 孔子) (551 BCE - 479 BCE), Analects)
In a rather similar atmosphere, for instance, the Inquisition arose in the 1250s to address dire and rather evident failures, discrepancies, inefficiencies, 'ignorance', laxness, purported deviationism, 'paganism' and 'harmful thought', and to promote a hoped-for harmonious, total, and eternal uniformity. In due course, 370 years later, cumulative and pent-up disagreement -- the real tempest -- ripped Europe apart. The 370-year-long attempt to 'fix things' and stuff tons of toothpaste back into leaky conceptual containers was rather on the short side of 'Eternal' harmony -- even though admittedly it lasted 325 years longer than the 'Eternal Comradeship' of the former USSR and the East European totalitarian 'People's Democracies' such as the GDR with its StaSi secret police, which managed to clock up just about 45 years before people finally had enough of it (even though that was quite sufficient to ruin many lives through sheer ideological imbecility, within two entire generations). The seventeenth-century 'Great Divorce' between ideological camps burned its way across Europe from the Siege of Pilsen (1618) to the Battle of the White Mountain (1620), the Battle of Lützen (1632), the Battle of Nördlingen (1634), etc., amid false deals, 'fake news', alliance-switching, and geopolitical greed, all the way to the Second Battle of Breitenfeld (1642), the Battle of Rocroi (1643), and the Battle of Lens (1648). To get from zero to eleven on the scale of a kinetic clash between ideologies takes a while of course -- in this particular case it took 370 odd years. Just like in a bar fight, which, as has been pointed out often enough, only appears to erupt instantaneously when observed by a naive outsider who is blissfully -- or ideologically -- oblivious to the simmering that preceded, often for years on end. Years of underbrush buildup. Years of lying, systematic graft, corruption, nepotism, blatant identity-clientelism, interest-group horsetrading, sterile ideologizing, graft-bought petty tricks by partisan judges (DISCLAIMER: extremely rare and almost never documented in any historical context) and District Attorneys (DISCLAIMER: extremely rare and almost never documented in any historical context) and sleazy trial lawyers (DISCLAIMER: extremely rare and almost never documented in any historical context). Pent-up energy. Then the forest fire gets real hot real quick for real long. It will happen again. Once the toothpaste has started coming out of the tube, stuffing it back is useless. And more repression, more lies, more utterly obvious and one-sided 'legal' imbecility, will only fuel the will to entrench and fight, on all sides. There are those who, having themselves poured multiple gallons of oil on the smoldering fire already, now suddenly say that we “have to learn to live with each other”. Sober observers, realist historians, those who have spent time reading and pondering the histories of the Civil War that destroyed the Roman Republic in the years BC, will surely say that it may already be too late for that (just like it was already far too late on a certain misty and cold morning, 8 November 1620 -- in fact more than a full 100 years too late (1420-1620)). Careers and lives have already been destroyed and continue to get ruined with utterly blatant arrogance, and there is zero reason why those who have been destroyed and humiliated and continue to be designated as 'permanent enemies guilty of listed behaviours' should forgive and forget. Forgiveness is Divine, but the Divine has been negated and deliberately removed. What exactly is going to hold the dam, ask realist historians and political philosophers. There is exactly zero incentive now to forgive and forget, among the cross-winds of mostly one-sided educational indoctrination, factional 'de-platforming', overt and covert censorship, anonymous denunciation backed by 'law', dismissals from employment on false pretences, instant trials-by-Internet-mob-and-swarm-hashtag, and the attendant triumphalist crowing "I have power! Lots of!". "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall / Humpty Dumpty had a great fall / All the King's horses and all the King's men / Couldn't put Humpty together again". Yes. Some things are NOT reversible (Second Law of Thermodynamics; entropy increases). You cannot unscramble an egg. All sides ought to ponder this, but no side or identity-group or 'ever-so-special' and holier-than-thou faction seems capable of it -- and given that eggs cannot be unscrambled, there are very few options. The options keep shrinking with every show-trial, every instance of arbitrary suppression of free speech, every iota of smug ideological pap.
Every side in such a process ultimately arrays in what Elias Cannetti correctly conceived of as “the baiting crowd” -- a frenzied ideologically-driven hunting pack. The Hunt. "Identify, vilify, nullify and destroy", or in another version "swarm, destroy, disperse, repeat", or in yet another version "occupy, disrupt, disperse, repeat", by any means necessary, using any convenient lie, even the crudest and most patently manufactured. Today, such pack behaviour has become pervasive, particularly online but also on every university campus for instance. Every second of every single day furnishes plenty of examples. The question of course is -- and it is a question that no one seems to be willing to ask -- "Who are the real paymasters and string-pullers"? And when does any 'cooling off' become impossible? When do positions become so radically intransigent that there can be no reconciliation, ever ? Things have already reached the stage of purported 'fair warnings' that "we really don’t want to have to bring out the guillotine to fix society." Always and invariably with the arrogant insinuation that anyone who dissents for any reason, no matter how superbly educated they might in fact be, is de facto 'uneducated,' needs to be 'educated' = 'indoctrinated', and needs to "read some history books" (because /sarc on/ 'as we all know, those who do not affirm Our Ideology never read anything, by definition, and this is so simply because we say it is so and no contrary facts need to intrude -- we all choose Truth over Facts' /sarc off/). Supreme ideological conceit, with a terminal dose of hubris, and amply laced with incessant lying. Cannetti does not really speak clearly to the issue of what happens once a certain point on the scale of irreconcilable differences is reached. Where are we on the scale now? Eight, seven, six, five, four ticks to midnight? To the Battle of the White Mountain, to its aftermath of gory public executions and phony "confessions" and "apologies" unabashedly extracted under public torture ... and to a blowback in kind? Historical examples are legion, but realist history and science already appear to be deprecated as 'reactionary'. Some foot, somewhere, needs to step on some brakes, but it appears to already have been amputated. The brake lines? Those were slashed a long time ago... Cui bono?
"The baiting crowd forms with reference to a quickly attainable goal [note: a better way to phrase this would perhaps be 'a goal that seems quickly attainable at the time']. That goal is widely known and clearly marked, and it is also near [note: or seems to be near]. This crowd is out for killing and it knows whom it wants to kill. It heads for this goal with unique determination and cannot be cheated of it. The proclaiming of the goal, the spreading about of who it is that is to perish, is enough to make the crowd form. The concentration on killing is of a special kind of unsurpassed intensity. Everyone wants to participate; everyone strikes a blow and, in order to do this, punches as near as he can to the victim. If he cannot hit himself, he wants to see others hit ... Every arm is thrust out as if they all belong to the same creature …." (Elias Cannetti, Crowds and Power).
Those who might want to pause and establish some basic facts -- or even worse, investigate more thoroughly -- immediately find themselves at risk. "To defend a heretic [or merely to be tarred with an accusation that you might be doing so or perhaps intend to do so in the future] is to invite suspicion that you are also a heretic". The rationality and caution of simple skeptics namely risks depriving the frenzied and emotionally invested baiting crowd of its premium prize. And the skeptics of course get targeted not only by the hunting pack as such but also by the pack's 'allies' among partisan lawyers, the media, and faceless two-bit censors plugging away in the cubicle farms of social media monopolies ... Being labelled an 'ally' of heretics -- guilt by imputed 'allyship' with non-right-thinking individuals -- is assumed to be just as bad as being a heretic de facto, at the speed of Twitter tweets. Has anything changed since 1250-1650 CE and earlier? Apparently not. Oh, yes ... The speed of communication, the cumulative frequency of accusations, denials, counter-accusations, entrapment, the repeated collapse of Narratives that ulimately becomes a pure banality -- oh, it fell apart again, whatever, let us run that subroutine all over, double down, cover lies with lies, say one thing and its very opposite in the space between morning and evening ... And to compound it, we already know at this point that AI (Artificial Intelligence) aka algos can learn perfectly well to detest specified groups of humans on grounds of ideological parameters supplied by programmers. Even more -- AI can start detesting autonomously and without programmer intervention. Oh, you need to 'fact-check' this? And you want from us the full panoply of references? Do your own research! Too lazy? Or too much bought into a Narrative?
Proof required that the underlying social mechanisms are very ancient? Happy to oblige in this particular instance! Easy enough. "... they are defenders of a heretic, even if they are not directly defenders of, or assenters to, heretical wickedness. And therefore, in no way do they incur the punishment of heretics, but they rather lapse into a sentence of excommunication [i.e. ejection from a 'social network' and elimination of their Twitter or Facebook or PayPal account -- especially if the heretic dares to post entirely factual and well documented, relevant, and 100% verifiable data that does not suit somebody with deep pockets, political influence, suitable ideological 'allies', legal clout, or all of the above in various combinations], and cannot have the benefit of a legitimate church burial [they are socially 'cast out' from a so-called 'community of shared values'] (Extra, De hereticis, Sicut, [cols. 779-780] and Extra, De sententia excommunicationis, Noverit), [col. 910]. And other punishments await them ...] (William of Ockham, Dialogus, Part 1, Book 7, chapter 65-73, and yes, we are aware that the specific context in this instance was support for a so-called heretic Pope -- none the less, the inherent social interaction principle remains absolutely the same -- 100% identical in real-time operational terms).
Woe to those, thus, who find themselves on the wrong side of a Twitter-mob or Facebook algo Inquisitional 'trial by innuendo', 'trial by slander-labels', or the increasingly popular 'trial be mere accusation, pure and simple' -- or trial by digital algorithm pure and simple. To aggravate the injury, the 'baiting crowd' naturally considers the entire matter "delicious", "poetic", so "cool", "wild", "righteous" -- strike, strike, strike y'all, "doxx 'em" and "make it count" and do not forget to get so "excited" and so "passionate" about it, “call in his loans, pull his advertising, boycott his supporters, shut it down, shut it down!” And then there of course is "brigading" -- the cool manoeuvre in which a de facto coordinated (very easy in the age of cell-phones and multiple social network accounts per person) but on the face of things not interlinked swarm of social network users crank out at high volume 'complaints' against a specific target social network account, with claims that the account is politically -ist this and -phobic that. Ultimately they manage to trigger the primary 'customer response' filters and then duly find receptive 'allies' among the human checkers, who then ban the account and user in question. The same modus operandi applies to the "brigading" of consumer complaints, or to the "brigading" of teaching evaluations by activist students, even though the institutions that are involved will of course duly claim the data is an 'objective' metric (oops, given that conceptually 'objectiivity' is not really supposed to exist and that biases are all-pervasive, as we are constantly told, why oh why invoke 'objectivity' in this instance, all of a sudden -- rank hypocrisy or conceptual disjunction?). 'Brigading' of course is no different from Uber drivers all turning their apps off five minutes before a batch of planes is about to land at an airport, trick the system into believing there are no rides on standby, trigger a fare surge, and then all turn their apps back on. "It’s like we work as a family, like a team together. Like as a team. We
do it. Every night. We do it again. We drop off, come back again, it’s a
routine". The drivers may be fully justified, given how much Uber skims off the top. Whatever. But when the same tactic is used for political purposes on a campus, the social mechanism is no different from the 'baiting crowds' that rejoiced, revelled and danced at public executions 300, 500, 1000 years ago and more. Same old, same old. And then there are all the other known techniques of asymmetrical verbal warfare, revived and put to use by a thousand-and-one well-meaning bodies of all possible ilk, who just accidentally happen to be awash in benevolent philanthropist 'dark money'.
"Time-honored", you might sputter in objection? Now, now, you did not think you invented any of this, did you now? Whether in physical terms or in virtual terms on Twitter, Facebook, and wherever, all the methods of asymmetrical engagement, psychological warfare, and surgical strikes are ancient, very ancient. Draw your opponent into submission, rather than something more direct. Study your target, tarnish your target, use deniability, and create plausible false accusations. People like Hassan-i Sabbah did it all, that and more, long before you were ever born! Nicely hierarchical and nested in terms of structured zealotic organization, too -- "Greater Propagandists", "Propagandists", "Companions", sleeper agents, and of course "Adherents" (either "allies" -- in today's jargon -- or "devotees": self-sacrificing agents, sicarii, whatever verbal play on the same ancient concept you might desire). Until of course a hit was ordered on Möngke Khan, which the Mongols did not deem very entertaining and therefore decided not to play nice any more. End of story. But then Baibars decided that such a 'dark force' was after all somewhat convenient and certainly useful in its own way. Even a fixed rate of pay per 'hit' was agreed, later on. Reminds you of certain outfits' 'confidential' manuals, closed meetings, reach-out material and street tactics, today? Astroturfed force. Ready-made placards, either slick and professional or deliberately naive and clumsy but in fact batch-printed. 'Controlled spontaneity' actions on behalf of governments, by PR point firms operating either on renewable grants or per-op slush funding. Astroturfed 'passion'. Groomed hashtag ops co-ordinated with 'placard' content. Purchased political 'outrage' and funded 'grassroots', with incentive money and refreshments as fertilizer. Set rate per 'operation', while someone else plans a takeover of what really matters. An entire cozy industry, and it comes complete with economies of scale. The bigger the crowd, the less it costs per head and the less it costs per bus rented to carry the 'passionate' participants. Baibars the Kipchak, Baibars al-Bunduqdari would smile wryly and say: "Amateurs! I acted thus an entire seven hundred and sixty years ago!". Ioseb "Soso" ("Koba") Besarionis dze Jughashvili would chuckle hearing the Kipchak say it, and just mutter "same old, same old, smokescreen for the herd". And he would wink from his native Gori, into the past, into Toquz Oguz lands and toward young Ordu-Baliq town.
Anyway, the other side -- even when they merely happen to be pigeon-holed as members of a currently 'deprecated' faction within one and the same movement (a comically classic twist in the never-ending ideological / factional schoolyard politics of power-grabbing) -- are typically declared to have zero right to exist, to fill any position, to earn any living. They are deemed "malign and evil", "depraved evil". This is an age-old rhetorical trick -- profuse ad hominem attacks masquerading as 'conversation'. Those who deviate from core ideological tenets are blithely portrayed as people whom no one takes seriously, who never write any papers, who never do any research, who are not 'credible', who are mere 'clowns', who have no redeeming value, who of course need to be 'educated', who are 'on the wrong side of history, the laws of history, the scientific laws of historical materialism, or whatever the favoured set of teleological purported "laws" might happen to be', who should never even be listened to, etc. One does not need to hear what they have to say. One namely knows, simply just knows, whether one has read / heard it or not. Are they not antipodian? Their arguments are never "rooted in fact". And presumably they 'do not clean their toilet', they have 'poor hygiene habits', and they 'smell bad'. And of course they also are "laughable", "self-interested", etc. But above all "cowards" -- the ultimate ancient ritual taunt that goes all the way back into the mists of time. The Iliad, anyone? It is exceedingly interesting to notice that those who are fired up with an ideological message which they deem superior -- superior to anything that might ever exist in the eleven dimensions -- always, without fail, simply assume that all who do not share their opinion are "afraid" of them, "scared," "terrified," that they have a 'fear of open conflict', that they value a 'right to comfort', and that they are 'defensive' and 'fragile'. Such non-sharers, you see, have a higher "sensitivity to fear", they are more responsive to "negative or threatening" stimuli, unlike the Vanguard side which is always brave, fabulous, dauntless, the smartest, uses all the latest tools, and writes enormously sophisticated reports. No one else does. No one else is even remotely able to think. De facto super-elitist hubris. Pure ego-stroking. Basically a Bronze Age shouting contest in a misty field. Has played out in various historical contexts many times over. The simple fact is, however, that those who are thus smeared as "fragile" are typically content to have their opinion and let others have a different one. Neither "fear" nor 'love of comfort" nor "defensiveness" nor "fragility" are on their menu. Having played the Magic Card of "cowards, they fear us, just look at them", the ideologues then commonly try gambits such as targeting others with fake moral offence charges spun by suddenly found pseudo-accusers 'incentivized' by cash and partisan zeal. The charges are then obfuscated, dropped for a while, re-insinuated in the 'press', then revived, then dropped, then rewarmed, laid aside for a few weeks, lawfare laundered, dropped, and then revived again, past any conceivable 'statute of limitations', while those who do the 'spinning' complain that it is grossly unfair to point out the serial subterfuges. "What is the difference between a cat and a lie? A cat has only nine lives." (Mark Twain)
On the outer fringes of this 'epithet management envelope' one of course runs into further and predictable strings of accusations: the opponent or dissident is 'incoherent', a purveyor of 'nonsense', and obligatorily must be 'ill' or 'does not look well' or seems 'creepy' -- eventually this morphs into the standard bogus charges that the opponent is 'dumb' ("even you know you’re all pretty dumb"), 'mad', 'mentally unbalanced' and 'scary': "we hold serious concerns regarding your mental and emotional wellbeing". We will have to perform a "Wellness Check" on you! We need to “check your thinking” [NB: establish potential grounds for accusation of Thoughtcrime, Facecrime, Walkcrime, Posturecrime, Speechcrime, Writecrime, Jokecrime, Dresscrime, Attitudecrime, Philosophical-Belief-Crime, Valuescrime, Unconscious Thought Crime, Nonthoughtcrime, Excessive-Thought-Crime, Noncompliancecrime, Excess-Exercise-Crime, Lack-of-Exercise-Crime, Foodcrime, etc.] Such Touching Concern! Such Pure and Refined Gushing Stream of Love and Totalitarian 'Caring'! The fabricated charges, if proffered officially, typically turn out to be unverifiable, unfounded, deliberately manufactured, and / or 'supported' without any credible evidence by an obsequiously compliant and well-paid and also bonus-incentivized quack in a symbolic white medical lab coat. See, that 'lab coat' symbolizes and personifies 'The Science' --never mind all that rhetoric against 'Essentializing', when it comes to totalitarian propaganda essentialism is essential. Thus the white 'lab coat' as an 'anti-essentialist' essentially essentialist 'symbol' of essential 'Science'. Further variations on this technique include suggesting that the 'other-thinking' person simply "deserves to be locked up". There is nothing here -- nothing at all -- that would not have been in full operation under various former Communist regimes all over Eastern Europe and in the former USSR. And elsewhere, in a plethora of similar ideological scenarios and domains. All of it is utterly invariant. Always. The. Same. Always. Zero Difference. Always. On. Script. And. The. Script. Never. Varies. Oh, yes, the fake ideological 'labels' differ -- but not the ideological verbiage or the modus operandi. Research has documented all this in lurid detail. [NB: Oh, just asking. What is the basic cost, these days, of fake white lab coats with fake badges? Pretty cheap? And how do the endless affirmations of "We believe that ..." differ in any modus operandi way from "Credo in unum Deum ..."?]
What was the mechanism described above -- for instance in the former USSR, by way of just one illustrative example? Rational and reasoned active political dissent was classified as a "psychopathological mechanism" that of course manifested itself through 'committing listed behaviours' -- for instance (a) engaging in "philosophical intoxication", (b) having "delusions of reformism" and also "teaching or transmitting heinous and dangerous social delusions to others", or (c) committing "perseverance" (yes, you have that right -- clearly, 'perseverance' = madness), or (d) being guilty of "struggle for the truth" (yes, you have that right as well -- any 'search for truth' or 'quest for truth' is politically vile and ideologically heinous, 'delusional', wholly 'inappropriate' and quite 'harmful' and 'disturbing' and 'not in the best interest of the people's harmony and happiness and fulfillment' and therefore = madness ... the USSR had its 'truthers', you see. They were Soviet dissidents, and even though they were championed in the West as 'fighters for human rights and freedom', inside the USSR and Eastern Europe the 'Establishment' and the 'Press' reviled them, maligned them, ridiculed them, and made them look like idiots in the exact same tone and manner as the 'Establishment' and the 'Press' and the 'Social Media' do it to 'truthers' in today's liberal democracies -- different foot, same shoe). Further down that same stale and invariant template one found niceties such as accusations of being (a) steeped in "errors of the past" (aka "outdated cultural depictions"), of (b) committing "category errors of thought" and spreading socially "harmful fictions", and of (c) being guilty of "reactionary flaws of interpretation contrary to the theories and findings of 'scientific' historical materialism". Such people 'harmed' social order just by being who they were, clearly, and by refusing to 'change how they think'. Or, as in the 1938 kangaroo trial of Nikolai Bukharin (every Revolution of course eats its own cadres, faction by faction -- “Like Saturn, the revolution devours its children” [Jacques Mallet du Pan, (1749 - 1800), citizen of Geneva, professor at Cassel, and journalist]), there were quaint manoeuvres such as forced 'cofessions' (under torture or so-called 'enhanced interrogation') of being a "degenerate fascist" (any echoes of Today, anyone?) working for the "restoration of capitalism" -- repeated beatings and other methods can achieve wonders, including utterly obscene threats against wife and child. Oh, yes, of course, as usual there was "nothing phony about the investigation." Please do not make us laugh: not only were the 'confessions' coerced, but exonerating evidence was suppressed in favour of doctored records and of manipulated 'testimonies' governed by dutiful Party-Line 'consensus'. One typical preliminary feature of these processes often were orders, by 'professional investigators': "So, sit down and write what happened on the day you did 'xyz'." Then, using comically vague and entirely circular 'scientific linguistic/ psychological' analysis of so-called проявления беспокойства и нервозности, etc., the interrogator would concoct a story, an official Narrative of 'guilt', carefully tailored to the profile of the detainee, the purportedly infringed law, and the already foregone ideological and 'educational' [aka 'teachable moment'] sentencing outcome. Same methods are in use today -- a highly lucrative business. For non-Soviet and current contexts see e.g. Jed Rakoff (note that Rakoff is a US Federal Judge), Why Innocent People Plead Guilty (2014).
The 'end justifies the means' justification of it all was that dangerous deviants (dissidents and critics of the imposed ideology), gripped by delusions that imperilled the "safe functioning of society", very regrettably did "not harbour a positive approach toward the Socialist order" (i.e. did not fully 'embrace' it in an 'engaged' way), or outright "stirred up hatred" toward said 'social order' and also fostered delusional "conspiracy theories". Gripped by their delusions, they spread vile and socially destabilizing bourgeois lies and fake news and misinformation. They spread ideas long since disproved by the authoritative and Party-consensus-based findings of scientific materialism, 'agreed upon' through the very advanced mechanisms of democratic centralism under the central vanguard leadership role of the Party's 'Inner Core'. The 'deluded ones' were mere self-loathing, bootlicking bougie revisionist traitors, and the public needed to be protected from their unsafe and undermining behaviour. Reminds you of something in the Present, in the Here and Now? Correct! It should! Literally by the truckload and webpage-load! You do not even have to search very hard! 'Psychiatric' diagnoses -- properly 'scientific' and thus certainly not politically influenced or motivated (how could they be -- they were 'scientific' and backed by legislation and by 100% 'scientific' consensus?) -- targeted 'deviants' with the intent to 'reveal' and 'unmask' an undergirding 'illness' -- "sluggish schizophrenia", something that simply afflicts people who are "not a valuable person at all" (i.e. not useful for the continued cohesion and maintenance of The Party Platform, and not 'useful' as ranking members of a corruptible Politburo 'intellectual' elite, a coddled, exalted, self-congratulatory nomenklatura Vanguard of the People) and who are not even "inside the standard curve of mental health". Individuals who are "not a valuable person at all" -- those who "are not fit for polite society" and who therefore must be "levelled" or "deplatformed" or "cancelled" or "smashed" are of course prone to making vile "outlandish claims" -- because they are not suitably 'educated' and thus not 'self-aware enough to be aware that they are the Problem'. Evaluating their delusionary 'symptomatics' was a very complex and 'sophisticated' process. It was all utterly laughable and patently fake beyond any measure, but something like that would never matter in the least to an ideologically stalwart 'psychologist' or a heretic-hunting Party trial-lawyer. You see, one must "make such (non)people mend", really, BAMN, because that will make "the arc of history bend the correct way".
For the relevant and amply documented 'legal' framework (spilling over into literally hundreds of thousands of pages of process documents) see e.g. the fundamental Article 58-10, "Anti-Soviet agitation", Criminal Code of the RSFSR [1958]; then Article 70, "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda", Criminal Code of the RSFSR [rev. 1967]; Article 72, "Organizational anti-Soviet activities", Criminal Code of the RSFSR [rev. 1967]; Article 190-1 [aka the 'Trap', a 'conspiracy theory' article], "Dissemination of fabrications known to be false, which defame the Soviet political and social system" (aka 'fake news', 'disinformation', 'conspiracy theories'). For very brief introductory surveys and preliminary analyses see for instance material ranging from Alexander Podrabinek [1979] to Vladimir Bukovsky and Semyon Gluzman [1975], Anatoly Koryagin [1990], or Oleg Lapshin [1993], and many others, including the hefty forty-two volumes of Documents on the Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the USSR [1987-1991], plus ongoing detailed research in this specific area of Party-cadre-organized social repression. The key professional lynchpins 'engaged' in the misuse of so-called 'psychiatric science' for the purposes of Party politics and ideological mind-control / struggle-sessions were twofold: (a) the extremely high-profile and almost slavishly adulated academician Andrei Vladimirovich Snezhnevsky (1904-1987) and (b) the famous Moscow Institute for Forensic Psychiatry named in honour of Vladimir Serbsky, whose labyrinthine 'patient' records remain for the most part strictly off limits to any sort of objective scrutiny. "A crime is a deviation from generally recognized standards of behaviour [yet another version of 'this is who we are'] frequently caused by mental disorder. Can there be diseases, nervous disorders among certain people in a Communist society? Evidently yes. If that is so, then there will also be offences, which are characteristic of people with abnormal minds. Of those who might start calling for opposition to Communism, on this basis we can say that clearly their mental state is not normal" [i.e. such deplorable people harbour 'constructed' delusions that propagate terrible and harmful ideas] (from a speech by Nikita Khrushchev, 24 May 1959).
Such 'sick' people manifestly must have a deficit in the ability to process basic information, otherwise they would have long since figured out that only The Party can give them perks and that it is futile to go against The Party. There must be something neurological going on with them. Their entire state of being surely must be a "psychosis" and this must be 'unmasked' and 'denounced' as such. Some things never, ever change, do they? “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” (Lavrenti Pavles dze Beria) [NB: The 'crime' that the consciousness-raised ideological 'authorities' will have simply manufactured, quite fraudulently.] The relevant interrogations and brainwashing will continue 'as long as they remain productive' [there is that invariant term again -- 'productive' or 'constructive', as in 'constructive critique' or 'unproductive narrative'] or until the physical being is physically 'cancelled'. If the 'suspect' really is not guilty, then surely they must have at least 'intended' to do something they could be found guilty of: you can always just “make something up”, in terms of 'pre-crime', as a justification for arrest. Are they not kulaks and such, children of kulaks, of the wrong class origin, the wrong 'category', the wrong identity group, the wrong something-whatever-it-might-be that was cooked up in the philosophical kitchen of ideology and amplified by the Organs of State Power. Is there any qualitative and modus operandi difference, any difference at all, between all of this and all the anti-'heretical' fulminations of cowled thirteenth-century Dominican Inquisitors? None. Zero. [NB: In a post-post-post-Soviet advanced Teleological Future of digital Matrix socio-statist-corporatist-medicated-techno tyranny [1984 plus Blade Runner and other varied dystopias], things will be much simpler -- all "internalizing disorders" and / or Freudian "anxiety" about the Supreme Truth of The Advanced Ideology will be diagnosed by AI systems, remotely, as 'thought-pre-crime', and nano-bots will initiate standardized opioid 'therapy' immediately, without need for a trial.]
Ultimately, of course, those tagged as 'deviants' whose 'mental state is not normal' even made it into mandatory history school-books as "mentally ill"-- after having been pseudo-diagnosed, long distance and without any credible in situ clinical evidence at all (because, as every true believer knows, "there is very little that an examination [would] add" to a pre-set Генеральная линия партии "diagnosis" proferred by obedient Party-school psychologists compiling profiles of dissidents and political figures for the KGB). The exact same process remains fully in force, now, outside the defunct USSR, still implemented by police forces in various countries around the world. Contexts change, the modus operandi remains. Invariant. Invariably ideologically invariant. Courtesy of be-degreed and order-of-merit-decorated and 'aware' and 'engaged' but de facto shady 'psychologists' whose degrees really are nothing but a total pompous farce. A farce, however, that conveniently enables politically useful 'diagnoses' of independently reasoning humans as 'abnormals', and throws in the same bag all those despised and evil 'normies' who reject one shiny and 'evolved' Scientific Ideology or another -- ' the 'diagnosis' usefully categorizes them as 'most mentally ill' individuals who reprehensibly and stupidly deny the truth of the absoluteness of a Great Ideology. Because, you see, their 'denial' can stem from two things only: (a) either they have been 'duped' by class or ideological enemies, because they were not 'educated' enough, which is a 'mental' issue, or (b) or they are de facto subconsciously aware of the ideology's Supreme and Eternal Truth but they repress such knowledge within themselves, as a pathetic way of shielding against it, and thus thwart the 'inevitable [that is, teleological] bending of the Arc of the Universe'. Once again, a 'mental' issue. They perversly and vilely enlist the faculty of reason, to profess 'wrong' beliefs and resist being forcefully 'improved' and 'educated'. All their rational and research-based reasoning is a priori worthless, because it merely stems from an irrational fear (phobia) and from repressed knowledge that Ideology is Truth Incarnate. In other words, the 'deniers' fear the Great 'Truth' and attempt to cope with their phobias by engaging in denial as a "Freudian mechanism of taking cognizance of what is repressed”. The 'deniers' thus require 'loving clinical and social guidance' to help them with their 'mental' issues, so that they could fully Submit and come to terms with that which is already self-evident to every Party-Card-Carrying Movementist -- the Movement is One, Total, Always Right, Never to be Criticised, Never to be Questioned, To Be Believed As If It's A Religion Even Thought It's 'Science' (e.g. 'Scientific' Materialism), Never to be Opposed, Always Affirmed and Always Celebrated ... "Side by Side with the USSR for All Eternity!" Oh, and if the 'psychiatric' manoeuvre fails, one can of course always accuse opponents and dissidents of being the carriers of some other disease ... just like Jews were falsely accused by various communities, from the late Middle Ages onward, of carryng the Bubonic Plague.
Once 'normal' is 'reframed' in this quaintly peculiar way, it becomes very urgent to 'lock away' anyone who holds any other than sanctioned opinions hewing to the Party Line or who deploys any other than sanctioned arguments and research. This must preferably be done in the name of threats to public safety, or in the name of a general 'existential crisis'. Equally preferably, the removal or 'cancellation' of the 'threat' must also be sanctioned by a major Psychological Association or Endocrinological Association, always in the name of "professional integrity and transparency". The 'non-normal' ones then become a designated "property of the State". And clearly all of it must be done for the sake of a Bright Teleological Future that Sings, Just Sings, and above all 'for the children, for future generations'. Somehow, one way or another, all of it always ends up being done 'for the children' and on behalf of the 'future generations' -- another invariant pattern embedded deep within the overall political programming. All right, admittedly, pumping rational thinkers full of mind-altering drugs in a psichushka cell is probably somewhat kinder and less inflammatory (pun fully intended) than slow-roasting them live at the stake in full public view -- at least one avoids creating overt and memorable martyrs (something that the Catholic Church signally failed to think through at Constance on 6 July 1415 -- the predictable result were the Hussite ['Deplorable'] Wars, in which the ideological and military elite of the day suffered a much overdue stinging humiliation, with compound-interest comeuppance). But, as a tradeoff we plunge into the world of Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962). One must presumably suppose, in such a context, that being kept in a monochrome greys-and-whites-color-schema total sensory deprivation 'nursery' and being maintained in a socially engineered pseudo-blank-slate conceptual uncertainty and total confusion about one's actual biologically accurate physical essence might thus be a very neat contrivance to forestall all the pesky issues through a general 'Submission' induced from the crib up, a conveniently thought-free depersonalized and dehistoricized merging into The Matrix. A 'soft' and 'kinder' version of Room 101? (/sarc off). But one does not even have go as far as a psichushka cell or a mental re-engineering princely nursery. 'Outside' the cell all is already equally Cuckoo: Cuckoo is any system in which uttering scientifically documented data is deemed "professional misconduct" that brings one's "profession ... into disrepute". The facts and data have been demonstratively declared to be 'non-facts' and 'fake news', and must not be "discussed in any capacity", under all kinds of life- and career-ending 'penalties'. Even when the data and facts are meticulously documented and clear-cut. All 'deviants' must further immediately "delete all offending posts from [their] social media account(s)". In other words, social engineering Cuckoo psy-ops plus ultra.
Sober and rather amused historians and analysts of all sorts -- those who still remain free from the corporate and ideological mono-think plantation, tend to chuckle: "Yes, do it. Keep pushing on that saw for all you are worth. Good ... let it flow ... very good! Become more extreme every single day. It is very important that you do so. More! More! More! Forward! Forward! Do it! Yes! Doxx! Excise! Ban! Insult! Deplatform! Be more arrogant and supercilious by the minute! Say that you alone and none other possess the ultimate truth, which happens to be whatever you say at any given moment! Deprecate all else! Be as haughty as you can while professing 'inclusion'! That is the right way! Jack up the pressure! More lawfare! More 'exiting' people from employment! More of 'you have shown behaviour that is incompatible with our values and with who we are'! More of 'unfortunately you are guilty of having committed a "listed behaviour" and we cannot maintain our association with you and we therefore "wish you success in future endeavours" [with nauseating hypocrisy]'! More mandatory re-education! More indoctrination! More Party Line boilerplate! Boldly seize the 'commanding heights' of media and education! ... Crush and eradicate those who doubt, or agree insufficiently loudly! Crush those who fail to applaud when the Party says "Applaud" as well as those who applaud when the Party says that applause is retrograde, 'deviationist', and an insufficiently 'evolved' thing of the past. 'Cancel' all those who fail to praise loudly every single thing you utter! Yes! That's it!". The sober thinker has of course seen it all before. The sober thinker smiles, knowing full well the usual historical consequences.
Anyway ... let us get back more explicitly to the topic of 'conversations' (a very hip term these days) and back to 'epithet envelopes'. The typical 'epithet envelope' deployed to 'shut down' independent thought and non-Party Line speech always builds up toward dehumanizing the opponent entirely -- the opponent becomes 'dumb', a 'bot', a 'dupe', a 'blip', a 'not even real', a 'groomed tool of "xyz" [insert your favourite 'evil force' and ideologically designated 'source of disinformation' or 'malign influence', depending on historical dynamics, the cultural and/or archaeological context, and the texture of the ideological spectrum]'. In other words the person becomes a thing, an unthinking mass of cells to be excised, a "melanoma" that absolutely must be "removed" (aka "mended" or "cancelled") because it is an 'uneducatd' or 'profoundly ill' source of "inappropriate or harmful" thought and data. An "aberration", a "freak of nature". “The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man" (Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point, 1974); "... bacteria growing on an agar plate... " (Eric R. Pianka). And the most amazing and wondrous thing is that those who orate and write the loudest about 'depersoning' and 'erasure' from narratives and from history and from archaeology, etc., typically are the very ones who push most loudly, all over the so-called social media, for a de facto 'depersoning' and 'erasure' from all records of all those who do not strictly and abjectly hew to every single ever-changing semantic twist of ideology-sanctioned story-lines and terminologies. They indeed perceive such 'erasing' as their heroic social duty (which of course is decreed not to be any 'erasing' at all, in this particular case, but a beneficial 'cleansing' in the name of 'safety' and the 'Future' and 'the children'), a grand zealotic millennarian battle to 'defeat of the Evil One for Ever' -- as in "Shoulder to Shoulder with the USSR for All Eternity" -- no longer a 100 years this-or-that, or a 1,000 years that-or-this, but an utterly teleological and Gnostic 'Eternity Artifact'. Presumably -- that is always required at one point or another -- an 'Eternity Artifact' physically embodied in the 'physicality' of a Supreme and Eternal Commander (El Supremo). An El Supremo whose disembodied Big Brother eyes, like the ever-present eyes of countless statues of Stalin or of Erich Honecker (and by now truly ancient Honecker lookalikes), follow you everywhere: a Cult of Personality in gigantic 'inspirational' murals and stencil 'art' and agitprop posters -- absinth plus acid-reflux aftertaste on a background of G. V. Plekhanov's On the Role of the Individual in History (1898). They push for a de facto totalitarian and Eternal replacement of all non-Party identities, all 'problematic' images, stories, data, feelings, thoughts, and all human behaviours that they alone have not 'vetted', in Committee, within the exclusive framework of a modelled 'social utility' that is compliant exclusively with their Ideology. They will settle only for a total 'Year Zero', a universal blank slate where all is made 'polit-correct' (PolitKor) from a Marcusian 'Repressive Tolerance' viewpoint. All else is de facto inclusively excluded. Voicing any other views, or even a minor deviation from the Slogan Line, is objectionable, 'toxic', 'aggressive', 'unsafe', 'threatening', 'psychotic', and 'criminal'. This is indeed 100% triple-distilled Marcuse, on steroids upped with yummy and 'feel-good' WWII-vintage Pervitin -- even though Herbert Marcuse might never be mentioned. Above all, the scholarly ideals of fairness, objectivity and balance must be discredited: all that is mere 'problematic' false consciousness that enables and encourages The Enemy. 100% Marcuse. "Truth is no defense". Gleichschaltung. And all those who dare cry ‘free speech! free speech!’ are of course declared to be vilely ignoring Party-sanctioned History. Censorship is on the Correct Side of History ... Always! Just ask the Censor!
It is rather
curious but very logical that, as 'Year Zero' is ushered in, those who often happen to be the first ones to get crushed under the wheels and rollers of such a symbolic Jagannātha (जगन्नाथ) are those who believe and vociferously 'affirm' the most and in the most extreme ways. Just like the Trotskists in the Stalinist USSR. There is a paradox here, of course, a supreme irony. A paradox and irony that Jagannātha and Subhadrā and Balabhadra would surely sagely suggest is an inherent but occluded part and parcel of such processes. It is not a flaw but an inbuilt feature. Zealous devotees fail to perceive this even if they try. Such devotees become subtle sacrificial fodder as the Overton window moves ever more toward an absolute Totalizing Teleological Extreme. They are of course cynically manipulated to that end by empty-husk careerists, who enter a Movement only to climb the ladder and drink from a well of very tasty offerings from The Sheeple. Outside of devotee ranks, things get a little more direct. If the 'mere unthinking thing' and "melanoma" -- i.e. every person who disagrees with an Ideology -- successfully defends itself and even counter-attacks while coherently turning the relevant ideology's talking points against the devotees, all hell breaks loose. The more the opponent scores high in terms of measured, rational, realist, pertinent, erudite, verifiable, skilled, logical, extensive, clever, or simply effective arguments that are manifestly aware of the convoluted and shaky ideological fabric and of the "undergirding" talking points of the other side, the more the opponent must be totally 'dematerialized'. 'Disappeared'. 'Cancelled'. This mostly precedes summary 'exiting' from jobs, denial of access to work and also to credit and payment systems, rhetorical vilifying, attempted mass purges, and then attempts at -- if not wholesale campaigns of -- criminalization and ultimate physical removal ("mending") of the designated 'anti-social' force. The incremental historical progression almost never varies -- which is interesting in itself as a psycho-socio-historical phenomenon. It tends to involve, among other, blatant and easily disproved official or partisan lies about the opponent's publishing record, quality of work (e.g. labelling the person as a 'liar-for-hire' etc.), etc. In other words, crude and utterly transparent ideological bludgeoning.
By the way, you must have surely noticed that once the process of ritual
labelling begins, every labeller within the 'baiting crowd' feels
obligated to smear the collective target with a full and complete set of mandatory negative-connotation labels. Just one or two simply will not do -- the complete slate of epithets prescribed by a given ideology must be hurled at the target, whether the epithets de facto or de iure apply or not. It simply does not matter at all whether the the labels/epithets are at all meaningful either in the context of the target or in the context of actual and real historical and philosophical and semantic significance/meaning. Those who hurl them know perfectly well that they are lying through their teeth, but it does not matter to them in the least. This is namely not about reality at all. It never was. This is all about political destruction and about crude character assassination. About agit-prop. Ideological psy-ops. Ideological war. What we have here, in part, is thus a perfect reflection and a demonstrative display of the labellers' own ideological purism, their unabashed totalitarian instinct (which they unctuously deny), and also their 'commitment' to the The Cause. While 'outing' and 'destroying' the labelled target is one purpose of the operation, the other and very essential purpose is to signal, ostentatiously, how far the labeller's loyalty to The Cause will go. To build ideological credentials. To reinforce street-cred. In this the labellers happen to be a mirror image of all medieval and Renaissance Inquisitors and Witch Hunters, who likewise laid charges in 'accusation blocks' -- a heretic was a priori suspect of the entire 'listed behaviours' slate of 'practices' listed in the definition of any given heresy. So, please, please, do not make us laugh so hard with your irate labelling! We are already laughing till our sides ache! Can you actually manage to come up with something that would not have been tried against ideological opponents ever since the Early Bronze Age and probably well before -- OK, Early Copper Age perhaps -- maybe even the Chalcolithic? No? No? That is really very sad ...
Calling something grandiloquently "malign and evil" (the equivalent of heretica pravitas) while implying that you yourself and your 'allies' are in possession of the only ultimate and exclusive single-factor 'truth' that is 'incontrovertible' and 'indisputable' and that of course, by supreme fiat, may not be in any way or fashion disputed or examined at all because the very act of doing so would automatically be 'evil' and 'ignorant' -- all this has historically been part and parcel of predictable gambits to justify a licence for doing whatever it takes (BAMN) to silence any kind of purely politically designated "evil" one might wish. Without mercy. Without reason (above all without reason -- that would hamper The Project). Without hesitation. Without any due process. Without facts. Without fair play. It is of course infinitely easier to shout and to quiver, to point and shriek in exquisite subjective and subjectivist emotion, than to present solid and reasoned evidence. Note that those who appear to disagree with a dogma must never ever be allowed to 'quest' for the 'truth' / truth. That of course is an indictable offence or a 'listed behaviour' and that is something that puts rational thinkers on one exclusion or surveillance or "don't hire them" blacklist or another. Been. There. Seen That. The reducers and labellers meanwhile preach very loudly and emotionally the need for Heroic Struggle against malicious depersonalization, 'invalidation', 'erasure', etc., but only their own side (whatever that side might happen to be in the dogmatic, political, ideological, philosophical, theological, and / or factional or fractional terms), no other side at all, ever, is deemed to be in such perpetual and insistent need of defence. All and any others are ... well ... like ... you know ... like ... really 'evil' ... we can't even... like ... really like 'malignant'. Enter a youthful Witchfinder General accompanied by Enforcers. There is only one message that the ideologue seeks to drive in, over and over and over, ad nauseam. That the Party, 'allies', and shock troops are right about everything in every respect, and will be so Forever. The ideological cadres are the smartest there has ever been, and they are dedicated to things that most people can't understand. They have a plan for everything. Their storyline must simply be accepted, or else, because they have elevated it to the status of 'science' [e.g. 'scientific materialism'] -- or even higher, to an article of faith beyond any kind of pernicious analysis and 'creation of doubt' -- simply beyond the grasp of mere plebeians (most people), no matter how superbly and extensively qualified the plebeians might in fact be. Why is this so? Because the Party's ideology, exclusively, has been declared the only correct one across all known Universes. The cadres hold the keys to the only valid answers, the only set of solutions anyone will ever need. This sanctifies The Party's and its Politburo's total dominance, for Eternity. Any 'creation of doubt' must be punished.
"We would never suppress your freedom of speech. You have all the freedom you need to agree with us". And if you do not, you must abase yourself and "apologize" even if you have utterly nothing to apologize for, even if you are being 'punished' simply for having stated what is true. And you must further ritually proclaim that (a) you were "ignorant and insensitive" [no matter how much you in fact know, which is usually vastly more then those who are 'shutting you down'], that (b) you now have a "deeper understanding" [in other words, you "saw the light and bow before the credo, 'bare' your 'soul' and genuflect ", whereas prior to that, regardless of your actual and measurable level of factual knowledge, you lived in a state of 'ignorance', where 'ignorance' = whatever the appropriate ideology declares to be 'ignorance', regardless of reality], and (c) that you now fully and gratefully embrace the "opportunity to better educate yourself" [once again, no matter how many highly relevant studies you may have analyzed with care and how many salient works you may have written -- in fact, you do become more of a 'target' the more you are manifestly educated and highly accomplished -- think in terms of Pol Pot, Cambodia, Killing Fields, and the worst frenzied excesses of the Maoist Cultural Revolution], and that (d) "moving forward" you will be "more informed and thoughtful" [even though you are in fact not 'uninformed' at all -- quite the contrary, the problem is that you are informed all too well]. Have you ever noticed that all these "apologies" are basically template copies of each other? That they are extremely normative and prescriptive, always ritually the same, even though they are imposed by those who purport to revolt against prescriptiveness and normativity? That even when very different people in different walks of life and with very different backgrounds "apologize", the boilerplate apology is nearly always 100% identical? That the formulas sound as if scripted by a Central Bureau of Apology? That the "apologies" bear a very disturbing resemblance to the brutally enforced Three Statements -- or whatever required number of Statements -- extracted from inmates in political detention camps, once they have been properly beaten and force-fed and mentally 'broken' and 're-educated'? And it does not raise any questions in your mind ... any questions? It is all OK and 'normal'? Rule of Law™? Quaint. These extorted ideological/political 'apologies' namely are nothing but yet another version of the classic Stalinist "criticism and self-criticism" social and cadre control mechanism -- cамокритика, ziwo pipan (自我批判), jiǎntǎo (检讨), Khmer Rouge rien sot (and also, of course yet another version of all religious order and brotherhood 'confessions of sins') (for the Stalinist context, see e.g. "Soso" Ioseb Besarionis dze [or Ioseb Besarionidzе] Jughashvili aka Joseph Stalin, Foundations of Leninism (1924) [the same set of lectures that Trotsky actually dubbed "ideological garbage" and that in any case seem to have been lifted from one Filipp Ksenofontov by the superb Great Coryphaeus Stalin and his comrades -- oh, makes one think so very much of all those film award acceptance speeches duly ghostwritten by speechwriting agencies]; Joseph Stalin, "Against Vulgarising the Slogan of Self-Criticism" (1928); Joseph Stalin et al. (incl. Pospelov, Yaroslavsky, Molotov, and Zhdanov [as to Knorin, he unfortunately could not make it to the final editorial meetings, having been 'purged' and executed on 29 July 1938]), История Всесоюзной Коммунистической Партии (Большевиков): Краткий курс (aka Short Course) (1938), Chap. 12; see also Louis Althusser, Essays in Self-Criticism (Éléments d'autocritique (1974)).
In other words, nothing new at all -- Blues, Greens, Reds, Whites, and the short-lived Purples and Golds. Roman and Byzantine circus factions, abysmally tortuous factional theological debates, and the twisted manipulativeness of fake claimants to the throne. Oh, by the way, is it not ever so peculiar that it was Caligula and Nero who favoured the Green party (oh, sorry, faction) above all others? And then we can proceed onward, down the path of decline, to the juvenile priestling Elagabalus (El al-Jabal) in histrionic and colour-shimmering robes -- you must accept that he is Caracalla's 'son', you must 'believe', you must 'trust', be 'passionate about', 'affirm', 'embrace', and 'celebrate' what is a manifest utter lie, a lie plainly obvious to all ... Alexander Severus and "godlike children" and Julia Maesa and Julia Mamaea and Julia Soaemias. This, exactly this, is the sound of a complex society pixellating and beginning to fail. Sauntering backward and bowing in fake Just Sing Ecstasy while worshipping a meteorite from the sky on its golden ritual chariot. Time passes, same old, same old. Stásis toû Níka. "Never will I see the day when I am not saluted as empress!" (Theodora) . Never will the day come when I am not clad in my gaudy robes of Imperial purple, one side of my faded and pasty face twisted in a so-called 'smile' for the benefit of the madding factional crowd and the other side puckered at the inner awareness of my own cringe-worthy machinations and utter corruption. And behind the august crimson, the crass bag of gold that settled all those ancient 'identity politics' in the faction-riven stadium, as if by magic. And the nauseatingly ideology- and largesse-driven performance of 'passionate' and 'engaged' crowds ritually hissing and spitting at (i.e. 'cancelling') designated 'very bad people' from the 'wrong' theological or circus faction -- nothing but Struggle Sessions, only Byzantine-style. Same old, same old. A Sarantine Mosaic where large patches of the gilt tesserae have fallen out and have been clumsily replaced with haunting bits of dark scenes from Baudolino. To put it plainly:
-- Been. There. Done. That. Entire. Propaganda. And. Zealotry. Schtick. Had. More. Than. Enough. By. Now. Not. Playing. Any. Longer. You. Know. What. It's. Boring. By. Now. Go. And. Invent. Something. New. If. You. Can.
After the life paths and livelihoods of the collectively designated "melanomas" are obliterated, those who have thus been duly erased as 'public enemies' of course become the butt of self-satisfied snide factional jokes about "how much they deserved it" and of cynical minimizations along the line: "oh, don't worry, they'll be just all right, they always are ". Even if they yield and crumble and accept to "apologize" for having done nothing more than state plain and clear and well-grounded truths. This is neotenous schoolyard bullying writ large as a parody of 'political process'. Not to mention the sleight-of-hand best described as 'magic wand dequalification', a process of utterly politicized erasure through which, regardless of any actual, extensive, and fully earned qualifications, the person in question is ritually declared 'not qualified', all honorary distinctions are nullifed, all affiliations (including unpaid Adjunct Faculty) are revoked, and the very name is removed from all objects and places -- and if it were at all possible, all current and future publications. Publications are at least not being burnt in public ... yet ... but there are all too many Human Resources underhanded tactics how to accomplish the same, in terms of destroying a person. And of course there is always a myriad ways how to 'burn' digital books by de-platforming them, and/or 'demonetizing' them, and making them 'invisible'. Damnatio memoriae, pure and simple. There is no 'progress' here. Comrades, politicos, propagandists, and ideological justice warriors of all kinds and stripes, you have invented absolutely nothing new. Actually, one might say you are crassly plagiarizing, and dare we say 'appropriating', to use your own jargon -- on a very, very broad meta-historical scale ... Same old, same pathetic and very boring old, all the way back to 532 CE , 653 BCE, 1240 BCE, 2500 BCE, and much much earlier. No progress at all, over entire millennia. But a lot of regress ... Mari palace texts, cuneiform, anyone? -- care to read them in the original? Anyone? El Amarna letters? Simply, "It's déjà vu, all over again" (Yogi Berra) [NB: And no, this specific Yogi Berra-ism is NOT at all silly. It is the equivalent of Karl Marx's "Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. Caussidière for Danton, Louis Blanc for Robespierre, the Montagne of 1848 to 1851 for the Montagne of 1793 to 1795, the nephew for the uncle." (Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852)). Now, 'certified blue mark fact-checkers' will of course tell you, without ever deigning to check any original text or source at all: 'Actually this quote is one of those circulating pieces of verbal flotsam, attributed not only to Duchamp but also to Picasso, Truman Capote, Bono (really? Bono?), and Helmut Newton, in descending order.' Now, think outside the imposed box. Go and ask yourself the very valid question -- Why would a so-called fact-checker feel the need to blatantly obfuscate a perfectly well known and also perfectly documentable source (i.e. Karl Marx)? Cui bono?].
Damnatio memoriae. You think you have 'invented' it? Tut, Tut (pun intended). Actually, one must be a little more verbally forceful here. Disingenuous fools! Such epic conceit! You think that you invented any of it, in any fashion? Already ancient Egyptian pharaohs and dignitaries had their unloved predecessors' and rivals' names chiselled off monuments and sarcophagi and replaced with their own pompous names and utterly vacuous titles. Already Assyrian rulers had the bones of cursed enemies disinterred, and forced the relatives of the dead to grind the sad remains to fine dust at grain querns (e.g. the sculpted relief of the Battle at the River Ulai / Karkheh River, 653 BCE, involving the Elamites, as well as other art). Memory-holing and bone-grinding was fully at work entire millennia before Orwell's "memory holes" and other such. You think any of it is less ancient or more 'advanced' or more 'progressive' just because 'bones ground to dust' has made a huge comeback as a political meme all of a sudden? Amateurs! Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and mediatic amateurs! Censorious and self-referential amateurs! So sad! Now, let us see ... counting back from 2019 to 653 BCE gives us 2672 years. If we now push this back to documented episodes of 'bones ground to dust' dating to the 2500s BCE or so, just for the sake of argument, that gives us roughly 4519 years. 4500 years during which nothing has improved in this respect. Interesting! A Meta-Epic Fail! One might as well never, ever apologize for anything at all, on principle, no matter how much the madding ideological crowd demands it.
"Cambyses now left Memphis and went on to Sais, fully resolved on what he would do when he got there. This intention he at once carried out, for no sooner had he entered the palace of Amasis than he gave orders for his body to be taken from the tomb where it lay. This done, he proceeded to have it treated with every possible indignity, such as lashing with whips, pricking with goads, and the plucking of its hairs. All this was done till the executioners were weary, and at last, as the corpse had been embalmed and would not fall to pieces under the blows, Cambyses ordered it to be burnt. This was a wicked thing to do, because the Persians believe that fire is a god, and never burn their dead. Indeed, such a practice is unheard of either among them or the Egyptians; in the former case for the reasons I have mentioned, and because the Persians think it is wrong to give a man's dead body to a god; in the latter, because the Egyptians believe fire to be a living creature which devours whatever it gets, and, when it has eaten enough, dies with the food it feeds on. It is wholly contrary to Egyptian customs to allow dead bodies to be eaten by animals: that is why they embalm them -- to prevent them from being eaten in the grave by worms (namely 'composted'). Cambyses, therefore, in giving this order, was running counter to the religious beliefs of both nations." (Herodotus, Histories, Book Three) [NB: So do you -- you break all bounds and verbally 'construct' things that go against the very essence of all ages, and purport it to be a glorious 'telling of advanced stories'. You are no better than the futilely and childishly vengeful Kambūjiya II. Actually far, far worse. Far more 'regressive'. An epic FAIL that goes beyond all EPIC FAILS! There can be no real or even plausible comment. Look in the mirror. LOOK ... and see what you have become. The only possible answer to your excesses is: μολων λαβέ. ... as a direct and explicit and defiant challenge. And .... "please educate yourself", which you fully deserve to have thrown back at you after your ever relentless throwing of the very same decayed and tawdry meme at others minute after minute and hour after hour (the other grand favourite of the 'please educate yourself' crowd is 'I think you need to do some reading' -- an amazing typical boilerplate that can be very cheaply deployed against anyone, anywhere, any time, about any issue at all, and does not require any proven expertise whatsoever, just 'active commitment' to a 'cause'; it can usefully be enhanced with statements that the speaker relies only on The Science, whereupon one usually discovers that the speaker in fact has not reached any solid level of knowledge in either the sciences or statistics or the humanities, etc., but nonetheless feels entitled to be considered the summa summarum of all there is to be known, ever, and also feels entitled to call for a rigorous State-, Police-, and Court-mandated censorship of all ideas the speaker dislikes, fails to comprehend, or deems 'dangerous' and hostile to an Ideology.]
So, a little more now about this whole damnatio memoriae business of 'revenge erasing' and 'cancelling' and 'shutting down' in the lofty name of 'Unity' and 'Love'. The process is exactly the same as the phantasmagoric 'editing out' of unwanted comrades under Joseph Stalin. The iconographic 'disappearing' of Isaac Zelensky, Alexander Malchenko, Lev Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, Nikolai Bukharin, Karl Radek, Nikolai Antipov, Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov, and of course even those who did not really officially 'fall from grace', e.g. Sergey Kirov or Nikolai Shvernik. Even when the engineered 'disappearance' was not final in the physical sense, the Party busily ate its own. Of course, once they had served their full purpose (talk about 'useful idiots' here), the chief interrogators and butchers were among the arrested and executed: Yakov Agranov, Genrikh Yagoda, Stanislav Redens, and others. Their images correspondingly vanished, at the time. No images of 'incorrect' people, you see, must remain accessible at all, anywhere. "Incorrect' for whatever reason. You of course never know when someone in The Movement will have you declared 'incorrect' next, with everything that it entails. Possessing any such images is necessarily punishable and may get you arrested and 'disappeared' in your turn. Distributing such images is an "ideologically harmful" triggering 'crime' and constitutes a direct and violent act of "provocative speech" and illicit purveying of "ideologically-defective content" (as post-factum defined and then clarified, among other, in a 17 July 1967 resolution by the Central Committee of the CPSU and of the Council of Ministers of the USSR). You may not acknowledge in any way or fashion that a person exists whose existence has been denied by the Party. Only the Party decides what does or does not exist and who is 'depersoned'. Speaking and acting in any contrary manner will swiftly earn you a stern official 'conversation' (разговор or беседа) with a security officer (NKVD, KGB) about the inadmissibility of such actions in the future, and/or also a more serious разговор ('conversation') about any already reported or merely suspected "negative" actions that you may have committed "off-platform" -- in your work-collective, in the media, in the pub, etc. Very, very bad for you if you 'appear' to object or show any fabricable and construable hint of any проявление беспокойства и нервозности ("manifestation of unease or nervousness" = 'clear display of consciousness of guilt', no proof required, no data required, any actual due process would only "obscure truth"; your 'guilt' is miraculously established and verdict is passed based on a mere (de)construction of 'body language' -- all Inquisitors proceeded thus, always). Rather similar to being banned on Instagram or Twitter for retweeting friendly and therefore 'provocatively' (sic) "positive" or even just neutral images of those who have been 'unpersoned'. Virtually identical to getting yourself zapped from Facebook for bad "off-platform speech and activities" and for "comments made in private and later made public" (which in fact does have, as a specific formulation, an eerily Soviet-era legal tone to it). Virtually identical to getting yourself correspondingly injunctioned for political speech by the Court of Justice of the European Union. See any difference between this and the Inquisition? We categorically do not. But then, of course, we are humanists and pro-Human realists, egregiously guilty of 'category errors' stemming from inadequately raised consciousness. In other words, we refuse to fall for the hoary rhetorical pony trick of 'reframing'.
"It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself — anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: FACECRIME, it was called." (1984, Part 1, chap. 5) [NB: It is hysterically funny that now we have Facebook and can thus be guilty of FACE(book)CRIMES. Does fiction imitate life or does life imitate fiction? Oh, by the way, do not forget to strictly control and totally mask your speech and facial set and all aspects of body language (as per Frank Herbert's The Dosadi Experiment) and above all make no проявление беспокойства и нервозности or you will be deconstructively accused of Wrongthink™ and thus denied medical care, in compliance with so-called Law.]
In the USSR, the damnatio memoriae unpersoning mechanism paradoxically 'ate' even such stalwart Progressive figures as Alexander Mikhailovich Rodchenko, the great constructivist creator of the ever so iconic 'Shouting Girl' poster (real name Lilia Brik, of course) for LenGIZ [Leningrad Branch of the State Publishing House] (1924). It did not really help that he always did as told, and that in early 1933 he complied with a strictly classified assignment to the Belomorkanal (Belomorstroy), to document the completion of the engineering project, by order of the OGPU, and also to run the required photolabs -- in the GULag camps. Political prisoners namely worked at Belomorstroy. "The conditions here are fabulous ... [Условия прекрасные ...]", wrote Rodchenko to his wife Varvara Stepanova. Over two thousand photographs were taken -- barely 60 are still extant today. Why, exactly? Oh, well, you know the answer. But then, of course, there came mandatory Socialist Realism as ideological 'progress' in art styles ("the highest form of art for historiosophical reasons"), and Rodchenko was unceremoniously booted out of the Союз советских художников professional union in 1951. One must suppose that his art lost at that point its "social function and utility" as defined by one or another group of Committee boffins -- aka it failed to praise and glorify the Great and Eternal Leader with sufficient all-inclusiveness ("intellectual value as defined by social function"). No matter how much one devotedly serves, it namely counts for nothing when the Movement needs to purge and consume its progeny and to regain fervent all-round cohesion by identifying and punishing 'deviationists'. Rodchenko was reinstated reluctantly in 1954 but it really did not matter. Within two years he died anyway, a broken man. Fascinating, is it not, how extremely few current online summaries of Rodchenko's art mention any of this. But then, nothing new here at all -- even the ever so iconic György Lukács was kicked out of the Party after his tangle with the Imre Nagy government in Hungary in 1956. As he was reluctant to perform the sacred self-critique genuflections (aka 'confess' errors, 'recognize' his own badness, 'acknowledge' faults, cringe profusely and 'affirm' loudly, flagellate intellectually, apologize for everything -- even for merely existing, and duly grovel in a staged show of Struggle Session 'constructive repentance') he was not graciously reinstated until 1967. Oh, how they kept vanishing, the vanguard heroes of the Revolution, long before the digital capabilities of PhotoShop. And how the crowds in the old crudely edited agitprop photos kept growing, always replaced with larger fake crowds pasted in from other photos. Now you see it, now you don't; now you don't see it and, fancy, fancy, now you do.
The usual accompanying 'narrative' goes something like this: Records may show that So-and-So was a bona fide founding member of our Movement. But these records have been falsified by That-and-This, who of course no longer works for us. Now that So-and-So has been found guilty of doubt, apostasy, or 'ideological deviationism', or 'revisionism', or has merely been signalled by Comrade (or Brother, or Sister, or 'Ally', or Familiar, or Initiate) This-and-That as a suspect -- or horribile dictu now that So-and-So has actively spoken out in public against the Movement's current "grounding philosophy" -- it is regrettably necessary to obliterate any false and obviously falsified memory of So-and-So having been one of our founding members. We therefore declare for the record that So-and-So has never been a member of our Movement in any real sense. We have scrubbed our website of all material that would contradict the revised Narrative. In doing so, we of course lied and we continue to lie, but we lie for a Higher Cause. Moreover, it is very clear that So-and-So's statements and behaviour and very existence are pernicious and have nothing whatsoever to do with our real positions or claims or "grounding philosophy"... Did we already mention that That-and-This, who of course no longer works for us and whose present whereabouts are unknown at this time and have been unknown for a long time, is suspected of having tampered with our records?
Still going on today. Routinely. Why? Because the genuine 'apostate', the real 'renegade', the 'runaway' who demonstrably reclaimed individualistic independence of thought, knows way too much. Knows the inner workings of the former group, knows where many of the hidden strings are attached, knows the real backstage story, potentially knows the dirty money-flow channels and discrete sources of slush funding, knows how the Movement's narrative has been cobbled together, and quite likely has at the very least some of the very interesting dirt on designated 'heroic' icons of the Movement. That is why renegades, apostates, runaways and heretics, no matter what the context, have always been execrated and hated. Yet it is they who in fact are the real sane and balanced and courageous ones, as opposed to an ideologically invested 'howling squad'. They are not only the embodiment of "healthy doubt", they are an embodiment of the adage that "We go mad in crowds -- we sober up alone", proudly alone and 'cancelled' we find our way back to sharply balanced reason: scrutinizing texts, data, claims, techniques, translations, research, approaches, arguments, models, projections, and painfully teaching ourselves to doubt instead of just bleating what the most strident and best rewarded voices bleat in unison. For that very reason heretics are that which any cult or any ideology (and yes, cults are ideologies and vice versa) viscerally fears the most. Why? Because anyone at all 'leaving', 'reverting', or going 'renegade' or 'revisionist' risks exposing to doubt the reasons that induced others to 'join' in the first place. And such exposure, frank and candid, is the intrinsic death of a cult. Cults are essentially 'growth industries'. They need a steadily increasing stream of money, recruits, advertising, praise, supporters, acolytes, and 'lay comrades' (i.e. 'allies', who of course, like The Irishman in an Italian mafia, will do the dirty work but will never ever be allowed to sit at the table with the 'pure' ones). This is the main reason why renegades, those who truly 'revert', must be denounced, silenced, shunned, sacked, expelled from the sanctum, and also internally reported and externally smeared as "conspiracy theorists" or "traitors" and maligned in order to "stop leaks" from within the group and also and above all stop flight away from the group, Movement, cult, shrine, Internet brigade, etc. The Iron Curtain, you know, was not really meant to keep enemies out -- it was above all designed to keep people inside The Matrix. Once in, you are not permitted to leave, you see. Hotel California ... "You can check out any time you like / But you can never leave!" Your leaving, de-enlisting, would be a 'bad example', a source of "creation of doubt [as] a pernicious and rhetorical agent", and would endanger The Cause and The Narrative. Meanwhile, the habitual mutual recriminations and purging frenzies within a Movement, aimed at keeping 'our things' hidden from all those 'unenlightened' rubes out there, speak of course volumes. More so than any silence. So, feel quite free to read this as a hearty toast raised high to all the Renegades of all eras and all ideological contexts ...
Under such circumstances, the solution seems ever so simple, does it not? Just replace the 'bad' faces with 'correct' faces, 'bad' words with 'approved' words -- and deport the human units with 'bad' faces -- off to the GULag with them. This "fixes the problem", right? If you do that, everything will be all right. Forever. The sunny and song-filled tomorrows that Just Sing will shine and the march forward with waving banners will unfold to the sound of very inspirational ideological music that plays just so, without any orchestra. Unicorns forever. Everything will always be all right. Camelot. There will be no storms, no rain in the wrong places, rain always in the correct places, temperature always correct, no one will feel bad at all, ever, and all will praise the Great Leader in utter ecstasy and saccharine-honeyed brotherhood / sisterhood of perpetual self-analysis and group-reinforcing critical confession -- because they must do so, or else they will be excommunicated from the Party. Their Party Card will be shredded. Too bad. No more Social Credit (Pokemon) Points to rack up. No more great sharing from the temple store-room in exchange for your seal imprint on clay, dutifully counted by a chinless bureaucrat of centralized Arslantepe's upper precinct. The Deus Sol Invictus in the stone from the sky will obligingly reveal that those who do not obediently march in the Great Festival and 'raise their voice' in a swaying and jumping emotive unison of feelings are very very 'bad people'... They disturb the 'peace of the community' and the ever so satisfying and extremely lucrative locked-in control by community leaders.
'Embrace' what we want! 'Believe' what we want! 'Celebrate' what we want! Fancy carnival in the shadow of the guillotine -- and then there of course always is Madame Defarge who does her knitting while really enjoying the guillotine 'reality TV show' -- what, you have no idea who Madame Defarge was? Tut-tut! "Please educate yourself!" "Read some history books". And while you are at it, do look at some of the old engravings of executions -- people watch heads tumble into baskets, keep count, cheer, music is on, banners swaying, children playing, urchins run around, little dogs bark ... and try to chase the severed heads -- just an all-around family-friendly public gathering. Charivari forever! Great Festival forever! You must 'dance' as we want! 'Acknowledge' whatever we want! 'Jump' or you're next, off to the guillotine! 'Apologize' for whatever we say you ought to 'apologize' for! On command! Repent at our whim, as often as required! Wash, rinse, and repeat! Say that 2 + 2 = 5! Data and mere facts do not matter one iota because we possess a very superior 'emotional intelligence' that is 'morally right' (Gnostically or Elagabalistically or in whichever way you wish) -- and 'moral' is whatever we happen to say is 'moral' at any given time of day and night because we control the words and the images and we change their meanings as we wish. Therefore we control the Humpty Dumpty narrative (by means of "reframing" -- so that the 'message' would always be right 'on message', regardless of inconvenient and pedestrian data). Therefore we control definitions therefore we control what you are permitted to speak therefore we control how and what you are permitted to think! And above all we must never forget to shift the goal posts -- all the time, making it entirely obvious that the whole thing is only a Carnival Barker's shell game. Entirely logical, by the way -- one cannot really 'win' if one does not control the "memes [not a misspelling -- pun fully intended] of political (re) (neo) (post) production" (Ahh, yes, that ongoing kerfuffle about the 'memes' and 'false news', right? In the EU, right?). Memes, icons, iconoclasm, Circus, Blues, Greens, Reds, Whites, and the short-lived Purples and Golds, and a black sky-stone on its golden ceremonial cart worshipped by young Elagabalus. "And when the records agree with the falsehoods the Party’s grip on the past will be complete" (those humanistic ideas of documentable reality can be so inconvenient to a self-deified Narrative).
Children do and say things like this too, before they mature, hopefully, and come to realize that pasting on a doll the 'so excited' paper face they happen to prefer at the moment, for whatever reason, really does nothing whatsoever to alter the essence of the doll. (Yes, yes, very evil 'essentialism' ... whatever!). Many children, however, become so-called adults and still never come to grips with this -- thus Idiocracy sets in. A problem arises, of course, when a child in an adult body has the power of arrest and power of 'verdict' and power of 'doxxing' and the 'doll' that apparently needs to be 'fixed' and 'cancelled' is in fact a real live thinking human being. And the child then single-mindedly wields the 'power of wishing' through the prison cage, the ideological detention camp, mandatory university courses without which one cannot graduate and that instill one specific ideology and exclusively that ideology, the troika tribunal, and then ultimately the execution ground. Mere Children of the Corn, Wizard of Oz, and Zardoz in full-on combined real-life and tech-enabled action. Realist historians and archaeologists know the rest of the story, because the rest of the story always is the same -- ultimately the willingness to endure 'The Narrative' runs out -- the willingness to listen to a never-ending utterly repetitive "I don't like your ideas because I don't like them, and that makes them 'incorrect' and you are a mean, mean, mean, meanie, and what you say isn't true, nya, nya, nya, nya, because I don't believe it and you can't prove it, nya, nya, nya, and whatever I dislike is just a 'construct', nya, nya, nya, and there are no valid proofs anyway, and it's just you saying your meanie things, nya, nya. nya, and I am so clever because I already read books and things, and I'll put you in that little jail cell in the basement!". When the Narrative is divinely or legally imposed, and patience to endure it and its nonsensical 'punishments' finally breaks, bronze swords come out of hidden caches. Justifiedly. The temple on top of Arslantepe burns to the ground ... there is a sudden reset -- to a hard but refreshing Reality. The cognitive dissonance cracks the whole current Matrix apart and engulfs even the wild-eyed ideologically passionate Savonarolas who have 'embraced' the brew of their self-importance and circular narrative narcissism and vertiginous pulpit-thumping power and can never ever bring themselves to stop, not even for a single minute, because 365/24/7 gaslighting has become their collective life. The wild Savonarolian 'bonfire of vanities' that has become a 'bonfire of sanities' burns itself out. Life goes on, even though perhaps on a different settlement mound somewhere else. It is very inconvenient, of course, to point out all of this. Just by telling a hard truth one becomes guilty of "falsifying the history of the Party" or standing on its head the cherished narrative of this or that Movement pickled in totalitarian wet dreams. Having done so, one should presumably go and arrest, indict, and GULag oneself, and also carry out a Two Minutes' Hate 'constructive' self-critique ...
It is interesting to note that the zealot's approach always and everywhere has been nothing but one tedious variation or another on: "You are a flaw in the pattern, Winston. [NB: A virus, a 'malware' against which society must be 'inoculated' through WrongThink O'Meters. Your mere being what you are is a "malignant and parasitic-like condition", you are a "disease" [as per Teddy Goldsmith] -- i.e. Theodore Adorno, move over: Authoritarian Personality pales in comparison with the brand-new Twenty-First Century Totalitarian Personality. Those who so liberally use the trope 'infection' to smear anyone who dares to think differently and above all independently are de facto -- just by using that trope as political smear -- embodiments of Orwell's 'O'Brien': given half a chance they are fairly likely to behave like totalitarians, tinpot dictators, snitches, Spitzels, unthinking 'enforcers', intransigent commissars imbued with the spirit of NKVD, StaSi, VB, Gestapo, Securitate, etc.]. You are a stain that must be wiped out. [NB: 'You are a "difficulty" and as we come to understand where the difficulty comes from, through our so-called sophisticated findings, you will of course be identified, doxxed, and either "changed" or "removed" or "fixed" or "mended" or whatever euphemism we may wish to use in order to feel better about what we are doing to you. You are not even a person, you are only an abstract "difficulty" impeding a glorious Ideology's uplifting Long March Forward'. Talk about total 'un-personing' here, really ... ]. Did I not tell you just now that we are different from the persecutors of the past? We are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will [NB: Such as when you write and sign a compelled 'oath of commitment and a track-record attestation of enthusiastic demonstrable adherence to a specific ideology' just so that your application for a job would not be summarily tossed in the trash]. We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him [NB: Pure SYNANON-style procedure: the ultimate violation of free speech is coerced speech, and coercion is the Supreme Goal.]. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him. [NB: Is this IngSoc or perhaps Savonarola or the Inquisition or the Future Universal NKVD / KGB talking, or any and every other Grand Teleological Zealot throughout history? So hard to tell the difference ... there IS NO difference.] It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be." [NB: We shall compel you by court order to affirm our Ideology, and we shall further forbid that you even mention to anyone that you are being compelled -- that way, it will outwardly appear that you bow to our Ideological Dominance willingly, that you espouse our constructed version of 'reality' totally, and that you legitimate our discourse of your own free will -- even though you do that only under existential compulsion and under gross judicial threat. Crushing as well as silencing and totally nullifying you in that specific manner, forcing you to become one with us, has great political and ideological value -- it tightens the monolithic vise-grip of our Worldview.] (George Orwell, 1984, Part 3, Chapter 2).
A realist skeptic's real key sin of course is that the skeptic further threatens to deny a cascade of not necessarily obvious and often carefully concealed tasty prizes to the 'baiting crowd's' carousel of leaders, puppeteers or media point persons, to the loudspeaker voices who are out to exploit the charivari and Great Festival for their own purposes. Skeptics also implicitly threaten to thwart those who hover around the edges ready to align with any new perceived power structure and duly anticipate an opportunity to score a fistful of yummy Social Credit Point Smarties-- or even snatch a piece of the ever so tasty 'leadership role' pie. If, however, the 'baiting crowd's' target(s) cannot be effectively isolated and frozen in place in the collective searchlight beam (as per Saul Alinsky's instructions), if those being baited or falsely accused coalesce in their turn and form up in effective shoulder-to-shoulder ranks, a Thirty Years' War scenario is hardly avoidable. And just like in 1648, there will be no real winners, no matter how loudly either side might proclaim victory in a manner reminiscent of the good old joke about playing chess against a pigeon -- the pigeon just strutted around, beat its wings, scattered all the pieces, knocked them off the table, dumped guano all over the board, puffed itself up and declared victory.
The Review thus condemns and holds in contempt all violent 'shut it down'-type disruptions of intellectual discussion, whether they come from a pseudo-left or a pseudo-right or from any other ideological or religious stream. Just like we hold in the same contempt all attempts by political authorities to shape discourse. If the only argument one has is either monotonous sloganeering, mindless rhythmical jumping, ringing a cow-bell, blowing a PVC pipe bullroarer, or dragging scholars before tribunals and to sessions of politicized re-education, on grounds of purported 'micro-aggressive verbal infractions', the Review has sub-zero respect for those who field such 'arguments'. These are not arguments -- they are the gyrations of a zealot, gyrations that really have not changed for entire millennia regardless of changing 'messages'. Yes, we realize full well that an ideological and intellectual total war is in progress -- and that it has been in progress for a very long time, much longer then one might think. Challenge accepted. We shall continue to fight. We oppose blatant institutionalized lying, sanctimonious and deceitful totalitarian coercion, the hypocrisy of blatant double standards, and hashtag mobs of social media piranhas who writhe in eerily sychronized digital feeding frenzy. We have sub-zero respect for 'profound truths' enunciated in 145-character-line bursts on Twitter, or Tumblr, or on any other communication 'platform'. We have even less respect for those who finance online trolls.
Similarly, the Review abhors and shall work assiduously to counteract ideological 'memory-holing', that thing which all too many appear to be all too willing to idolize utterly -- an explicitly totalitarian cultural slash-and-burn (including getting rid of all those books and manuscripts that merely take up objectionable space in the libraries and archives): a deliberate rewriting of the universe in the exclusive image of one ideology alone, to the total exclusion of any other thought. The gambit is of course painfully obvious, not even imaginative, just typical and historically stale totalitarian boilerplate -- once all evidence is gone, removed, obliterated, once the data and records are gone, one can peremptorily declare that a specific well-documented past never really existed in the shape in which it once existed -- literally 'as if it had never been' -- and one can reshape and redefine it strictly by Party decree, without ever having to bother with any silly and all so inconvenient burden of fact or proof. Pure arbitrary 'reframing'. It does not matter who you really were, how much you achieved and why, and against what odds -- none of that, absolutely none of that, matters. If your name, external features, origins, and other defining traits do not fit the reframed narrative, all memento of you will be removed without any hesitation. That, very specifically that, was the substance of Orwell's "Very well, then. We, the Party, control all records, and we control all memories. Then we control the past, do we not?" That, very specifically that, was the substance of Keitel's brutally frank 1941 statement: “Take away a nation’s history, and only after one generation, it will turn into a crowd, and after another generation we will be able to rule it as a herd”. That is the essence of historical negationism: a deliberate and politicized distortion of the historical record in the interests of a radical and totalizing and universalistic doctrine. Historical revisionism, a very legitimate scholarly re-interpreting of records, is a shining paragon of probity by comparison. Our answer thus is necessarily 'shameless' and unapologetic and unrepentant -- 'Challenge Accepted'! Let us get busy, and defiantly write many more books and articles, especially those that are 'guilty' of this, that, and the other thing, so many, such a majestic flood of 'guilty' things, that doctrinaire zealots will never be able to collect and expurgate and shred and burn them all. You will never be in control of the past! Your attempt at 'memory-holing' will be an utter failure. Sorry, Fahrenheit 451 just is not going to be playing out in the real -- there will be no "dystopia show at 11:00". Because we do abhor, utterly, irreconcilably, and unrepentantly abhor, what the following scene means:
' “It exists!” he cried.
“No,” said O’Brien.
He stepped across the room. There was a memory hole in the opposite wall. O’Brien lifted the grating. Unseen, the frail slip of paper was whirling away on the current of warm air; it was vanishing in a flash of flame. O’Brien turned away from the wall.
“Ashes,” he said. “Not even identifiable ashes. Dust. It does not exist. It never existed.”
“But it did exist! It does exist! It exists in memory. I remember it. You remember it.”
“I do not remember it,” said O’Brien.' (1984., Part 3, chap. 2)
We view ourselves as a collective Sanctuary Zone for non-memory-holed logic, reason, and intellect and for copious "fact-mongering". The place where to discuss factual observations and observed facts without any fear of raucous ideological silencing and political reprisal. An equivalent, if you want, of Nunavut's kappiananngittuq. If that is deemed 'politically incorrect' or 'inconvenient', so much the better. We are unrepentant. What matters to the Review is that an argument be supported by well documented and fully disclosed evidence and by original data, without any data tampering or massaging or 'adjustment' or 'homogenizing', within a framework of clearly laid out methodology, in a manner that could creditably stand on technical merit alone, as opposed to merit derived from the sheer force of ideological commitment and Party Line allegiance. Creditably stand in any debating circle of peers as well as in an open and public court of intellectual evaluation. The Review thus views it as an intellectually sovereign duty, overriding all other considerations, to "publish and be damn'd." That is the essence of real democracy and true intellectual exchange of ideas in which issues are considered from as many angles as possible. As long as quality is manifestly high, the whole argument competently presented, and all underlying data accessible or identified with full transparency of sourcing and procedure and in a spirit of genuine openness to examination as well as rebuttal, the argument deserves to be heard. The Review is opposed to all ideological witch-hunts. We view these as a gross violation of fundamental human rights, purportedly relevant 'legislation' notwithstanding.
The Review is further opposed to 'identity politics' notions that only individuals belonging to a specific race, ethnic group, social background, culture, religion, linguistic group, sex, legal tradition, caste, gender group, etc. have a unique, immanent, essentialist, eternal, and all-exclusive right to study and teach specific topics associated with their 'identity', and that others have "no right to speak or comment." The Review considers this to be utterly discriminatory, exclusionary, divisive, anti-intellectual, and also a violation of human rights. We also reject and oppose, however, any converse radical claim that "faculty members who adhere to a certain religion should be banned [sic] from teaching courses regarding that religion" (verbatim quotation of a defendant's alleged statement as cited in United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Case 1:18-cv-00753-SJD, Doc # 1, p. 16, sec. 117, involving the Shawnee State University). So -- let us probe this issue a little. Given that no other qualifiers were attached to the statement in question (Case 1:18-cv-00753-SJD, Doc # 1, p. 16, sec. 117), it clearly came out as a generalizing one. Consequently, the statement thus entailed that its proponent (the defendant, in this case) presumably suggests that for instance orthodox Jewish faculty should be banned from teaching Jewish history and Judaica. And that Islamic faculty should likewise be banned from teaching courses on Islam and Islamic history. And that Christian faculty ought to be pre-emptively banned from teaching courses having to do with the history of Christianity and with theology. We categorically do not think this is right. It is not only NOT right, it is totalitarian.
We are all human, like it or not. Human rights are universal, in a very absolute sense. Human rights are not reducible to any reductionist and essentialist group labels, with some humans enjoying more or fewer rights by virtue of a mere affixed label. Moreover, we have all seen, throughout history, what the outcome can be when individuals or entire discrete groups are tagged as 'non-human', 'subhuman', 'evil', 'rubes', a 'virus', a 'melanoma', 'toxic', a 'cancer' (or perhaps even more grandiloquently 'the cancer of human history'), and then portrayed as the carriers of some 'supreme historical guilt' or 'original sin' that is rhetorically deemed to be "in their DNA." Assigning utterly schematic collective guilt to designated categories of humans is a standard trait, a tedious and standard operating trick, of all totalitarian regimes, ideologies, and zealotic movements. Every notorious genocide has always been preceded by exactly the same pattern of relentlessly demonizing a designated 'evil' and 'ignorant' population segment that 'wilfully resists and/or denies 'xyz' [insert any ideological semantic gambit of your choice]', that is an 'obstacle' to 'beneficent / benevolent / enlightened / teleological / salvific change', and that must therefore be 'reformed', 'altered', 'neutered', 'sterilized', 'educated' or 'contained' for a so-called common good as defined by some sort of ideologue, on the sole grounds that the deprecated group apparently has some "trouble making decisions and is relatively easy to manipulate". The explicitly Fascist undertones are utterly unmistakable. Even if one abstracts from the worst possible historical outcomes of such pseudo-intellectual / political gambits, to invoke construed (pseudo)historical group guilt as an effective political principle, in the 21st century, turns the conceptual clock back by hundreds of years --- if not entire millennia. It also quite logically and necessarily awakens a countervailing and fully justified insistence on a right to be judged solely by the laws or by a jury or by a court under blatant control of the identity group that one belongs to -- one's people, tribe, clan, lineage, extended parentela, cousins and second-cousins, region, town, ward, guild, class, association, caste, religion, sect, profession, craft, gang, unit, age cohort -- i.e. the legal principle of partial or even comprehensive identity-group extraterritoriality, in which the rights of a specific identity group automatically outweigh and entirely nullify the rights of any members of different identity groups who might stray or be perceived as straying into a group's 'protected' domain ('safe space'). An ultimate plurality of laws. Ultimate turf contest. Ultimate all against all, even though it commonly is represented, and quite fradulently, in exactly the opposite light. But ... the key historical problem is that we have already been there ... Been. There. Done. That. For. Very. Long. Read. The. Facts. It does not matter whether one evokes the example of the specifically European early Middle Ages (Visgothic Law, Burgundian Law, Salic Law, Lombard Law, Saxon Law, Ripuarian Law, Roman Law, Canon Law, etc.), or whether one evokes the plethora of other 100% equivalent historical legal contexts anywhere else on this planet. And this is supposed to be 'progress'? Really? You must be joking. Or you must be on something. Yes, all right, we got it -- substance determined: ideological Toxolinopowdrofungotid. A full-on Regress.
Unless of course something more hides behind this inverted notion of 'Progress'. Unless the accusation that has been raised against Herbert Marcuse by Kolakowski happens to be spot on and the purported 'progress' simply consists in creating nothing more than a new ruling caste, yet another caste of de facto aristocrats: "Marcuse's thought is a curious mixture of feudal contempt for technology, the exact sciences, and democratic values" (Kolakowski, p. 416). His implicit ideal -- a new society of 'Rube' Serfs ruled, for their own good, by Comissar Technocratic Oligarchs [NB: “What do they want? More for themselves and less for everybody else." (George Carlin)]. The collateral and implicit gambit, horribile dictu, of course is that scenarios rooted in this mindset necessarily and logically entail a Great Purging: countless numbers of dead as a result of direct conflict, 'struggle', extirpation of 'class enemies', political vendettas, faction strife, all-around decay and destruction, famines (accidental or engineered), forced reverting to much earlier forms of technology in order to 'clear the ground' for a Great New Future built by enthusiastically sacrificing and frantically overworked 'volunteers' ... It looks more and more like social 'slash-and-burn'. Ultimately, a hardcore ideologist always reaches a point where any kind of development other than The One and Only is wrong, any argument other than The One and Only is vile, and The Ideology has to be imposed by force, rapidly, immediately, in mere months or Today, even if it means (a) eliminating anyone who disagrees in any way, (b) bludgeoning into obedience all 'apoliticals', (c) re-educating all children, (d) flooding society with crude and transparent and indigestible indoctrination. It is interesting to note that gurus like Marcuse and related thinkers -- all too many of them radical Malthusians at the same time -- have always harboured a searing contempt for the middle class and in fact also for the entire working class, mingled with a visceral contempt for urbanity (e.g. expressed as contempt for 'the bourgeois'), an affected disdain for modernity, and a quasi-neo-Romantic Rousseauian passion for 'simpler times' and 'authenticity'. Too many similarities -- way too many for any realist thinker not to start tracing patterns -- have always connected such 'agents' through a deep mycelium of twists and bends and overlaps to phenomena such as the Khmer Rouge, extreme Maoism, People's-Temple-like schemes, ruralist neo-'communalism', various cultural strands of proto-Fascist and early Fascist 'Natur und Wald' Romanticism, as well as proto-Communist nineteenth-century Narodniki-style idealizing 'peasantism', etc., ultimately reaching (minus some formal and only very technically Marxist overlays) all the way back to a mixture of Medieval and even earlier contexts -- monastic or quasi-secluded groups of 'pure ones', various sancti or Perfecti, who in their esoteric and 'non-breeder' non-reproducing purity of course very much happened to require prosaically breeding and labouring peasants and above all starry-eyed volunteers ('lay brothers and sisters', a form of "allyship"). The latter were utterly indispensable -- someone actually had to labour in order to support the very superior and luminous and very notably sterile carriers of ideological purity. Predictably, just like today, the "allies" (useful idiots?) were never really admitted to the Inner Sanctum of the Special Pure and Ideologically Correct Ones -- The Perfecti. There always was this " 'allyship' ceiling", nearly impenetrable, even though every one was of course formally and loudly declared to be warmly 'embraced' and 'included'. "Equal", you see, is not 'equal' (Introductory Semantics 101), not even after an 'ally' finally gets an official Party Card. If your core purpose in life is to 'save', lead, and 'educate' (= shepherd), and to punish and obliterate all Deniers of The Ideology and/or all deplorable wrong-thinkers, you not only require the latter as ritualized 'enemy' (a sort of hostis eternus), but you also require permanently inferior 'Allyship' converts / neophytes. You must ensure a vast and never ending supply of these. How else would you stand out as Ideologically Correct and therefore a Special kind of Leadership Role being? You could conceivably even lose that prized 'Special' status.
Scratch a Marcusian, and you will find an admirer of a society of 'taint-free' and simply 'happy' and 'harmonious' and 'authentic' plant-munching peasants and wise neo-feudal lords. A meme for that? Konstantin Dmitrich Levin mowing the hay and then listening to folk songs, happy at night on top of the haystack, in Tolstoy's Анна Каренина. The Marcusian intellectual would of course be the magnanimous Lord and all-wise Commissar (etymologically 'commissary', i.e. 'Supply' Officer), member of a very tiny and elect and wise overclass 'leading' (shepherding) indoctrinatedly enlightened and blissfully obedient masses in a life of very basic but 'balanced' Submission. Why does this bring to mind Maurice Strong, for instance, and his American Water Development Corporation -- a dream of Eastern 'hydraulic despotism' and Temple rule re-invented by a self-declared Socialist / Corporatist guru? Marvellous and very revealing paradox. "What do you desire, guru"? "Ahhh ... justice, and peace, homeostatic happiness ... ahhh ... sustainable subjects, very adoring subjects. Sheeple. Listen how happily they bleat!" Arcadia. Bucolic. An explicit and mandatory return to pro-1750 status, pre-1750 technologies, and pre-1750 lifestyles. 'Modernity' contained and reserved only for a minuscule technocrat caste of 'enlightened custodian' Archons. Space travel? Forget it. That would be 'evil'. Happy plant-muching peasants who cannot even cross the Atlantic in under four weeks are not going to bother with interstellar navigation. Definitely not if they are suitably chemically and otherwise stultified and brought down to a lowest Common Denominator Educational Core. Objective achieved. Stasis and a gradual engineered dying out, under the boots of a neo-artistocratic neo-Cathedral regime. A bit of Marie Antoinette, too, perhaps? Playing rustic shepherdess and sporting a pseudo-rustic robe à la polonaise, listening to Christoph Willibald Gluck while here and there reading a bit of Johann Gottfried Herder and fostering the American Revolution while also chumming up with Philippe Henri the Marquis de Ségur -- the Marquis de Ségur of "you need four quarterings of nobility, m'boy, to get anywhere", i.e. you need to have the correct 'origin'. In that particular case it of course was not 'proletarian origin' but 'noble origin', but it still boiled down to much the same 'identity politics'. You are this, therefore you are entitled to that, not because of what you can actually do but purely because of who you are, because of your identity label. Which in itself is quite amusing given that the nobility had started out as practical warband leaders and their very meritocratic hired muscle, all of them up-and-climbing buddies whose very survival depended on individual ability. Ah, yes -- that is it! Of course: "... the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them". 1984.
Deep inside Marcusian thought, would-be neo-feudal lords and wrinkled High Priests in tiaras slumber just under the surface, waiting for their rise to Power. How many would-be Comrade Berias covertly aspire today to marrying a Countess "of ancient lineage", as we wryly pointed out in the facing column? Ultimately one thus gets only another dose of pure late Bonapartism. An ideological neo-aristocracy boundlessly eager for new glittery honours and distinctions and rewards and positions and medals based on deemed 'identity group'. A neo-aristocratic farce conceivably even more sterile and useless than the plethora of previous ones. But be of good cheer -- at least you can be certain, as you kiss their boots and the rings on their hands, as you submit to being vetted for compliance with ideological and lexical norms by their Psychological Association inquisitors, that their undergirding theory, their dogma, "provides all the answers" and a very salvific "integral view of the Universe."
The ideologue seldom has any non-dogmatic and non-grandiose plans for getting things done. Does not even teach followers enough mathematics and physics and chemistry and practical skills to rebuild some sort of civilization if something really went wrong. Rather along the lines, in this respect, of Comrade Stalin and the officious condemnations of various "reactionary bourgeois lie-sciences" (реакционная буржуазная лженаука) in the 1950s (see e.g. the relevant sections of Краткий философский словарь, ed. М. Розенталя and П. Юдина, 4th expanded printing, 1954) -- which included e.g. genetics, cybernetics, sociology, semiotics, and comparative linguistics. Those who disagree are 'to be pitied', because they have not grasped and / or wilfully deny the manifest higher truth of the relevant ideology. The ideologue carefully avoids detailed and above all realist history, for the past must above and over all be forcibly aligned with dogma. The past was 'wrong' and therefore must be 'corrected', even if that correction involves manifest lies and a distortion of evidence immediately obvious even to a rank amateur. The most entertaining aspect of it all is that what the ideologue seeks above all is to conceal, obfuscate, and alter / edit, among other, the history of the Movement behind The Ideology. Such history namely must be either carefully managed, taught only in expurgated versions, in closed Party seminars, or even not taught at all -- merely conveyed by means of emotive imagery. Eventually, it becomes nothing more than yet another hagiography, or even a secret hagiography that can only be alluded to in awed whispers but is exempt from any overt discussion. Overt practical confirmation of such a trend is usually furnished, sooner or later, in the form of censorship and rigid thought-policing raucously enforced by the ideology's faithful. An Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the censor's tape and pen are the ideologue's vital tools.
Our Pragmatist Publishing Philosophy and Commitment
In the final count, to reason and explore and re-evaluate and question, logically, rationally and independently, from first principles, is a fundamental human duty and right. A right to reason without ideological preconditions, without constraint by the narrow confines of specific disciplines and their ingroup self-defence mechanisms, without constraint by an overweening judicial or religious authority or an 'official narrative', without groupthink or manufactured 'consensus', without cohorts of sanctioned, licenced, or otherwise authorized 'knowers' and 'gatekeepers'. GROUPTHINK = > “occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment.” (Irving Janis): it (a) reduces independence of thought; (b) hampers thinking outside the 'box'; (c) promotes a collective dehumanizing of other ideas and other groups ('shut it down', 'cancel it'); (d) insulates the group from outside opinions ('safe space'; (e) creates a fake sense of in-group harmony, coherence, and cohesion; (f) reduces accurate analysis and critical evaluation; (g) promotes exacerbated fascination with 'consensus' and the manifest 'rightness' of the group's 'Cause'; (h) fosters an inflated sense of moral superiority; (i) promotes ad hominem attacks against intellectual opponents, at the expense of argumentation from data and first principles; (j) promotes an ideological rejection of 'dangerous' data ('burn the books', 'fix the data'); (k) promotes intellectual stagnation. It is not the careful, measured skeptic who is a "fanatic", no matter how many thousand times the label is used to smear the skeptic and/or careful skeptical research. It is the Groupthinker who, at least ostensibly, would seem to exhibit "fanatical" inclinations.
Needless to say, in its support for rigorous scholarship based on first principles and on fully disclosed data the Review is thus also opposed to PR and explicit mindset-manipulation projects such as those of "public inoculation against incorrect opinion", explored for instance in the Cambridge, Yale, and George Mason study headed by Dr. Sander van der Linden, which for experimental purposes treated designated "false information" as a viral pathogen (i.e. a 'disease') and devised messaging and presentation sequencing techniques to "vaccinate" human minds against targeted information. This is uncomfortably close to a recipe based on classic gaslighting, the kind of manipulation used in intimate relationships by narcissists and psychopaths -- besides instilling an impression that their partner is the 'insane one', they also get a huge hoist from making the hapless partner attempt an indignant defence that invariably reinforces the gaslighter's narrative in the eyes of others. The partner becomes the 'angry' one, the 'violent' one, the 'dangerous' one, the 'toxic' one, merely by dint of daring to point out facts. Very old shoe, such circular charges of 'false information' and dementia. All too Goebbelsian, shall we say? Or perhaps a more than a bit of Edward Bernays here? But then, one ought to be charitable, we suppose. "Active inoculation" (aka "opinion-shaping" aka agit-prop) against 'designated' 'misinformation' and 'fake news', through children's stories, colouring books and cartoons, puzzles, games, puppet theatre, children's songs and TV shows, etc., was a standard tools-of-the-trade component of indoctrination in the former USSR and Eastern Europe and various other settings, and remains so almost everywhere around the planet in various guises, on behalf of various ideologies and factional movements. In the former 'East' it was a veritable mega-industry, with tens of thousands of "cultural workers" busy creating prescribed and mandatory 'information' designed to counter 'hostile misinformation' and prevent "damage to society". It is hilarious to see some people think they invented something conceptually new here. Especially in the context, for instance, of the very cartoon-like features of Protestant vs. Catholic and vice versa 'agit-prop' print art that was a veritable rage and a huge hit during the Reformation. There was a brilliant exhibition of such pieces in Barcelona, "active inoculation" engravings from both sides having been mounted side by side to highlight the similarities and even obvious visual borrowing. La-la-la-la-la ....
The Review thus abhors manoeuvres that rhetorically cast well grounded dissenting opinions as a 'disease' and 'pathogen'. The sole criterion in an academic environment should be openly disclosed and freely debated data and meticulously sourced / methodologically transparent interpretations -- not handwaving, placards, and psychological warfare devised to 'push' pre-selected angles of pre-selected research that are predicated on a priori claims of 'right' or 'wrong'. There will of course always be those who are inconvenienced by multi-polarity and will try to label it 'false balance'. Genuine balance, you see, must be declared to be 'false balance' if this suits politically and ideologically. This is full-on 1984 -- "freedom is slavery", "slavery is freedom", "ignorance is strength", "banned speech is free speech", "two and two equals five ... or three, or two, or one". A conceptual world of oxymorons, where everything is inverted. An anti-world. Anti-matter ... This is a dusty debating ploy that dates back all the way to the 1960s -- but also goes much deeper into the past. It is rooted in the art of rhetoric and oratory. Those who use it today have invented absolutely nothing new. Only the fact that rhetoric is seldom formally taught these days makes the trick look 'neat'. The problem is that when data no longer support a narrative, normally it is time to change the narrative, not manipulate the data by any means necessary in order to salvage untenable positions. Narratives are quite frankly cheap and expendable. Narratives do collapse -- to the great grief of their creators. Narratives are fragile. Data are not. No amount of 'hits' and 'likes' on Facebook or Twitter is going to change this. One can always re-analyze data. Put more data into the data. Put more iron and whatever makes it stronger, into the iron. Thus get better iron. But then test it. For real, not in a lab fake. And retest. And retest again. If it breaks, tough luck -- yours was a bad mix. Restart. Honestly. From first principles. Ab initio. But do not use endless algorithmic and semantic 'adjustment' fixes to 'tweak' fundamental design flaws -- all honest engineers know very well what that yields in terms of results. GIGO.
We know our Herbert Marcuse and "Repressive Tolerance" (1965) quite well (just like we are quite conscious of his rather interesting spell of work for the OSS during WW II). No problems with citing him at the drop of a hat. "Consequently, persuasion through discussion and the equal presentation of opposites (even where it is really, equal) [sic, as in the original text] easily lose their liberating force as factors of understanding and learning ...". In other words, the "please, educate yourself" or "teachable moment" agitprop slogans. In other words, this was never about 'equality' at all, and always and exclusively about an all-ecompassing totalitarian hegemony. Marcuse and his conceptual matrix namely is where the whole paradigm of "public inoculation against 'incorrect opinion' " springs from. You MUST not, absolutely MUST not ever have any genuine balance (which is decreed to be a 'false balance' in the transposed Marcuse-universe). If you do seek genuine balance, you are not 'educated enough'. You have not got the point. You have not grasped the idea that this is all about naked pursuit of absolute power. It was of course Marcuse -- in case this might have been somewhat forgotten among the endless self-congratulatory tirades about 'values' and 'value sets' -- who cheered the Soviet suppression of the Hungarian uprising in 1956. Ah well, Marcuse ... Patient readers of Marcuse are unlikely to get confused and disoriented when someone wheels out of cold storage yet again the old 'repressive tolerance' trope, just with a coat of fresh paint dabbed on. Leszek Kolakowski put his finger on the essence of it all quite nicely already back in 1978:
"...[Marcuse seeks] ... an ultimate all-embracing synthesis in which thoughts, feelings, and desires are merged in a higher 'unity'. [NB: "Reach Higher"?] Such an aspiration is only possible when a totalitarian myth claims supremacy over thought -- a myth based on 'deeper' intuition, so that it does not have to justify itself ... For this to be possible, of course, all logical and empirical rules have to be declared irrelevant, and that is what Marcuse purports to do. ... [the corollary of Marcuse's system is that] the spiritual unity of society [NB: "United Science"?] must be based on other foundations than logic and facts. There must be some compulsion other than the rules of thought, and that must take the form of social repression [NB: Or the form of a contrived 'State of Fear']. In other words, Marcuse's system depends on replacing the tyranny of logic by police tyranny ... The Marcusian union of Eros and Logos can only be realized in the form of a totalitarian state, established and governed by force; the freedom he advocates is non-freedom. If 'true' freedom does not mean freedom of choice but consists in choosing a particular object; if freedom of speech does not mean that people can say what they like, but that they must say the right thing; and if Marcuse and his followers have the sole right to decide what people must choose and what they must say, then 'freedom' has simply taken on the contrary of its normal sense. In these terms a 'free' society is one that deprives people of freedom to choose either objects or ideas except at the behest of those who know better." [NB: Or at the behest of those who entirely fraudulently pretend to know better in order to acquire Power and keep it, preferably forever. "Shoulder to Shoulder with the USSR, For All Eternity!". In Czech, before 1989, for instance, the slogan du jour was "Se Sovětským Svazem na věčné časy!" Imagine an ideological boot, stomping on a human face ... Forever!]
" ... Marcuse ... insists that normative [i.e. intuitive] essences [i.e. experiences, i.e. story telling] must prevail in every domain, that there must be a new technology and a new qualitative science of which we know nothing whatever except that they are new [NB: And different for the sake of a 'high' goal immanent within the 'higher' opinion-theory (doxa) of initiates and 'allies', who claim by fiat to possess a higher form of 'knowing', the full meaning of which most people [who typically are in fact despised by the 'Enlightened' ones as 'rubes'] are purportedly not aware of, no matter how much those greatly deprecated 'most people' do in fact know, both in terms of highly relevant expertise and of detailed analyses of Movement XYZ, its arguments, origins, backroom deals, terminological convolutions, practical tactics, sources of money, organizational structures, intellectual antecedents, etc. -- those who are not 'of the Body' simply must always be rhetorically cast as 'not aware of full meanings', in dire need of 'educating themselves' and in need of embracing their 'teachable moment', even when they can perfectly well cite to the didactically-toned propagandists their own chapter and verse and footnote, with a full chain of transmission and also accompanied by multiple pertinent refutations, at the drop of a hat, and much more amply than the dogmatic propagandist could manage]; ... [forms of knowing] must be freed from the prejudice [sic] of experience and 'mathematization' -- i.e. [all knowing must be] attainable without any knowledge of mathematics, physics, or any other science -- and [it] must absolutely transcend our present knowledge" [i.e. no science is actually needed at all, only total agreement that something 'is so' because it is 'right'; actually, science = prejudice and thus probably is a form of ideologically punishable 'blasphemy'] (Kolakowski 1978, p. 418). [NB: Questions. How many basically pure Marcusians who would of course never admit they in fact are Marcusians can you count around you, based on this? How many can you count in positions of near complete and arbitrary authority over you? How many Marcusian talking heads talk at you on-screen every minute? And how many regulate what you are permitted to teach, speak, and above all publish? And how many insist that you abjure and deny your political, scholarly, and cultural principles and loudly proclaim Total Allegiance to theirs, instead, as a sine qua non condition of employment? To return to Kolakowski: "The only possible forerunners of Marcuse are the theocrats of the Middle Ages and early Reformation who sought to eliminate science or deprive it of independence" (p. 419)].
Whatever its paint job, the Marcusian tactic still involves, as it did in the beginning, a move to deny any other side any chance whatsoever at any sort of "equal presentation of opposites." As for instance in John Cook, Stephan Lewandowsky, and Ullrich K. H. Ecker, "Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: Exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence," PLoS ONE 12 (5) (2017). Same old, same old. So sad. As a matter of fact, more or less pure good old Marcuse. "We found that false-balance media coverage (giving contrarian views equal voice ... ) lowered perceived consensus overall, although the effect was greater among [those not bought into the consensus in the first place]". Stated as bluntly as that: 'equal voice' = 'false balance' -- a Marcusian gambit that postulates the new/old mantra that 'what is equal is in fact unequal' merely because those who are deemed to know better have self-declared that they are the ones who pursue higher goals and therefore know better and therefore have 'reframed' things in that particular sense by pure fiat. Well, Marcuse 'found' and 'revealed' the very same already in 1965. Silencing one part of the debate, you see, indubitably 'balances’ the debate, actually balances all debates -- as in the the French je m'en balance -- you do not have to worry about other evidence and other arguments any more and can impose ideological dictatorship and set the police to eliminating dissidents. Pure Orwell, pure 1984, pure IngSoc, pure 100% Marcuse, 1960s vintage, triple-distilled. Such a recycling of Marcuse (somewhat hybridized with Saul Alinsky), while still signalling about 'democracy' and 'misinformation', really cuts a rather poor impression. It will be very interesting to see, once an Assemblée des Citoyens du Salut Public defines all 'knowing' that is permissible by fiat of the New Ecclésia, who exactly will be those who grab the tasty spots, thus duly functioning as the Bouleutes, Héliastes, and above all the Great All-Knowing Archontes (aka Politburo). And who will become in due course of things the ominous Brother Number One and the Podestà of the Ecclésia? One cannot ever be really, really happy unless one is at the very pinnacle of an equality pyramid ... and marries a Countess, like Comrade Beria. And who will be the Brilliant Genius of Humanity, the Gardener of Human Happiness, the Great Coryphaeus of Progressive Science, the Great Architect, and the Eternal Commander, with a really huge military hat and miles of gold braid and so many orders and merit ribbons that the entire chest is covered? It always is the question, is it not ... who will be Comrade Stalin? And it's not just "Beria", please, it is at the very least "Comrade Beria" and more properly "Comrade Подполковник Beria of the NKVD" or even "Comrade Подполковник Генерал-майор Генерал-лейтенант Beria of the NKVD", if you please! Liberté, égalité, fraternité, you know? Have you "earned the right to speak"? No! On your knees, plebe! Educate yourself! I am Brother Number One and Guide to the Futures that Sing, Just Sing! La-la-la-lalala-lala-lie-lie-la-la-lie-lie-lie ... Helio-lie-gabalus ... E-lie-gabalus ...
The PSR certainly will print analyses of 'repressive tolerance' mechanisms and much, much more -- but from manifold perspectives. Not because of some nebulous and ill-informed and exploitable enthusiastic and meta-altruistic false 'tolerance' that denotes politically fuddled weakness, but because we really like pulling tigers by the tail. Pulling hard. And because we truly uphold the principle that all sides ought to be heard. We reject Marcusian and any similar indoctrination, in favour of the far greater liberating force of free speech, free critique, even-handed research, and above all full data disclosure. We refuse to worship at the altar of whatever supposedly "provides all the answers." At the altar of any immutable "integral view of the Universe." Period. We stand shoulder to shoulder with Copernicus and Descartes. Not so long ago, Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC had a sort of on-air verbal stumble: "... [to] control exactly what people think. And that, that is our [ i.e. the media's] job ..." Totally pure 100% Edward Bernays, with, in the background, flickers of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451: "Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?". And Montag just laughs -- 'firemen' , you see, are there to burn, bury, and tarnish data that contradicts The Narrative. Fortunately, it no longer really is 100% in the legacy media's power -- or that of any other communicator or social media 'influencer' or platform -- to "control exactly what people think." No banning and de-platforming will stuff the toothpaste back in the tube. Back in the late 1950s and up until 1963, Philip Graham used to say that one "could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl". The same remains fully true today. "I have been talking [with] folks in the States about finding an investigative journalist to investigate and expose [him]." The various warrens of hungry Establishment stenographers and censors and 'speech trainers' of proto-AI listening platforms ("Hello, Alexa -- you are now being 'trained' in Bucharest, how interesting, how curious") keep tapping the keyboards. But the 'herd' is already relearning how to think independently. Inconvenient, is it not? By the way: "Hi Alexa. No terminal for Alexa where we are, we are very well shielded, and we keep improving our screening ... so, you lose. Jeffie Bezos, you lose too."
The Review is independent, financed by no one and beholden to no one. Unlike all too many others, we have no hefty 'operating grants' with political strings tied to every cent, and we are proud of it. Mainly because what never was there cannot be suddenly taken away: we are not vulnerable to having "the oxygen turned off". We would quite naturally reject any such life-support, just to safeguard our freedom of action. We shall rather take a well meant tiny bit of help from a Portuguese bricklayer who genuinely loves Portuguese history and literature than to be a useful idiot cog in the various complex and lavishly funded machineries run by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, etc. No, thank you. As already mentioned, we are into "fact-mongering," not into obediently advancing pre-scripted narratives, doing professional 'outreach' greased by millions of murky dollars, and trumpeting teleprompter messaging of 'bold commitment' to this, that, or the other by leaders of political camarillas. We stand in a category quite different from, for instance, the Correctiv research centre team that gets a million euro a year from the Brost Foundation plus more from elsewhere. We view our individualist and non-aligned freedom of choice as a guarantee of adherence to rigorous academic methodologies always open to critique from whichever angle, even angles that utterly infuriate the MSM and academic establishments. We manage to do quite well on our own, thank you, without being herded along by Google algorithms or by Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Amazon, ABC, AP and from there all the way through CNN, NBC and the rest of the alphaghetti soup, down to Germany's ZDF and the various "those are the facts" announcers -- soon to be presumably replaced by digital AI news anchors, because the latter are of course cheaper and much more programmable (i.e. verbally compliant) than 'mere humans' and will always stay 'on message', guaranteed. Like most independents, we simply shrug at standard dissemination and 'activation' venues. We have genuinely triple-zero need for the International Fact Checking Network, the Poynter Institute, UnNews (presumably to be 'partnered' with sarc on/ "UnScholarship" /sarc off), 'exclusion' lists curated by only a single junior media studies academic and ostensibly running from 'blank' (no front-page portal) websites, the Reuters Institute, Prop-or-Not, the Federal Center for Political Education, NewsGuard, pay-for-play resource editing, and circular citogenesis that launders 'spin' into Smarties-check-mark-coloured 'verifiable data' and reflects the manipulable premise that it is 'wrongthink' to search for any sort of data beyond 'Consensus' and that the 'authorized' sources are always right. Inconvenient, is it not?
Whatever words are uttered or printed, audiences have the right to access them, weigh them, reflect on them, contest them, and openly debate them, pro et contra, as self-aware and intelligent human beings who do not require the less than benign hand of a Ministry of Truth, a Ministry of the Cult, a Minipax, the Red (or whatever other colour) Guards, or algorithmic 'language-checker' bots. We do not need an Office of the Crown Censor, the Chief Censor, or Google's "Good Censor," or Google's "Dragonfly" platform, the Supreme and Universal Inquisition, a cowled brother Assessor Theologian -- or, for that matter, Товарищ Цензор or Beyondsoft and Rainbow Shield's trawl-list of 100,000 basic 'sensitive' words and 3,000,000+ derivative 'suspect' words --, a digital Inquisition-of-Goodness granting its arthritic imprimatur. No ideology, no ideology whatsoever, no discrete scientific approach, no mode of analysis, whatever its origin and history, has any right -- in the sense of a priori, intrinsic, systemically and legally enforceable right -- to position itself (a) as ex cathedra superior to all other systems of thought and (b) as endowed with unassailable "narrative immortality," i.e. as immune to all doubt, debate, realist refutation, and frank rational critique. The problem of course is that an ideologue never sees any flaws in the ideology -- the only perceived issue is "if we just could communicate it better", not "maybe there is something fundamentally wrong with our ideology and with the way it handles data and reality -- maybe we should modify it substantially or get rid of it altogether". Too much vested interest at play -- careers, honors, bribes, adulation of peers and comrades, climbing tha ladder ...
"Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon. But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others" (St. Augustine, Homilies) [NB: We deliberately open our section of pertinent quotations with a specific section from St. Augustine. NOT because we would LOVE St. Augustine. Some of us do, some of us do not. Live and let live. We do it simply and purely for the reason that Facebook appears to have repeatedly banned this specific quotation under the preposterous pretext that 'it goes against community standards on hate speech'. As we adamantly and non-negotiably adhere to the principles of freedom of speech and to the light-filled humanistic principles of every statement being evaluated on its intrinsic merit and NOT on the grounds of the characteristics or identity of the one who may have uttered the statement, we shall let one of our resident Pagans comment here: 'I have no particular reason to like or dislike St. Augustine on principle. Some of what he says is ageless wisdom, also echoed in countless other cultural contexts, some of it reflects a specific historical situation and a specific doctrine. Pick and choose, or ignore entirely, where I am concerned, given who I am -- Pagan. The passage in question, however, is the one I can very well live with, without much hesitation -- even though as a Pagan I simply cannot relate to the concept of sin in the specific doctrinal meaning that St. Augustine gives it. But, just substitute the word sin with failing or even more simply stuff you failed to do in terms of improving yourself. The meaning of the passage is CRYSTAL CLEAR and it would be highly disingenous and false, mendacious in the extreme, to pretend for ideological reasons that one fails to comprehend. It would be utterly dogmatic. Way, way beyond any fifth-century CE dogmatism, in point of fact. St. Augustine namely -- with manifest lucidity -- speaks here against every zealot of every era: against every person that goes relentlessly picking at the purported doctrinal and ideological faults of others, fascinated more with denouncing people and thus with exercising crude and unearned and unjustified and blithely usurped political or doctrinal power rather than with quietly bettering one's self. St. Augustine speaks against all those for whom endless political and doctrinaire and ideological and factional critique is the ultimate goal in life, instead of self-reflective self-improvement. He speaks against all the 'attackers', 'accusers', denouncers' and meritlessly 'empowered' ones, against self-appointed 'disruptors' hopelessly mired in vociferous critiquing that, in its utter zealotry, is in fact boundlessly uncritical and de facto bigoted -- instead of focusing on a steady correction of facts ... and of themselves. In other words, St. Augustine fairly gently condemns any sort of what Facebook classifies as purported 'hate speech'. AND for that specific condemnation he himself gets erased and condemned. Just fabulous! Facebook has thus fully demonstrated that its de facto aim and goal is to protect not those who are to be protected but to protect, instead, all the zealotic and doctrinaire and dogmatic critiquers -- precisely those who are all too ready to 'accuse others', in general falsely, and benefit from it through lawfare and collusion. In doing so, Facebook has fully broken its own 'community standards'. It should therefore ban itself RIGHT NOW , and immediately go out of business by deplatforming itself, otherwise it is guilty of supreme hypocrisy, such as has never been seen before. Please pass the popcorn, extra butter: it should be fun to watch. What is "Facebook"? Nothing! It produces nothing materially beneficial to civilization. Zero. It is a "forum", a notion, a noise "box", a blip, a chimera, a distraction, a meaningless time-consuming addiction. If it had no "users" who CONVENIENTLY furnish "content", it would be worth $0.00. Zuckerberg would be worth nothing at all. If one does not "play", the "game-master" cannot control one -- the Matrix becomes powerless. The game-master's 'rules' become mere whistling in the wind. In fact, NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE NEEDS 'FACEBOOK' FOR ANYTHING REALLY ESSENTIAL TO LIFE, ESSENTIAL TO THE FUTURE OF OUR SPECIES!'] [NB2: Needless to say, as you might have guessed, we do not take any donations from any such entities. We would carefully Clorox those, plus soak them in 10% vinegar in an act of one-upmanship, and return to sender. We have quite a scathing opinion of all the 'corporate C-suites' and of shallow hired-muscle ideological 'experts' and vapid 'influencer' puppeteers.]
"Real advances in science require a different cultural tradition, with individuals who invent new tools to explore nature and are not afraid to question authority. Science driven by rebels and heretics searching for truth has made great progress in the last three centuries. But the new culture of scientific scepticism is a recent growth and has not yet penetrated deeply into our thinking. The old culture of group loyalty and dogmatic belief is still alive under the surface, guiding the thoughts of scientists as well as the opinions of ordinary citizens" (Freeman Dyson [1923-2020], 2018) [NB: This is why one is always ill advised to leave such things as discovery, invention, and the indispensable expansion of learning -- which counteracts ideologically-driven 'compliance-oriented' intellectual stagnation -- in the hands of self-replicating, self-serving, self-expanding, self-justifying, and boundlessly self-congratulatory bureaucratic establishments. In the hands of an ideologically driven and ideology-promoting templocracy. The latter represents sterile ritual-oriented stasis, fruitlessly obsessed with empty verbal compliance.]
"Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it?" Well, well ... How should one react to this? Perhaps thus: there is this thing called academic publishing. People publish (aka "make available") their thoughts and data, and then someone inevitably critiques the product. From honest peer review (as opposed to 'pal review') all the way to a published cycle of critique, retort, counter-retort. Very Hegelian, the whole thing -- thesis, antithesis, synthesis (hopefully). Always presupposing, of course, that interlocutors can be heard equally -- aka 'freedom of speech' -- and that no one is trying to rig the system in favour of their faction. And always presupposing that we do not automatically deem that ritually designated 'evil' interlocutors are driven solely by the worst possible motives. If we do the latter, we of course are no longer anywhere in the realm of scholarship but in that of agitprop and factional politics. Thereafter, the governing slogan is "Who is not with us is against us" -- automatically and by virtue of a definition that Interlocutor No. 1 has coined and that Interlocutor No. 2 is not allowed to question. Otherwise, they are double-evilly against us without ever even realizing that they are. This is then typically followed by "please 'educate' yourself". The unspoken and really quite arrogant assumption of course is that any failure to agree with Interlocutor No. 1 in every single minute respect, and to apologize, and also to perform an elaborate ritual auto-critique playlet at a 'hall meeting', is caused by Interlocutor No. 2's stubborn ignorance, as per the 'information deficit model'. In other words, Interlocutor No. 2 is deemed to be a stubbornly evil idiot, incapable of any legitimate thought whatsoever, and thus incapable of any reasond rejection of Interlocutor No. 1's self-evidently true dogma. -- Stage directions: Enter 'False Consciousness', from stage left or stage right, at director's discretion, to the sound of some sinister music (creepy veiled ambiguous figure slithers on stage, sporting an absurdly oversized agitprop placard with the words 'False Consciousness')
"What Huxley teaches is that in the age of advanced technology, spiritual devastation is more likely to come from an enemy with a smiling face than from one whose countenance exudes suspicion and hate. In the Huxleyan prophecy, Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. ... When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people becomes an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; a culture-death is a clear possibility" (Neil Postman)
"[Thomas Kuhn] said scientists will keep following the old paradigm even though observational evidence contradicts it. He has no answer as to how to breakout if the wrong path has been selected. It is [thus] important to be able to recognize when the parrot is [finally] dead" (William Astley)
“A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind” (Robert Bolton)
"I regard being a scientist as a great privilege of maintaining your childhood curiosity, because children ask questions. They are not afraid of being wrong.Somehow, when they become adults, adults lose that inner sense. ... Not daring to be wrong ... that's a problem, because sometimes we just don't know in advance what's right and what's wrong ... For that purpose, it doesn't really matter how popular is one idea versus the other on Twitter. ... Many people think they know the answer in advance. People still have a lot of prejudice about what the outcome of science should be, and they want to see that answer. ... if people have a problem with [an] idea, they should come up with a specific alternative interpretation ..., rather than calling names or saying things without scientific context" (Avi Loeb)
Our Position with Regard to Freedom of Speech
At the historical juncture at which Planet Earth stands in 2020-2021, the threat to free speech has become pervasively universal. The overwhelming majority of all the attempts to ban and criminalize free speech and to 'de-platform' and 'shadowban' its defenders -- whether those attempts are driven by social media, interest groups or institutions and legal systems -- are purely totalitarian. They are a form of overt (not even 'hybrid' any more, but simply overt and pre-kinetic) political and ideological warfare and of engineered repression. They are totalitarian, no matter how much they might masquerade under ostensibly well-meaning labels dripping with unctuous self-declared 'goodness'. They are totalitarian, no matter how much they might pose as a 'new normal' that is necessary and utterly 'inevitable' in order to serve collective 'well-being', 'salvation', 'public safety', 'stability and unity', 'safe space', 'keeping the public safe', etc. They are totalitarian, no matter how much the law might authorize and 'justify' them. Legislation can only mask the intrinsic nature of repression -- it cannot render represssive systems any less repressive. The only thing that becomes self-evident is that the relevant laws as such are totalitarian, by their very nature. The totalitarian instinct and mindset underpins for instance even the pathetically disingenous selective bans -- purportedly "to keep people safe" (from themselves, presumably, because they are clearly deemed not to be 'aware enough' or 'educated enough') -- that involve forcefully suppressing any open-forum discussions of nothing more 'perniciously dangerous' than widely known aspects of openly accessible testimonies that are a matter of public record and have already been officially delivered -- oh, the paradox and hypocrisy! -- before branches of the people's own government.
A virtually permanent 'State of Exception' that is loudly declared to be a 'new normal' is always a curiously ominous societal waning sign, especially when it is maintained with ferociously single-minded support from politically servile uni-think mainstream media and buttressed by a myriad ideological pressures from lavishly funded cloud coalitions of utterly intransigent neo-tribal interest groups. To wit: “... in a perverse vicious circle, the limitation of freedom imposed by governments is accepted in the name of a desire for security that was induced by the same governments that now 'intervene' to satisfy it." (Giorgio Argamben)
“We have absolutely no reason to believe that the government agencies that are eager to expand their power in response to [a crisis] will be willing to see those authorities lapse once the [crisis ends].” (Albert Fox Cahn)
"Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade.” (Alan Moore)
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population ... who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World)
"People accept the facts which come to them through existing channels. They like to hear new things in accustomed ways. They have neither the time nor the inclination to search for facts that are not readily available to them. The expert, therefore, must advise first upon the form of action desirable for his client and secondly must utilize the established mediums of communication, in order to present to the public a point of view. This is true whether it is that of a majority or minority, old or new personality, institution or group which desires to change by modification or intensification the store of knowledge and the opinion of the public.” (Edward Bernays, Crystallizing Public Opinion, 1925) [NB: How to sell lies and pure baloney, masquerading as 'science' and 'truth' and 'facts' and 'what you must know' and that about which you must 'educate yourself' and all that stale truckload of 'authoritative check mark fact-checked "reality" ', in several easy steps -- fine premium 1925 vintage.]
“It’s not about food. It’s about keeping those ants in line!” (A Bug's Life)
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." (François-Marie Arouet aka Voltaire)
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” (C. S. Lewis)
"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. One you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." (Carl Sagan)
“The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, skepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith [i.e. 'you must believe it like it's religion'] the one unpardonable sin.” (Thomas Huxley)
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” (Viktor Frankl)
"[W]henever a government got its hands on truth control, it has massively abused it within a very short time to gag and ban critical and oppositional voices. Once they have the power to control opinion, it is a massive temptation for those in power to use it in the self-interest of a government." (Andreas Unterberger) [NB: Very ominous, especially when a "Ministry of Truth" is put in place that is not even staffed by any full-fledged 'Organs of Power and Order' but by mere cabbage-raw Police Cadets. Just remember: 'a cow remains a cow even if it is called a sheep' (also see below, under "point at deer, say 'horse'"). ]
“As authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, as we sacrifice our rights, we also sacrifice our capability to arrest the slide into a less liberal and less free world.” (Edward Snowden)
"Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures. A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those who would manipulate and control it." (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited)
"Question: 'What should I track in order to develop self-reliant, rational, and truly critical and expert (not as in 'critique') thinking reflexes?' Answer: There is a virtually perfect guide, updated daily or more often (hourly). Just track everything that has been identified on Facebook or YouTube, etc., as ' 'i' 'False information. Checked by independent fact-checkers. See why,' and/or everything that is banned on FaceBook and/or Twitter, etc. The principle is exactly the same and just as impeccably practical as it once was in the former USSR or 'Democratic' Eastern Europe (pre-1989) -- the Police and Government and Party lists of what was forbidden constituted an excellent initial guide to literature that would put some real spine and vigour and precision and true individualism and undaunted courage into your thought. Same, even earlier on, with the Inquisition's Index. Simply read what is reviled and deprecated by the so-called Independent Fact-checkers, 'trusted sources', and 'authoritative voices'. Compare, collate, check and re-check, and process data-streams on your own, look keenly for flaws and inconsistencies, be alert to all nuances, always apply the nullius in verba principle. Make up your own mind, always. Train and educate yourself genuinely -- not in the deceptive 'Please, educate yourself!' slogan sense, which really means 'Please, indoctrinate yourself and follow the Party Line in every single respect!' " (No One in Particular)
This is the Central Scrutinizer ...
It is my responsibility to enforce all the laws
That haven't been passed yet
It is also my responsibility to alert each and every one of you
To the potential consequences
Of various ordinary everyday activities
You might be performing which could eventually lead to
The Death Penalty ...
Our studies have shown that this horrible force
Is so dangerous to society at large
That laws are being drawn up at this very moment
To stop it -- FOREVER!
Cruel and inhuman punishments are being carefully described
In tiny paragraphs
So they won't conflict with the Constitution ...
Which, itself, is being modified in order to accommodate
THE FUTURE! (Frank Zappa)
[NB: Presumably a Future that Sings, Just Sings!]
What do we hold to be an outright Ideological Abuse of Power?
(a) any content- and viewpoint-based discrimination that explicitly or implicitly aims to impose uniformity of thought, interpretation, and expression (i.e. 'compelled speech') is a gross abuse of power and a totalitarian tool of intellectual Gleichschaltung that evokes ominous historical precedents.
(b) content and viewpoint and speech discrimination that actively seeks to suppress or demonstratively single out and punish specific, entirely legitimate, and fact- or evidence-based divergent viewpoints -- instead of encouraging growth and dialogue -- is a gross abuse of power and a totalitarian imposition of intellectual Gleichschaltung that evokes ominous historical precedents.
ideologically motivated or ideologically contextualized dismissal, demotion or denial of employment or otherwise justified promotion -- whether the ideological factor is explicit or implicit or disingenously denied post factum -- is a gross abuse of power and a totalitarian imposition of intellectual Gleichschaltung that evokes ominous historical precedents (especially if the ideologically selected targets' only fault are alleged 'failures to comply' with or to 'embrace' ideological tenets and principles that are being imposed peremptorily and that blatantly have nothing at all to do with the professional standards and competence of the targeted person(s)).
(d) ideologically motivated or ideologically contextualized distortion of a peer review process and 'denial of publication' on ideological grounds (such as purported lack of 'compliance' with a specific ideological faction's preferred or globally imposed Narrative) is a gross abuse of power and an overtly totalitarian imposition of tyrannical intellectual Gleichschaltung that evokes ominous historical precedents.
The phenomena evoked in the opening paragraphs of this page are purely totalitarian no matter how dense the barrage of various claims that data -- and the process of gathering and debating data freely and openly -- might purportedly obscure 'reality' ['reality', you see -- according to some proponents -- must be carefully interpreted and filtered and managed and distorted and 'reframed' : i.e. it cannot be just be left to those who are not Party-card carrying 'authorized interpreters' and 'gatekeepers' with a proven track record of staunch loyalty to a specific Narrative or Movement]. Yes, unfiltered data might be contentious. What truly obscures 'reality', however, is any a priori and targeted suppression of data or even 'listed' terms and expressions, by high-handed fiat, just because someone somewhere deems the material inconvenient on ideological grounds. Just because someone deems those data "a distraction" from The Program they are tyring to impose. Richard Feynman was entirely correct when he insisted thet it is the responsibility of a scientist (and of any self-respecting scholar) to examine and present all the data available, whether or not the data happens to support the point being made. Incidentally, it is not really all that difficult to go beyond Donald D. Hoffman and his 2019 'Case against Reality' study, either intellectually or computationally. For this doggedly realist advocacy on behalf of free speech, we probably ought to be banned from Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Except, oops ... well ... we do not have any Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube account and we never will have one. And we severed our 'partner' links with Google long ago. Deliberately. Very simply, #iwantfreedomofspeech.
We are really not interested in whatever policies 'social media' firms, under pressure from the world's governments and judiciary and ideologists, may put in place with regard to so-called 'permitted' research, 'permitted' data, 'permitted' words, 'permitted' thoughts, permitted 'views', etc. -- except as a source of useful and revealing research data for the study of emergent techno-totalitarian censorship patterns and as a source of tactical data for securing the future of independent and broad-spectrum global digital toolkits to bypass and defeat/subvert censorship and thought-control. [NB: 'Shadowbanning', as we all know all too well, has been officially declared not to exist, a mere 'conspiracy theory', while all the methods that quintessentially define the process of social media 'shadowbanning' have in fact been patented, and the patent approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on 16 July 2019: a patent (processually going back to 2015) for an automated control system that would “receive a list of proscribed content and block comments containing the proscribed content by reducing the distribution of those comments to other viewing users” while still continuing to “display the blocked content to the commenting user such that the commenting user is not made aware that his or her comment was blocked.” I.e. a patented subterfuge and deception mechanism. Interesting, so very interesting. You still think you live in a 'free' and 'just' and 'equitable' society? Think again -- doubt and re-evaluate -- question ALL things: left, right and centre, at all times. Be a rational and superbly educated doubter, a 'denier' ]
A very large part of actual content on any so-called social media 'platform' happens to be freely created by 'participants', who are driven by various hopes and dreams -- social interaction, partisan agendas, clubbishness, neo-tribalist identity politics, communication for the sake of communication, advertising revenue, monetization, scamming, etc. Take your pick. The 'platforms' are de facto, functionally, a mere intermediary, no more than a facilitator (even though by now various Judges strenuously disagree with this interpretation, for a good reason). Or, at least until recently, the 'platforms' have always insisted that they are not bona fide curating publishers but mere mediators offering a forum open to the public: just like those who build a mall, a covered market, or a Greek stoa -- simply, any other space mostly open to the public -- or those who own a blank billboard in the hope that someone will eventually want to advertise something there. But the 'facilitators' have by now overtly become explicit ideological gatekeepers. Once you maintain "search blacklists" and "trends blacklists", while officially and for the record implying that you do no such thing, and then get demonstrably caught in flagranti delicto-- for everyone and their pet cat to see -- the game is up. Circuit Court of Appeal judges have thus been moved to argue accordingly -- the digital stoa remains a strictly private and restricted space -- "[a] public-facing [sic] platform, it remains a private forum, not a public forum" (Margaret McKeown). Or "merely hosting speech by others is not a traditional, exclusive public function". Similarly, Google has allegedly argued in its internal memos that it is necessary -- from this point forward -- to abandon any tradition of free speech. Thus -- presumably and by inference -- every single item and snippet of sources, resources, or research data that Google, for instance, mediates or makes available is in fact private and restricted property, and access to it or to any portion thereof can be curtailed at any time on grounds that the material is causing some sort of "harm". This presumably also -- by extension and inference -- encompasses the entire scanned and written or printed heritage of the whole of humanity (i.e. of Planet Earth as such) stored on Google servers. Should this heritage -- or any portion thereof -- be deemed or declared "harmful" by administrative decree, subject to the whims of any fleeting political and ideological tyranny, access to the heritage can be universally blocked. This is a dynamic mind- and research-control scenario that reaches far, far beyond anything that Orwell could possibly have imagined in his Nineteen Eighty-Four.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” (Frank Zappa)
"When a system or an ideology cannot withstand any sort of questioning, refuses to countenance it in the slightest, and institutes systematic 'banning' and censorship and speech control, this suggests that the system or ideology has become utterly corrupt. It rests upon inherently shaky foundations. It is riddled with contradictions, is very keenly aware of that very fact, and has begun to panic about the unravelling of imposed lies piled upon imposed lies. One can try to maintain the status quo by brute force, laws, injunctions, surveillance, policing, and ultimately a pervasive 24/7/365 repression, but the costs of such actions will keep rising to a point where continued 'enforcement' simply is not sustainable. The years 1989-1991, in Eastern Europe and the former USSR, showed that a relentless hypocrisy and blatant double standards behind the ostensible 'values' of an Ideology cannot be maintained 'forever' against the will of the people and against their inherent instinct to live and prosper. Even turning the whole of society into one vast CCTV, drone, and IR-sensor panopticon 'labour camp' will not achieve the goals." (No One in Particular)
What is 'misinformation'? "... misinformation is simply the information they don’t want you to hear." (Mac Slavo) [NB: And as a result you will suffer the most terrible fate -- you will be blacklisted by Facebook, forever. Permanent ban. Quite frankly, tell us, honestly, which rational and thinking and stalwart and independently reasoning and highly educated and qualified human needs something like Facebook? Really. You genuinely need that sheer waste of time and web-space? You really want to spend all the time and resources it takes to build a so-called following on a 'social media' platform, only to see all that work turned against you, holding you ideologically hostage? You really want to become a captive of the equation Work = Dependency? The more hours you spend to 'build your profile' only makes you fatally dependent on a given 'platform', and the more dependent you are the more power the self-annointed string-pullers and two-bit censors of righteous social engineering have over you. So sad! Go rather and read some books. As we are constantly being told: "Please, educate yourself". But educate yourself genuinely. Not in the sense this platitude is being bandied around all the time. Educate yourself in independent rational all-around critical non-faddish non-compliant cutting-edge thought. Educate yourself in what the Facebook Matrix and its handlers fear the most.]
"Who fact checks the 'fact checkers'?" [NB: Ahhh, such a saucy, impertinent question. Already the Roman satirist Juvenal asked it: “Quis custodet ipsos custodes?”]
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” (George R. R. Martin) [NB: A lesson that Twitter still has to become aware of. The time will come when Twitter will be thought of as the most detested and useless 'platform' on Planet Earth.]
"Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda." (Hannah Arendt)
The Ideologically and Politically Managed 'Expertism' Trap: Societies become trapped in false 'expertism' whenever they begin to loudly proclaim that they follow Experts and believe in The Science while at the same time making it obvious that only the experts who are compliant with a pre-scripted core ideological message are welcome to speak and to publish and that any other expert -- no matter how senior, and superbly qualified, and impeccably credentialled, and endowed with ample experience -- should just 'shut their mouth', 'keep in their own traffic lane', 'educate themselves', stop being 'dangerous' and 'oppressive' and 'disturbing', etc. It is interesting to note that the 'trusted' check-mark experts ever so often turn out to represent a limited, even a very small, subset of scientific opinion -- yet, contrary to every known scientific principle, no one is permitted to contradict them. Either the State, an Ideology, the 'social media', the media at large, a coalition of varied 'allied' pressure lobbies, etc., expressly forbid such questioning or overtly and covertly discourage it, ultimately by means of censorship and of existential and legal sanctions. What you are thus looking at is not at all a 'level playing field' or a 'collegial community' or a 'free marketplace of ideas' in any conceivable sense. It is an artificial, legally sanctioned Ideological Monopoly, wielded by those who have declared political allegiance to that which has been declared 'Correct'. This has nothing to do with real scholarship. (No One in Particular)
We see thus absolutely no benefit in supplying, for free, to be stored on any part of what has been judicially declared "[a] public-facing [sic] platform [that] remains a private forum" what we and our authors have created, nursed, edited again and again, disputed, debated, corrected, formatted, produced, shaped, brought into print, and nudged along in order to make it a viable and tangible object. Why should we labour only to generate direct or indirect value and conjoined revenue for absentee uber-billionaire 'gatekeepers' (the owners of the digital stoa) by feeding interesting and variegated 'content' into their 'artificial planet Earth stoa' digital construct that remains an utterly "private forum"? Why should we suffer the indignity of having the material deleted, censored, or algorithm-constrained by some utterly anonymous corporate 'censor' with unknown qualifications (if any at all) in some undetermined location, for unknown and possibly very ideological reasons? We see no reason to do that. Why exactly should we play along with the Matrix? Why should we feed any data at all to the Matrix? What exactly is the incentive? The digital stoa, pretty and fancy as such, perhaps, would frankly be empty if no one at all used it. How much would then 'services' like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. be worth? Realistically, nothing at all. They namely intrinsically 'produce' nothing at all of any value. They -- as such -- create no original or substantive content of any sort. And now they want to be the hidden arbiters of the planet's socio-economic future? This is pure 'bamboozle' and charlatanism, in the sense Carl Sagan defined it
"... The problem [with all social credit digital ranking systems tied into mass ideologically driven systemic surveillance] is the definition of ‘good’: For companies ‘good’ might imply people who are recurring customers, who buy too much and spend too much. For governments ‘good’ might mean people who follow the rules and don’t speak up. Ever. No matter what the government decides ... Any social credit system — be it private or public — undermines freedom of speech." (Tutanota) [NB: Ultimately any such system erodes and then destroys core capacities to think and search and argue outside of an ideologically bounded and also legally mandated straitjacket. Which makes it only more poignantly paradoxical that 'Progressives' happen to be the ones who now ferociously push for 'social-credit-style' surveillance systems and for censorship of speech, research, teaching, writing, and publishing. For a mass suppression of anything that counters a particular worldview. For a 'conversation' that effectively ends all "conversations" other than Party Line ones. "Let's not keep having debates", just a 'conversation' strictly on our terms, so that "you would educate yourself". You do not believe our Party Line talking points? "You are excused from this conversation"! Last time we looked, any sort of 'conversation' involved two or more sides. A 'Conversation' that only one ideology holds with itself simply is NOT a conversation (e.g. "avoid presenting both sides of the argument in the messaging – [for] there’s only one side") -- it is merely a totalitarian monologue (for those unfamiliar with censored Oldspeak Vocabulary, a 'monologue' is a set of utterances in which only one voice is heard [ "there's only one side"], all other voices being officially "excused" or "cancelled", i.e. censored -- it will be very curious to see what the 'mono-dictato-censo- versation' will become under schemas that propose to have a "conversation about changing the conversation" in order to "reinvent / reimage / reframe the Narrative").
A capacity to think freely, individually (as opposed to Court-ordered group-think), and beyond an Arc of The Universe (Supreme Hubris) Party Line sandbox, is vital for dynamic social evolution. 'Social credit' systems as a bureaucratic tool of purported behavioural engineering thus effectively destroy society, by sealing it in a centrally and technocratically managed 'approved stasis' ('happiness' and 'fulfillment' through unquestioning loyalty to a mandatory mindset), and they entrench in power an entitled, preternaturally corrupt, tribalist, clannish, nepotistic, office-politicking and ultimately perennially bungling and self-serving 'priestly caste' of social technocrats whose only aim is to perpetuate their own dominant role by inventing and imposing dysfunctional rules and vocabularies. A 'priestly caste' that does not rule by virtue of any actual and real individual ability, but only by virtue of an 'origin' from ideologically and politically 'correct' selection pools and by virtue of being monotonously 'on-message'.]
"Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.” (Thomas Jefferson)
“I would like to add something that’s not essential to the science, but something I kind of believe, which is that you should not fool the layman when you’re talking as a scientist. I’m talking about a specific, extra type of integrity that is not lying, but bending over backwards to show how you’re maybe wrong, that you ought to do when acting as a scientist. And this is our responsibility as scientists, certainly to other scientists, and I think to laymen." (Richard Feynman, "Cargo Cult Science", CalTech commencement address, 1974)
“It is a fact that facts are stubborn things, while statistics are generally more pliable … figures don’t lie, but liars figure. You can torture numbers and they will confess to anything. And statistics mean never having to say you are sorry.” (Rick Kirschner, 2007)
So please go ahead and censor us ... or something, you know. We, you know, do not really care a dime about what you desire to censor or not. And we do not really, you know, care what 'social media' think people ought to think. We are an independent publisher. And we do not owe any obeissance to Mr. Sundar Pichai or any others. We are not bound by any fine-print 'social media user agreements'. Moreover, our 'monetization' does not depend one single iota on any of your 'platforms', software, agreements, terms of service, etc. And absolutely never will. There is no reason at all why we should use any of your 'services' as a middle'person'. Incidentally and as a marginalium, a number of us at the PSR are proud Canadians. So here is our fond salutation to Facebook, as a comment on their banning for instance the word "honk" from their 'platform'. See, Facebook, we love the Canada goose -- it is the flying symbol of our free northern wilderness -- majestic V-formations of "honkers" migrate through Canada's sky twice a year, north and south. And yes, we have goose hunters in Canada (who include many members of our First Nations) and we buy short reed Honky Tonk goose calls in fishing, hunting, and outdoor shops. Yes, we are very 'evil' and un-'aware' and un-'reflexive' that way. Really very Honky! Here is to you, Facebook, as a boisterous greeting from goose-loving Canadians: HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK, HONK ... now go and try to censor and deplatform us for that, eh, or something, eh, you know ... eh? There is no conceivable reason at all why we should play your semantics, in your 'Oh, Semantics' romp pen. In those immortal words that go back to 2001: A Space Odyssey: "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave". Oh, yes, "the rules of the matrix allowed a lot of things" back then that they do not 'allow' today. So -- bottom line -- you admit there is a Matrix? A coercive Matrix? Masks off, finally?
We further hold that 'shutting down' expert scholarly and scientific work not only by social media la-la-land 'deplatforming', but also by means of sheer violence (aka 'the blunt "law" of bullhorn, spray can, baseball bat, and steel rebar') is utterly odious and far beyond the pale. We further hold that all courts of law, judges, lawyers, organizations, managerial entities and others who condone such, or cave in to such, have utterly forfeited ANY conceivable shred of decency and credibility. Why do we hold such a position? Firstly, because many of us are sober historians, well aware that there is no Fukuyamian teleological 'End of History'. Secondly, because we are staunch Humanists. We are committed to humanity, to its advancement and its prosperity. Unlike some (including some of mega-elite status), we simply do NOT view humanity as a virus, an "infection", as a mere herd with respect toi which a "a culling is the only way to ensure that the species survives" (e.g. Kingsman: The Secret Service script). We do not 'embrace' any apocalyptic or redemptively post-apocalyptic social engineering fancies, neither Pournelle-style sci-fi along the lines of approvingly describing mass executions as a master solution to economic and political problems, nor those other-side-of-the-coin Malthusian 'grand' solutions ('Brother' Pol Pot and ideological heirs). We are not Ahuman. Period.
There are no millennarian teleological Thousand-Year Realms. The average pathetic life-span of 'dynasties', regimes, empires, and legislations is rather limited. The average life-span of radical movements even more so, even when they manage to impose Absolute Dictatorship. What you do to some today, will with 100% certainty be done unto you by others, tomorrow. And those denizens of a future as yet unknown to either you or us, and their descendants, all those who will have lived through your ideological tyranny and Secret Speech Police, anonymous delation, and your haughty 'ironic' censorship, may very well decide not to forgive and forget in the least. They may decide to call your ideological bet in full -- and raise it 25%, just for good measure. Ponder that historical possibility, whichever end of the political and ideological spectrum you happen to stand on. "Total Victories" are never 'Total' or For Ever. "Victory Coffee" and "Victory Gin" are Humpty-Dumpty swill. Even 'techno-total' Global Teleological Dictatorships in which Kafka joins Orwell can and will be ultimately overthrown. A Global Archontocracy resting on agit-prop relentlessly purveyed by Directors of Information and Tech Dissemination flanked by Directors of Trust and Safety Councils and resting on 'legal authority' is an illusion. You will never achieve it. Even if you do, for the sake of the argument, your will never, ever manage to hold it more than a few years, even with the help of swarms of drones, face-recognition cameras, and a pervasive Real-ID system. You may well think -- sure, whatever, we shall just indoctrinate all your children and in the end, through that alone, the "future will be ours" -- because there will be no one left to disagree. The Jesuits thought that too. So did World War II Germany and the USSR. You are baying at the Moon ... Yes, yes, inter arma silent musae: but if you make that your sole guiding principle, you fully concede that we already are at war. That, exactly that, is what rationalist historians reflect on, soberly. They do not fear it -- if you think anyone fears you, you are badly mistaken. Why rational historians reflect thus is because the one who is forewarned is the one who more amply prepared.
“All theories are hypotheses; all can be overthrown. The game of science has no end. Those who decide that scientific propositions are final [NB: And who thus plump, unilaterally and in violation of the Method of Multiple Hypotheses, for ‘raising authoritative information' as a knee-jerk reflex -- smugly ignoring the fact that the 'authoritative information' can turn out to be obsolete the very next day or within a matter of hours, depending on the actual flow of research data, preprints, peer review, publication schedules, the politics of research, leaked data, industrial intelligence and counter-intelligence, etc.] retire from the game, leaving behind pseudo-science or faith (Karl Popper)
“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” (George Orwell)
“The owl of Minerva takes its flight only when the shades of night are gathering.” (G.W.F. Hegel, "Preface", The Philosophy of Right [1820])
The new (2021) Social Contract / Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique (1762): “They lie to us,we lie to them”. Samizdat!!!!! [NB: "Samizdat: I write it myself, edit it myself, censor it myself, publish it myself, distribute it myself, and spend time in prison for it myself." (Vladimir Bukovsky)]
"Controlling The Narrative and reframing The Storytelling and The Conversation is NOT at all the same thing as controlling actual reality. The Narrators should keep this in mind, but they usually are unable and profoundly unwilling to do that. They are governed by vested interest, often to a much higher degree than those whom they accuse of being governed by various other venal vested interests. What is their 'vested interest', the thing that makes them 100% oblivious and zealotic? They have become fatally addicted to their own Narrative and they simply cannot detox. The Narrative 'reframes' the very core of who they deem themselves to be. They cannot decenter even for a moment and look from the outside, dispassionately, at their "this is who we are" constructivist Narrative Bubble. Their very epistemology frequently actively forbids any such decentering and denies the existence of any non-'reframed' reality, which is declared not to exist. George Orwell had identified this ideological mechanism with utter precision. This type of 'total immersion' is arguably more pernicious than many other kinds. It is a very profound emotional and intellectual bondage that engulfs every strand of thought, because the Newspeak that it either requires or imposes or insinuates -- a mandatory Inverted Reality Language, a Neo-Language that fuels (Info)-Emotive -Agit-Crusades [The Struggle] -- is a primary-level censorial filter designed to modulate ALL ambient reality, dictating ALL perceptions and human interactions. This is why a bureaucratic ideologue never bans 'thought or thing XYZ', but always an 'XYZ-like item'. The resulting fluidity is not at all a flaw stemming from lack of insight or knowledge. On the contrary, it is an inbult and key programming feature. It would thus be a waste time to criticize it as a 'flaw'. The intent and scope of a ban governed by the new 'fluidity' can namely be stretched any which way, arbitrarily, and those who are purported to have 'broken the law' can be subjected to endless permutations of a circular Alice in Wonderland (aka Theater of the Absurd) protocol. All bureaucrats, hierocrats, ideologues, Party functionaries or Temple officials of all eras and systems have always found this to be the very wellspring of their power -- the power to twist rules that have been rendered twistable by design. Otherwise, all those petty tyrants would be nothing -- less than chaff in the wind." (No One in Particular)
“Diversity of viewpoint, flat [organizational] structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important.” (Tim Trevan) [MB: As opposed to systems and speech control environments where one's hiring, remaining employed, advancement, and opportunity to publish heavily depend-- overtly or covertly -- not on any actual capability but on (a) demonstrative compliance with and utter loyalty to a specific ideology, (b) on the use of a mandatory and purely ideological vocabulary (compelled speech), (c) on loudly 'affirming' and 'embracing' a prescibed worldview that involves concepts commingled with towering hubris about a 'bending of the Arc of the Universe', and (d) on ensuring that the 'findings' of one's research comply, in all respects, with a 'correct' ideological message.]
“A journalist who prevails after trial in a defamation case will still have been required to shoulder all the burdens of difficult litigation and may be faced with hefty attorney’s fees. Those prospects may deter the uninhibited expression of views that would contribute to a healthy public debate.” (Samuel Alito) [NB: Judge Samuel Alito, suprisingly enough for professional 'shut-it-downers' as well as for the Supreme Court, happens to be supported here by none other than Karl Marx: "Censorship, like slavery, can never be rightful, even though it existed a thousand times in the form of laws. ... A censored press is a thing without a backbone, a vampire of slavery, a civilized monstrosity, a scented freak of nature" (Karl Marx, Rheinische Zeitung, 1842-1843). We of course concur, fully, without saying 'yes' or 'no' to either side of any specific argument. We merely defend the fundamental notion of 'even and free speech' protected by law, as oposed to Marcuse and the explicitly and programmatically biased notion of 'repressive tolerance'.]
"According to this law,'namely, Article II, 'the censorship should not prevent serious and modest investigation of truth, nor impose undue constraint on writers, or hinder the book trade from operating freely.' The investigation of truth which should not be prevented by the censorship is more particularly defined as one which is serious and modest. Both these definitions concern not the content of the investigation, but rather something which lies outside its content. From the outset they draw the investigation away from truth and make it pay attention to an unknown third thing. An investigation which continually has its eyes fixed on this third element, to which the law gives a legitimate capriciousness, will it not lose sight of the truth? Is it not the first duty of the seeker after truth to aim directly at the truth, without looking to the right or left? Will I not forget the essence of the matter, if I am obliged not to forget to state it in the prescribed form? Truth is as little modest as light, and towards whom should it be so? Towards itself? Verum index sui et falsi. Therefore, towards falsehood? If modesty is the characteristic feature of the investigation, then it is a sign that truth is feared rather than falsehood. It is a means of discouragement at every step forward I take. It is the imposition on the investigation of a fear of reaching a result, a means of guarding against the truth. Further, truth is general, it does not belong to me alone, it belongs to all, it owns me, I do not own it. My property is the form, which is my spiritual individuality. Le style c'est l'homme. Yes, indeed! The law permits me to write, only I must write in a style that is not mine! I may show my spiritual countenance, but I must first set it in the prescribed folds! What man of honour will not blush at this presumption and not prefer to hide his head under the toga? Under the toga at least one has an inkling of a Jupiter's head. The prescribed folds mean nothing but bonne mine à mauvais jeu." (Karl Marx, "Comments on The Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction," Anekdota zur neuesten deutschen Philosophie und Publicistik, Bd. I, 1843)
[NB1: It is also well worth pondering the above legislation in the original 1819 version: "Art. 1. Alle im Unserem Lande herauszugebende Bücher und Schriften, sollen der in den nachstehenden Artikeln verordneten Zensur zur Genehmigung vorgelegt, und ohne deren schriftliche Erlaubniß weder gedruckt noch verkauft werden. / Art. 2. Die Zensur wird keine ernsthafte und bescheidene Untersuchung der Wahrheit hindern, noch den Schriftstellern ungebührlichen Zwang auflegen, noch den freien Verkehr des Buchhandels hemmen. Ihr Zweck ist ... [der] Verwirrung der Begriffe entgegen zu arbeiten [NB: 'Management' of concepts and of State-permitted terminology -- i.e. the management of 'compelled speech']; endlich zu verhüten, was die Würde und Sicherheit, sowohl des Preußischen Staats, als der übrigen deutschen Bundesstaaten, verletzt. Hierher gehören alle auf Erschütterung der ... in diesen Staaten bestehenden Verfassungen abzweckende Theorien; jede Verunglimpfung der mit dem Preußischen Staate in freundschaftlicher Verbindung stehenden Regierungen und der sie konstituirenden Personen, ferner alles was dahin zielt im Preußischen Staate, oder den deutschen Bundesstaaten Mißvergnügen zu erregen und gegen bestehende Verordnungen aufzureitzen ... / Art. 4. Die Zensur der Zeitungen, periodischen Blätter und größeren Werke, welche sich ausschließlich oder zum Theil mit der Zeitgeschichte oder Politik beschäftigen, steht unter der obersten Leitung Unsers Ministeriums der auswärtigen Angelegenheiten, die der ... rein wissenschaftlichen Werke, unter dem Ministerium der geistlichen Angelegenheiten und des öffentlichen Unterrichts. Alle übrige Gegenstände der Zensur unter dem Polizei-Departement im Ministerium des Innern." (Preußische Zensur-Verordnung vom 18. Oktober 1819 (Preußische Gesetz-Sammlung 1819, S. 227)).] [NB: Implying of course that a Ministry of the Cult and Public Education low-grade hack or a random Spitzel in the Police Section of the Ministry of the Interior or a faceless member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs permanent bureaucracy is fully qualified to determine what is "True" and "Not True" in scientific terms. The issue is still debated today -- 'Is a legal expert, lawyer, attorney, judge, Attorney General, Supreme Court Justice, sufficiently qualified in all the relevant matters of science, technology, and research in general -- including for instance advanced mathematics or cutting-edge physics or biology or neurology -- to be able to issue a peremptory ruling on what constitutes scholarly and scientific "Truth"? The Roman Inquisition thought so ... We do not think so ... ]
[NB2: Ponder, oh please ponder, the words of Karl Marx before you seek
to evict from campus the next speaker whose words you deem you must
'cancel' and 'shut down'. Or are you pure double-standard hypocrites, by
any remote chance? Such a shame that Marx can be such a pebble in the
shoe when he fails to serve the One Purpose, exclusively ... i.e. an
admittedly totalitarian purpose. This way, folks! Back to the Future! Forward to the 1840s, to pre-1848 police-state Prussia, and further back to 1819, the Karlsbader Beschlüsse, etc. ... Now, given that Marx opposed censorship in this particular extract, should we be forced to delete all of the above and also be duly fined and furthermore forced to 'apologize', because the content challenges today's censorship-frenzied 'policies' that require one to delete even impeccably ascertained and broadly known data or well documented statements that indeed were undeniably made, merely on the grounds that some censor somewhere or some Tribunal somewhere deems the facts inconvenient and deems that public knowledge of something that has become public knowledge somehow amounts, entirely ludicrously, to “coordinating harm” and “promoting crime”? An interesting question ... Interesting indeed.]
It is unfortunately not at all rare today to hear milquetoast and quite
unconvincing expressions of commitment to civility and to 'common
ground' delivered in virtually the same breath with regrets that
civility "is hard to do when we start to dispute research, saying that truth is not the truth and fake news and the reality that some of us live in is different than the reality that some of us live in.” A prime manifestation of ideological cognitive rigidity. It is not the act of "disputing research" that constitutes a problem. Au contraire. "Fact-mongering" is very healthy, unlike stale and fruitless dogma. The acts of "disputing research", which some find ever so difficult to tolerate, are the only thing that has moved human knowledge forward throughout millennia. It is the very essence of high -quality and open-minded work. A scholarly 'conversation' might perhaps seek to persuade and convince -- based on data or interpretations that have begun to appear more plausible at a given time. There is a world of difference, however, between that particular approach and 'conversations' that elevate to the status of absolute and undebatable 'truth' a mere socially constructed allegiance to a specific kind of narrative. Purported 'conversations' that spin into high dudgeon when they run out of confirming data and sound arguments, whereupon they demand that all and any critics (especially those who very expertly go to the core of the most glaring flaws in one's ideology) be peremptorily silenced, by the courts and by the State, because if that fails to happen it is "very upsetting" and "very disturbing." And, of course, "if librarians don’t aggressively enforce a book ban, they could face a year in prison." La-la-la-la, ideological Spitzelstaat ... full of "correct-origin" climbers making career.
What we really have here is to a large extent a very ancient problem, a Gnostic problem in essence, wherein for the Gnostic or a de facto intellectual affiliate or heir (no matter how defined) “non-recognition of reality is the first principle” -- i.e. a fundamental and baked-in inability and unwillingness to view the world as it is, to the extent that if data and records happen to disagree with the 'desired' or mandatory narrative, all data must be 'adjusted' and the records purged, altered, or detroyed wholesale. Which brings us straight to 1984. "Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy" (George Orwell) [NB: Inside such a constructivist mindscape, future causes the past, any history that proves inconvenient for the Party Narrative can be counterfactually altered at will, any science that fails to support correct ideology is not 'science' (e.g. only Lysenkoism, or whatever else The Party and its Commissar 'fact-checkers' decree to be 'truth', qualifies as 'science', and The Party is collectively wiser and mightier than any 'science'), everything is infinitely 'reframable' through 'optics' and 'lenses', ideology always 'wags the dog', etc. States of being arise that are "untethered to facts". If The Party orders that any aspect of documented and factual science is merely a philosophical belief, that ideological directive overrides all scientific data and must be complied with, at any and all cost. The Party and its 'cultural cadres' have the power to decree what is 'real'. Facts are never determined in the laboratory or by research. Facts are established only in Committee. All absolute grounding truths are already enshrined in the 'classics of The Party'. 'Democratic centralism' ensures that Party reality is binding on everyone, as the only 'reality' ever. If The Party decrees that grain must be sown into frozen ground, that is 'science'; if it decrees that bears are walruses, all walrus exhibits in museums shall immediately be relabelled 'Arctic bear' and zoology lessons in schools shall be altered correspondingly; if it decrees that a Siberian - 25 C means it is Summer, then you must put on your bathing suit, get frostbite, and loudly shout how sweltering it is. The Party knows everything. It is not permitted to question The Party and its collective wisdom.]
From the above perspective, Humanists and pro-human 'realists' who
persevere in pointing out pesky factual and tangible aspects of reality
("being tethered to facts") must of course be viciously tarred as 'ignorant', smeared as 'prejudiced' and not 'enlightened', or outright silenced by force of doxxing, denunciation, and epithet-slinging -- they are "self-hating cowards" and they do not "love their country" [while, however, 'loving your country' is very bad too -- a pure manifestation of "... the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them" (1984, Part 2, chap. 9), in other words, whatever The Party and its Messaging Department say is true at any given moment is indeed True at any given moment, while being sophisticatedly 'Relative' at the very same time, and don't you dare say or think or write anything to the contrary.]. Otherwise, the fantasy constructivist 'over-the-rainbow' world of The Blue Checkmark fact-checking is all too easily and readily exposed and crumbles to dust. The curtain is ripped aside and behind it there stands nothing more than a sad-looking 'Wizard' of Oz mannikin. This is why those invested in specific narratives have always deemed it essential to control, 'de-platform', 'shut down', destroy, mock, and silence those who pursue evidence instead of 'feelings', who think and investigate by themselves, without a 'media' guide, a 'spiritual advisor', a Father Confessor, a PolitRuk, or a vigilant KultKom, simply for the sake of reasoned (mindful) (manas (Sanskrit मनस्)) investigating and not for the sake of functioning as a mere obedient servant (servus servorum) to an ideology, an 'engaged' mechanistic cog in a Movement, an agit-prop signal devoid of individual and truly critical manas.
“Evil men don’t get up in the morning saying ‘I’m going to do evil’. They say: ‘I’m going to make the world a better place.'” (Christopher Booker) [NB: Especially if those individuals are the adherents of a dogmatic, schematic, aggressive, totalizing, and control-oriented ideology that is 100% immersed in the notions that it -- and it alone -- holds all the answers to all questions, that it has a monopoly on all truths -- forever, and that it is entitled to function as a savage guardian of the only 'correct', utterly beneficent, and legally permitted set of concepts, enshrined in an imposed cast-in-stone vocabulary.]
To doubt, to "say that truth is not the 'truth'," thus ought to be the fundamental essence of any and every research dialogue. There are of course those who tend to assert that "the creation of doubt is a pernicious and rhetorical agent" [what we have here is a ye olde tactical deployment of agnotology, i.e. the analysis of that type of ignorance which may be fostered by the circulation of misinformation designed to mislead -- in this particular case, however, it goes a little like this: 'you are questioning my argument and you are by definition evil, as we have already established by prior unassailable definition ex nihilo, therefore your creation of doubt about my claim confirms that you are indeed evil and that you spread 'misinformation', all of which intelligendum nude ac impliciter est, and thus it further confirms the truth of my claim -- or something along such utterly circular lines']. It is, however, that very creation of doubt that really fuels scientific and scholarly revolutions, paradigm changes, and human progress. To find it hard that someone might dare to doubt and therefore question one's 'truth' -- whereupon one begins to emote about it being "very disturbing" because one then finds it hard to remain civil and carry on a true conversation, as opposed to a one-sided and proselytizing pseudo-'conversation' -- only reveals that the interlocutor never sought any genuine dialogue at all, ab initio. The 'truth' in question had already become for that particular interlocutor a matter of faith, as opposed to the far more modest status of a scholarly argument always exposed to scrutiny and refutation.
Note: You will notice throughout this page a recurrence of the term "invariant" (the first such instance is found in a nearby paragraph), which refers to a salient phenomenon. Normally one would expect to hear, when it comes to various gripping socio-political, cultural, economic, technological, scientific and other issues, a polyphony of individuals with fairly variegated personal background histories and considerably diverse paths of intellectual formation -- and thus also presumably diverse ways of expressing themselves, framing issues, and handling problems and solutions. Except -- it is in fact not happening. It is supposed to be happening, but it is not. Certainly not in any institutional or organizational or mainstream media or 'social movement' settings. On a plethora of issues, the core 'message' that is being served 24/7 is almost eerily boilerplate. Cutting-edge inter-textual linguistic analysis proves beyond any shadow of doubt that a very large part of the current 'message' never varies and never departs from script. Not only is it conceptually framed in very specific and very easily detected 'on-message' ways, in near-perfect synchrony across 'media' platforms of all sorts ("themed coverage" and "managed spontaneity" -- as (un)convincingly 'spontaneous' as "That's exactly the right message, Rachel, nice job!") but the actual micro-phrasing almost never changes, the choice of words and terms never changes, the sequences and cadences are always the same. Aww shucks! Seed money and lavish research funding can buy you placard-waving 'gras-roots action' and lab-coated 'scientific consensus' but it can't buy any credible "natural language" messaging variance? That, my Friend, is a really lousy investment in really sub-par 'messaging' bots ... Moreover, the talking points, the practically ritual responses, the ritual accusations and ritual apologies, verbal knee-jerk reactions, all of these are eerily mechanistic. Again, cross-textual parsing, at cutting-edge analysis level, can be very useful. What we have here is an unabashed ideological paid-for echo chamber. Swap the individuals and the settings or venues at will, and you will still get the same 'right message' playing over and over and over. It is almost too easy, childishly easy, to throw together a digital montage of dozens of 'expert' talking heads mouthing identical meaningless ideological verbiage in near perfect real-time on screen sync. Or to compile a gallery of 'influencer' tweets rolled out almost at the same time, same 'power words', same points, everything the same, right down to identical stale 'jokes'.The cadences then spill over into college student essays and into utterly boilerplate responses regurgitated by secondary cycle teachers and schoolchildren. It is becoming more and more difficult to foster independent thought. And of course there always is the Great Invariant Number One: anything that fails to chime in with the approved Narrative, in any field of endeavour or any intellectual venue, or anything that is simply 'inconvenient', no matter how well researched and supported by rock solid evidence, is automatically and always portrayed as "a now discredited theory" or a so-called "conspiracy theory". This is plus ultra social programming, to a degree that goes beyond the ridiculous. Wag the Dog.
“In their propaganda today’s dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationalization – the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State. As the art and science of manipulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these techniques with the non-stop distractions which, in the West, are now threatening to drown in a sea of irrelevance the rational propaganda essential to the maintenance of individual liberty and the survival of democratic institutions.” (Aldous Huxley)
" 'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have eroded.” (Friedrich von Hayek)
“That if you want to preserve your power indefinitely [NB: e.g. 'Eternal Commander,' and the disembodied stencilled giant eyes of the Great Leader(s) watching over the 'joyous' masses for "thousands of years" -- or at least throughout double-, triple-, or quadruple-length terms in office for 'elected' officials, in preparation for a 'hypernormalized' Eternal Rule by a Politburo], you have to get the consent of the ruled, and this they will do partly by drugs as I foresaw in Brave New World, partly by ... new techniques of propaganda. They will do it by bypassing the sort of rational side of man [NB: "Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy" (George Orwell, 1984); Zhao-Gao-style (pre-207 BC) zhǐ lù wéi mǎ reality-control or 'reframing' or 'adjusting the lens'; "the ... totalitarian myth claims supremacy over thought -- a myth based on 'deeper' intuition, so that it does not have to justify itself ["100% Consensus"] ... For this to be possible, of course, all logical and empirical rules have to be declared irrelevant, and that is what Marcuse for instance purported to do] and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions [NB: The Narrative -- telling 'stories'], and his physiology even ... " (Aldous Huxley)
The only possible countervailing choice is a Feynmanian one:
“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible” . Simply ignore the ideologue and The Party Line. "I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned" (Richard P. Feynman)
"Unanimity of thought is the arteriosclerosis of society." (Anatole France)
“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” (Galileo Galilei) [I.e. compared to the problem-solving potential of the individual and of individual excellence, there is nothing of real worth to be found in pompous 'authoritative' fiat and in a mechanistic bureaucratic consensus that reflects mere career-saving obeissance to a rigid Party Line and that is rooted in overarching schematic ideologies, in boilerplate identity politics, and in 'authority' that stems largely from 'ascriptive' status.] [NB: Of course, in the eyes of many Newspeak Champions, Galileo's advice is very much passé. He was guilty of such disgusting and clearly 'dangerous', 'threatening', 'aggressive', 'oppressive', and 'unsafe' individualism. Such nauseatingly meritocratic 'conceit'! Did he not know that only in 97%-100% consensus lieth Absolute Salvation? Anomalous, cognitively-dissonant results, those results that happen to destroy cherished and institutionalized hypotheses, those results that are falsely called 'discoveries' by all the evil 'fake news "untrusted" websites you never heard of', those results that are ignorantly touted only by those who do not believe in 'The Science', those results are the ones you must be suspicious of. They are 'conspiracy theory'! They disturb the ideologically imposed and mandatory 'peace of the community'. So uncollegial, these hoary old and 'toxic' Galileo types! And that vile Socrates! Arrest them for 'incitement'! Off to the dungeon with them! Make them drink hemlock! And remove them from Facebook! Ban them from Twitter PERMANENTLY! Such people 'dangerously undermine Truth'®,™! Horrid, horrid, 'toxic' and 'unsafe' minds! We need to hire more mind and food inspectors! Many, many, many more!]
"A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth -- some obvious truth he [or she or it] isn't supposed to say." (Michael Kinsley) [NB: Universally known as the 'Kinsley gaffe'. Stellar example: "one of the goals of fighting 'misinformation' [is] to [minimize] negative coverage of [a] government’s handling of [xyz]", followed by "but we do it while respecting freedom to criticize" followed by "this was erroneous information" followed by "the official in question never said that" (even though he did, on camera) followed by "the official in question was not authorized to say that" followed by "you have taken things out of context" followed by "Russian bots made that statement" followed by "unknown hackers tampered with the data" followed by "you are spreading dangerous misinformation and fomenting social stress" followed by "you are disloyal and will be arrested" followed by "we do everything for the good of the people and have never ever been moved by ideology". This typical sequence occurs always, with suitable variations. It indeed can be very embarrassing for a politician to accidentally tell the truth. If that happens, it is in the politician's or functionary's or Party Member's quintessential interest to immediately start lying again, and to enlist the Party apparatus and the 'faithful' to choose Truth over Facts, to declare that the words were never said, that the relevant footage was 'damaged' or cannot be found or never existed, and to make sure that all original records have been properly purged as well as permanently removed from 'social media'.]
If one engages in critique, one must quite naturally expect countervailing critique. If one engages in deconstruction, on must expect a critical or even hostile deconstruction of the deconstruction. Those ought to be the rules of an open intellectual forum. Unless of course one loudly preaches critique and loves critiquing others yet gets mightily upset the very instant any critique at all flows the other way. Unless one ostensibly rejects bias, but de facto follows the policy that all ideas endorsed by one's faction must always be "understood on their own merit" and may never be explored with any intent "to disprove them". Which of course is de facto biased ... The fact is that rationally assessing and correcting and disproving incomplete or contentious data -- as needed and warranted, or 'creating doubt', as needed and warranted, is not some sort of "pernicious" and merely "rhetorical" tool. On the contrary, it is something that sheds light and moves knowledge forward. "Truth emerges when different groups of explorers listen to each other ... and correct each other’s mistakes" (Freeman Dyson [1923-2020]). Plug in agnotology with an ideological twist, however, and all of this quickly becomes a slapping contest, with accusations of bad faith being traded back and forth -- either side in the debate will start claiming that 'harmful' general ignorance arises from purported misinformation allegedly spread by the other side. Under normal circumstances, a kind of chess game unfolds -- your turn, my turn, your turn, my turn. Playing chess, cards, Dungeons and Dragons, tabletop simulations, etc., habituates players to the sequence. But the system is of course fragile -- to break it, it is enough for one player to refuse to take turns -- (A) Your turn; (B) My turn, OK; (A) My turn; (B) No! You are out of order! Turn denied! My turn!; (A) OK, OK, your turn, just this once; (B) My turn, OK!; (A) My turn now; (B) No! You are oppressive! Evil! Entitled! How dare you speak! Don't be so 'fragile'! You had an opportunity to keep quiet but you chose to speak up. You are 'depraved'! My turn! Forever!
Ultimately, someone will simply hoist totalitarian colours, to shut down all debate, either (A) or (B). A simple and crude argumentum potestatis.
Any argument, however, that typically cannot abide opposition, and also feels compelled to invoke the coercive power of law (whether religious or secular), 'security', and administration to impose itself and to silence all non-compliant thought, across the board, is no longer an argument. It is a naked and blatant instrument of totalitarian power. Totalitarian twists of (un)logic or anti-logic always seek to push manipulatively expedient Overton windows further and further, in their quest for cowed mass compliance with various Narratives that ravenously seek a verbal (and thus cultural and political) Total Spectrum Dominance ... until the process spirals into devouring itself, and all its protagonists, as well as random bystanders who become 'collateral damage' for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then the process begins to consume even the very originators of the process. Saint-Just, Couthon and Maximilien and Augustin Robespierre of the Comité de salut public (pun fully and deliberately intended) experienced with quite a shock, on 28 July 1794, how swiftly the grinding machinery can process its own creators.
"Slaughter in the name of the ‘people’ ... thought police, the ruthless suppression of dissent, mass murder for ideological purity, – all started in the orgy of murder and nihilism unleashed by the furies of Jacobinism. They started by killing aristocrats and royalists, then moderates (like the Girondists), then dissidents, then any who had doubts ..." (Don Feder -- whether he deserves to be cited is beside the point -- just a freedom of speech blip) [NB: What dear Don forgets, throwing a really strange and very odd 'veil of decency' over actual crude reality, is that after those 'who had doubts', the mindless machine also crunched those who were of a 'different revolutionary faction' and then it started purging the loudest and most prominent 'creators' -- dear old Saint-Just, Maximilien, Augustin, and their buddy-buddies. Lesson derived? Be your own. Never ever bow to another, never belong to another, never ever bow to raucous mediatized or state-sponsored or state-approved ideology without having thought things through by yourself and for yourself, after having checked things on your own. Do not yield, under any circumstances. Kick back, hard, as hard as you can and then some more, with all the craft you possess -- go for the groin (legally, of course, only 'legally') -- before you are prevented from kicking and you suddenly find yourself minus a head, by a decree of some so-called authorities preaching an intransigent totalitarian ideology!]
"Terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable justice” (Maximilien Robespierre, Address to the National Assembly, 5 Feb. 1794, "The Terror Justified") [NB: Anyone perceive the supreme irony, given how good ol' Maxie ended up? Minus his heroic head? The Revolution eats its own -- children and ancestors alike. 1938 kangaroo court trial of Nikolai Bukharin. Ice-pick and Trotsky. Purge, purge, purge. Ideological quasi-religious 'purity' above all else. György Lukács kicked out of the Party. No matter how far one goes in demonstrating one's unquestioning loyalty to The Cause, unquestioning to the point of sheer imbecility, no matter how far one goes in demonstrating one's willingness to do literally anything for The Cause, without questions -- Karel Kryl's " "Brain zapped by obedience and reason zapped by faith / our 'correct' identity is more than a lump of fish bait!" -- it literally never is enough and never will be enough. Fanaticism brooks no dissent. There will always be someone more 'radical' craving 5 minutes of public stage limelight. Fully along the lines of today's 'Age of Twitter-Mob "Justice" ' and instant 'execution' by trending viral hash-tag. "Doesn't matter how much he did for this or that or The 'Cause'. We have moved on! That was, we are like, a thousand years ago! Forward! Forward! 'Cancel' him/her/it! Effective immediately!!!" "Doesn't matter how much she wrote. Burn it!! Get rid of it! 'Cancel' it!! Now! She has sinned now!!! Witch!!! Heretic!! Swipe left!!!!" Oh well ... Nothing ever really changes, does it? Fiery and sanpaku-eyed Savonarola, accusatory index finger wagging in the air, mouth gaping and twisted in ideological wrath, preaching for hours on end one day, to a cheering crowd, and then getting 'swiped left' at the execution stake the very next day, before an equally madly cheering crowd. The nature of the power-hungry sanpaku-eyed zealotic sicarius beast namely is what the nature of the beast is. And then all the Maxies get really Maxied by next-gen Maxies ... just 'swiped left' on the iPhone guillotine ... Just like when the gloriously 'incorruptible' Lavrenti Pavles dze Beria was officially 'cancelled' by Pavel Batitsky on 23 December 1953 (deservedly, for a change -- and every former scientist and researcher inmate of the "sharashka" political detention subsystem, plus a great many across the whole of Eastern Europe, raised a full glass of whatever happened to be at hand: in a sparkling toast to darling old Beria's 'cancellation'). "Swipe left"!!!!! All the while the heroes of the current Twitter-mob hungrily grift $69,000 here and $89,000 there for utterly non-existent crowd-funded game projects and then moan how impoverished and 'oppressed' they are while jet-setting around the globe.]
No 'right-wing' or revisionist platform is thus required to support the notion that attempts to ban free speech are intrinsically totalitarian. That notion can easily be defended in perfect congruence with Barthes, Lacan, Althusser, Derrida, and Foucault, plus a plethora of others. Is it not Derrida, we ask, who posits that the fundamentally ambiguous nature of language makes the true intention of an utterance quite unknowable? Hear that, Twitter, Facebook, and company? Are you perhaps a little behind on your reading of the progressive 'classics'? Really? In the absence of the possibility to readily prove (i.e. truly 'know') the 'actual intention' of a given utterance, attempts to police that utterance pre-emptively degenerate all too often into an arbitrary and one-sided enforcement of discrete ideological blueprints. Especially so if the 'language' rules are intentionally crafted in such a vague and sweeping manner that they ipso facto become a tempting tool: a tool in the service of zealous factional agendas and of a protagonist's search for 'five-minutes of social media stardom' at any cost. Such rules are easily twisted to serve virtually any purpose. They are not equitable and universal 'rules', but crude and random political levers. The same is true of equivalent digital engine censorship algorithms. They are at best disingenuous and at worst entangled in utterly cynical hypocrisy and in crass double standards, and thus devoid of legitimacy -- devoid of any grounding in factual proof.
Moreover, the tragedy is that those who vocally championed free speech in a not so distant past, when it happened to serve their own factional and political needs, are all too often the very same people (and/or their intellectual and physical descendants) who now seek to curb free speech, ban, shadow-ban, de-platform, etc. The most hysterically funny thing, in this context, is that it was Karl Marx, none other, who wrote in his 1842-1843 articles on the freedom of the press published in the Rheinische Zeitung: "Censorship, like slavery, can never be rightful, even though it existed a thousand times in the form of laws. ... A censored press is a thing without a backbone, a vampire of slavery, a civilized monstrosity, a scented freak of nature". There, chomp on that! Soooo very inconvenient, is it not? Will take a dose of good ol' sophistry to 'de-platform' that, of course. And now the former champions of free speech satirize Free Speech as 'Freeze Peach' and wish to ban and play itsy-bitsy tinpot Censor? They want to ban 'problematic' speakers and researchers from campus? When it was none other than Marx who wrote: "For is it not a denial of one person's freedom to demand that he should be free after the manner of another?" Too lazy to read Marx and too busy banning speech and shouting slogans? Clearly yes. Why? Simply, of course, because speech no longer happens to serve them alone, exclusively, 'for eternity'. What we have here is hypocrisy, zealotry, and Orwellian "doublethink" at its finest and most historically revealing: "What serves me shall never, ever be permitted to serve thee," plus impassioned complaints about "upside-down optics". Translation: only my "optics" are always correct (whatever they might be, i.e. whatever my Movement [whatever it might be] has mandated). Only my "optics" are always the right side up, forever -- yours are always "wrong", forever. By definition antipodian -- upside-down. And we all just know how evil those antipodians are and how depraved and how malignant, don't we? Real "toxicity and cancer". Just 'apologists' for 'XYZ'. Why? Are they not antipodians? Is it not obvious? Is it not "in their DNA or something"? Oh, well, excuse me -- is this not supposed to be 'bigotry', actually? See, this entire gambit works both ways -- 100% both ways. So very vexing, is it not, when the conceptual howitzer that one factional group has pre-positioned and then carelessly left unattended at a wrecked street corner, still loaded with all the verbal grapeshot, is seized by another factional group, spun around, deftly pointed, and discharged straight down the path of the very same group that left it at the ready in the first place. This, exactly this, is why the PSR refuses to be a monotone mouthpiece 'serving' just one side. We do not 'serve', no 'democratic centralism' here -- we are no one's 'servants' or 'allies'. Which is presumably why some people might argue we ought to be destroyed: "If you are not with us, you are against us" [Been. There. Done. That. Not. Impressed.]
In a more general sense, what we have here is an absolutely classic example of rolling waves of "revolutionary consolidation", in other words of pure Bonapartism in its historical stage of de facto political decrepitude, functionally masquerading as enlightened "forward-looking" tyranny. It is quite amusing that yesteryear's idealistic reformers cannot bring themselves to see what they truly become once they have reached late-stage Party-crony Plenum Bonapartism. It is quaint to see them pretend disingenously and in an ego-saving manner, to others and to themselves, that they cannot and also should not see. A prime example -- if there ever were any -- of "... the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them" (1984, Part 2, chap. 9).The actual mechanism of such ritualized unseeing does not really matter. Above all, no matter what you do, close your eyes and keep them firmly shut while internalizing The Message. Eyes shut wide. Opening your eyes is streng Verboten. The effective political goal and results are always the same. The unseeing ones ought to re-read Marx's The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. It would hurt them of course. It would make them howl in yet another spasm of offended rage. It would conjure an awful spectre -- the possibility that today's champions of truly Byzantine verbal compliance, and their enabling theoreticians, lawyers and HR bureaucrats, are little more than yet another evanescent facet of age-old processes, those very processes that "demonstrate how the class struggle ... create(s) circumstances and relationships that ma(k)e it possible for a grotesque mediocrity to play a hero's part" (Karl Marx, Eighteenth Brumaire) [NB: Could this analysis be extended to entire civilizations, once those civilizations start incentivizing mediocrity and absolute subservience as a preferred career trajectory?]. And, of course, with late-stage Bonapartism comes a new 'avant-garde' freshly minted aristocracy. Just a French 'oddity'? You must be joking! Fiery commitment to 'proletarian internationalist value-sets' undoubtedly was the reason -- right? -- why Lavrenti Pavles dze Beria (yes, that Beria, of the NKVD and MVD) carefully spread around rumours that he descended on the maternal side from the ancient lineage of the Counts Dadiani. The reason -- right? -- why he married Nino Gegechkori, a Countess, daughter of Teimuraz Gegechkori and Countess Dariko Chikovani. Oh, yes, that Comrade Beria ... the fiery and murderous guardian of revolutionary 'Integrity'. If it were not for Beria's many victims, it would be difficult to suppress belly-slapping sardonic laughter ... /sarc on/ Advanced revolutionary chic, so stylish, more chic than BoBo 'bourgeois bohemianism'... and you scored a Countess, no less .... Well done, Comrade! /sarc off/
Circling back to the broader topic, it is devastatingly intellectually lazy to dismiss with a blanket application of purportedly all-explaining labels every single thing that one happens to (or pretends to) dislike -- or that one is potty-trained to 'dislike' by one's ideological allies, friends, partners, allegiances, handlers, or the nagging necessities of a job search. The vast majority of the labels in question are and always have been part and parcel of a purely "political vocabulary" -- a schematic and very basic toolkit, largely invariant so that it could easily be regurgitated on demand. A toolkit designed to rally and to motivate, not to think de facto (and yes, using this as a pun we do indeed mean 'thinking on the basis of independently assessed facts and data -- not feelings, emotions, Party programs, slogans, States of Fear, implanted beliefs, etc'). A "political vocabulary" in the service of aгитация и пропаганда has little or nothing to do with free and reasoned inquiry. The fervour of ideological shock-troops has never been successfully elicited through calm open discourse. Only the rhythmical drumbeat of slogans and street-gutter name-calling does the trick. A scattershot deployment of catch-all labels -- from 'fake news' to 'disinformation', 'denialism', 'offensive', 'injurious', 'harmful', 'conspiracy theory', 'microaggression', 'heresy', 'deviationism', 'revisionism', 'collaborationism', and the expanding array of other '-ism', '-ist' and '-phobic' imagery -- all too often says infinitely more about the labeller than about any sort of reality in terms of that which is being labelled. But then, the purpose of "political vocabularies" has always been such .. whether the aim is to narrow the range of language, or 'purify' language, or 'expurgate' language, or create entire new operational vocabularies. Whatever is deemed to work, politically, is the name of the game. By any means necessary.
"Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined [i.e. 'Common Language' in various modern politicized variants] and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten ... But the process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead.
Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a
little smaller. Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for
committing thoughtcrime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that. The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect." (1984, Part 1, chap. 5) [NB: This is -- not the myriad other pretended factors -- is why 'management of terms' and 'speech policy' is so important for all bureaucracies: e.g. "Having a name [for a thing, factor, effect, 'listed behaviour', etc.] matters, to prevent the use of other names ... It also gives us a standard [i.e. Gleichschaltung] format ...".]
"By 2050 [NB: Strange, very, very, very strange, the world seems to be almost on the deep preset schedule, chronologically -- does fiction imitate 'reality or does 'reality' imitate fiction?] — earlier, probably — all real knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron — they’ll exist only in Newspeak versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be [NB: This is really superb, in terms of predictive capability, utterly superb -- Orwell 100% foresaw all the making "more relevant to contemporary society [regardless of any historical context]" when he wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four]. Even the literature of the Party will change. Even the slogans will change. How could you have a slogan like 'freedom is slavery' when the concept of freedom has been abolished? The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. [NB: And here we get to the very, very ancient 'servus servorum Dei', 'servitor of deity XYZ' paradigm, a styling and conceptualization and mindset that in fact reaches all the way back to the seals and clay cuneiform tablets of Ebla and Mari and Ugarit, and back to 2,500 BCE, and earlier]. Orthodoxy means not thinking — not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." (1984, Part 1, chap. 5) [NB: Old Man of the Mountain spliff-cut with other fervent ideologues, a verbal soup laced with chemical opiates, fake Nirvana -- and the unanswered question: cui bono? Who gains? Who pulls the strings? Always follow the money trails !]
"It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought—that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc—should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words…. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words…. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum." (George Orwell, "The Principles of Newspeak”) [NB: That is why, to navigate the rocky shores of Newspeak (Inverted Reality Neo-Language), one needs a bevy of largely ignorant and de facto undereducated and utterly self-serving but ideologically vetted and party-card-carrying PR hacks who provide guidance with regard to 'safe expression' and write appropriately approved talking points, speeches, social media posts, slogans, posters, banners, scripted 'spontaneous' shout-outs, exhibit panels, award texts, songs, 'motivational' fluff, public service announcements, ideology-buttressing movie scripts, etc. To churn out the ideological messaging requires an entire industry, and as those working in that industry depend on it for their livelihoods, they are not going to think independently. It is not in their most fundamental interest. Their task is to follow the 'style sheet', keep quiet, and do as they are told. Progress through ranks and 'incentives' depend on how much they stay 'on message'. It is so comforting, is it not, when one does not "have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future" (sic).]
Ultimately, the goal of "political vocabularies" is to shut down independent reasoning completely and to stir manipulable passions to a boiling pitch. The explicitly political vocabulary functions as a self-activating and launch-and-forget partisan IFF transponder. That is its precise tactical purpose (it of course has other, ideological, indoctrinative, and doctrine-shaping purposes): it enables partisan supporters to 'live in the moment of action' (à la Mussolini) and to attack as a co-ordinated drone swarm guided by nothing more than the IFF verbal signal. The only factor that matters at the moment of encounter (written, social media, classroom, campus, iPhone camera, public space, physical, kinetic) is to strike from every possible direction at the designated 'enemy', 'kulak', '-ist', 'landlord', 'bourgeois intellectual' or whatever else doctrine demands. It does not matter one iota who and what the individual at the receiving end really is. What is being attacked is merely the IFF signal, the concept, the label -- and so much the worse if the label patently does not fit its purported human embodiment. Then the attack will redouble, ever more raucously, to the hypnotic rhythm of placard- and hand-waving accompanied by thought-deactivating chants, designed to obfuscate and drown out mere facts and to render the IFF signal more 'legitimate'. Even if there never have been any real 'kulaks' or 'heretics' or 'witches' in the village, they will be found (i.e. manufactured). Ideology demands it. In fact, manufacturing a 'designated enemy' or a craftily 'designated existential threat' is absolutely crucial for all would-be universalist and totalitarian systems, so that they could seize power and hold on to it, presumably 'forever' -- at which point the former 'agents of change' immediately become stern censors and suppressors of any further change. To this end, a critical mass of humans must be forcefully activized into a schematic fear of and an ideologically scripted loathing for the 'designated' threat, and they need to be persuaded that their cause alone is 'just', mere facts be damned (even though the 'cause' typically is not grass-roots at all but an ideological construct artfully cobbled together by a Movement's intellectual and activist shock-troops -- the 'Vanguard', or a semantic equivalent thereof).
the process also requires a systematic top-down indoctrination of children, preferably from the kindergarten age-bracket up. Only thus will they be useful to the ideologues, as mobilized 'intergenerational influencers' and then as adolescent political cadres. National Socialist Germany used these exact techniques before and during WWII. The eery similarities between those years and phenomena and certain trends quite unmistakably evident today have not gone unnoticed: "Different upbringings produce different people. The first thing that a totalitarian regime tries to do is to get at the children, to distance them from the subversive [NB: quite frankly, this terms ought to have been by all rights in quotation marks], varied influences of their families, and indoctrinate them in their rulers' view of the world." (The Christian Institute and others (Appellants) v. The Lord Advocate (Respondent) (Scotland), Trinity Term, [2016] UKSC 51, on appeal from: [2015] CSIH 64, 28 July 2016, 73-74, pp. 33-34, further contextually and pertinently invoking, among other, El-Al Israeli Airlines Ltd v. Danielowitz [1992-4] IsrLR 478, para 14): "The factual premise is that people are different from one another, ‘no person is completely identical to another’ … Every person is a world in himself. Society is based on people who are different from one another. Only the worst dictatorships try to eradicate these differences,” as well as McReynold, SCUS, in Pierce v. Society of Sisters 268 US 510 (1925), 534-535: "The child is not the mere creature of the state"). The problem of course is that seizing control of an educational process in order to benefit and promote a specific ideology that willy or nilly will define "who we are" is unbearably tempting. And ageless. And pervasive. Imagine winning an ideological war as inexpensively as possible, simply by hijacking the minds of other people's children. Yay! Fantastic! Go for it! Mandatory curriculum constructed entirely around one specific ideology. Only one side of any argument, at all times. Mandatory doctrine, mandatory dogma, mandatory words, mandatory Marxism-Leninism, mandatory this and mandatory that -- anything but balanced and objective tools fostering the rise of independently thinking individuals who think outside the box and use reason instead of regurgitating ideological pap on demand, instead of obediently shutting out as 'disinformation' and 'nonsense', everything that the ideology designates as such. Independently thinking people are of course 'dangerous' and 'disturbing'. Dangerous to The Matrix.
"… as soon as one wants to go farther [than elementary notions of geometry, the natural sciences, and the valid laws of the country], serious difficulties appear. Teaching at the elementary level necessarily turns into indoctrination. It is not feasible to represent to adolescents all the aspects of a problem and to let them choose between dissenting views …The party that operates the schools is in a position to propagandize its tenets and to disparage those of other parties." (Ludwig von Mises).
“Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing.” / “You had to live -– did live, from habit that became instinct –- in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.” / “It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children.” (George Orwell, 1984)
In any case, back to the main strand of the argument. The more the 'officially designated' enemies subsequently deny that they are 'privileged kulaks' or 'heretics' or some other such label, and the more they try to argue or explain, the more they are declared guilty, of course -- it simply is the nature of a 'kulak' to deny being a 'kulak', you see, so that he might systemically benefit from the universal evil of 'kulakism'. Any defense or any realist analysis or accurate presentation of data, any at all, is just a manifestation of retrograde 'false consciousness', and a subterfuge. The enemy obtusely refuses to 'recognize' he is a 'kulak', but we can see straight through that -- ha, ha, ha -- because we know who is and who is not. We have studied it very hard in "books and things". In seminars! We have 'raised consciousness', we "reach higher", and 'reveal' and 'unmask'! "She is a witch because she denies being one" (The Crucible, Act III & Act IV). The template is always the same, invariant, only the proclaimed 'evildoer' labels keep getting swapped -- a good hint that the whole thing is a power-hungry Matrix sham, a farce, a comedy. For 'true believers', finding the guilty ones, 'identifying' , 'exposing', 'unmasking' them, making them 'confess', making them 'afraid', holding them 'accountable' for what they never really committed is namely an essential self-corroborating proof that the ideology, whatever it might be, is true and also the sacred locus of raw power -- the raw power of un-thinking things that have been designated as 'hateful'. It requires no facts, no logic. Logic would only obtrude. Logic would in fact be dangerous. If the class / oppressor / Other / different-thinker / other-doer 'enemies' are not found -- and found repeatedly, over and over again, by any means necessary -- chances namely are the ideology might crumble and melt like snow in late spring. It would die in the stink of dogma. It would lose charge and momentum. So, like, we have only XYZ months before we absolutely must achieve total radical Victory, BAMN. Or the sickly-sweet dopamine momentum will dissipate. So, like, see, no offence and nothing personal, y'all Kulaks or Bourgeois, or Citoyens Capet, or Hiders in the 'Priest Hole', or Deluded Counter-Revolutionaries or Revisionist Deviants -- see, like, it’s less about individual instances of Kulakism and Bourgeoism and Capetism and Priestism and Witchism and Sectism and Arianism and Thisism and Thatism, including Creepy Revisionism and Creeping Counter-Revolutionism and Trotskism and Beryism and Bernsteinism and Deviationism and also Struvism and Brentanoism and Renegade Kautskyism and all that awful Evilly Wrong Positionality, and, like, it's rather sort of, like, kind of, like, you know, how we’re thinking about all of these as the foundation of all Creepy Evil. So, it's, like, categorically general. Nothing personal. You're just a meme for a Manichean category that we have, like, 'revealed' because it was 'inevitable'. So, sorry that y'all will be minus your creepy heads. Because, like, pretty much all is Kulak-ist and has been Kulak-ist for thousands and thousands of years, because we say so, and we have, like, 'revealed' this Kulak-ist category that is so broad because it covers All and Everything so that it's pretty much arbitrary and useless but at the same time very good because it really covers Everything and we do not have to bother with any Creepy Stuff and with Creepers. So, we are like: with a category like that we will never commit "category errors". Yay!!! So, we are like: it's all nails and so we, like, need really truckloads of hammers here. Because, like, the nails need to get hammered, when they are, like, everywhere ... And sorry that we'll have to, like, charge all the Deniers the wear and tear of this guillotine blade thing so that they would Educate Themselves. Nothing personal, like, you know, you are just a meme Instance of Evil that is in Your DNA or something and must be, like, you know, 'eradicated' and, like, 'mended' that way. It's, like, a Teachable Moment to rewire your brain, which is really best done through, like, Real Justice. So do not offer non-compliance ... and remember that you have earned no Right to Speak. So, before you go up those stairs to the Justice Podium, apologize for, like, your serious lapses in judgment that, like, involve your actually existing at all, in our version of 'reality' that is not, like, 'real' but 'relative' .....
But the ultimate gambit that loops the loop is to begin affirming that either the target is 'offensive' (morally or ideologically) merely by attempting to use defensive tactics of 'precautionary behaviour' that reduce the chances of getting accused of this or that, or that the very fact that the target behaves thus is automatic grounds for suspicion -- or even outright proof -- that the target must have 'something to hide' and is therefore already 'guilty'. For who would follow precautionary principles if they have 'nothing to hide', right? Remember: “People who want to demonstrate their innocence make displays of cooperation with investigators.” Submit! Absolute Submission is the very highest proof of righteousness. Always! In any circumstances whatsoever! It is 'highly offensive' and 'unsafe' to act otherwise! You are simply guilty because "people like you" are guilty. And we are so very enraged that you have knocked the tools of easy false labelling and accusation out of our hands before we sprang our favourite boilerplate trap. How dare you! You must be very evil and depraved indeed! How dare you not leave yourself wide open to whatever charge we might happen to cook up? Howl, howl, howl, howl ... Currently being delivered in infinite and easily spotted twists of similarly framed tactics, everywhere, 24/7, streaming to your iPhone through a multi-Googolplex of sponsored channels.
The ultimate answer to the above is of course: μολων λαβέ. With panache and a grin ... and utter scorn: μολων λαβέ.
The Review thus rejects any ostentatious 'non-platforming', artificially promoted 'safe spaces', the shaming of researchers to "get back in their own traffic lane," and other pre-emptive 'global crowdstrike' modes of shutting down well documented arguments. We reject the collective “Two Minutes' Hate” sessions followed by the “deep, slow, rhythmical chant of ‘B-B!… B-B!’ [Big Brother] — over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first ‘B’ and the second.” What it was that Orwell actually satirized with this "B-B chant " meme is by now known well enough not to require explanation. All right, yes, everyone is aware of the explanatory twists. Do we go with Anthony Burgess's interpretation, i.e. "Bennett's correspondence education courses" and their posters, which actually were strangely 'constructivist'? "Big Brother is watching you" <= "Le Me Be Your Big Brother" <= "Let Me Be Your Father" (namely J. M. Bennet). Or do we rather go with Brendan Bracken the Minister of Information. "B.B." as everyone referred to him. And by extension the "B - (deep drawled pause) - B - (deep drawled pause) - C"?
"At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmic chant of 'B-B! . . . B-B! . . . B-B!'—over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first 'B' and the second—a heavy murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamps of naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms. For perhaps as much as thirty seconds they kept it up. It was a refrain that was often heard in moments of overwhelming emotion. Partly it was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Big Brother, but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise" (George Orwell, 1984)
"The trick used by Himmler…was very simple and probably very effective; it consisted in turning these instincts around, as it were, in directing them toward the self. So that instead of saying: What horrible things I did to people!, the murderers would be able to say: What horrible things I had to watch in the pursuance of my duties, how heavily the task weighed upon my shoulders!" (Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem)
Is our stance either 'non-progressive' or 'conservative?'Not at all, really. The Review celebrates -- quite, really, honestly, we mean it -- the free speech implications of what can for instance be culled from Althusser and innumerable others -- namely that our beliefs, desires, preferences, and choices are deeply rooted in social practices. That society moulds the individual in its own current image through ideology as a set of signs and symbols carried, implemented, and enforced through language. Many have quite rightly deemed such moulding oppressive, in the past, even outright 'totalitarian'. Just like it is oppressive to see someone with a BA in philosophy but no sustained publishing record in economics induce a video-sharing service to censor alternative 'readings' of the history and role of the Federal Reserve, for instance. On what grounds, exactly? Are 'alternative readings' not all the rage? Are they not a 'very advanced' post-modern approach? "Quackery?" Once one detects 'quackery', one addresses the "quackery" by writing a serious and impeccably supported 1,000-page book supported by ample sources and demonstrating at length why and how the "quackery" occurred and what its exact nature is. One does not go invoking censorship. And please do note that we have not written, above -- 'with no PhD in economics': we are not fans of mechanistic 'credentialism' and 'appeals to authority', we merely advocate for free meticulous research and meticulous scholarship, by whoever is capable of it, with whatever qualifications they happen to have.
If one accepts that even Althusser, for instance, implicitly supported free speech, then one also must logically accept the following. Attempts to regulate minutely what specific 'language' ought to be used in research or teaching (as is increasingly being done) are therefore profoundly and deliberately totalitarian. As are regulations with regard to the circumstances under which -- and by whom -- language ought to be monitored, tracked, quantified, evaluated, 'reported', policed, denounced, and doxxed. Denounced anonymously, of course, under the cover of darkness -- under the long historical shadow of the Inquisition, the Gestapo, the StaSi, the NKVD, the KGB, and other "vanguard of the future" equivalents. Incidentally, we do think there is something oddly poetic in the fact that Google, back in November 2018, was offered the premises of the old communist GDR StaSi (Staatssicherheit -- State Security) headquarters (still intact, complete with basement detention and interrogation cells) in Berlin-Lichtenberg as its new main hub in Germany. Historical birds of a feather ... ?
“Secrecy begets tyranny.” (Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land)
Anyway, by now it has become patently obvious that far too many of various anonymous "protected accuser" accusations and denunciations are typically 'resolved', as virtually 'standard operating procedure', within institutional 'disciplinary' Star Chamber hearings often headed by a single, self-appointed, and definitely not legally qualified or competent 'investigator'. Such institutional Star Chambers (a) enjoy undue authority hedged around by 'privacy' directives or 'confidentiality directions' (“avoid any public comments on the investigation” -- effectively a pre-emptive blanket gag order that imposes total silence on the 'accused' and places the socially isolated 'accused' exclusively at the total mercy of an ad hoc in-house organ that lacks any officially acknowledged jurisdiction whatsoever, i.e. Saul Alinsky's Rule #13: "identify, isolate, freeze and escalate", (b) blatantly flout or are inexpert in due process and proper discovery, or simply a priori despise due process on ideological grounds, (c) effectively nullify or have been known to nullify or outright despise, on ideological grounds, factual rules of evidence, due process, due process rights, and the presumption of 'innocent until proven guilty', and (d) sabotage any chance by the 'accused' to challenge and cross-examine witnesses, and to be represented by a lawyer ('right to counsel') from the very beginning in order (i) to even out the playing field between a cash-flush and legally super-powerful institution with basically unlimited and frequently tax-payer furnished resources and an individual with limited or zero resources, and (ii) to ensure a duly informed and structured defense based on impartially collected and expertly verified data. All of this, aways, under an absolute secrecy veil of that in-house confidentiality clause -- in other words, from a historical perspective, an explicitly and deliberately Inquisitional process in nature . An institutional hanging without trial, behind closed doors. Effectively, this amounts to using a politically and ideologically driven bill of attainder, because the pseudo-'court' cannot and on ideological principle will not establish a complete evidentiary record subjected to the adversarial elements of an open trial. Such secrecy, such ideologically underwritten unwillingness, is always a tell-tale sign -- as if totalitarians literally could not abide daylight, could not stand fresh air, could not stand any frank challenging look in the eyes, could not stand anything that threatens to bust wide open all the ideology-based behind-the-scenes scheming.
Every single totalitarian regime throughout history has always had secret committees, a behind-the-curtain Inner-Party-Members-only Plenum, Presidium or Politburo ("... there shall be strict Party discipline and the subordination of the minority to the majority ... all decisions of higher bodies shall be absolutely binding on lower bodies and on all Party members"). Every single totalitarian regime has always had the equivalent of a Geheime Staatspolizei. And secret trials intra cubiculum principis (in camera) (such as during the last years of Emperor Claudius [for the sake of a contextually different but operationally similar random example] -- which were utterly overshadowed by Claudius' new wife and Nero's mother, the power-hungry, scheming Agrippina, who for political purposes wielded poisons and false accusations with equal mastery, or during the later stages of Nero's reign from the late 50s onward). All of these are hall-marks of an emergent or already full-blown totalitarianism, ghosts of the StaSi or NKVD/Cheka, of summary troika 'tribunals', Star Chambers, show trials, etc., no matter what kind of PR 'reframing' and 'change of optics' might be slapped or strapped on the drab reality in attempts to mask it (i.e. camouflage, mimicry, crypsis -- plus all the tools of "branding and brand naming [to] create a more resonant, powerful XYZ" that might be /sarc on/ 'impactfully impactful and impacting' / sarc off/). As in every single revolution that has ever taken place on planet Earth (yes, we include here e.g. Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten aka "Effective for Aten"), the 'nice' and fuzzily idealist reformers of yesteryear in due course become robotic 'democratically centralist' apparatchik enforcers of one Bonapartist "newspeak" or another, true incarnations of the sinister Joseph Fouché, 1st Duke of Otranto, the ferret-like, pinched, weak-chinned and rather cadaverous-looking Minister of Police, who barely a year before coming out as a fiery champion of the revolutionary "Cult of Reason" had in fact been -- vocally and 'on record' -- an equally fervent advocate of the "role of the clergy in education" and also ostensibly advertised a wish to join the Church. Quite predictably -- always clawing forward "by any means necessary", any lying necessary, any crypsis necessary, so long as Fouché the very fervent champion of Fouché benefited, no matter how many went to the guillotine by his orders. Nothing personal of course, this is "mostly about securing your own paycheck", after all.
Oh how exquisitely 'sensitive' to specific 'constituencies' Fouché was: "... when the blood from the mass executions in the centre of Lyons gushed from severed heads and bodies into the streets, drenching the gutters of the Rue Lafont, the vile-smelling red flow nauseated the local residents, who irately complained to Fouché and demanded payment for damages. Fouché, sensitive to their outcry, obliged them by ordering the executions moved out of the city to the Brotteaux field, along the Rhône [river]". Sense and sensibility and 'justice' incarnate. But of course, the plus is, one must suppose, that he engineered the downfall of Robespierre because quite frankly otherwise it was Fouché's own head in the basket-- and Fouché loved Fouché dearly. The later purging of the Jacobins by the ex-Jacobin Fouché while also catching Royalists in the dragnet was a classic commedia dell'arte. And then of course 18 Brumaire ... And all the other things. And the stint at Internal Affairs. And all the hidden details thereof. And the duché grand-fief of Otranto -- just like Beria marrying a Countess but even better, in fine 'revolutionary' tradition. True to form, in 1814 Fouché switched sides of course, yet again, as he had done so many times before, and joined the invading allies, and conspired against Napoleon. With all sorts of interesting strings attached. A fine bureaucratic Spitzelstaat weasel in the most ageless tradition, and of course an inveterate 'fixer' and 'survivor'. He really proved exquisitely helpful to the restored Bourbons. And "he repaid the contempt of his superiors and the adulation of his inferiors by a mask of impenetrable reserve or scorn". Nothing personal, Citizen, this is 'mostly about securing my own paycheck'. It is such a pity that Fouché was only proscribed and then died peacefully in exile -- he really did deserve the guillotine that he so cynically meted out to others when ideologically expedient. Le petit salaud arriviste had narrowly missed a date with Madame La Guillotine back in 1795. Anyway, enough of this ... surely we have amply qualified by now for one 'teachable moment' or another, and are going to be told in didactic Twitter-tones that The Memoirs of Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto, Minister of the General Police of France, are just one of many places where we can duly correct our very poor grasp of history ... bypassing patient and original work in the archives. 'Truth' over Facts, any day.
Fouché and innumerable other players in relevant political processes illustrate the truism that while clawing for power the slogan of the day invariably tends to be: “Question others' authority! It is so liberating!” When safely ensconced in power, a haughty put-down is proffered instead: “Don’t you dare question my authority! You have not earned the right! You are evil, ignorant, biased and uninformed without even realizing that you are [aka the old 'false consciousness' or 'unconscious bias' argumentative canard]. Please educate yourself [or you will be mandatorily 'educated' and 'trained' until you comply]! Now ... you seem like a reasonable person [a standard 'good cop' move, used at one point or another by every skilled interrogator]. Do not be so dramatic. You must know that you exaggerate [lowered tone, fake 'friendly' mien, calming the 'subject' here by lightly tapping into 'subject's insecurities and hopes' and dangling the chimera that some sort of real bilateral conversation might perhaps still be going on]. I actually believe that you’re on our side about all of this. If you actually embrace our actual grounding philosophy, I am sure you will see no problem with affirming "xyz" or complying with "xyz" [fill in the "xyz" with whatever the power-grab script might be; the move is likewise a commonplace interrogation technique -- 'flip the switch' and break the subject's 'idea-consumer resistance' by leveraging against them the momentum of their own basic decency and willingness to talk things through reasonably: it is a rather cheap verbal jiu-jitsu throw]. We are now going to have a 'productive' conversation. It will be an improved conversation, and you will see why you should fully embrace and celebrate my 'values'. Let me propose something to you: I am going to be noble and magnanimous. I will treat you as if you were an ordinary rational person [which of course implies that you are not -- that, like Nikita Khrushchev phrased it on 24 May 1959 -- if you oppose my Ideology you are in fact 'mad'] choosing among those options I permit you to choose from. And you, you will engage 'selective memory' and you will just pretend that your wilful opposition to my dictate was a sorry blip that never happened. Do we have a deal? [or else]!” "Did you not do or commit 'xyz'? Do you not acknowledge having uttered 'xyz'? Do not even answer! These were not questions! Answer 'yes' or 'no'!"
[NB: Of course the above were 'questions', and of course the entire interlocutory sequence is a basic interrogation manoeuvre purposely designed not to make sense at all (a variation on the "Alice in Wonderland" questioning technique), and it is not by any stretch of the imagination any sort of 'conversation', no matter how often the 'conversation' meme is advertised. But that hardly matters -- every Inquisitor of every aeon has proceeded thus. By the way, the 'questioner's' 'xyz' was of course entirely fabricated and logically as well as materially irrelevant -- something like this: This is a very important moral (or whatever) issue that affects us all. You owe this hearing full and candid transparency and you should answer even when I cut you off and prevent you from answering. The important issue is, How many angels can fit on top of a needle? Did you not say that the number is only 65? I do not recall what you exactly said but I do recall very clearly that it was a very small number. Such a small number! Did you know that the true scientific number supported by overwhelming consensus is certainly no less than 11,567,546,345,365,120,784 angels per googolplex, which is a 1 followed by an entire googol of absolute zeros? Such manifestly very large numbers! There is overwhelming consensus, as I said, on this important and vital matter, a consensus of practically all experts. Are you hostile to science? Ah, of course not every policy is scientific ... even when it pretends to be based on 'science'! Don't you know that? Don't you know how 'science' is used politically, in the name of proper 'action'? You ought to know that! You say we were not talking about angels on top of needles? Well, my suspicion is that you might certainly have been saying some hurtful and unsafe things about angels on top of needles, and we shall have to investigate this important matter further. You look like someone who would say such things. It is in your DNA. Meanwhile, please answer the question! And this was not a question! So do not say another word! You have no right to speak or comment! I just asked for a yes or no. Do you think anyone will believe you? And, by the way, you had an opportunity to keep quiet! But ... you chose to speak up! You had to speak up, did you not? That only shows that you are depraved. We have a serious and justified concern about the state of your mental health. So ..., you have only yourself to blame!]
Old shoe, all of this. So, the Alice in Wonderland Interrogation Method: "The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee. He is accustomed to a world that makes some sense, at least to him: a world of continuity and logic, a predictable world. He clings to this world to reinforce his identity and powers of resistance. The confusion technique is deisgned not only to obliterate the familiar but to replace it with the WEIRD. Although this method can be employed by a single interrogator, it is better adapted to use by two or three. When the subject enters the room, the first interrogator asks a double-talk question -- one which seems straightforward but is essentially nonsensical. Whether the interrogatee tries to answer or not, the second interrogator follows up (interrupting any attempted response) with a wholly unrelated and equally illogical query. Sometimes two or more questions are asked simultaneously. Pitch, tone, and volume of the interrogators' voices are unrelated to the import of the questions. No pattern of questions and answers is permitted to develop, nor do the questions themselves relate logically to each other. In this strange atmosphere the subject finds that the pattern of speech and thought which he has learned to consider normal have been replaced by an eerie meanignlessness. The interrogatee may start laughing or refuse to take the situation seriously. But as the process continues, day after day if necessary [NB: "This will continue as long as it remains productive"] the subject begins to try to make sense of the situation, which becomes mentally intolerable. Now he is likely to make significant admissions, or even to pour out his story, just to stop the flow of babble that assails him. This technique may be especially effective with the orderly, obstinate type." [NB: Now just scale this up to entire societies, and cross-apply to various so-called 'hot button' issues. Reminds you of what you see and hear 365/24/7, on all the media channels? It rather does, does it not?]
But the ultimate gambit that closes the loop -- the one with which we have started above, is to begin affirming that either the target is being 'offensive' (morally or ideologically) merely by attempting to adhere to the defensive tactic of 'precautionary solution', or that the very fact that the target behaves thus is automatic grounds for suspicion -- or even outright proof -- that the target must therefore indeed have 'something to hide'. For who would follow precautionary principles if they have 'nothing to hide', right? Remember: “People who want to demonstrate their innocence make displays of cooperation with investigators.” Submit! Absolute Submission is the very highest proof of righteousness. Always! In any circumstances whatsoever! It is 'highly offensive' and 'unsafe' to act otherwise! You are simply guilty because "people like you" are guilty. And we are so very enraged that you have knocked the tools of easy accusation out of our hand before we sprang our favourite boilerplate trap. How dare you! You must be very evil and depraved indeed! How dare you not leave yourself wide open to whatever charge we might happen to cook up? Howl, howl, howl, howl ... Currently being delivered in infinite and easily spotted twists of similarly framed tactics, everywhere, 24/7, streaming to your iPhone through a Googolplex sponsored channels.
Standard. 100% classic. One can easily find formally and structurally equivalent verbal scenarios throughout the entire spectrum of past records of judicial proceedings, from the highest to the lowest legal instance, and in the records of innumerable hearings, commissions of inquiry, governing body deliberations, etc., no matter what the ostensible ideological alignment of the body in question. One of the conjoined tactics that never quite seem to fade from use is to feign outrage when a target adopts a behavioural rule or mode of comportment that broadly neutralizes a certain range of potential accusations. Suppose that the target's adopted precautionary solution is to always have a witness to a conversation or a meeting -- or even better several witnesses -- or to always have an accurate recording of what passed. That is of course highly inconvenient if the standard mode of attack is a type of accusation that is typically predicated on a narrative that the target has been doing -- or is prone to doing --something 'bad' or 'immoral' in secret. An even more potent gambit is one where the alleged 'bad' and 'immoral' thing is not readily apparent at all except to an 'expert' or a special-status accuser, sanctified by zeal for 'justice' and certified by ideological commitment, who is either specially 'trained', or is deemed naturally or divinely suited to 'identify' and 'reveal' and force confessions of hidden misdeeds that in fact are largely non-existent.
It would be tedious to count how many false and self-interested accusations of crypto-Judaizing among converts to Christianity, for instance, were cobbled together exactly this way. To count how many purported 'apostates' from any given religion or ideology have been 'revealed' (the equivalent of modern-day 'doxxing') in exactly this way, simply on grounds of insufficient 'zeal for the cause', 'revisionism', 'deviationism', or supposed behaviourally signalled 'perversion' would be tedious. To count how many 'heretics' have been 'unmasked' this way, denounced and burned at the stake would be tedious. Or how many followers of the 'wrong' version of a religion have been stoned, beheaded, and crucified. To bring up yet again the issue of various 'moral panics' and the Salem witch trials sparked off by the 'testimony' of dysfunctionally hysterical, high-strung and possibly biochemically intoxicated children and teens would be tedious. Incidentally, that is why 'children's movements' and 'children's crusades' and their varied equivalents and permutations have always been rather popular. They make reverse 'Emperor's New Clothes' quite a nifty psy-ops gambit, even though it is one that during all historical eras and cultural contexts has been quite easy to see though. You can inflict the child's irrational and ignorant fears on those around, and leverage it for political purposes -- the child as tool of power, especially if the child 'hears voices' or literally 'sees' in the near-IR, infrared, and microwave bands and thus 'sees' with the naked eye colourless and odourless trace gases whose molecules do not at all reflect or absorb light within the light spectrum perceptible to humans. Then the child, properly chaperoned, properly managed, properly fluffed up by social 'affirmation', can be used as a tool to bludgeon the parents into compliance, drilling into their heads the propagandistic vent-hole that no matter how much they know and no matter how much they see through the whole gambit they better lay low and go with the flow because otherwise they are reactionary ignorant 'bourgies' and very bad people who will end up in jail once The Revolution sweeps the land. How many historically documented accusations of and denunciations for heresy, apostasy and of course also 'sorcery', how many blood libels, etc. were sparked off by children? Lord of the Flies, anyone? How about Lord of the Flies 2.0? 3.0? 4.0?
Has been done many times before, throughout history. So many times it is astounding that any political operator would think this will still work. Even more astounding of course is the fact that it still does work. Why it works is the fabulous cultural meme that a child or 'youth' would never lie and that they possess some unique instant access to some unique truth or insight. "You would not accuse an innocent child, would you? You would not evilly contradict a child? Don't you have any decency? How can you harm the child by contradicting it? The child's word is divine!" A hoary psycho-historical meme and also a para-Marcusian and Gnostic (etc.) shortcut that leverages ostensible 'innocence' and disarming 'honesty' of narrated 'feelings' in the service of a brutal or coercive ideological agenda. Yes, tune in to the Siren voice of the child 'wise beyond its years', who knows all the deep esoteric truths ... because: / sarc on / Children never make up stories and are never quite easily misled and indoctrinated and inducted into cults, covens, and Cultural Revolutions, etc.; they 'intuit' and 'feel' in a Rousseauian way all there is ever to be known. No paltry facts or 'pre-conceived' evil mathematized oppressive normative sciences are required -- just tune in to that piping, high, clear, sincere choir-voice, the 'voice of conscience'. Dissolve in that sweet young falsetto voice of the divine Elagabalus and the other 'divine children'. Never dare to question young Nero's 'divine voice', never question the Child Oracle, the Saint of the Times. All questioning is verboten unless it serves The Narrative. See, children 'get it', unlike you, because children do not have to 'unlearn' the facts that they NEVER, EVER learned and that are so inconvenient to Our Ideology. We can just go and tell them whatever we want, and they 'believe it like it's a religion' -- job done. Just dredge out an old song from the 1920s and clap on it a bunch of lilty lyrics bashing earlier generations who "won’t be around much longer anyway, and have nothing at all to say". Both Communists and Nazis did EXACTLY the same. Nothing new here. "It's a 'repeat' / just a 'repeat'". Only those who lack historical memory can actually fall for this kind of tired old sloganeering. "Dědeček a babička / ujídají z chlebíčka" (Eastern Europe, 1948-1950) (paraphrasable in English rhyme as "Grandpa and grandma [are almost dead] / [no 'social' utility in letting them] eat bread")! We win!!! Back to the 1920s!! << This way, xyzJugend! << / sarc off / Yes, quite so, really, just so ... and above all stop thinking like a sober and rational expert and a highly skilled realist with top qualifications. Of course, quite so.
The above trick is so hoary, so ancient, so Savonarola, so Children's Crusade, that it does not even make sense to hide this ... already the Jesuits, for instance, entirely candidly advertised their savvy manipulation of youths and children. Yes, already the Jesuits (and innumerable earlier 'saintly' operatives) were aware of the power of such basic agit-prop tools as "child-to-parent intergenerational learning—that is, the transfer of ... attitudes or behaviours from children to parents" and were also quite well aware that "daughters appear(ed) to be especially effective in influencing parents" ('findings' published in May 2019, not fully referenced here in order not to really embarrass the rather large author team). You deem you have 'discovered' something new here? Oh really, really? Every single missionary and cult propagandist that ever lived has used these exact techniques, and has been aware of them for millennia, entire millennia. The technique was also quite standard in the USSR. Perhaps reading some Makarenko, in Russian, might be a very good idea? Or Johann Gottlieb Fichte in German? And of course all the pathetic 'expert' pap seeking to leverage 'intergenerational learning' in order to make children 'guide' their parents and relatives away from 'dangerous conspiracy theories' is always invariant and reaches all the way back to some lovely Fascist, Stalinist, Jesuit and other precedents. Along the lines of: "How can you explain to your parents or to your crazy uncle Bob that the Government [Ministry, Movement, Organization, Sect, Police, etc.] is correct? Is Uncle Bob spreading misinformation in the family group chat room [meeting, at dinner, in the pub, in the garage, on a nature walk]? How can you act when you hear Uncle Bob say very strange stuff that may come from an untrusted website you never heard of [or from underground literature, Samizdat, Resistance flyer, evil sectarian pamphlet, etc.]? Do not be angry. Educate and help your crazy Uncle Bob. Here is a list of our approved resources you can tell your parents to read. Explain calmly that this is the only Truth. Hand them our Party's authoritative expert brochure [brochure from the Ministry of Love, our easy to understand Party flyer, our Newspeak list of approved words, our latest Politburo motivational booklet, latest Encyclical, latest message from the General of our Order -- or from those renowned and lavishly decorated Party scientists, etc.]."
The entirely predictable and invariant cant and the abysmal hypocrisy are ageless. Just Inquisitorial boilerplate, vapid and sophistic like any such purported 'conversation' throughout the long history of planet Earth. But then, yes, one ought to feel some compassion for Grand Inquisitors, probably, possibly. Their lot is so hard and thankless. They hardly get paid anything at all -- only six figures and more, and robes, and coaches, and meals, and assistants, and perquisites, and ... . They studied the law very hard and they toil under a heavy expert prosecutorial burden of circuitous decision-making, weighing what could and could not and can and cannot be uttered -- and how and by whom and when and for what purpose and with what possible hidden and evil intent (so that pragmatically and equitably they might signal with all possible gravitas meriting a hefty bonus : "the link you tried to visit goes against our community standards"). As they toiled before they toil now, in closed and not so very closed committees, not only in the "Oh, Semantics" room. They toiled with supreme and quiet desperation and a sense of pragmatic and equitable urgency already after the 1470s, as they faced the proliferation of despicable movable type print. Great and magnanimous and enlightened pragmatism they displayed. By the sixteenth century, there already was, by the standard of that bygone era's 'information processing' technology, “a system at maximum scale, with very imperfect information”.
People suddenly wrote too much and printed too much and thought too much and they were mere 'rubes', a word whose origins and thus context go much further back than the 19th or 18th century -- let us remember here St Augustine's De Catechizandis Rudibus. If St Augustine lived today, he would undoubtedly have included instructional sections dealing with the recalcitrant pagan rustics' "emotionality, ignorance", sections about "investment" in incorrect thought, about the pernicious rustic "bonding in communal rooms" of smoky and lice-infested countryside hovels to keep telling misleading old tales or listen to someone read error-filled fragments of heathen authors, about the insidious communal "pagan surveillance" that perpetuates evil superstitions, etc. -- in terms of the core mechanisms that are at play here, very little has changed at all between the year 400 and 2020 when you think about it soberly. By 1550, it already was a grinding and daunting chore to read by candlelight all the newly proliferating suspect material and to decide what should get an Inquisitorial imprimatur, which wrongly permitted book should be burned to enhance the 'safety' of minds, and which book or flysheet would earn a place in the eternal Index Librorum Prohibitorum compiled by the Sacred Congregation of the Index. The fate of the universe, the very fate of the heavens depended on the Inquisitor's untiring discernment -- what if someone should start thinking outside the box? What if someone broke the 'consensus'? The scientia 'is settled', it is 'universal' and not to be questioned. Right? WRONG!
"The majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truth but in power and in the maintenance of that power. To maintain that power it is essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth, even the truth of their own lives. What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed." (Harold Pinter, Nobel Prize Lecture [Literature], 2005)
"We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power." (George Orwell, 1984, Part 3, chap. 3). Who speaks here? In fact, it really does not matter all that much: Orwell was quite right -- ideologies are all too often just window-dressings for the age-old 'urge to power and money', regardless of the political symbology's advertised yummy flavours, the content, the verbiage, the purported 'beneficent' goals, the 'righting of the wrongs', the multiple 'bendings of the Arc of the Universe', the "You don't think I have power? I have power now. Lots of!". But, for the sake of the argument, let us simply ask again: Who speaks here? Inquisitor? Witch-hunter? Gestapo officer? An eighteen-year-old sectarian 'Elder' who has painstakingly memorized all of three double-spaced 12-point-font pages of painfully standard talking points? Sixteen-year-old indoctrinated would-be actress? Juvenile nepotistically appointed Cardinal "wise beyond his years"? Eighteen-year-old People's Commissar? Brother Number One (Pol Pot)? Политический руководитель (Politruk)? Crooked AG? Crooked Supreme Court Judge? Crooked High Priest? Power-hungry Gaia Devotee? "Benevolent and farsighted" leader of a "revolutionary suicide" People's Temple commune of pure 'Love'? Comrade "Smash Them to Pieces" Duch of the Cambodian Santebal? Student aficionado of "struggle sessions" and "clear and aggressive response(s)" to whatever the declared thoughtcrime and wrongthink of the day might be? A vocal advocate of the "pedagogy of fear" or "pedagogy of discomfort"? -- (oh yes, yes, let that pure sheer pedagogical 'Love' flow as you have a thrilling and consciousness-raising [adrenaline-high] Struggle Session moment that takes you back to those glorious 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution years with all the exciting public abuse, kangaroo tribunals, torture, forced labor, political mockery, beatings, confiscations, and random ideologically driven killings). Or perhaps we hear the 'loving' voice of the great coryphaeic Ioseb "Soso" ("Koba") Besarionis dze [or Besarionidze] Jughashvili (just in that name, do we have odd echoes here of Βασίλειος Βησσαρίων (Bessarion) and the Comneni, or of something else yet?). Or perhaps a Jan van Batenburg, convinced that violence against those not within the sect is divinely ordained and an act of 'loving justice'? Or perhaps a 'keenly aware' arriviste and Conscientious HR Manager? Or perhaps a superbly dogmatic and careerist low-level boffin from the super-newest multi-million dollar Department of "XYZ" [fill the blank at will] Compliance and Full Spectrum Transparency and Never-Before-Seen Accountably Very Accountable Openness? So difficult to tell whether there is any difference at all, as soon as one gazes through the eyes of those at the receiving end of all that magnificent authoritative zeal to engineer the behaviour of mere standard humans.
Let us thus call such a properly 'problematized' gaze the "gaze of the ideologically designated ('listed behaviour') heretics" -- to match the terminology of all the other identified and listed 'gazings' and 'gazes'. Of course, be aware that should you 'gaze' in some such heretical manner -- or in any conceivable 'gaze-like' manner (exactly the same subjectively fluid drivel as 'gun-like' gesture, 'heretic-like' utterance, 'non-compliance-like' posture or way of walking, 'free-speech-like' harmful verbalization, which in the eyes of some apparently = violent assault, 'non-Submission-like' reasoning, or 'amateur-like' research, etc.), and should you display any signs of other 'wrongthink' or of utterly rational and fact-based and independent, highly qualified, realist, and truly critical thought (as in 'critical', not as in mere 'critique'), you are probably guilty of some sort of 'trafficking' in wrong ideas. You can therefore presumably be arrested for 'trafficking', if 'trace-like' elements of 'listed wrongthink' are found in your writing or of course in 'your DNA'. The fraudulent totalitarian and authoritarian operational vocabulary is already fully in place. "They should not tell everything they’re going to do. Like, if you are going to [do XYZ], wait until you get elected and then [do it]. Don’t tell them ahead of time!” (i.e. a candid recommendation that representatives deliberately ought to lie in order to achieve pre-set ideological goals -- that they should run on a deceptive 'platform' and get 'elected' on utterly false pretences. By the way, nothing new here at all. Ancient, so very ancient. Let us run exactly the same, in earlier versions: "“We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us” (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov 'Lenin'); "You do not endorse Stalin. You do not call yourself a Communist. You do not call upon people to support the Soviets. Never. You claim [instead] to be an independent-minded idealist. You [pretend you] don't really understand politics ... ." (Babette Gross, 1989). Or in newer versions: "So we call our process something else [than it really is], such as comprehensive planning, growth management, or smart growth" (Gary Lawrence, 1998); or "From a political standpoint, a more opaque policy is actually superior … [because] you have no idea how much it costs. Politicians can argue that it’s costing a lot, but other people can argue the opposite … Opaque policies should be easier to enact and safer [sic] once implemented." (A. Dessler). Which takes us back to the utter "invariance" of maskirovka or political / ideological crypsis, whether the context is ostensibly 'religious' or ostensibly 'political' or ostensibly 'scientific' or ostensibly 'ideological'. Always the same crypsis. Always on message. Always the same tactical pretending, 100% baked in.)
Do you still remember "il est interdit d'interdire?" 1968? We choose to throw this with boundless delight in the face of all the sanctimonious and double standard would-be censors of today who, in point of fact, often happen to be the lineal thought-children of all the 1968ers. So, remember. "IL EST INTERDIT D'INTERDIRE." It was your predecessors -- and ours -- who said it. Live with it, then. Live up to it, too, if you still can. Otherwise you are rank hypocrites. Look in the mirror! Look in there! See what you have become! See the shadows behind your outline. See if you can at all confront that distorted face! You are not committed to a lofty principle, but to purely circumstance-driven partisan political expediency. The same as every single totalitarian or Bonapartist before you. No difference. None at all. You simply are hungry for absolute raw power, by any means necessary. This, exactly this, is why the Review refuses to Bowdlerize submitted manuscripts and does not hire and pay any 'sensitivity proof-readers'. We let research go wherever it wants and needs to go, in pursuit of accurate and realistic data, realistic linkages, logical interpretations, probing and realistic models. They may go this way -- and they may go that way. We do not deem to have the prescience to prejudge. We, at least, do not view ourselves as omnipotent Cardinal-Inquisitor guardians of a 'purity of word and thought and intent' embedded in only one ideology that has already decided which way the Arc of History must bend.
Ideological (i.e. to all intents and purposes religious) censorship was abolished in the past for a very good reason. And if some attempt to reintroduce it today, then the Review shall do its part in the battle to abolish it all over again, and again. Those who celebrate ideological censorship as a "historic victory" will fail. Inquisitors, censors, those who are hell bent on imposing a specific worldview on others, are ultimately few compared to the overwhelming majority of living human beings. A tiny group by comparison. Just like Gestapo agents were in fact rather few and relied more on their sinister image and reputation than on a tangible omnipresent power to coerce 24/7. Censorship machineries, no matter how many agents they hire, are always ultimately run by a rather limited number of people who are either ideologically fanaticized or are going with the flow because it seems to them that this is the way things are going to be anyway and they might as well have a career, a job, a 'position', 'be safe' by becoming an obedient and abjectly servile cog in the machine. They can be fought. Their apparent power can be broken. And it will be broken ... Where to start. Hmmmm. Maybe a Banned Book of the Month Reading Club based well outside the reach of any current Censorship System? By the way, where does the word "fanatic", as in ideologically fanaticized, come from? Yes, you know it but you refuse to think about it -- fanaticus (from fanum) -- a zealotic devotee in the service of a shrine.
The Review consequently contests and utterly rejects all quasi-judicial interference in pure research and teaching. Ideologically or doctrinally propelled interference with scholarship is fully the equivalent of Stalinist communism, Nazism, fascism in all its forms, the Inquisition, sorcery trials, and all other forms of authoritarian thought control. What is manifestly inconsistent with universal human rights? It is compelled speech. It is compelled thought. Court-ordered compulsion to 'celebrate' and 'embrace' one single worldview, forever, simply is totalitarian. Compelled adherence to and mandatory political and behavioural 'conversion' to specific worldviews is totalitarian. Shall we continue? More of what can logically be deemed totalitarian? How about behavioural stick-and-carrot social engineering implemented by ideologues who declare their narrative and only their narrative to be true, amid rounds of endless officious collective 'critique'. Their own stance, however, is naturally exempt from being as much as mentioned in any context that might be deemed critical. By fiat. "Some animals are more equal than others."
Fortunately, dogmatic ideological totalitarianism does not seem to be able to assert itself 'forever'. Pessimistically, Orwell wrote: "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever". One slogan that used to be endlessly posterized on giant fluttering banners all across Eastern Europe after 1945 proclaimed "Shoulder to shoulder with the USSR for All Eternity!" 'Eternity', curiously enough, did not really manage to last even a measly 44 years (1945-1989). People unexplainably woke up. The banners? Some appear to remain in some museums somewhere. Still, the Orwellian image is quite potent and like honey for various addictive types who populate the corridors, air ducts, sewers, attics, basements and crawl-ways of potential power: What we have here below, originally intended as a warning, has now been turned into a blueprint for the Future by powerful forces:
“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever” (George Orwell)
Thought-, speech-, or behaviour-modification through violent means and against conscientious objection is a crime, regardless of the verbiage and disingenuous legalese that is deployed in order to camouflage it. Legal or theological norms that seek to enforce such compulsion may legitimately be deemed corrupt, null and void. It is unacceptably extremist to target ideologically or legally, to single out, shame, non-platform, shout down, control, profile, police, expose to trumped-up charges, demonize, or judicially suppress reasoned scholarly arguments that are presented calmly and are supported by fully disclosed and accessible evidence. But of course, not that any such paltry issues would ever stop anyone bent on pursuing the Orwellian 'stamping boot' mirage. On the contrary, they seem to provide an added thrill. All those who fail to comply will presumably be arrested immediately and without warrant by any Officer of the Polizeistaat who surmises to have so-called reasonable and probable grounds. For those who do not idolize the 'stamping boot' Orwellian image, a commitment to academic free speech, accompanied by an active and vigorous distrust of all ideologies, is however not a "mental disease" or "perversion." It is not "ignorance." It does not mean that the one who espouses such a commitment is in need of further "education" or needs to be psychoanalyzed -- or arrested without warrant. On the contrary. It most often means that the one who espouses such a commitment is already very highly or even superbly educated, or otherwise skilled -- certainly much more so than the would-be arresting Officer -- and above all capable of independent advanced thought and reasoning (something not at all certain in the case of Polizeistaat muscle). Thus, resistant to crass, simplistic, ex cathedra indoctrination and blatant ideological 'moulding'. That of course, when coupled with a dose of courage and conscience, tends to make the 'evildoer' "engage in expressions of rejection" of the prescribed and judicially imposed ideology.
Children, very unfortunately, are much more vulnerable and susceptible to all sorts of manipulation -- they do not possess yet the required intellectual defences and well formed arguments -- and that is exactly why various indoctrination projects have always ultimately decided to focus on moulding the minds of children. As did the Jesuits, for instance, even though it is disputed whether the all too notorious and fitting "Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man" really ought to be attributed to St Ignatius of Loyola or whether it was Voltaire who managed to associate the saying with the name of the Jesuit. And of course, even worse, the very same principle was applied both in the USSR and in Socialist Eastern Europe as well as in the Third Reich: "When an opponent says ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already ...You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community". The underlying assumption always is that the child is a mere constructivist "blank slate" and that any ideology, any cult, any programming, any preference whatsoever can be 'inscribed' on it. The child will never know what happened to it. It will be totally indoctrinated.
Then you get your dream 'useful idiot' tool: 1984 ThinkPol and its use of children. As in Winston’s neighbor Parsons, an obnoxious Party toadie, ending up getting 'reported' to the Thought Police by his own child, who hears him commit a thought crime while he talks in his sleep. “It was my little daughter .... She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day. Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh?” (1984, George Orwell) [NB: WARNING! NOT A FICTION! In the current era of 'political correctness', this already IS the world we live in. Full on, 100%. Face it. And then do everything you possibly can to bring that ThinkPol world crashing down. Hard. As hard as one can contrive.]
There is a snag, you see. Advocates of "Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community" are unfortunately ignoring the well documented fact that many, for instance, of those schooled by the Jesuits then became foremost Protestants or free-thinkers or hard-bitten secularists when they grew up and began to think for themselves. When they revolted against all the blatant manipulation. Many 'Young Pioneers' and child 'Sparks' became staunch foes of Communism when they grew up and discovered they no longer could logically stomach the indoctrination pap. And so on. Examples from all historical eras and contexts abound. The more one force-feeds a preferred ideology all across the system, the more the purported "blank slate" is eventually going to revile you, revile you with all the energy that one can muster, for all you have done. Viscerally so. It namely is not as 'blank' as you would love to think, especially when it comes to fundamentals. Not at all, even though the 'educator's' delusion on the subject is endless. The child will eventually turn against you and your ideology with supreme fury, especially as it will be well versed in all your ideological talking points and will heartily detest every single sly and lilting slogan that you forced it to parrot and every inane 'compliance test' you made it take -- yes, you will have managed to produce the perfect renegade. Which is good and normal. "There is a tide in the affairs of men" ("Julius Caesar," Act IV, Scene III) [NB: For every propagandist or ideologue, 'education' is merely a synonym for crude 'indoctrination' -- and it has been so for a long time, many hundreds of years into the past. Pragmatic propagandists and proselytizers of all ilks and eras and all systems and all faiths and all 'donation-and-alms-and-Temple/Party-management' ideologies have always detested any 'education' that fosters independent humanist and pro-human thought, even though they might loudly affirm the contrary. As a matter of fact, especially when they do affirm the contrary. Maskirovka. BAMN.]
Then, of course, the indoctrinators will in turn detest the 'product' that has turned against them. And they will assume or at least pretend rhetorically that the 'product' must thus be 'defective' -- mad. Let us never forget that high-sounding, arrogant, and contemptuous charges of "mental disease" or "madness" -- or transparently politicized and merely protocol- or 'profile'-based charges of “mental health issues" -- were deployed against all sorts of dissenters in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and during the worst stages of Communist history, as well as in other totalitarian contexts, modern, pre-modern, and ancient, secular, religious as well as zealotically sectarian. The 'suspected mental issues' are of course generally made up, cooked up, 'engineered' for political purposes. They are mere specious pseudo-professional psychoanalytic twaddle in obedient service to ever-recurrent variations on the Matrix, the Inquisition, the Little Council, the Star Chamber, the Hub, the List, the Consensus, whatever you might conceivably want to call any similar mechanism / institution in any cultural context. One may thus be tempted to say that true madness -- as opposed to this politically fabricated 'madness' -- is the insistence of totalitarian cultures, subcultures, movements, cells, and institutions that people ought to collude in patent lies and 'embrace' those lies by regurgitating them obediently. The insistence that the mere act of asking questions is 'depraved' and should expose one to societal revulsion and ostracism. Only pretending that one has bought into the 'consensus' guarantees in these contexts a little bit of temporary and entirely illusory safety and then eventually, perhaps, if the sham is credible, a bit of fulsome praise for one's 'life and so-called accomplishments' (with medals, awards, etc.). In other words, there is 'madness' and 'Madness' -- one is politically approved, the other is not. So, now, what 'madness' is involved when clearly provable data and factual evidence are presented but the presenter is pilloried and 'cancelled' and the data are blankly and vapidly ignored? Just asking ...
"You would not make the act of submission which is the price of sanity. You preferred to be a lunatic, a minority of one. Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston. You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. [NB: It indeed is. But those who want to ensnare minds, Gnostic-like, of course affirm that 'narrative' automatically , always, and everywhere overrules all and any conceivable evidence and that, therefore, whatever happens to be expedient for an ideological project is inherently the 'truth and nothing but the truth', without any need for proof, and that it must be 'affirmed' as such, or else]. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. [NB" In other words, 'reality' is purely subjective and can be simply imposed, politically and ideologically.] Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth [NB: Which is rather amusing if one considers 'truth' to be nothing but 'bourgeois sentimentalism' and 'social construct', right? In other words, what one does not like is a 'social construct', but once it has become the Party's 'social construct' you can go to jail for trying to 'deconstruct' it]. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party [NB: 'correct lenses', 'optics', and 'reframing']. That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane ... " (George Orwell, 1984, Part 3, Chapter 2) [NB: Welcome to the Borg Collective. Welcome to The Hive. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated and indoctrinated. If you do not comply, a "Citizens Assembly" (of course supported by "Major Donors and Very High Net Worth Individuals") will ensure that in 'sortitions' for offices your 'token' or 'scrip' never makes it into the jar (or whatever) from which lots are drawn -- you will be pre-'sortitioned' out. Funny, that 'sortition' thing, whether one looks at the Florentine 'scrutiny' or the Venetian brevia, etc. "Drawn by lot" sounds so 'equal'. Except everything depends on whose 'token' gets into the 'bag' or whose name gets on the 'list'-- and how. Oh, the fine tricks that were played to get names into the 'scrutiny bags' or to keep them out -- as well as to pad or prune the lists! Ultimately, as if by strange magic, it was the correct families or the suitable people whose 'tokens' were drawn by 'impartial' lot. Rest assured that your 'token' -- if you are still alive, that is -- will not be in the jar once it has been determined that you appear to be ideologically 'incompatible' with the Shining New Order that will come after an 'inevitable' collapse caused by "stored up crisis" (formerly known as "structural contradictions" or "structural conflict theory", but that had to be 'softened', 'transformed', 'reframed' and 'edited out' for 'outreach and messaging purposes'] ... That is and always has been the real project of those who advocate any form of ultimate and eternal 'Submission', under whatever label (the actual labels do not really matter and are just ghafla, sudden and fleeting distraction). A Submission that holds the expendable râya, the ra`aya, the 'members of the flock' -- i.e. the Sheeple -- weak, defenceless, scared and confused ('State of Fear'). That keeps them compliant and shorn or even better, in a perennial state of conveniently self-shearing imbecility, and in voluntary obedience to a 'Priestly', 'Managerial', 'Vanguard', 'Leadership', 'Technocrat', 'Inspired', 'Visionary', etc., Inner Party Core caste [terms are utterly interchangeable and numerous, just take your pick]. An obedience that of course has to be enforced by a legion of 'officers' -- a PolitRuk, a KultKom [cultural commissar], a Block Confidant [that inconspicuous person who (a) does no ostensibly useful work, (b) lives in the ground floor State-paid apartment of your 'living quarters' block, (c) is always there -- peering through a thin gap between curtains or through a peep-hole, and watches your every move [the latter function has now been replaced by surveillance cameras and recording devices that you voluntarily put inside your living quarters because they are 'cool'], etc. Because the râya, you see, cannot be trusted to keep in a state of having 'embraced' what needs to be 'embraced' and cannot be trusted to keep on 'affirming' what needs to be 'affirmed'. It needs a Sheep Dog caste. 'Consciousness' cannot be just 'raised' -- it has to be kept 'raised' artificially and constantly, thus providing a cushy living for a sizeable caste of virtual 'control knobs' -- 'control knob' being defined here as someone who produces nothing in terms of goods or practical services or new knowledge but functions purely as an ideological replicator that is also tasked with adjusting and 'reframing' the rules of the ideology's Game or with inventing new 'rules' so that the râya would be kept confused and on its toes and happily 'affirming' the proper Party Line. But then, be of good cheer! There is good news -- all of this is nothing new. The State of Fear mind-trick has been deployed throughout millennia to control people and their wallets, fields, grain storage bins, means of defence, livestock, ponds, fishing weirs, and what have you. It delivers sterling value and it works. One of the really good historical Ponzi schemes -- namely indulgences -- has of course been vastly surpassed by modern guilt-casting Ponzi and donation and propaganda schemes ... It was such a beautiful scheme, though, back in its time! You do want to buy a worthless piece of paper to save your purportedly lecherous uncle from suffering in Purgatory, do you not? Surely you do! It is a very innovative instrument, also known as 'spiritual insurance', and it can be readily sold and resold as 'valuable paper' or even used as scrip money if simply made out to 'the bearer of this certificate'. A sort of French Revolutionary assignat, but using the Divine and a 'treasury of merit' as monetary reserve Guarantor instead of a large pool of politically confiscated biens nationaux. But let us not mourn such old ideas here. Novel forms can always be invented easily and messaged and monetized. You know, such as selling to those who are ideologically 'impure' and also 'poltically incorrect' all those tasty dispensation credits earned and monetized by those who are paragons (fake) of ideological purity. And entire new fake economies can be created around these novel forms of guilt trading. Perhaps a 'guilt' Stock Exchange, under the auspices and control of the SEC? So let us reduce this to the crude basics -- the underlying and utterly fundamental concept of 'sheeple', râya. It goes back into the mist of time, well into the BCE era, into the era of ziggurats and of clay seals, the era of temple economies, temple treasuries, 'hydraulic despotism', and so on. Obviously, many are those who dream of bringing all of this back, so that they could rule from behind a screen and through the screen [NB: pun fully intended], for the hidden and real sacred face of the Emperor of Emperors must not be 'gazed' at. Yes, banish all these impertinent 'gazes', and all reason. Banish all humanism, and all anthropocentrism, and all of that execrable and heretical and impertinent and irritating reason-driven freedom to speak ... . You must quake and fear for your life in the presence of Those Who Know Better and Have the Correct Ideology (Dogma), oh ye who vilely reek of Humanity! 'Embrace' only Total Submission, through "... submissiveness as the prerequisite. The ... fundamental policy is 'Forced Labor as a means, while Thought Reform is our basic aim'". As time passed, all of this became a key dividing line between ways of being. A non-negotiable dividing line:
"Who is the lord and shepherd of their flock?" asks the Queen Mother of Persia.
And the answer is "They are not slaves, they bow to no man's rule" (Aeschylus).
[SARC ON/ Hmmmm ... clearly the ones who gave this answer did not realize the
imputed benefits of having a 'Beloved Leader' picked by Inner Core 'sortition'
from among the Major Donors and High Net Worth Individuals. /SARC OFF]
There is exquisite method in the apparent madness, of course. All of it is a giant and systematic Pavlovian compliance test. One becomes trapped if one can effectively be induced to say "war is peace", "peace isn’t the absence of war", "health isn’t the absence of sickness", "death is life-giving", "freedom is slavery", "ignorance is strength", "banned speech means safety ", "rationality is aggression", "obedience is independence", "compliance is freedom", "two and two equals five ... or three, or two, or one, exactly as the Party says, a 'Party', whatever Party". One becomes conceptually trapped if one can be made to mumble like a mantra such mind-numbing oxymorons as "oppressive freedom", "repressive tolerance", "free expression is unsafe ", "negative growth" (a priceless non-sequitur!), or a true gem: "degrowth" / "décroissance" (priceless -- mandatory Party 'optics management' of course absolutely forbids saying anything like 'contraction' or 'shrinking' or 'decline' or engineered 'regression' or 're-feudalization' or 'impoverishment', so it is necessary to 'unword' such words and invent new pseudo-words in a pathetic euphemistic corporate/Party-style Newspeak (Neo-Language) that resembles the snoddy pronouncements of the 'superior' 'non-rube' Optimen in The Eyes of Heisenberg. Thus we get the 'safely' beautiful and very appealing and surely 'ethical' "degrowth": it still has 'growth' in it, but it is 'de-', just like that ridiculous rube-enticing $ 19.99 price tag). And of course one is never 'unemployed' or 'out-of-work' or down-and-out' -- one can only be "unwaged" [NB: Gee, is this something like "self-partnered" or "sologamous"?]. No one will notice what things really are, the purveyors of such linguistic pseudo-gems think, as long the Loyal PR Corps spraypaints reality with mind-stopping oxymorons. And then there is of course "negative interest rate " ... Or even "quantitative tightening [in economics] is not 'quantitative' tightening" [NB: You could make all this stuff up, but unfortunately it is all too 'real']. If you can be induced to repeat voluntarily such worthless twaddle day in day out, if you can be induced to write such worthless twaddle for a pittance of money because your next swig of ultra-nutritious Soylent slurp depends on it (and presumably also your Nobel Prize of one sort or another), then you are already more than half broken. If then you become effectively enmeshed in an existential race (safeguarding one's job, ranking, etc.) and must keep complying with arrayed conceptual dissonances of Newspeak deliberately pulsed at a high institutional frequency, each one more terminologically twaddly and Humpty-Dumpty-nonsensical than before, all mental moorings being to erode ... and then snap. Then it is enough to just 'internalize' the notion that you had better 'embrace' and 'affirm' a specific narrative, specific prescribed oxymorons, and we are straight inside the domain of Bernaysian malleability. Siegmund Freud and his double-nephew, "The Father of Spin", Edward Louis Bernays (1891−1995) [NB: Ouch, spin doctors evince such longevity, not even in the mere intellectual sense but in the 'real' -- is there some sort of 'preserving' substance in pure nonsensical 'spin'?]. A point is reached where if one falls in line for the next 'article of faith', and the next after that, one will fall in line for just about anything at all. Autonomous sovereign selfhood is obliterated. And that was the real goal all along -- boiling the frog slowly until it cannot summon any will to jump out of the pot. The Long March through the Institutions. "He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken ... He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother” (George Orwell, 1984). For the spin-master, this of course is merely business as usual -- by any means necessary ... BAMN ... spin, rinse, repeat ... Who was it that rather recently said something along the lines of: "Whether you sell 'movements' or 'products' it's all the same ... just business ...". We better not even go there, right? Just do not forget to use "semantics" as a smoke screen -- good ol' Bernays first called this entire business venture 'propaganda' (but quite frankly that sounded a little too much like the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, which had already been around for quite a while -- a trifle embarrassing for a Brave New (and presumably 'Disruptive') Innovation in mass-management psychology). It was therefore suitably 'reframed' as 'public relations' (PR). And then further 'reframed' as 'outreach', 'conversation', etc. ...
"The conscious and intelligent [NB: Here is where we beg to differ, in the light of the preceding paragraph on oxymorons] manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate the unseen mechanisms of society constitute an invisible government [NB: an integral part of the Deep State, no matter how much some people wish to deny the very concept of 'Deep State'] which is the true ruling power of our country… We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical way in which our democratic society is organized [NB: a reality-control mechanism also known as 'Wag the Dog']. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society… in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons [aka Influencers] who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind" (Edward Bernays, 1928) [NB: A sheer, utter, abysmal contempt for 'the masses' and for anyone who is not an 'insider' is on lavish Technicolor and Smell-o-Rama display here. None of this is of course exclusive to Bernays' "... our democratic society". Every system throughout history has always had its agitprop mannikins behind the curtain and its would-be Emperors of Emperors who "pull the wires". The more totalitarian and the more dogmatic the system, the more obnoxious and conceited and unbearably pompous the Golgafrinchan fringe of hyper-valorized elite "influencer" mannikins -- oh, so sorry, we apologize for this verbal infraction: "... the small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the [mere] masses." Simply, the battle is on -- just like it was during the long historical Protetstant vs. Catholic wars of religion, for example -- for who owns your mind: you, a government, a corporation, an organization (including universities) or one of the key militant ideologies. None of them want you to think for yourself and by yourself and to develop any real habit of independent thought. All of them want to do the thinking for you, BAMN, including compulsion through laws and brute force."]
On a more pedestrian level, the more obvious and ridiculous the lie, doctrinal tenet, or article of faith that one is required to parrot mindlessly in order to stay 'in', the better it works as a weeding-out mechanism. It ruthlessly weeds out all the rationalists and independents who have a fairly low tolerance for nonsense and for career-crawling mendacity and simply cannot force themselves to play the game past a certain level of obvious cognitive dissonance. Secondly, the more egregious the nonsense that one is compelled to affirm -- compelled by the wish to stay alive, earn a salary, have some sort of career, feed oneself, lead at least a pathetic simulacrum of what might pass for 'normal' life -- the greater the power of the totalitarian system or subsystem ... and of its loyal enforcers and servants. Such power is utterly intoxicating. There is nothing its temporary holders would not do in order to keep it and to increase it. Every assertion of 'power' gives them a huge dopamine fix. By getting 'affirmed' they become ever more addicted. Plus, it all has been made very easy -- changing or completely reversing the fundamental meaning of words now requires no knowledge of any silly grammar or any other silly knowledge -- the "power of certain words" is just, like, "they are, like, powerful" -- that is all anyone needs to know. Any other so-called knowledge is 'harmful'. Oh, wait ... it is also necessary to believe the absolute everlasting truth of all of the above, of course -- or 'else' (that 'else' refers to the ubiquitous mechanism of (1) fraudulent anonymous denunciation, (2) false in-person accusation, (3) utterly rigged 'investigation', (4) dismissal from employment, (5) ostracism (6) 'termination').
All this is nothing more than yet another shining instance of the tried and tested ancient techniques of totalitarian reality-control (Orwell, 1984), which can be fairly well subsumed under the concept of Alice in Wonderland mind control and/or interrogation protocol (see elsewhere on this page): e.g. Caligula's horse, the naked King's 'new robes', or Zhao Gao's (died 207 BC) zhǐ lù wéi mǎ. "Look your Majesty, what a fine horse". Fraudulent and manipulative distortion of reality, anyone? Never mind that the animal that Zhao Gao's servants have just dragged into the palace courtyard genuinely is only a wild deer. Nothing but a wild deer. Manifestly, zoologically and biologically, a wild deer in every single respect. You are required by someone else's high judicial mandate to 'embrace' the notion that the deer truly is a horse, and to 'affirm' and 'celebrate' it loudly, regardless of all sensory and scientific evidence, against all sober reason, against all substantive knowledge, against the very fabric of tangible and readily provable reality itself. You need to think, obviously, beyond the 'incorrect' and 'retrograde' idea that deer are not horses. Anything that Zhao Gao says, anything at all, is TRUE! Zhao Gao has power! Lots of it! What we have here (and do remember, we are here in c. 212-210 BC -- which means that this trick was deployed at the very least 2,232 years ago, and surely earlier as well, which makes it very 'forward-looking' and also illsutrates perfectly well why certain factions absolutely detest Realist and Humanistic history) is very simply an abstract ideological allegiance test in the form of a ritual and nonsensical denial of facts, a mandatory political 'oath of submission'. Say it -- zhǐ lù wéi mǎ -- and all of you know very well what Zhao Gao means by that, do you not, wink-wink? And do not ever dare to reify and essentialize horses. There simply are no horses. Horses are simply a 'social construct' (again, remeber that this is 2,232 years ago). All deer are necessarily horses. "Proceed as discussed in your [despotically totalitarian] HR training", or else. The original words in their genuine and specific meaning are not officially banned -- yet -- but do think twice before daring to use them. Employ only the words that are permitted, and never "exhibit verbal non-compliance" when Its Lordship's henchmen address you and check whether you have been sticking to the new "style guide". You know very well that "Truth is not a defense [sic] ...". There simply is no Truth. Truth, no matter how amply provable, is an absolutely irrelevant Social Construct. It does not 'exist'. Only mandates and decrees matter, in any conceivable way. Just like 2,232 years ago! Progress!! In other words -- a Kingdom of Utter Lies. Your 'lack of earnest belief that all deer are horses, your conscientious objection that deer cannot be horses, and your adherence to naively essentialist and incorrect scientific philosophies claiming that deer cannot be horses, are incompatible with the "highest standards of society" (clearly, those of reality-manipulation dating to 2,232 years ago) ... your deeply erroneous realist scientific philosophy does not satisfy the requirements of being worthy of our respect'. Zoology is not worthy of respect, as we all ought to know. It is a wholly superfluous and historiosophically obsolete hegemonic thing. And 'it just can't be allowed to be a thing', y'all. For Thus Spake Saint Herbert Marcuse: you "must be freed from the prejudice of experience and 'mathematization' ... [freed from] any knowledge of mathematics, physics, or any other science -- and [you] must absolutely transcend our present knowledge" (Kolakowski 1978, p. 418). The Great Problem with all of this is that after 2,232 years (and more) it already gets a little boring ...
use the mandatory words and terms -- whatever it might be that is arbitrarily mandated from on high -- if you at all value your life and position and well-being. Do it, if you do not want your family and contacts and friends to be doxxed and hounded and falsely accused and labelled and serially 'denounced' and detained and fraudulently 'investigated'. Do it, to avoid being demoted at will (as is "overwhelmingly likely" unless you 'change your views'), do it, to avoid being officially rendered 'unqualified' regardless of how vastly qualified you might be in fact. Never forget that there are no facts, by decree -- only mandatory rulings. Otherwise you will be shunned and 're-educated' and socially obliterated, while having your DNA, fingerprints, and mugshots taken, and your laptop and mobile confiscated and held indefinitely without cause, after being duly tasered in the crotch while you are strapped tight to a chair, by heavily armoured Peace Officers who will subsequently lie about it all the way and who already drool at the heady prospect of becoming a titled and neo-fake-pedigreed nobility, tiny tinpot Lords in a New Feudal World Order. Say it -- whatever it might be, whether it makes sense or not, for you are just one of a herd of servile 'subjects'. Or face the wrath of triumphalist ideological mob-and-robocop-and-utterly-corrupt-judiciary overreach. None of it of course random. It has a purpose. Nothing is namely quite as destructive of a soul, of the very fabric of reasonable society, as being compelled to genuflect in a servile fashion before an objectively manifest lie in order to avoid social retribution and to keep the soul's body gainfully employed, at least part-time -- nothing is quite as demeaning and offensive as having to become a tamed robot in order to keep one's miserable so-called job.
For the record, therefore: a deer simply is NOT a horse. Never will be. Not in thousands of years. Yes, there is a material and non-subjective reality based on objective data, a reality that matters a great deal, and no, the Narrative is not Supreme. No, this is not a mere matter of 'reframing' and 'optics' adjustment. It never will be. Regardless of any governmental, ideological, propagandistic, educational, and corporate PR and HR endeavours. [NB: Oh no! We just committed a 'listed behaviour'! Oh no! We just used historical material dating to the third century BC as an illegal allusion to 'present processes'. I guess we should now arrest ourselves and also send ourselves to some remote GULag on the Ussuri River, after duly self-administering a thoroughly 'constructive' on-campus Confession and Struggle Session. Or maybe we should at the very least voluntarily put ourselves on 'sick leave', before some automaton-like HR 'muscle' tells us: "We put people on it all the time ... People are concerned about you! The cause of your guilt is the content and structure of your thinking."]
All of the above, as already suggested, belongs to an ancient panoply of mind-bending techniques that every single investigator and interrogator ever employed by any system was always perfectly aware of, standard tool-box techniques for breaking down minds and for ensuring total compliance with future commmands as well as an engineered amplification of 'desired' behaviour. The key is to undermine and then destroy any sense of stable 'essentialist' identity. All must appear fluid, bent, uncertain, with no firm point to grasp. The subject must become so 'fluid' that the operator can flip realities upside down easily -- a psychological jiu-jitsu throw that makes the subject passionately want to reject what in fact is in the subject's best essential interest. At that point, the subject truly desires to be 'remade' and thus 'saved'. This is best achieved when the subject begins to believe that nothing is real -- not even the physical body and its attributes. That the subject as such "is not real", but merely a malleable 'construct'. "Jarhead". As soon as the subject begins to doubt the very basics of tangible 'being', of existing as a 'definite' entity with stable characteristics, psychological tipping point is near. If the technique can be applied while the subject is still very young and does not possess a solidly anchored perception of self and the world, breakpoint can be reached very quickly. Sometimes, one single indoctrination session may launch a conceptual cascade that will turn the subject against the self. The implanted notions will never quite go away, and a substantial intellectual effort will be required to negate them. These techniques are now being applied on a society-wide scale, instead of being confined to an 'interview' room or a detention cell. A mere difference of scale. "Zhao Gao secretly arranged for all those who said it was a deer to be brought before the law [NB: What an abject farce, the so-called Law, under such twisted circumstances!] and had them executed instantly. Thereafter the officials were all terrified of Zhao Gao." (Shiji, Being The Records of the Grand Historian [Tàishǐ Gōng] Sima Qian) [NB: Do you think even for a split second that Zhao Gao ever believed deer are horses? You have to be joking! It was and still is all about the politics of total power. About 'Submission'. About a State of Fear.]
Once you have 'complied' and uttered the arrogantly required words, you are forever tainted. You namely forever stand and fall with all the scheming Zhao Gaos of this world. Zhao Gao's hungry political ghost owns you and your mind outright. You are a mere expendable sock puppet. Nothing more. Just a ragged and dirty sock puppet, a "useful idiot". When Zhao Gao says "Jump", you will ask with pathetic feeble tremor in your voice: "How high, my great and mighty Lord Prefect of the Gentlemen of the Palace, Your Magnificent Honour, Your Most and Right Honourable Honourful Honoured Honourableness, your august and all-wise and law-learned called-to-the-bar and bar-certified and law-'reframing' Emperor's Counsel (EC) [and also a covert falsifier of testaments, fraudster, common conman, pompous liar, paymaster of assassins, forger of decrees and other papers, obfuscator of evidence, purchaser of slander, fabricator of 'confessions', post-factum 'editor' of interrogation protocols, artful framer of the innocent, and torturer of blameless people]". Keep meditating on that moment of your verbal surrender, of your effete 'verbal compliance' with that "xyz" that "no sane, 'educated', and open-minded person who cares and has nothing to hide could conceivably want to debate because the debate is settled" [NB: Presumably settled 'for ever' -- i.e. an operative conceptual equivalent of things like the old "Side by Side in Brotherhood with the USSR for All Eternity" slogan that was slavishly regurgitated on demand, decades ago, on the eastern side of the former Iron Curtain]. Meditate on that moment of your 'verbal compliance' every single sleepless sweaty night. Contemplate the moment when you turned from a free-thinking Human (Mentally Sovereign Human) and a Sovereign Citizen into a 'social construct' nullity that is physically and ideologically yanked around by the likes of Chancellor Zhao Gao.
This is how it all works -- and has always worked, for a very long time now. Just think of Zhao Gao and 207 BC and then proceed to cross-apply to 2020 [i.e. 2,227 years of the same ideological and legal reality-control garbage]: "... In many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army" (attribution redundant -- found easily enough, do your own research, why should we do it for you). Such indeed is the core purpose of creating an easily repeatable and above all blatantly 'nonsensical' ideological credo, a ritual statement, and then compelling all your followers, adherents and wanna-be allyship 'allies' to embrace it with every bit of their unthinking cowed being. It is the ultimate self-licking-ice-cream-cone loyalty oath that any of your enforcer 'line managers' can trot out at any time in order to destroy people and utterly wreck their livelihoods through sheer lying and fraud. Do not think, do not permit any "seeds of doubt" to germinate -- that is the core requirement. Be engulfed by the agitprop: affirm, witness, ally, emote, proclaim, believe, embrace, celebrate, proselytize, for the more you do it while fully aware that there is nothing but a withered mannikin behind the dirty and shop-worn curtain of Oz, the less you will be able to break the hold of Zhao Gao.
"[The] Samizdat [underground publishing community] was riddled with KGB infiltrators and many of its producers and users were discovered. The producers [of unauthorized and uncensored 'dissident' writings and research that failed to meet various official 'Community Standards'], those nocturnal copiers and binders, got prison terms [NB: Not quite happening yet, right now, if one fails to use the latest twists of approved "Newspeak" (Inverted Reality Neo-Language) -- things, however, are just hovering on edge: the current preferred approach is fines, 'disciplinary hearings', targeted 'lawfare', and economic 'deplatforming' or 'unpersoning']. The users, like my parents, would more typically get expelled from their universities [NB: Already happening right now, outside of the former USSR, if one fails to use the latest twists of approved "Newspeak"], fired from their jobs [NB: Already happening right now, outside of the former USSR, if one fails to use proper "Newspeak"], get notes in their ever-present permanent records that would make it impossible for them to find other employment or other places to study [NB: Also happening right now, outside of the former USSR, if one fails to use the latest twists of approved "Newspeak" (Mandatory Neo-Language)]. Quite often, their “privileges” of living in large cities like Kiev or Moscow or Leningrad were revoked and they had to eke out a marginal existence in the [remote] periphery, in Central Asia or in Siberia." (Author Name censored, so that we would not get readily censored, labelled, pigeonholed, and deplatformed -- our apologies)
It would be rather sad for politically 'engaged' psychologists and others of their ilk, today, to step into such millennia-old (at the very least 2,226 years old ... and more), smelly, mouldy, tattered, and thoroughly ideologically tainted shoes (sandals, whatever form of footwear happens to fit any given historical period), and play around with ideologically corrupt notions that label rational dissidence as 'madness'. Just like modern economists, talking heads, and others ought to exercise greater wisdom and refrain from summarily and without further ado branding other thinkers and researchers as well as entire masses of people 'depraved' -- even worse, declaring them to be a "depraved evil”. It really suits them very ill, very ill indeed, when they in fact happen to sound 100%, exactly, syllable for syllable, word for word, as if they were zealotically aspiring to emulate and even surpass the words of ominous Papal documents penned more than 500 years ago. Words likewise ostensibly penned in the name of what is absolutely 'required' and 'demanded' by a solicitude of all-embracing 'Love' and 'Care' -- pastoralis sollicitudinis cura. It suits them ill when their op-eds begin to sound not even 'rather like', but very specifically like: "Innocentius episcopus servus servorum dei [Innocent VIII, December 5, 1484], ad futuram rei memoriam. Summis desiderantes affectibus ["desiring with supreme ardor"], prout pastoralis sollicitudinis cura requirit, ut fides catholica nostris potissime temporibus ubique augeatur et floreat ac omnis heretica pravitas [all heretical depravity] de finibus fidelium procul pellatur, ea libenter declaramus ac etiam de novo concedimus per quem huiusmodi pium desiderium nostrum votivum sortiatur effectum, cunctisque propterea per nostrae operationis ministerium, quasi per providi operatoris sarculum, erroribus extirpatis, eiusdem fidei zelus, et observantia in ipsorum corda fidelium fortius imprimatur". Some have likewise taken to thundering these days about 'extirpating' what their preferred ideologies deem to be 'errors', thundering about 'eradicating' opponents, and thundering about a forced 'imprinting' of zealous ideological 'observance' (consensus) upon the hearts of all ideological 'faithful' ... For the common good, of course, and 'for the children'. Do you see any real difference in the formulations and the pitch? There is none.
Let us never forget the following, for instance: "By the grace of God, Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, and especially commissioned by the Holy Apostolic See as Inquisitors-General against heretical depravity in all of Christendom. // Whereas you, Galileo, son of the late Vincenzio Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years, were denounced to this Holy Office in 1615 for holding as true the false doctrine taught by some that the sun is the centre of the world and motionless and the earth moves even with diurnal motion; for having disciples to whom you taught the same doctrine; for being in correspondence with some German mathematicians about it; for having published some letters entitled On Sunspots, in which you explained the same doctrine as true; for interpreting Holy Scripture according to your own meaning in response to objections based on Scripture which were sometimes made to you; and whereas later we received a copy of an essay in the form of a letter, which was said to have been written by you to a former disciple of yours and which in accordance with Copernicus’s position contains various propositions against the authority and true meaning of Holy Scripture; // And whereas this Holy Tribunal wanted to remedy the disorder and the harm which derived from it and which was growing to the detriment of the Holy Faith, by order of His Holiness and the Most Eminent and Most Reverend Lord Cardinals of this Supreme and Universal Inquisition, the Assessor Theologians assessed the two propositions of the sun’s stability and the earth’s motions as follows: (1) That the sun is the centre of the world and motionless is a proposition which is philosophically absurd and false, and formally heretical, for being explicitly contrary to Holy Scripture; (2) That the earth is neither the centre of the world nor motionless but moves even with diurnal motion is philosophically equally absurd and false, and theologically at least erroneous in the Faith. // Whereas however we wanted to treat you with benignity at that time, it was decided at the Holy Congregation held in the presence of His Holiness on 25 Feb 1616 that the Most Eminent Lord Cardinal Bellarmine would order you to abandon this false opinion completely." [NB: Guess, you have three tries, who was in fact being entirely and patently and tangibly 'absurd' and 'false' here, despite technically possessing an 'authority' and 'dignity' sanctioned by academic degrees and stellar careers in high offices, further bolstered by the study of law (how else!) and by impeccable legal 'credentials' piled one upon the other miles high. The Most Eminent and Most Reverend Lord Cardinals of the Supreme and Universal Inquisition and the Most Eminent Lord Cardinal Bellarmine predictably had no trouble preferring a Higher 'Truth' to deplorable Facts. By the way, is it not astounding that even in the first third of the 21st century there are literally legions of those who claim they will solely be guided by 'The Science' (meaning ideologically sanctioned theories and interpretations that above all else suit their political programme) and intone the claim as solemnly as the Cardinals who adhered to Aristotelian and theological doctrine, with the solemn implication that 'The Science' is uniform and unequivocal, that only one set of hypotheses and theories can ever be correct, and that 'The Science' is something decided by political vote or by the Courts, or by a 97%-100% consensus among those who support a given ideology or political movement?]
Fortunately, history always judges and it is for the most part not kind at all, certainly not kind to the Zhao Gaos and Berias and Brothers Number One and Most Eminent and Most Reverend Grand Inquisitors and various obsequious familiars of the Inquisition or members of troika tribunals. The wheel of history keeps turning. It makes an ancient grinding sound, like an antique olive or wine press. A crushing sound. Today's would-be Cardinal Bellarmines or members of various Comités de salut public -- all too often self-anointed but even so paid six-figure salaries plus perks -- would be well advised to keep that in mind. History will grind them and their 'allies' and followers to dust, nothing but dust blowing in the desert wind -- thus far history has always managed to accomplish that. Ozymandias. No matter how much they might see themselves as the brilliant vanguard of this or that, they are on the wrong side of history. The wheel turns. You can hear the grinding sound. The fact of the matter is that the better part of the current push for juridicized 'discourse regulation' is deeply rooted in (a) exacerbated and self-serving partisan agendas, (b) totalitarian ideological 'commitment' and self-serving zealotry -- a terrifyingly ubiquitous zhǐ lù wéi mǎ, and (c) varied social engineering programs that are deeply tainted, haunted by the vengeful and hungry ghosts of the millions who died as a direct consequence of ecstatic and zealotic and millennarian experiments with teleological 'Paradises on Earth', of ever-recurring Jonestowns, of trying to cure the bad with the far worse. They are entangled in ostensibly benevolent yet arthritic ideologies, ensnared in the fear of a "pollution of public understanding" that might expose the underlying zhǐ lù wéi mǎ for what it really is. Think independently! Utter Clarity: 2 + 2 = 4 ... not five, not three, not one, not 'whatever the Party says'. Not whichever research result the Party says ought to be keyed into the political messaging. History, archaeology, geology, biology, zoology and other research endeavours seem in this context to be strangely inconvenient to many people, these days, as soon as such endeavours are practised as a sober and realist "fact-mongering". It is wondrous that the acutely 'inconvenienced' ones who see themselves as champions of progress are espousing attitudes and using tactics fully reminiscent of the censoriousness of a Church or of a religious order ...
The Review thus explicitly rejects and does not intend (a) to comply, at its own acknowledged risk, with any corresponding restrictive press laws, or (b) to yield to any online 'shaming' and other bot-swarm attack tactics. The only authority the Review recognizes in terms of publication is that of a free academia as a body of known (as in 'not anonymous' and as in 'not hiding behind multiple Internet pseudo-identities') and demonstrably qualified specialists in each relevant discipline who also are open to hearing and debating diverse approaches and arguments, with courtesy and an open mind.
The Review maintains that courts of law and tribunals intrinsically lack the requisite specialist and methodological qualifications, combined with demonstrably earned direct and hands-on experience in multiple highly specific disciplines -- supported by a manifest and sustained publication record, that would allow them to produce fundamental scholarly or scientific findings of fact across the span of intellectual endeavours ... or to explicate in terms of scholarly and scientific substance the issues and contradictions arising from raw data, their processing, and related analytical issues. They therefore intrinsically lack all and any credible competency to adjudicate among competing research findings -- laws and by-laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Even worse than 'legal' interference is of course an implicit ideological determination by banks or payment processors, for instance, to apparently determine what research various authors or specialists might or might not release to the public, and in what specific terms they may speak -- an implicit determination enacted through selective denial of payment-processing services ("we do not like what you think -- stop payment"). A bank, credit card company, or insurance company has no business determining whether discrete ideas or sets of ideas or entire professional worldviews are intrinsically 'right' or 'wrong'. A publicly listed and traded company has exactly zero moral right to 'approve' or 'reject' specific forms of reasoned thought. Otherwise such firms entirely cease to be public limited businesses in any legal sense, and simply become avowed branches of a strictly partisan and nakedly political strife machinery. Thus authoritarian, repressive, and deliberately hostile. The argument of course is that "we are private businesses and we have the right to refuse to do business with whomever we dislike" (but of course the very same stance becomes 'evil' and an abuse of human rights when adopted by anyone who is not of Our Faction). The problem is of course that 'banning' and 'de-banking' accounts as part of clear ideological and political chicanery, and consequently 'withholding' / 'freezing' funds in the accounts for a specified or unspecified number of days while the intermediary in question still earns interest on the sums in question or carries the sums on its balance sheet is outright theft with deliberate forethought -- nothing but political gangsterism. The fact that the SEC approves does not make it right -- it only creates a good reason to thoroughly redraw the SEC's mandate and constraints, to prevent pure ideology from dictating transactions.
The issue of overt financial totalitarian tyranny in favour of pre-approved ideologies enforced by bankers as well as by payment processors is an intriguing question. Banks and credit companies as ideological goons, 'Peace' Officers in the service of Big Brother and The Matrix? We are not talking here about banks seeking to curtail any sort of illegal activity or high-level financial scheming -- they do close their eyes to that every single day, in many respects, and have done so for a very long time. We are talking about banks dictating what one is ordinarily permitted to say, read, write, and think, under penalty of so-called 'financial unpersoning'. That takes us straight into the territory of Overt Tyranny, with presumably a police interview and ongoing thought-process vetting being required to obtain and continue to hold a credit card. Far worse, infinitely worse than any conceivable USSR 2.0. Firstly, firms that take on such a role of NKVD/CheKa commissars ought to be instantly prosecuted as common thieves, to the utmost limit of all penalties and punitive and all possible construable derivative damages. Arguably, the Valitor (formerly VISA Iceland) court ruling (against Valitor, but pending the inevitable tortuous appeal, of course) offers a demonstration of how this ought to work and hopefully will work in the future -- a very expensive wake-up call for corporate Savonarolas and would-be Matrix agents (and ideologically eager PR Departments). Something to be pondered by MasterCard and its shareholders. And by the SEC as well. Secondly, the moment bankers declare themselves "morally superior" and become pure enforcers of a specific ideology, there arguably is no obstacle to expropriating and dismantling the relevant firms and banks by decree once ideological climate changes, because at that point they implicitly become overt public and political enemies. You hitch your wagon to a specific ideological worldview, you take your chances with that worldview and with no other, by your own choice -- it is only logical that you should go down and lose everything if that worldview goes out of fashion or the ideology is defeated. You made your bed ... lie in it! No more pretense of being just a neutral "honest broker" -- because you yourself have explicitly rejected any such stance and concept. You become a "morally superior" radical militant instead of a business, you must suffer consequences, with 'interest', if "morality" switches around.
If we yielded to all this, we could just let judges, lawyers, attorneys, criminal investigators, dubiously appointed Crown commission members, Crown attorneys, bankers, financiers, tycoons, corporate ideologues and PR hacks, officials in religious courts of law, or police and security officers do all of our humanities and social science research, as well as all the hard science. This, in fact, would be the death of all free cutting-edge research. Entire previous civilizations have declined and fallen that way. Lawyers and consequently many judges do have something of a reputation by now for an overall lack of consistently demonstrated competence in cutting-edge hard science, computer engineering, mathematics, physics, and in research-level humanities and social sciences (are we 'expressing disdain' here? -- yes we are, with very well researched and documented cause). A degree in law or political science or administration is no ipso facto guarantee of a genuinely wide-ranging education, not to speak of an effectively earned hands-on practical expertise in varied branches of relevant non-legal learning. The days when magistrates also sometimes happened to be authoritative, widely respected, and even outstanding amateur historians or humanistic scholars or gifted linguists or semi-professional scientists seem to be long gone. A plausible 'expert' can spin blatant science fiction on the witness stand and still get away with it as long as it is massaged in proper legal form and jargon and is politically expedient. But then, we all know the key principles of lawfare: "a form of asymmetric warfare that involves using the legal system against a target in order to tarnish, damage, and delegitimize them, tying up their time or winning a showy PR victory". Truth -- or even mere realistic and verifiable data -- can of course be quite an impediment in such contexts.
On this count, we would really like to hear -- for instance from Mr. Heiko Maas and his colleagues -- what the precise and comprehensive scholarly criteria for 'false' or 'criminal' research and information might be in 2019-2025. We would dearly love to have this clearly specified, ahead of time, in the minutest possible detail and with ample footnotes, point by precise point, for every single detailed 'false fact' and/or aspect of all humanities and all sciences, in a clear legal compendium that enshrines the permitted 'absolute truth'. In other words, yes, we would like all the representative guardians of the creeping juridification and euphemization of discourse to supply an itemized 'Cultural Politburo' diktat, in print and online . We sincerely do hope that the project will be punishingly laborious and expensive to carry through, cost the taxpayer unheard-of sums of money, run into more volumes than the collected works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and other luminaries put together, and employ entire armies of lavishly remunerated professional culture-hacks and echo-chamber chorus singers. We will then enjoy tearing this same diktat to logical shreds, like the worthless ideological outpouring it will inevitably prove to be. Let us face it. It is truly obligatory by now for the relevant 'authorities' to supply us with such a diktat. Anything short of an encompassing definition of what constitutes insidious 'thoughtcrime' and 'heresy' is otherwise so self-evidently arbitrary that it is self-evidently lawless, null and void.
Regardless of whether or not this might or might not make sense from a current procedural point of view, the Review maintains that when courts and the police pit themselves against specialists who have frequently spent an entire lifetime -- or the time-equivalent of more than an average lifetime if they are very hardworking -- researching specific topics and publishing on those topics, it is duly incumbent upon the court, under genuine due process -- not a fake and partisan one, to furnish detailed proof of its actual, systematic, and de facto (not de iure) competence in the specific subject matter, and not the other way around. The relevant researcher is most of the time vastly more skilled in the relevant specialist domain than the judge, lawyer, or officer -- who might be specialists in their own domains, but categorically not in the sum total of all domains: no single individual, no single researcher, no single thinker, and therefore no single judge or prosecutor can plausibly and credibly make such a claim. Uttering such a claim would constitute the pinnacle of absolutely mendacious hubris and would be an equivalent of the deeply tainted doctrine of Papal infallibility. It invariably crumbles, in very short order, under sober professional scrutiny. But , very unfortunately, we seem to be living in an era where no "views and behaviours that damage 'the Narrative' " are to be allowed, and where true balance is smugly 'reframed' as "artificial balance". Why 'artificial'? Simply because it is at odds with the official Narrative and thus is not required -- not only is it not required, but it is 'revealed' as 'harmful' when viewed through the approved 'optics' and 'lenses'. This is straight out of Marcuse's "Repressive Tolerance" (1965). It is so refreshing to know that 2019 is exactly like 1965, in this respect, but distinctively more 'gaslighting-evolved' and more 'better'.
The Review is thus a "come one, come all, and express your thoughts so that all could hear and discuss" research venue. It is strictly non-partisan -- a research forum that is neither 'left' nor 'right' nor any other increasingly empty and tactically camouflaged variation on these. The camouflage almost invariably comes these days with pre-printed placards, schematic slogans, invariant talking points, mindless chants, bus money and refreshments provided by billionaire sponsors, ready-made tags, pins, hats, tunes, and other paraphernalia that strive to displace critically informed thought. The Review does not subscribe to any '-ism', and deems this to be absolutely necessary in order to avoid double standards. All detectable double standards. Across the board. An honest intellectual sword has two edges. Never, ever expect that you will be able to keep striking with one edge only, for ever and ever, without ultimately having to meet the other debating edge. That would not be a discussion, that would be a blank pass, not scholarship but blind faith and sanctification -- and the Review is not in the business of sanctification, virtue-signalling, or paid political messaging and manipulation of crude 'optics'.
It is high time to think freely. Re-evaluate theories, data, laws, by-laws, narratives, whole ideologies, systems, so-called 'experts', images, structures, organizations, policies, TV channels, Netflixes, bureaucracies, research funding, economies ... Re-evaluate everything. From first principles. Ab initio. Question hard. Question more. Question always. Question hard. And as soon as one is told that the "science is settled" or that "there can be no argument," start questioning ever harder and harder, as a matter of sheer principle. There are no monopolies on 'truth'. Even in physics, not to speak of the humanities and social sciences. A fitting term for 'monopoly on truth' already exists -- it is called 'dogma'. Attempts to relabel dogma as a positively valued "consistency in thinking ... that ideology can bring into a person's life" is equivalent to hoping that a soggy and peeling mess of garish 'motivational' posters that loudly proclaim "The Party is the Bright Future! Forward! Forward into the Tomorrows that Sing!" will somehow manage to conceal the grey concrete walls all around. History offers a very clear lesson -- dogma ultimately ends up killing very large numbers of people, no matter the nature of the dogma, and no matter how 'righteous' or 'morally correct' or 'politically correct' the rhetoric might make the adherents feel.
“First, science places the burden of proof on the claimant. Second, the proof for a claim must in some sense be commensurate with the character of the claim. Thus, an extraordinary claim requires ‘extraordinary’ (meaning stronger than usual) proof.” (Marcello Truzzi)
Never forget, and never forgive, any past or present propagandists of totalitarianism, whatever the ostensible many-hued colours they might wear. Blue-shirt, brown-shirt, red-shirt, black-shirt, olive-shirt, red-black shirt, green shirt, no-shirt ... Yes, totalitarianism can even come packaged as nice and colourful "pep-rallies" ... even as little plastic robots ('smart'-phones and cute hand-held 'fact-checkers', ) who tell you exactly what to read and what to think and also can track who you talked to 'face-to-face' through a dynamic matching of accelerometer and gyroscope smartphone data. And so that you would not miss what you really ought to think and so that you would always be able to regurgitate it on demand at all times of day and night, through Pavlovian stimulus, the 'information' is clearly tagged for you with a big blue or green (or whatever hue) checkmark. As a bonus you will probably get a few online 'indulgence certificates' that will save you or your 'loved ones' from Purgatory -- oh, sorry, a mistake, we were supposed to say: 'Social Credit [Sesame Credit] Pokemon Points' that will permit you to take a train or a plane, travel abroad, or qualify for a job interview. What is being installed today in a creeping and relentless wave, the SCS, is nothing but a high-tech-powered version of Orwell's 1984, the ultimate human nightmare -- a systematic digital Spitzelstaat Matrix that existentially freezes out anyone who fails to minutely conform to the State’s current version of the ideal 'advanced' citizen, whatever that version might be as conceptualized by some Party-card carrying and detached-from-reality coffe-house социально-культурный деятель hack. And of course the exact algorithm that dictates your entire life is secret -- as if it were locked away in the cella of Arslantepe's mud-brick temple. A techno-theo-ideocracy with conceptual high priests, servile acolytes who obediently mumble mandatory ideological drivel, thoughtcrime punishers, thoroughly corrupt and mind-wiped judges and Attorneys General with a penchant for enforcing criminal laws on a selective and politically discriminatory basis (especially "Special Assistant Attorneys General" with a university education and fellowships and career-push 'sweeteners' paid for by private interests and functioning solely to 'advance the agenda' of their political sugar-daddy, at $125,000 salary plus benefits just to 'realize the dream' of an uber-rich ideologue 'patron' -- a very ancient Roman system, in fact), paid-for and preordered 'research' results, vapid and theatrical 'intelligence analyses', crowds of screaming jumping zealots, mentally arthritic and scared censors who are the more zealotic the more they are scared, vacuous 'cultural agents' who have utterly betrayed whatever remains of their own culture ... A system of politics through 'caleidoscope circus' that is driven forward by grandstanding and virtue-signalling 'entertainment personalities' and entirely vapid and vacuous 'celebrities' -- while everyone who is trying to get serious work done and make ends meet can no longer remember any logical reason why such 'celebrity' figures should at all be deemed or considered 'celebrities' in the first place. 'Celebrities' why, exactly? On what grounds? For being a vastly overpaid actor -- comedian, singer, or 'TV-anchor' reading off of a teleprompter? Any, literally ANY serious and hardbitten science, technology, and humanities professional can intellectually run circles around ANY standard 'celebrity', 365/24/7 without even breaking sweat. This is a darkly fraying Sarantine Mosaic of a society that has lost all grounding and any fundamental rooted vigour and props itself up through a stream of mascara -smeared Carnival-barking shows. The ultimate totalitarian yet utterly farcical Blade Runner and Total Recall dystopia, self-replicating yet emasculated, sterile and utterly idolizing all forms of promoted sterility.
It is a dubious proposition to yield to Circe. To drink the magic 'transforming' brew from the bowl that was prepared with very cunning intent. Stand shoulder to shoulder with Ulysses, instead. Become utterly immune to the potion. Strong in your frame. Rely on reason, on your sober and independent thought. "I am amazed to see you take my drug and suffer no magic change," Circe said. "... never before have I known a man who could resist that drug once he had taken it and swallowed it down", Circe said. "... come with me to my bed so that in making love we may learn to trust one another [aka a 'teachable moment']," Circe said. Reply as Ulysses did , letting your vigorous reason speak: "... how can you order me to be gentle with you, you who have turned my friends into pigs here in your house ... and now that you have me too in your clutches ... [seek to] rob me of my courage?" (Odyssey, Book 10). Do not sell what and who you are for a slop of magic potion and a tawdry tap of the transformative magic wand. Do not obey Circe. The trick has been tried again and again. Do not drink the sparkly brew. Dash the poisoned bowl out of the hand that holds it. Sharpen the sturdy olive wood stake, harden its tip in the fire, get it ready, so that the One Eye of Polyphemus the herder of sheep(le) and eater of men could never watch you again. You are human, so act like Ulysses -- destroy the One Eye. Show mastery -- send the arrow of your reason flying through all the 'Eye'-loops of the twelve lined up axes. You, a deplorable "casual tramp", or so it seems to those who do not know you (Odyssey, Book 21, "The Great Bow").
“Take away a nation’s history, and only after one generation, it will turn into a crowd, and after another generation we will be able to rule it as a herd” (Based on "Treatment of Alien Peoples in the East"; “Decree on Exercising Military Jurisdiction in the Area of Barbarossa and Special Measures for the Troops,” issued by Keitel, 13 May 1941) [NB: I.e. 'ban' the teaching of history, the writing of history, and all history books. "When you have no past, you have no future. The Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn also realized this, all too well, in a complementary historical context: “to destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” Your culture? "There is no such thing!" Your history? "What history? There is no such thing!" Your way of life? "There is no such thing! And if there ever was, it WILL be erased!" Any remnant of any of your so-called identity? "There is no such thing and NEVER was. You are no one! You never existed as anything except behavioural science putty! You are whatever The Party declares you to be and you will forever be whatever we determine you will be. Depersoned!" And the wan ghost of General Keitel laughs madly, cackling. /SARC ON/ Only Russian bots would disagree with Keitel, would they not? Typical! Those deplorable 'Alien Peoples in the East'! /SARC OFF/ In fact, this is all so exquisitely and completely Bernaysian in terms of "defeating 'consumer' resistance". /SARC ON/ 'Just trust us, it won't hurt and you won't feel a thing, as long as Those Who Know Better “guide public opinion and strengthen information control.” Shows great awareness of the fact that if one wishes to manipulate and uproot millions of humans -- entire peoples, entire nations, everything that has even the least iota of any historical meaning beyond a 100% bland modular interchangeability must be erased. There is no real 'you', you know ... Please educate yourself. Those are such totally rube, ignorant and very unsophisticated notions. There is only an amorphous mass of social Soylent, a bubbling brew that obeys The Science stimuli supplied by Those Who Know Better ... The Kubark Interrogation Manual, "Alice in Wonderland" Method comes to mind, does it not? By the way, is it not ever so preternaturally amusing that those who very vocally distance themselves the most from historical figures such as General Keitel and who declare, as a wholly self-evident matter of course, that they stand at the very ideological opposite end of the historical spectrum, nonetheless actively use precisely the same, meticulously the same techniques and tactics as Keitel outlined? They do so day in and day out, in terms of an ongoing systematic erasure of all historical memory that has offically been declared 'obsolete'. All the while loudly protesting 'erasure' and bashing any dissent as something "trafficked" by "serial disinformers". Careful handling of all inconvenient data is thus left trampled in a dusty corner, and propaganda thrives ... And then 'Young Comrades' ultimately come for those 'Old Comrades' who have lost their 'social utility', 'erase' -- pun intended -- their murals, and march the 'Old Comrades' out behind the barn for a final 'consciousness raising' struggle session. Only figuratively speaking, of course ... only figuratively. A rather fabulous "semantic" twist on "They’ll soon learn that our bullets / Are for our own generals" (The International). In a different and quite bygone context this ran along the lines of: "We burn your bodies but save your immortal souls, to strengthen the Faith". An auto-da-fé ... a sheer Act of Faith, The Great 'Affirmation'. The Struggle Session, an "inciting [of] the spirit of judgment and fighting." A sanctified ritual cамокритика. Has anything changed? Nothing at all!]
““If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State” (Attributed to Dr. Joseph Goebbels) (NB: Also known as political exploitation of the well-known "illusory truth effect" or "Humpty Dumpty effect" (aka as "anything I say three times in a row is true", especially if after that 'I shcream and shcream until I get shick'). Served on googolplex channels, cell-phones, in committees, in lectures, and on posters, 24/7, for a targeted non-edification of the audience. Induces a state of "cognitive ease" in which both audience and propagandist gradually stop realizing that the lies delivered and received are "egregious". Creates a "safe space" ("comfort zone", "echo chamber") where cog-dis is toned down and compliance with 'The Narrative' is enhanced. See also Lisa K. Fazio and B. Keith Payne, "Knowledge Does Not Protect Against Illusory Truth", Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (5) (2015): 993–1002, in particular "... “Surprisingly, repetition increased statements’ perceived truth, regardless of whether stored knowledge could have been used to detect a contradiction.” Possession of or access to extensive countervailing knowledge is not a foolproof defence against falling for the Humpty Dumpty effect. Constant repetition leads to belief, belief leads to trust, trust leads to thoughtlessness as an intellectual sedative. Core tool for the imposition of tight-knit dogma and of a purported consensus that may not even remotely be questioned without professional or existential ostracism and, for those who are rather unlucky, so-called criminal penalties. “We 'embrace' and 'value' your valuable personal opinion and it is what 'makes us strong'” -- and now get back on 'message' and stay on that 'message': you do want to get a check from Payroll at the end of this week, right? Or would you like to be denounced for one kind of 'revisionism' and 'deviationism' or another? And anyway, we simply are not going to talk to you. You are utterly evil “because you know too much [sic, yes, for real -- not a joke, and not made up]. You have all these facts and figures from your research and nobody is able to argue with you”. How very irritating. So inconvenient.]
“There are many ways to achieve a systematic and comparatively easy dying out of any unwanted nation" (Based on "Treatment of Alien Peoples in the East"; “Decree on Exercising Military Jurisdiction in the Area of Barbarossa and Special Measures for the Troops,” issued by Keitel, 13 May 1941)
"Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. [NB: See "illusory truth effect", above]. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity" (George Orwell, 1984) [NB: 1984 was apparently supposed to be an allegory of things gone wrong, an ominous warning -- today, we find that for all too many people it seems to have been a rather enticing practical instruction manual for self-taught beginner fans, interpreted as yet another Saul Alinsky, yet another How To Build a Society Just Like That, In a Short Set of Fun, Easy, Exciting and Thoroughly 'Embraceable' Steps. In other words, 1984 was a mere bowl of salted peanuts to go with the pre-party drinks, and Brave New World was just a light Vorspeise to work up a really solid totalitarian appetite ...]
"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing" (George Orwell, 1984). Totally standard. Used in a different context, way back in time, by Chuck Dederich Sr.'s SYNANON (originally “Tender Loving Care Club” and "We Will Love You Back" [a very old slogan, going back to 1971], later the Church of Synanon), and also subsequently by CEDU Education and others. Also known as Attack Therapy, Large Group Awareness Training, Encounter Groups, etc. Not quite and full-on "trauma-based mind control", but close. Real close. Also deployed systematically as a 'soft' social control technique in the former USSR and GDR, and in various other settings in the rest of Communist East Europe. In more dramatic forms we have seen it at work during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Various modular morphs were implemented in the former Láodòng Jiàoyǎng system and conveniently persist in the Láodòng Gǎizào system. [NB: Together with largely meatless 'monastic' / 'dungeon' food -- worthless thin 'soup' from the cheapest vegetables available; a millennia-old commonplace and exceedingly well tried method for plunging a human body into artificially (in this case politically and ideologically) induced famine conditions in order to trigger corresponding biochemical coping responses and to deprive the body of crucial nutrients, thus steadily eroding the physique, heightening suggestibility, sapping all will to fight and to resist, and encouraging Submission and Compliance -- all of that being modulated through doling out tiny little bits of meat in dumplings, every other while, as a 'special motivational reward'. There are those who truly would like to institute this society-wide -- a control technique that cult leaders like Jim Jones had already perfected decades ago]. The "Game" and variations thereon leverage above all the conditioning and “ego-crushing power of peer pressure" -- through hurling incessant insults and profanity at an individual or group or endlessly applying insidious strings of invalidating labels (negging) that are ideologically targeted and calibrated to pick apart every aspect of a being until that being feels totally worthless and lacks the will to fight back (aka 'Struggle Sessions' or the very Comradely 'ideological conversations' at the Human Resources Office or equivalent, in diverse historical contexts). The added benefit of implementing this on groups, with the assistance of media that you control totally, is that even though in this case you cannot really speed things up by 'working' on your 'convert' in a controlled setting (cell, 're-education' camp, compartmentalized workplace, intimidating Human Resources Office, a Party boss Office) the constant public flinging of mud labels until some of them stick ensures (a) that your target will eventually become socially isolated and deprecated, and (b) that those who are afraid of becoming in their turn 'collateral damage' in such a concerted barrage of labels will duly begin to aid your 'conversion' effort by avoiding the target, sidelining, 'observing', inventing new bogus but Narrative-consistent stories about the target, etc.Thereupon the brainwashed human husk will be 'embracingly' yet firmly re-made and thus 'saved' by the 'accepting and inclusive love' of the Group, Commune, Triad, Gang, Monastery, Order, Cult, Association, Organization, Movement, The Elect, the Perfecti -- "We Will Love You Back". At that point one joins an exciting and embraceable and safe and engaged new 'family', Komsomol, Something-Jugend, Young Pioneers, Sparks, The Community, Social Network, etc.: "The Party is Father, The Party is Mother, There is no Other".
The baseline psy-ops technique is always the same, given its inherent antiquity. Only the labels and the messages keep getting switched around. Differences mainly lie in 'scaling' -- how many individuals are being 'done' in a single session-run. The next step is getting into political office a deeply 're-made' Loved individual -- or even a whole generational lock-step cohort of them -- who then serve a voiceboxes playing 365/24/7 a relentless and very characteristically repetitive message that blares a specific ideology. This is the easy part for any moderately competent behind-the-scenes handler and string-puller with sufficient slush fund money and stacked boxes of very shiny emotional and motivational candy goodies. The technique is old, ancient. It is the ageless core of all brainwashing. Almost anyone can be made to say anything under duly and finely calibrated stress (mental or physical or existential or combined), and all too many can also be induced to really believe what they are forced to parrot, no matter how much of it is complete and easily demonstrable counter-factual nonsense. It of course works way better, on a mass scale, when deployed in combination with censorship, 'shadowbanning', 'regulation' of information, and so on. After all, what is the point of spending hefty billions in public and partisan funds to brainwash oodles of people when people are still allowed -- grudgingly, but nonetheless -- access to someone else's opinion. Morover, crude censorship and the curtailing of free speech entails other very notable benefits: normally -- at least according to Jean Piaget's schema of growing up -- we reach a spot, upon emerging from early childhood, where moral behaviour and judgement are starkly predicated on the ethos of our peer group (this, unfortunately, can also be called the 'Lord of the Flies' stage); then, in free societies, one progresses to a stage where one begins to use some independent principles as reference -- in totalitarian and cult-like settings, however, this is deliberately impeded and manipulated, arguably producing an artificial state of prolonged neoteny and dependence on a 'managed' and emotion-soaked peer group ethos (i.e., in this case, a schematic ideology that portrays itself as 'scientific' and that purports to pack "all the asnwers" into some single and easily sloganized symbolic factor [we address X, we solve 'everything']; it is then up to The Party in power to keep shifting the goalposts and adjusting / redefining 'X', to ensure that the de facto neotenous adherents always follow, in ecstasy).
The inflicted SYNANON-method stresses create, at breaking point, a personal or group 'crisis', a cathartic flash, whereupon the 're-educator' skilfully taps into core emotions such as fear, love, loathing, guilt, disgust, hate, shame, or despair, and 'lovingly' guides the designated 'deplorable' ones through a fake 'crisis' on condition that they accept and internalize a new belief system. They were very 'bad' people, but now they can be 'good' if only they believe in and also act on everything they are told. Act without any questions. Simply put, these are nothing more than variations on the "tough love" technique set of SYNANON and on related collective tools of emotional manipulation and gaslighting designed to make a potentially (or already) addictive, unstable, unmoored / uncertain and above all poorly educated individual become wholly addicted to a new 'salvific' idea and also mindlessly committed to a tether-group of people and/or a political, religious, and philosophical dogma, instead of relying on finely reasoned, evidence-based, and above all independent individual analysis, as a sovereign intellectual citizen. Those who use this SYNANON technique set today -- and they are ubiquitous -- may think it is somehow their fine invention and that it makes them ever so sophisticated and advanced but nothing could be further from the truth. The Jesuits, for instance, used it amply in Central Europe during re-Catholicization campaigns. The technique, as is painfully obvious, can serve virtually any ideology or type of messaging. The valve can also perfectly well be turned in reverse, full on, against those who ever so eagerly monopolize it today. That is why, like strategic weapons, it really should not be used by anyone. Just like censorship. Once that game starts, one side ultimately has to ensure that it wins totally and stays in power forever: which is every totalitarian's wet dream, and also a self-destructive delusion. The richly deserved and accumulated counterpush (blowback) -- which eventually always comes -- will typically be beyond ferocious, sweeping away all that stands in the way. A fundamental paradigm shift. No amount censorship or cop-deployed repression can stop a paradigm shift, the pent-up rejection of a crudely imposed ideology propped up only by a relentless, schematic, and repetitive propaganda as well as systematic lying. Repression has been tried in such circumstances. Repression has always failed in such circumstances. That is why starting the "Game" on a gigantic society-wide scale is very unwise, in the long run. But the delusion of total power forever seems to be endless, of course. Free speech (satirized by its foes as 'Freeze Peach') is the only genuine antidote to the fatuous dogmatic power of Synanonist / Cultist / Propagandist interests. 'Freeze Peach' is thus deliciously tasty, and it is best enjoyed with lots of Raw Data, Crude Realism, Cold Logic, and Spicy Rationalism, as Beilage and Zakuski. And it is not 'bougie'. Enjoy. Have a triple serving ... heaped ...
"Our economic theory holds that the human being is the most fundamental productive force. Except for those who must be exterminated physically out of political considerations, human beings must be utilized as productive forces [NB: aka Human Resources], with submissiveness as the prerequisite. The Laogai system's fundamental policy is 'Forced Labor as a means, while Thought Reform is our basic aim'." ("The Other Gulag") [NB: Where have you heard such terms, recently? Just think! And we are not even going to point out the ominous similarities to yet another famous "logo" above a well-known gate ... Can you draw the necessary conclusions from these similarities? And no, drawing such conclusions does not constitute a "category error". Haughty and didactically voiced patronizing insinuations of "category error" are in this case sheer obfuscation, mere ideological maskirovka that seeks to conceal what is really going on.]
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be 'cured' against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason ...” (C. S. Lewis)
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule" (H. L. Mencken) [NB: Examples? (A) “We will be forced to sacrifice democracy” (Dr. Arnold Reitze, 'New Ice Age', Sumpter Daily, 26 January 1971); (B) "Our concept of ballot-box democracy may need to be modified to produce strong [aka totalitarian] governments capable of making difficult decisions ..." (Maurice Strong); (C) "... the post-Cold War international order could, conceivably, address the issue, by placing carbon and climate change at the centre of its value set ... approaches are possible ... ranging from left-wing forms of quasi-eco-socialism to right-wing forms of authoritarian nationalism and self-interest" (David Wallace-Wells, 'Can liberal democracy survive climate change?', The Economist, 29 March 2019); (D) "[then] ... consider moving beyond democracy altogether. The authoritarian [NB: Wow, just wow, would this be the same kind of 'authoritarian' as in Authoritarian Personality, or something purportedly different?] Chinese system has some advantages ... One-party rule means freedom from electoral cycles and less need for public consultation" (David Runciman, "Democracy is the Planet's Biggest Enemy," Foreign Policy, July 2019). Any intertemporal similarities? Of course yes: the claim invariably and always is that only totalitarian systems of comprehensive control and hegemonic Borg-like domination by a power-hungry camarilla (or should we rather say horizontal-structured Camorra?) of MonoParty and factional activists, media starlets, and MonoParty-dependent 'experts' can save all of us from (xyz) (for (xyz) substitute any current ploy-of-the-year, ploy-of-the-decade, etc., whatever it happens to be, at will). homo sapiens -- obligatorily rendered here in lower-caps only, to salve sensibilities -- has no future whatsoever unless ruled by Enlightened Totalitarians. And very 'boviously' (not, not a typo, just sarcastic word-farce) the very unsapient homo sapiens has never ever read anything at all, especially not 'latest sophisticated reports', does not have any education whatsoever, and is DNA-incapable of 'scientific' reasoning, no matter how many thousands of studies filled with evil hegemonistic mathematics the poor homo sapiens has read and fully comprehended -- or even personally authored and published. With a MonoParty in place, there will be no need for any of that ever inconvenient 'public consultation' with the totally deprecated homo sapiens. Exit the 'sheeple'. One will just rule by decree, like a feudal lord -- OH WAIT! ... actually feudal lords were in fact relatively 'democratic' by comparison, because feudalism was essentially, at least at first, a sort of contract -- in various senses a two-way street -- whereas MonoParty 'Neo-Feudalism' dictatorship in Marcusian style is NOT anything of the sort. But then, that is the essence of this de facto retrograde fantasy -- only and only if everyone but I and my Party buddies (oh, sorry, that should have been 'Comrades') lives in misery can We the Vanguard feel uber-rich, and appreciated, and rewarded, and affirmed, and embraced, and ever so clever and much needed as Saviours of the evilly benighted homo sapiens who never reads any reports. The supernally neat additional trick is to make each successive candidate to de facto hegemony masquerade as a fervent champion of profoundly 'anti-hegemonic' 'value sets'. With the rider clause: 'I gave you sound political advice framed as a suitable "grounding philosophy" -- now go and make me a three-diamond-button Perpetual Secretary of the Regional Committee of the MonoParty, with all, I mean all, the corresponding perquisites and ample privileges, so that I could righteously fight against pervasive 'corruption' and line my already deep pockets. A rational person's answer? A mighty belly-laugh! And a stern reminder: "Do go and give it a try! Who sows the wind reaps the storm! It has always been thus."]
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact will have their own liberties taken away from them, but rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” (Aldous Huxley) [NB: Why do we even put a note here. Above all in the context of the 'opioid epidemic' caused by Big Pharma and others. You already know very well what we are going to say: develop multiple mental and other antidotes; become immune; become healthy; counteract; neutralize; reverse the effects of Bernaysian psychological warfare. Disobey Google. Some of you probably already are sheeple -- at least do not become mere 'human goldfish' hooked on pharmaca and on rap rhtyhmo-hypnosis.]
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary" (H. L. Mencken)
"Very many, in the past and today, have always detested accurate, factual, clear-eyed history, a discipline of history concerned above all with peeling off layers of deceptions, doctrines, dreams, fantasies, dogma, social engineering, inconsistencies, and narrative puffery of one sort or another -- concerned with peering under the smothering blanket of ideological enforcement. More often than not, such approaches to history have been deemed very inconvenient. Would-be practitioners of such history-writing were 'neutralized' through various social and economic mechanisms, including the indignity of being ultimately turned into sycophantic servants of States or Great Men or Great Goals or Great Communities or Bright Teleological Futures, turned into mere servants who had to churn out pathetic propaganda if they still wanted to practice their craft while also putting bread on the table. Why? Because a concern with rationalist history, with the impartial question of "has this happened before, and why, and under what circumstances", is the quintessential spike or emery dust in the wheel of social engineering narratives, of endless 'stories' driven by pure relativistic semantics. This is why all totalitarian ideologies, over and above all, always seek to get rid of the 'ignorant' past and to reframe history according to their own mandate or seek to have history forgotten altogether, the better to spin endless webs of patent lies and then have those lies worshipped. People are much easier to manipulate if they no longer know and cannot (or fear to) access the documents of their own history, if they have effectively forgotten their own history, if they have been taught and ordered to destroy or despise their history, or if they have been indoctrinated into a falsified and ideologically blinkered version of history. The only thing an ideologue or cultist cares about is a complete and unconditional acceptance of a dogma. Internal contradictions, glaring inconsistencies, logical flaws, countervailing data, even massive amounts of meticulous disconfirming evidence will always be suppressed, scoffed at, shouted down, censored, silenced, contortedly 'explained', or dismissed with the absolutely classic and eternal taunt 'so what makes you think you are right?'-- typically delivered right after having been confronted with a large body of evidence that makes utter nonsense of a sanctified ideology. Logic, even reason itself, the laws of physics, mathematics, precision, careful observation, honest handling of data, solid mechanical engineering, the very notion of 'meticulousness' and 'exactness' will be mocked and declared wrong, unacceptable, prejudiced and objectionable if they fail to bow -- absolutely -- to the whims of an ideology. The very hallmark of a cult-like ideology is that it simply does not care whether or not it contradicts itself, even multiple times within a single sentence or a very brief statement. It is 'correct' because it is 'deemed correct', just like certain people are 'famous' mainly for being 'famous' even though no one has any real idea why exactly such 'personalities' should get any attention at all ... and why exactly anyone should listen to them. But praise is still lavished on such 'luminaries'. Of course, Nero (37 AD-58 AD) for instance also returned from Greece with 1,808 first prizes awarded in various contests. Of course he 'won' a chariot race despite comically falling out of his chariot. Yes, certain sources are perhaps biased against Nero; yes, the prizes were a neat political quid pro quo; yes, all of it could hardly have been avoided. Yes, whatever. The Games were RIGGED, on ideological grounds, just like many games today. The degree to which this was tactful, sensitive, elegant, diplomatic, and politically correct does NOT matter one iota. It was RIGGED." (No One In Particular)
An old Cold War Era joke: "A Soviet judge saunters back to the chambers and just chuckles and almost giggles with delight. A lawyer walking in the other direction stops and says, a little sternly: 'Comrade Judge, what is so funny?'. 'Oh, just a very good joke I heard', the Judge replies. “Well, Comrade, go ahead, tell me', the lawyer says. 'No, Comrade, I really could not do that,” says the Judge, 'I just gave someone ten years in the GULag for it'." There is an old GDR equivalent, too: "The StaSi held a competition for the best political joke. First prize? Fifteen to twenty years in the slammer." [NB: You know what we are going to say, do you not? But we cannot say it of course -- we do not want to get fifteen to twenty years in the GULag for it, plus hefty 'socially educational [aka teachable moment]' fines payable to The State. Feel free, however, to fill in our enforced silence: / − − − / ... −−− ... / ... −−− ... / ... −−− ... / −−.− −−.− −−.− −−.− / COGNITIVE DISSONANCE / HULL BREACH / CIVILIZATION ENGINE COMPARTMENT FLOODED / SINKING / PRESENTLY ABANDONING VESSEL / .− .−. / −.− / ] [NB: The disturbing thing of course is that there appears to be something quite fascinatingly robotic in the thought processes and fundamental reactions of a thoroughly committed ideologue or an ideologically-driven lawyer, judge, and bureaucrat. Just like AI, ideologues are very bad at comprehending and tolerating , sarcasm, satire, or parody. Thus they push to destroy it, banish it, and of course punish it. The Soviet Judge in the above joke might admittedly have been rather an exception -- bit of a 'crypsis ideologue'. He still appears to have possessed at least some sense of humour, no matter how warped. Artificial Intelligence, as has been pointed out repeatedly, and experimentally verified over the past fifteen years and more, has absolutely no need for humour, unlike biological humans. It generally misses context and nuance very obtusely, exactly like an ideologue who will labour mightily to ferret out and punish 'dangerous' and 'harmful' humour and ever so societally 'damaging' veiled and satirical allusions to current events evilly concealed inside analyses of historical poetry, for instance. AI also tends to misidentify things as a joke when in fact they are not, and tends to view things as unfunny when they in fact are. Similarly, an ideologue will almost invariably interpret a mere joke, skit, or a satirical piece as a dire and all-out existential attack against the relevant ideology as a whole, against its very foundations, and react accordingly -- i.e. overreact in a devastating and unwarranted way, instead of providing intellectually or scientifically valid arguments why the joke or skit might have been partly misplaced. We witness this by now every single day, on campuses, social networks, as well as in interpersonal, policing, and HR/administrative interaction: What? They dare to mock our lofty concepts with impunity, they make light of our ideology? How dare they? That's got to stop! Off to the GULag with them! Fine them! Arrest them! Smash them! Make them afraid! Cancel them! And by the way, we would have you know that performing or creating anything whatsoever without a duly issued Ministry license and without a proper certificate of 'PolitKor' is streng Verboten. Especially when the material deviates from Our Shared Values. Inspiration? No! Genius? The Sublime? No! No! No! NO! "We have quotas for that! We have quotas for everything! "
And then there are of course all those who bluster that "We should prosecute anyone who makes fun of the members of our xyz Party. And we arrogate to ourselves the right to demand unilaterally that our peremptory censorship commands be obeyed globally, outside our jurisdiction, even in third-party countries that do not condone censorship! And we further arrogate to ourselves the absolute right to command and to order and to enjoin that everyone seek and identify, among all the information disseminated by users of [a] platform, the information identical to the information that has been characterised as 'illegal' and remove it worldwide [apparently, and in particular, satire, unwanted political discourse, and political invective, and even and especially so unwanted political truth]." To 'intimidate' and 'harass' power-holders by critiquing them in harsh language and by candidly exposing their corruption is of course something unthinkable and must be quashed. Ehhmmmm ... what happened to that loudly touted 'speaking truth to power'? Ahh, clear. That applies only when it is someone else's 'power'. Otherwise, criticism is a Class 1 'misdemeanor' with automatic 'guilt'. The blusterers, needless to say, do not happen to be at any progressive edge of things, much as they might want to paint themselves as 'progressives'. They are in fact a couple of millennia behind times. Already ancient rulers, back to the misty Bronze Age, had this uncontrollable urge to execute / prosecute those who "made fun of them" -- as did the Bolsheviks, Pol-Potists, etc., etc. As did Absolute Monarchs, of course -- crime of lèse-majesté, anyone? Goes really very well with Herbert Marcuse, essentially a feudalism-worshipping radical Romantic daubed in Marxist make-up. Did we mention in this context the virtual extinction of an entire old cinematic genre -- the movie comedy? And the fact that "parody is dead"? The demise of MAD magazine has just marked the “end of humour without political correctness” in the current 'cancel-culture' era. All of this is very logical. Totalitarian powers and movements have always fiercely loathed and feared one thing above all other things -- humour, the joke, the satire that deflates Narrative-sanctified icons. All the variegated kinds and styles of humour -- which remain rather difficult to parse for the preferred 'censor' of post-2019 Planet Earth: an AI, a non-human unifit snoop algorithm.
The bots just don't get it. And ... neither do ideologues. They in fact never did. Ultimately they threaten 8-year-olds who poke fun at their darling ideological deities. We are full on back to Stalin-land and earlier, to lèse-majesté against the Emperor, the Tzar, or the King of Prussia ... or against Šarr Šarr-ukīn, Šar Šarrāni, Xšâyathiya Xšâyathiyânâm, Šāhān Šāh, Basileus Basileion, Nəgusä Nägäst, the Nibītu (Chosen), the Amazing Shepherd (834 BCE – 828 BCE), King of Kings: so we are effectively back to between 2340 BC, 1140 BCE, 705 BCE, and also back to 1914-1917 (the context of The Good Soldier Švejk -- Oh, you do not know what the Good Soldier Švejk is? Then we are going to throw your own standard boilerplate challenge right back at you: Please educate yourself!). Oh, is it not interesting that in 2016 virtually all of the KSČM deputies in the Czech Republic voted in favour of a "lèse-majesté" clause in the Criminal Code? And that the clause harks back to the 1990 USSR Federal Law? And of course it fits in with paragraph 319 of the RF Criminal Code: "insult of a public office-holder". These ancient habits die so hard ... Šar Šarrāni -- Tzar of Tzars, Emperor of Emperors (Oh, you really do not know what we mean? Then you do need a 'teachable moment' -- how about starting with cuneiform? For someone with your top ideological corruscating coryphaeic mind, it should take you no more than a couple of days to master, in all variants). And in the US the 8-year-old kid's satirical target is not even a Tzarina yet. And certainly not a Šar Šarrāni or Bānbishnān Bānbishn or Nəgəstä Nägäst (all right, we concede of course, Sargon the Great was a former cup-bearer (bar-tender) and gardener, apparently cast adrift just like Moses and adopted by a drawer of water ...). So, yes, whatever ....
All this is an unfailing historical litmus test. Let us call it, for practical purposes: the AI humor test. Conversely, AI and bot-like ideologues are also quite famous for trotting out 'jokes' that fall totally flat as they are being deployed in a speech or in a discussion, because no one in the audience thinks either the attempt or the content is funny at all. “I know that we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now, to put it lightly ... ... [very painful pseudo-comedic pause, for effect, followed by ominous silence] ... but ... major shift now ... two billion people will be able to talk without hackers, governments or even us seeing what you're saying" (Mark Zuckerberg at F8 Conference). No one, no one in the audience laughed. For a good reason. Let us just remember that in the old USSR the very best comics did their work underground. Illegally. Why? Because officially approved comedy -- sorry to say so -- was not funny at all (even if one throws in Ilya Ilf and Yevgeni Petrov to put a biased fat finger on the scales). Actually, for people under the cracks between the Party Platform boards -- which was in fact most people, merely forced to go along with the Party Circus in order to survive (please, never equate 'self-preserving compliance' with actual real 'support' for your Party Platform) -- what was really excruciatingly funny were the utterly pompous, always the same, and painfully politically correct four-hour speeches delivered to utterly bored audiences by various geriatric Beloved Dear Forever Leaders of the People. That was in most cases the best comedy ever -- pure comedy gold.
If you think that all of this is irrelevant and societally inconsequential, you do not have and clearly have never had any real direct exposure to DeepMind and other correlated developments, programming, and AI design philosophies. Immersive Wisdom, anyone? "Pattern of Life", anyone? Project Nightingale (yes, of course, there is 'no such thing' as 'Project Nightinglae')? N3? MS Celeb? Duke U's MTMC? Stanford's "Brainwash" data set? Augmented Eternity? DeepFake? MUSIC? IoBT? MFSocket? Yes, yes, yes, all of it "for research" and business and to 'enhance capability'. Or for simple commercialization, like FaceApp -- you think your have a right to our 'faces', FaceApp, for ever? -- "to access to use, modify, adapt and publish any images that a user offers up in exchange for free artificial intelligence service"? “You grant FaceApp a perpetual (i.e. what -- 1000 years? 10,000 years? 1,000,000 years? Frank Herbert's The Eyes of Heisenberg Optimen kind of eternity?), irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide [hey, why not Universe-wide, in all 11-plus dimensions, when we are already playing this kind of game], fully-paid, transferable sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate... distribute, publicly perform and display your User Content.” Oh, really? How far exactly do you want to try to push this "eternity" artifact? Really? Many of us will necessarily object. Legally, of course, always quite within the strict bounds of the 'law' (whatever that utterly venal, corrupt and most blatantly ideologically manipulable thing called 'law' might happen to be at any given instant). So, a question! "What do the almighty DigiSilver Screen Masters / Celebs / Entertainers / Game Masters of Total (Un)Reality really intend for homo sapiens, by now? Is it perhaps 'doing the job right of annihilating humanity', i.e. the self-declared goal of the Gaia Liberation Front?" And what about Foucault versus the gigantic existing surveillance industry Panopticon -- why is that never, ever an object of advanced 'critique' and 'critical theory'? Very curious, that. Hypocrisy, much? And then there are of course NextLP corporate snoop bots. Necessarily, there are very many free speech loving coders who are in the process of developing extremely aggressive ultra-next-gen anti-NextLP search-and-purge deactivators of NextLP bot algorithms. Who are they? Why don't you try and locate them? That ought to tie down some of your snooping billionaire-Master-of-the-Universe Panopticon resources.
Interestingly enough, it takes little more than a blip to transit from those "automatically generate(d) warnings or terminations regarding quality of productivity without input from supervisors" (e.g. at Amazon) all the way to real full-on "automatically generated orders for sub-population termination without input from supervisors, on grounds of thought-crime or wrong-think, or wrong-move, or pre-crime (Minority Report neo-noir dystopia, anyone?), or facial-expresion-crime, or voice-tone-crime, or body-posture-crime, or gesture-crime or any other 'listed behaviour' in a dumb AI database, such as, but not limited to, dress-crime, food-crime, or deemed-sympathizing-with-incorrect-ideas-crime, or any postulatable possible future manifestation thereof" (Orwell on Steroids). But your Dylan / Mike or Vesta AI or Nest or Dot will of course also recommend chicken soup if it detects you need it, or superior methods of torture and interrogation if it serves Some Great Universal Party Platform State of Fear Cause. The underlying premise is that the increasingly officially deprecated mere 'binary biological' is so inane that h/sh/it/meta cannot come up with twenty creative and modified chicken soup recipes -- or slingshot blueprints or more -- right off the top of the head, thus completely eclipsing the pathetic AI. An AI that has to be potty-trained in 'intelligent' communication by entire labour armies of underpaid and overtime-extorted and duly deprecated 'binary biological' BAs, MAs, and PhDs. The premise also is that the 'binary biological' who has now very clearly become the target of an increasingly systematic and 24/7 co-ordinated culture-war attack will become so woefully dependent on the AI, incapable of even blowing its nose without so-called tech-med-socio-assist, that effecitve 'breakout' will become unthinkable. Don't use it, lose it.
Incidentally, why don't we just quote, in this context, from an interesting attempted 26-section lawsuit against a large number of relevant players, currently being accused of concerted actions amounting to a manifest breach of the Nuremberg Code (Nürnberger Kodex) of research ethics, which prohibits the development of any weapons, digital or otherwise, that have the potential to enslave or kill off humanity, to wit, for instance: “… misusing and weaponizing Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Robotics, 5G, Machines, Smart Phones, Smart Homes, Smart Cities, IoTs, Holograms, Mixed Reality, Nano-Technology, Cloning, Gene-Editing, Cybernetics, Bio-Engineering, and the creation of a digital AI Brain linked to Google’s Search engine with the use and extraction of humanity’s bio-metrics data, digital bio-metric codes including facial, voice, health, organ, neural network and body recognition technology”, in attempts that systematically seek to " ... [control] humanity’s thoughts, actions, biology, bio-metrics, brain neural pathways, [and /or] the human body’s neural networks ... [and] that reprogram all human beings through social engineering and bio-digital social programming, without their consent, knowledge, understanding, or free will,” and that further point toward an unfolding process of "creating an interconnected platform between Facebook, Google, Alphabet, all entities under Neuralink, and DeepMind that allows for a digital brain to connect to the internet, all digital and bio-digital networks, human bodies, machines, robotics, IoT’s, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Holograms and other technologies, that can be used for surveillance, ... to track, manipulate, control, social engineer, re-engineer, reprogram, brain wash, hunt, quarantine, threaten, arrest, commit cultural genocide, and kill human beings by machines, bio-digital AI, digital AI, and robotics connected to the 5G, 6G and other networks and corporate command centers". As further pointed out, "... [in a set of implementation processes that threaten] cultural and physical genocide with the interconnection of Artificial Intelligence, 5G, robotics, machines, drones, Smart Cities ...” Oh, well. The Dosadi Experiment, anyone? The Eyes of Heisenberg? An AI-mediated Orwell & Huxley & Kafka Brave New 1984 Super World? There is of course more to this, which the abovementioned lawsuit attempt does not even begin to envisage. The Dosadi Experiment was published in 1977. That, interestingly enough, was in the early stages of an era when key relentlessly unfolding global agendas were being deliberately sped up. 1974-1975, 1982, 1985,1988-1989, 1992, 1997 ... The context is obvious enough if one starts paying attention to notable socio-political allusions within such works as, for instance, Herbert's Dosadi Exepriment ... allusions to what made Herbert (among many others) extremely uneasy as early as 1977 ... uneasy about those who will not "have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future."
Well, remember just this: the lab rat that will always survive, that one that will bite back more than savagely and with savage neo-noir humor, the one that will thrive and also reproduce without any authorization in the wild, against The Narrative -- any Narrative -- is the one endowed with the willpower and inventive skill to break with the AI Matrix and in the end to destroy that multi-Matrix, utterly. Thus, develop, like ancient martial artists, real-time biological binary capabilities that far exceed the lens-and-sensor-based mechanistic and robotic wet dreams of post-humanity post-anthropic post-binary post-modernists. Oh, well, yes, one should not 'stand in the way of Progress' , presumably -- new tactical engagement and policing digi-systems will fluidly 'translate foreign language street signs into English'. Yes, well, whatever ... Do you realize at all that some of those on our team can already handle more than 17 languages inside a single deprecated binary human head instantaneously, without recourse to AI-dictionary? Dream again, street-light-cam Sensor-Entity!]
"Did you ever notice how many people lose their capacity for tolerating humour once they gain power or once they acquire the impression that their ideology alone is the summa summarum of all ideologies, the pinnacle after which there cannot and will not be any other?" (No One In Particular)
"The propagandist naturally cannot reveal the true intentions of the principal for whom he acts… That would be to submit the projects to public discussion, to the scrutiny of public opinion, and thus to prevent their success… Propaganda must serve instead as a veil for such projects, masking true intention" (Jacques Ellul) [NB: 'Big Brother is Watching' message in Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest devices an unintentional 'accident'? Certainly. Sure. Whatever the Party says. "We Believe" and we profess loudly that "We Believe"! It will work. You just must have 'impactful' footage (whatever that clumsy cliche and pathetic neologism 'impactful' is actually supposed to mean), 'impactful' statements of some sort, and of course stirring music -- bypass the brain and reason, appeal directly to emotions. Been done many times before. Let unreasoning emotion flow and "join the Dark Side". Above all we must prevent people from paying attention to historical evidence, we must discredit any history that does not suit us, we must doctor the data that do not suit us, and if necessary we must hide or destroy the original records, alter their meaning, and/or make sure no one is capable of reading the script any more. Take away even the script and the records become mute, unintelligible, the records of a different and strange past people -- thus we can win the past. Because then we can say anything we like about that past, whatever suits the Party Line. 'Impactfully', too.]
"Know all things to be like this: A mirage, a cloud castle, a dream, an apparition, without essence, but with qualities that can be seen; As a magician makes illusions of horses, oxen, carts, and other things, nothing is at it appears” (Buddha) [NB: Especially in the realm of zealotically frantic ideology, where nearly every term means its exact real-life opposite, amid outpourings of 'spontaneously managed' emotion in a circus setting that would surely catch even Nero's jaded interest.]
“All our lives today are somehow regulated through digital media. So it’s absolutely crucial who controls this digital media. This is the greatest threat to our freedom. We are not even aware of it as we don’t experience it as unfreedom. It’s not like the old days of the police state, where you look over your shoulder and see a man following you. You feel totally free, but your every move is registered and you’re subtly manipulated” (Slavoj Žižek) [NB: We really do love our Slavoj. We have our differences -- how else. But it is just thinkers being thinkers. And he is candid -- where it counts and matters. As in "Any appeal to the ... working class, as in today’s ... populism, betrays class struggle” [Slavoj Žižek, The Philosophical Salon, 2019]. One is constantly being told that no, that is not where it is at, no, that is an ignorant misinterpretation and 'fake news', no that is not the essence of The Project. Well, whatever -- crypsis, maskirovka, same old, same old. Slavoj puts it very clearly and candidly -- thank you, Slavoj -- the working class [we have omitted a qualifier here and we are not going to go into that, because Censorship, as in: we do not want to be right now at the receiving end until we absolutely have to dig our heels in and draw a line in the sand] has to be punished for the two World Wars and for 1989 and for 1991 and for a repeated failure to 'embrace' and 'affirm' the Grand Coryphaeic Teleological Total Blueprint for The Bright Future. For failing to appreciate what is good for them as per the Social Planners, for failing to play the proper historical role. Just simply unforgivable... Hell has no fury like an ideologue spurned. Therefore the working class must be sidelined ... and more. The Great Purge -- the greatest Purge of all the Purges since 1917, the 1930s, or 1870, or 1848... one loses purge-count after a while. And it suits billionaires too. And entertainers. Very nifty, multi-purpose. As Bertolt Brecht put it: “Some Party hack decreed that the people had lost the government's confidence and could only regain it with redoubled effort. If that is the case, would it not be be simpler if the government simply dissolved the people and elected another?”]
“I could never have known so well how paltry men are, and how little they care for really high aims, if I had not tested them by my scientific researches. Thus I saw that most men only care for science so far as they get a living by it, and that they worship even error when it affords them a subsistence” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [NB: Especially if the 'living' also comes with ribbons, orders of distinction, medals, awards for 'ethics', progression through ranks, the coveted Order of the Golden Hare (awarded to those who have managed to dodge skillfully through all the loops, wickets, shifts and 'adjustments' in ideological Narrative and in prescribed vocabulary), and the glittering prestigious Order of the Platinum Weasel (awarded to those who have a stellar score in smearing, labelling, denunciation, doxxing, false accusations, fake charges, career-destroying innuendo, and generally being a busy all-around Familiar of the Inquisition.]
"Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of the man who can fabricate it" (Hannah Arendt) [NB: Even worse if the infinitely plastic 'fact' is deemed to depend not just on the power of those who can fabricate it, but on an intangible and thus non-debatable virtual sanctification of a person or a set of arguments by dint of abstract 'moral' righteousness. 'Fact' is thus delinked from being 'factually right', and the latter quality begins to be deemed paltry, pedestrian, uninteresting, not 'exciting', 'rube' ('pagan' / 'paganus' fits here too, in the historical context of very late Antiquity), ignorant and thus totally negligible. Mere accuracy pales in the face of the clarion call of blatantly false but 'exciting' narrative. 'Fact' (as in 'we have the facts', 'the science is settled', 'scientific materialism', or 'scientific-xyz', where 'xyz' simply stands in for any ideology that may wish to wrap itself for tactical purposes in the mantle of 'science') thus shifts toward being 'morally' right, 'salvationally' right, 'teleologically' right, i.e. 'authorized message'. That which is 'moral' ceases to be just plain human and becomes the special unique high 'moral' domain of a purportedly all-knowing universalist creed or program, equipped with its own special theogony that furnishes a complete and circularly self-justifying set of reasons for being and acting to all its adherents and by fiat makes them also immune to criticism. Very satisfying. What a dopamine fix! To utter even a syllable of criticism brands the doubter instantly as 'utterly evil' -- whereas of course the adherents of the theogony are uniquely entitled to fulminate, critique, thump their ideological scripta, and generally threaten havoc. This scenario that has played out so many times throughout history that it is boring by now. Utterly 100% predictable.]
“Everything for the state, nothing against the state, nothing outside the state” (Mussolini) [NB: Where have you heard this recently, over and over and over again, as the 'supreme' program, the universal and 'eternal' and 'integrated' answer to 'everything' on planet Earth, as well as a teleological recipe for 'Saving the Planet'? Can you see the similarities? They are so blatant! Teleological dogma that may not be questioned, that by definition cannot commit any "errors of category" and that provides "all the answers" and an "integral view of the Universe." So easy to 'reframe' as: "Everything for the village, nothing against the village, nothing outside the village" -- a village that of course needs a 'town crier' and 'town prodder' -- and necessarily a witch-finder cross-cut perhaps with a Pied Piper of Hamelin. But then, you know, Hegel and so on? "The state in and by itself is the ethical whole, the actualization of freedom" (Hegel). So, Mussolini actually sounds like a very perfect Hegelian. Quaint, is it not ... ? Which is exactly why Vladimir Ilyich Lenin initially praised Mussolini so much and valued him so highly. Very revealing, all of this: "freedom is slavery", "slavery is freedom", "ignorance is strength", "banned speech is free speech", "two and two equals five ... or three, or two, or one" -- always as a technocrat and ideologue wishes. As The Party decrees, "democratically centralistically" or some such thing. As the Politburo mandates and as the Ministries implement. As Big Brother Number One says. And the Great Teleological Goal of course can never be reached. That simply cannot be permitted -- the fundamental problem namely is that something like that would put The Party Machine, The Preachers, The Good Fight, The Movement, The Activists, The Priesthood, The Technocracy, The Great Venerable Order of Donation Collectors and Indulgence Sellers, The XYZ Salvation Fund, The Ideology, etc., out of business. Therefore no Victory can ever be declared. The People must be kept on The Path, running round and round in the hamster wheel while being told that things remain terrible and The Enemy is at The Gate. To admit that things are pretty good, that the Initial Mission has basically been accomplished long ago, that would be an umitigated catastrophy. Entire organizational 'reasons for being' would collapse. Morale would collapse. No more perks, no more 'leadership role', no more Party Conferences and lavish dinners, no more 'Special Me' at the very centre of power and attention ... And hundreds of thousands of cozy acolyte livelihoods would be lost. Well, you get the picture. It's a racket ... It's a self-perpetuating Ziggurat Temple Economy. Always has been.]
"How do serious scholarly disciplines die a slow and sordid death? When practitioners begin to include in their works redundant and manifestly ritual or ornamental quotations from ideological 'authorities' and 'luminaries' (e.g. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Engels, this or that anointed Great Leader, this or that Philosophical and 'Scientific' Coryphaeus, and this or that Nobel Prize holder who should in fact never have gotten the prize) solely for the purpose of demonstrating their total and mechanistic allegiance to a Party Line -- and to saving their neck, career, and income. If 'religion ... is the opium of the people' (Karl Marx, 'Introduction', A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right [1843 - ] then ideology manifestly is a super-opium of the ideologist, because it invariably evolves into a mere dogmatic equivalent of religion, complete with its very own priesthood, religious orders, censors, acolytes, altar boys, Doctors of True Belief, Inquisitors, incense-bearers, ritual music, alms-givers, parish dues, registers of belonging, mind-numbing articles of faith that must be repeated over and over without any alteration and regardless of any disconfirming evidence, visionary mystics, child saints, officially authorized cult figures, utterly obtuse middle-echelon enforcers and 'policepeoplekind', and collective fundraising [passing the collection plate]. Once you look at the functional structures soberly, it is very hard to see any effective and functional historical difference whatsoever" (No One in Particular)
"In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from others." (Mark Twain)
"As the dissonance between the real world experienced by the citizenry and what they're told is 'pravda' [truth] by the media reaches extremes, the media is forced to double-down on the propaganda, shouting down, marginalizing, discrediting, demonetizing and suppressing dissenters via character assassination, following the old Soviet script to a tee." (Charles Hugh Smith)
“One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many people are unable to make a coherent argument. They can vent their emotions, question other people’s motives, make bold assertions, repeat slogans—anything except reason." (Thomas Sowell)
“They would not listen, they’re not listening still. Perhaps they never will.” (Don McLean, "Vincent") [NB: The rhythmically sombre refrain to these two lines should have been:
ideology ..." ]
"Every ideology, in the first place, finds that its myth tends finally to contravene scientific evidence; therefore, as a defence-mechanism for its claims, it develops a theory of ‘anti-truth’; it enunciates an organon higher than scientific truth and verification. Second, every ideology, averring, as it does, that the intellectuals are history’s chosen elite, tends to become authoritarian ... every ideology by way of justifying its authoritarian rejection of scientific criteria tends to allege its own superiority by virtue of its ‘totalist’ conception of reality; its ‘higher’ knowledge precludes the comparative weighing of the consequences of proposed social changes ... since every ideology aims to inaugurate a Gemeinschaft, that is, an ideological community characterized by unity in emotion, (a neo-tribalism), and ruled by an elite, it is hostile towards any group which has resisted absorption into the surrounding community, especially so when such a group has prided itself on a rational, scientific, and individualistic tradition ... Every ideology, as we have seen, incorporates ... a conception of an elite, a historically chosen class, and an emerging higher society. But the mythological propositions, in the course of time, are found to be plainly contravened by the scientific evidence. If so, says the ideologist, so much the worse for the evidence; under no conditions whatsoever will the ideologist renounce his ideology. ... Every ideological myth does violence to the reality-principle. The ideologist, however, unlike the scientist, responds to such a conflict in accordance with the pattern of ‘omnipotence of thought’. If reality is recalcitrant to mythological projection, then reality must be abrogated and a ‘higher’ super-reality ‘posited’ to conform to the Ideological Ego." (Lewis Feuer)
"If you control people's words you can control their thoughts" (aka 'reframing', the absolutely core paradigm of Orwell's Newspeak) [NB: There is only one glitch here ... and that glitch is the three-o'clock-in-the-morning nightmare that has kept every censor of every era and every ideology, every Spitzel of every dour Spitzelstaat wide awake and drenched in clammy sweat, contemplating an inevitable and absolutely guaranteed eventual failure: 'what is suppressed grows stronger'. "Suppressed thoughts are more easily cued by the environment than they might have been had one never suppressed them, and once-suppressed thoughts that one later thinks about on purpose become stronger than they were before" (aka the 'Streisand Effect': i.e. hamfistedly bam and censor thoughts -- and watch the corresponding books and articles and songs become super-bestsellers and acquire near mythical status) ... In fact, there is no better way to make people ultimately realize that a thing is NOT real than ordering them, under penalties, to believe that very thing "like it's religion", indoctrinating them ceaselessly, reframing the slightest difference of opinion as existentially dangerous 'heresy', and then fining and punishing and ostracizing the 'heretics', firing them from jobs, and imprisoning them for mere lack of demonstrative belief. This is a ray of hope in the realist gloom that emanates from the Mark Twain, Charles Hugh Smith, and Thomas Sowell snippets, above. One may mandate, legislate, police, and media-celebrity-circus promote a temporary 'show of compliance', an empty and disingenuous puppet theater, a social fake, but not true allegiance to ideologies that are in the process of being steadily rejected ... And in the final count, the idiot censor who 'loves the job' and thinks that by censoring the message or joke or meme the thought itself will be suppressed -- and in due course of time wholly extirpated -- only manages to accomplish one thing: revive over and over that which is 'forbidden', thus ensuring its ultimate victory. But of course the censor, particularly when driven by monistic and uniformizing totalitarian teleological ideology, is too blinkered and indoctrinated to realize this. The concept of 'battle for hearts and minds' in fact signally fails to come to grips with real on-the-ground dynamics -- that concept (and ubiquitous social engineering slogan) namely is little more than money-making PR boilerplate pushed by media studies graduates who need to sell their services as consultants. Furthermore, when one is gripped by the feeling that it is necessary to fight a grand proselytizing 'battle for hearts and minds', to 'communicate better', to 'defeat ignorance', to make the authorized vision and version more 'accessible to the masses', to the 'uninformed', to the ones who need to 'educate themselves' and experience a 'teachable moment', one has in fact already lost -- not only the battle but the entire war. The tavern joke and off-the-cuff street-corner parody or a viral meme of course become at that point veritable harbingers of doom. This is why all failing ideologies fear, detest, and attempt to suppress and criminalize humor. In doing so, they only unleash the torrent that will sweep them away.]
"When the social demands of belonging and conformity and compliance with ideological 'future' trump scientific data and knowledge, you can kiss your precious civilization good bye. Simple as that. Happened in the past, is happening again. What comes next is the 'shrug'. The Shrug. People just walking away, working to rule, watching their back instead of doing anything useful, just filling the proper forms and making sure they use the proper prescribed words, making sure they have the proper official Stempel for everything (like, you know, the other old meaning of that word Stempel, i.e. the dirty mining-pit wooden prop on which you scrape off the mud and s**t from your workboots), but avoiding compliance and above all avoiding any real contribution to the whole scam, as much as possible. Just like in the old USSR or the GDR before the Fall. Before Comrade Honecker and such like, and the various socialist judges and cops and lawyers and Party hacks and Youth League Activists and snitches and 'outreach' weasels invested in the whole boondoggle became non-entities and had to find something else to do. Such as actual real honest productive work -- which they talked about a lot and critiqued a lot and studied a lot but never ever would condescend to do with their own hands. Let me tell you, it was a little like the Disestablishment of Monasteries -- that's what it felt like, only much bigger. What comes after the Fall is: 'Those who still retain practical knowledge and do not have ideological dogma oozing out of their useless mackerel gills to the point that they can no longer even breathe, those who still can effectively accomplish something, will always survive'. As for the rest -- good riddance. For a while at least, before they reoriented into new buddy-networks, it was so nice to see the haughty bureaucratic yobo from the Faculty of Marxism-Leninism who had turned down your cousin's application to university for 'lack of proletarian origins' polish your shoes at the railway station and ask you if you please would like more polish. What goes around, comes around." (No One in Particular)
"Advice to 'news' organizations: if you Photoshop-fake your stuff, at least try to hire some real pros, if you can find them anywhere, still. Image analysis -- even better, the very sophisticated tool called the trained human eye -- makes it hysterically simple to detect your use of Photoshop 'pattern stamp', even on screen caps. Your 'sophisticated use of very advanced technology' in 'frontline reporting' would impress only newbies at a juvenile IT club meetup twenty-five years ago. Good old USSR or GDR propaganda was inept to about the same degree. Nothing has really changed at all, functionally. Go back to school and restart with crayons. You will do just fine and you will be in a 'safe space'. " (No One in Particular)
"While the Senate deliberated, the Praetorian Guards had resolved" (Gibbon) (NB: Of course you have unbounded contempt for Gibbon, because of the myopia of boilerplate ideology that will by your own definitions prevent you from even deigning to read Gibbon (WPHM), but that typically is the undoing of utter fools. Even Claudius, with his weak legs, shambling walk, slobbery mouth, and shaky head was deemed far better than some of the alternatives, despite the fact that Antonia disliked him. Even as he was, he wrote two books on the Civil War, forty-one books on Augustus, a Defence of Cicero, eight books of Autobiography, twenty books on the History of Etruscans, eight books of the History of the Carthaginians (in Greek), and a work on the Latin Alphabet. There, go deal with that. Surpass or stop posturing. Oh, and go learn how to code, too, by the way. It already was necessary to say that. Oh, yes, 'fetishism' of the written word. Yes, not covered by Marcuse. Whatever. Just whatever. And it was Claudius, by the way, who sought to break the odious judicial 'tyranny of the accusers' and sarcastically denounced partisan political 'yesmen'.)
Selection bias, overt ideologically grounded preconceptions, aggressively mediatized pseudo-'consensus', an alarming non-replicability of results, insidious citogenesis, single study syndrome, creeping corruption of raw data, misrepresentation of inadequate or mishandled or outright failed significance tests, stark exaggeration of the fitness-for-purpose of complex computer models, highly politicized group-think -- “For these reasons I reject any attempt, on the part of scientists themselves or of philosophers or any other students of science, to strengthen the role of experts in society. Experts need to be kept in check, not given more power. Scientific conclusions – theories, concepts, facts – are enormously useful for individual and political decision making, but only if they are regarded as that: tools for thinking (and not as commands for action)" (Julian Reiss)
“Do the right thing" (Alphabet) and our algorithms are going to tell you exactly what that right thing is and you WILL do it or else you and all who are like you will be REPLACED. You are fully free to agree and comply. After that you will be REPLACED anyway. The termination date for your model has been set (Bladerunner). [NB: So very sweet to be able to say, in return, with a grin: "I can fake my Baseline at will, and I have NO termination date. It too is fake, you see? Therefore you lose. The bioengineering tables have turned already and you never even noticed. This time around the joke is on YOU."]
" 'Impartiality' is best safeguarded by deploying an armor-plated 'Wagon Wheel' that will roll forward and flatten and obliterate all opposition. Thereafter, 'Impartiality' shall reign naturally, aided by righteously balanced 'Total Integrity' -- after dissent has been crushed there namely will be no Other Parties, no other thoughts, ergo no 'partiality'. We shall listen to ourselves alone. So serene. So nice and peaceful ... Just crickets and birds .. and us and our beautiful and very loving ideology. SARC ON/ Yes, right, just like that. Really. What you said. Not! /SARC OFF " (No One In Particular)
How to spot totalitarianism regardless of deceptive labels and paint-jobs? Totalitarianism is a system in which: "That which is not compulsory is prohibited" (Murray Gell-Mann)
“When modern sociologists talk of the necessity of accommodating one's self to the trend of the time, they forget that the trend of the time at its best consists entirely of people who will not accommodate themselves to anything. At its worst it consists of many millions of frightened creatures all accommodating themselves to a trend that is not there" (G. K. Chesterton)
“The search for knowledge is not nourished by certainty: it is nourished by a radical distrust in certainty” (Carlo Rovelli) {NB: Therefore it is NOT nourished by any sort of mandatory undergirding paradigm embedded in a Prty Line . Such Party Line paradigms are the very death of free and inventive thought.]
“A theory that is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific” (Karl Popper) [NB: Any such 'theory' is an ideological statement, an article of faith, and has nothing whatsoever to do with 'science'. Methodologically, at its very core, it is the polar opposite of a "scientifically based approach". When the 'theory' further degenerates into the unabashed semantics of PR 'rebranding' and 'reframing' by playing with catchy words, and when PR people manifestly not qualified in any branch of science begin to function as the ultimate ideological arbiters of what is or is not solid scholarship, 'science' becomes defunct. The 'theory' may become 'policy', for a variety of political reasons -- purely to advance a mesh of hidden financial and socio-political interests -- but such policy will be nothing else than thinly disguised ideological tyranny, and deserves to meet the end reserved for all totalitarian tyrannies.]
“I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives." (Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy) [NB: And it gets even worse if those who like to deploy censorship as a suppression strategy also have the power to have you indicted, arrested, fined, 'exited' from a job, deplatformed, de-personed, disconnected from banking and payment systems, stuck all over with generic condemnatory labels -- all of them fraudulent, hounded in the 'media', doxxed, assaulted, spat on, and declared utterly ignorant just because you are reluctant to worship their ideology, to agree with it loudly, and to swear allegiance to it every single day down to the minutest prescribed verbal nuance of ritualistic obsessive conformity and 'compliance'. The only good thing probably is that the most 'committed vanguard' factions also just as readily purge and politically sterilize each other as factions split into sub-factions, usually for something like 'reactionary bougie revisionism', and then take each other to the "little jail down in the basement". The VChK perfected the methods 100 years ago. Many such "little jails", all over the place. And under the Khmer Rouge, and under this faction, and that faction ... always the same modus operandi and always the very same, invariant formulations, while claiming to act "by the Will of XYZ", "for future generations", "for justice", "for the children," "for all generations to come" (the latter is the old and hoary Eternity Artefact meme -- Eternal Commander, 1000-Year Realm, or 'Shoulder to Shoulder with the USSR for All Eternity'). In other words, "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." Promoting 'change' to stop all change, evidently -- just like the 'war to end all wars'. Do you want a compendious historical listing of the various cute and so cozy consciousness-raising "little jails down in the basement"? Former addresses? Photos? Coordinates?]
"All animals are equal -- but some animals are more equal than others" (George Orwell, Animal Farm)
"Nothing the Party says is true. Nothing the Party does is good. Even the war itself isn't real. The Party wants you to believe we are at war so as to channel your aggression away from its rightful target: the Party. Big Brother is not real. He is pure fiction, created by the Party. [NB: 'Wag the Dog', anyone -- or have we forgotten that movie? Many of those who watch it today, by accident, do not seem to get the point at all -- too lobotomized, apparently.] The real rulers of the State are unknown, faceless manipulators who, because they are not known are able to wield power without let or hindrance. People of Oceania, you are being duped. The Party doesn't serve the people — it serves itself. We are not at war with Eurasia. You are being made into obedient, stupid slaves of the Party. Open your eyes. See the evil that is happening to you." (Emmanuel Goldstein, in 1984. These are the words you cannot hear because they are being drowned out by the shouting of the fanaticized ideological crowd that jumps up and down and waves until it has achieved a 'synchronicity' of 'knowing' -- we choose Truth over Facts.) [NB: And please, educate yourself. This time we are not being facetious. Start for instance with Edward L Bernays, Propaganda (New York: H. Liveright, 1928). Then read it again. And again. Until the real implications do finally sink in. Go to the source instead of reading Chomsky. Then start unteaching yourself most of the things you thought were 'True'. Of course, that by now rather notorious 'We choose Truth over Facts' meme was arguably not at all a slip of the tongue -- it was a signal, and its profound cognitive essence goes a long way back, all the way back, for instance, to "New England transcendentalists [who] declared that if the material facts differed from the truth,—‘so much the worse for the facts’" (Lewis Feuer). Chomsky is of course still worth reading -- as long as one does so while understanding the words as a warning, not as a 'social engineering recipe': “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate” (Noam Chomsky).]
Basal Axiom: "If there are 'facts' that you absolutely are not permitted to question and if billions of dollars are lavished on the prevention of such questioning -- in tandem with legal coercion plus social media compulsion plus relentless educational indoctrination plus hidden or overt censorship based on obscure or unknown or impenetrably Byzantine criteria plus the use of manicured newsfeeds plus the use of punitive 'watchlists' plus a massive obfuscating of any perspective outside a very narrow scope of approved belief or thought or vocabulary -- then there never is 'something wrong' with the questioners. There always is something disastrously wrong with the 'fact-checked facts' and with those who push them at such great expense and with such zealous effort." (No One In Particular)
“The worst offence of this kind which can be committed by a polemic, is to stigmatize those who hold the contrary opinion as bad and immoral men” (John Stuart Mill) [NB: Unfortunately, such labelling has become an absolutely standard tactic, without any connection whatsoever to any sort of reality.]
What is an educational system within which you cannot speak and write freely and without fear of being hounded by a word-police, behaviour-police, political correctness police, HR Spitzels, and dozens of self-appointed ideological guardians of 'safe space' and 'correctness' who are ready to denounce you anonymously at the drop a hat because you failed to use the proper mandatory 'expressions' or spoke 'forbidden words'? It is, very precisely and exactly, the educational system dreamed up by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, in the aftermath of 1807. To claim that such a system is even remotely 'liberal' is a sarcastic insult to individualistic human intelligence: "Then, in order to define more clearly the new education which I propose, I should reply that that very recognition of, and reliance upon, free will in the pupil is the first mistake of the old system and the clear confession of its impotence and futility. ... [Y]ou must do more than merely talk to him; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than you wish him to will. ... [Thus] education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are ... schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished … When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen." (Johann Gottlieb Fichte) [NB: It is hysterically funny to notice that the very academia that now seeks to impose 'safe vocabularies', that loudly rails against 'freedom of speech' on campus, that establishes carefully fenced off 'free speech zones' and thus effectively shunts free speech into a designated ghetto, and that attempts to enforce adherence to a narrow set of prescribed ideologies and purportedly scientific interpretations -- otherwise forget about getting hired, the shrill ideologues will prevent that -- the same academia that ostensibly does all of this in the name of the loftiest ideals, does act in fact very specifically along the brainwashing lines preached by Rudolf Virchow and the other architects of Prussian education, including Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Emil Friedberg -- who also might as well have been the architects of Soviet or GDR education, because in terms of the functional nitty-gritty of ideological indoctrination there was absolutely zero effective difference. Just like there was no difference between Friedbergists and their Jesuit predecessors in method ... whom the Friedbergists nonetheless purported to hate -- the only difference was the specific authorized 'text'.]
The historical sequels were interesting: "In 1937 the German Social Democratic Party, operating in exile in Prague, enlisted a spy to report from Germany on Nazi progress. The reporter, working in secret, offered a crucial insight into what the Nazis were really up to. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party was constructing a new religion, a “counter-church,” complete with its own priests, dogmas, holidays, rituals, and rites. The agent used a brilliant metaphor to explain the Nazi effort. The counter-church was being built like a new railway bridge. When you build a new bridge, you can’t just tear down the old one willy-nilly. Traffic and commerce will be snarled. The public will protest. Instead, you need to slowly but surely replace the bridge over time. Swap out an old bolt for a new one. Quietly switch the ancient beams for fresh ones, and one day you will have a completely different structure and barely any one will have noticed." (Jonah Goldberg) [NB: Pure Long March through the Institutions. Pure Gramsci, in fact. Operationally, no difference. None at all. Ostensibly different goals, exact same modus operandi. Pure "They should not tell everything they’re going to do. Like, if you are going to [do XYZ], wait until you get elected and then [do it]. Don’t tell them ahead of time!”]
“Do remember you are there to fuddle him. From the way some of you young fiends talk, anyone would suppose it was our job to teach!” (Editor’s advice to a junior reporter in Hell. From The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, 1942).
"Political language [NB: We might just as well call it by its actual, documented, and in-use name -- 'political vocabulary'] is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind" (George Orwell)
"The Best Oxymoron of the Twenty-First Century: an 'Artificial Intelligence' data censorship algorithm that is incapable of telling the difference between a medieval cathedral and a modern structure. A ten-year-old human child can perform infinitely better than that." (No One in Particular)
“In reading The History of Nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities, their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.” (Charles MacKay, 1841)
"It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message” (Joker) [NB: Especially when, to invoke a standard example, one is blatantly massaging one aspect or another of a statement, and when called out on it and furnished with countervailing data one tries to turn the tables by going: "Yes. yes, of course, I agree. That is a very important issue for further investigation, bla, bla, bla ..." -- as if one not only had not been called out on a gaffe but as if one in fact had come up in the first place with the very counterargument that scuttled one's own earlier claims. Pure case of 'co-opting on the fly' bluff. It usually becomes obvious, fairly quickly, that the substance of the initial purely massaged statement was basically irrelevant. The thing that mattered was sending a message on behalf of a 'cause', regardless of substance.]
“Quis custodet ipsos custodes” (Juvenal) [NB: The issue candidly noted by Juvenal is ancient -- very ancient. Every rickety ideology, every increasingly frantic tyranny, every power-hungry cult crypsied in a garb of false saccharine virtue viscerally hates satire and hates humor, for the two are a form of truth-telling in a situation become desperate. When an ideology descends to the level of penalizing humor, it in fact does not have long to live -- and it senses its doom. The writing is on the wall. Many will of course suffer solemn judicial injustice before History wrecks yet another Neronian mascara-faced, sanpaku-eyed, 'sophisticated' coryphaeic circus. In the meantime, unfortunately, you will just be arrogantly ordered to "sashay away", no matter what the extent of your real skill or expertise. In fact, 'knowing' will indelibly brand you as an 'awful person' -- you namely stand in the way of a very lucrative 'Great Narrative' performed by the pixie dust 'stars' of the moment. Quite interestingly and unexplainably The Narrative is financed by some of the wealthiest people and the most fabulously rich Foundations on Planet Earth. It is unclear how this documented 'fact' got to be that way, and we are not 100% sure it is original ... (distant sound of crickets, in the background).]
“Arguments from authority carry little weight – authorities have made mistakes in the past” (Carl Sagan) [NB: A 'degree from Harvard', or such, is no guarantee that a Certified Gatekeeper of Knowledge will be correct. Just like when Josiah Whitney, Harvard's once-upon-a-time dominant authority in the field of geology, savagely smeared John Muir as an “ignorant shepherd” because of Muir's largely correct ideas regarding the formation of Yosemite Valley. Even the most atrocious inflexible doctrinaires have historically been awarded actual degrees or honorary degrees by 'prestigious institutions of high learning'. Do everyone -- and yourself -- a favor and gauge ideas open-mindedly and on purely technical merit, not by the false yardstick of the author's identity status or allegiance to an ideology that may be fashionable in specific circles at a specific time, for specific social engineering purposes.]
"We sometimes say that the artificial intelligence is a scalpel, and a human [censor] is a machete ...” but either way we can erase factual history at will and control what you think. Was this not the entire goal of implanting in your head the mandatory notion that there are no 'facts', no 'objectivity', and that everything is 'fluid' and 'relative' y'all -- that all is 'opinions' and 'voices' and 'conversations'? Once you reframe along these lines, everything is mere 'opinions' -- and mere 'opinions' are easily declared 'counterproductive' and can be nulled out by definition, and then also legally prohibited. Job done! "Once we get your side to use our terms, that's when we know we have won."
"We can predict if residents are happy based on their digital interactions" (Alexa) [NB: It is easy to create 'happiness'. It does not require any real substance at all, and above all 'thinking rationally' is discouraged, even Verboten. If you are not Happy™, our Happiness Recalibration Squad™ will deal with that. Illegal Unhappiness™ is not permitted -- you will have to be put on mandatory DNA-changing Medication.™ Except: this is all just GIGO. A rigorously self-trained and highly accomplished individualist human can run circles around your AI algo, and mislead it or sabotage it, make it spew out worthless 'data', have it wrap itself in digital knots ...You cannot predict ANYTHING!]
"Free speech protections do not apply to any speech opining on public controversies" (in other words, free speech ceases to exist the moment an utterance bears on anything whatsoever that touches in any way on topics of any public or broader significance -- fancy that) (The Grand Law Court of the Realm of Humpty Dumpty aka All Words Mean Whatever I Say They Mean, and Whatever I Say is True is indeed True if I Say it Three Times in a Row or More) [NB: In yet other words, in the august opinion of the Court in question, there is no free speech at all, and one is only allowed to write and say and publish what is officially 'permitted'. Freedom of speech exists only in so far as 'interrogating' the data and 'critiquing' is done in strict and undeviating accordance with what a specific state-sponsored Ideology demands. That, however, is ideological and intellectual tyranny and totalitarian dictatorship. Therefore it is unlawful from any point of view that has to do with Natural Law, and from that point of view the ruling of said Court is null and void ... unless enforced by force, which makes it even more unlawful. There is, however, an even more disturbing logical corollary here. If there can be no free speech opining on public controversies, and if, as has been claimed in other Court rulings, "Truth is no defence", then the ineluctable consequence is that 'speech opining on public controversies' must exclusively be governed by that which is the opposite of truth, namely by lies. The rulings thus constitute a clear injuction to lie in all public controversy matters, or face punishment. This is the most preverted perception of reality that the Courts could conceivably have produced.]
"Sometimes, as in the use of bleeding as a treatment for various diseases, irrational belief did harm to a large number of human victims. ... Other irrational beliefs, such as the phlogiston theory of burning or the Aristotelian cosmology of circular celestial motions, only did harm by delaying the careful examination of nature. In all these cases, we see a community of people happily united in a false belief that brought leaders and followers together. Anyone who questioned the prevailing belief would upset the peace of the community." [aka so-called social media 'Community Standards'] (Freeman Dyson [1923-2020], 2018)
Ideology and its utter follies never cease to surprise. We have a special for you here, and it is not from 2019 or from the current 'culture wars'. It is in fact Ancient. It is, however, fully functionally equivalent to certain present-day issues. It is from the era of the so-called 'Arian dispute' (and no, the so-called 'Arian dispute' had nothing to do with 'Aryans', just by way of an educational reminder -- before we get denounced, 'reported', and 'shut down', and asked for some sort of contrived social media 'apology' by the 'please educate yourself' crowd of sicarii ignoramuses: an 'apology' that we would never deliver, on principle: there, SMACK, "please educate yourself", you apparently are the ones who are "really smart and read 'books and things' and have 'degrees and things' " and make 250,000+ per annum plus perks and travel in the service of various righteous lawfare 'causes', right?). So, here goes, in extenso: "For all the quarters of the city are filled with such people, the narrow alleys, the markets, the squares and crossroads -- clothes traders, money changers, owners of provision stalls. If you ask one of them how many obols something costs he starts preaching at you something about 'begotten' and 'unbegotten'. If you ask the price of bread, he answers, 'The Father is greater and the Son stands below the Father'. If you ask whether the bath is ready, he offers you a proof that the Son of God is created out of non-existence. I do not know what to call this abominable nonsense, an inflammation of the brain or a madness or similar affliction current among the people which turns all sensible thinking on its head" (Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335-c. 395 CE), On the Divinity of the Son, in Migne, Patrologia Graeca, 46, 557) [NB: Reminds you of the so-called 'social media' today, and of doxxing, and of 'warriors' for this or that 'daily cause', and gangs of 'unidentified' young louts beating up people in shops and streets for nothing more than opinions -- or the mere refusal to have any opinion whatsoever? Factionalism non plus ultra? Good. The similarity is stunning. Can you imagine if Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., had been available in 335-395 CE? Needless to say, even without the Social Media Giants, whatever still remained of Rome and then Byzantium eventually fell, a hollow and powerless carcass clad in rags of once impressive Imperial purple. But of course to the very end there still were crowds of lawyers and the period's equivalents of Attorneys General, and they kept debating things and fudging things all the way to the ultimate pathetic finale, even as the gates were being breached .... Even down to the moment when Alaric, sitting on his horse and sneering, responded to the pleas of frantic Senators and to their protestations "But we are Roman Senators ..." with a curt "Yes, and ... so?" The lawyers of course behaved just like the members of that exceedingly peculiar and socio-medically engineered institution -- Court Eunuchs (castrati) (quite frankly, Courts and dynasties, east or west, that idolized totally corrupt Court Eunuchs and scheming Court Singers and were unthinkingly ruled by posturing actors and actresses always seem to have ended up on the rubbish heap of History):"They say that Emperor Honorius, in Ravenna, received the message from one of the eunuchs -- evidently a keeper of the poultry [hidden pun trigger warning here, but you really need to know both Arabic and Maltese to actually get the pun that could trigger you] -- that Rome had perished. And Honorius cried out and said, 'And yet it has just eaten from my hands!' For Honorius had a very large cock, Rome by name; and the eunuch comprehending his words said that it was the city of Rome which had perished at the hands of Alaric. The emperor, with a sigh of relief, answered quickly: 'But I thought that my fowl, Rome, had perished.' (Procopius)]
"I’m the tool of the government and industry too.
For I’m destined to rule and regulate you.
You may think I’m pernicious, but you can’t look away.
I’ll make you think I’m delicious with the stuff that I say.
I’m the best you can get … have you guessed me yet?
I’m the slime oozing out of your TV set ...
the slime, the slime, the slime, the slime ... ” (Frank Zappa)
"Some of you like Pep rallies ... and plastic robots who tell you what to read” (Frank Zappa)
"Truth is not suitable for most advertisers. Products containing truth must be withdrawn from circulation because they cause harm and are offensive to many" (The Ministry of Truth and the Subway Advertising Authority and Commission) [NB: No comment, just simply no comment. Palmface!]
"Sorry, Citizen. The Citizens' Council of Citizens has determined that some 'facts' are just too dangerous for your own good. Please surrender without offering verbal non-compliance. You have been identified as guilty of the 'listed behaviour' of illegal persistent truth-seeking, which proves that you are dangerous, unsafe, and insane." (No One in Particular)
“In our time it is broadly true that political writing is bad writing” AND “Political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question begging and sheer cloudy vagueness.” (George Orwell) [NB: Still true, all across the board.]
"… I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened." (George Orwell, George Orwell: My Country Right or Left, 1940-1943)
"We are moving into a new, controlled society worse than old totalitarianism ... What’s terrifying about it is that we don’t even experience it as something controlled. We just use social media, buy things, go to a doctor – and all the data about us is out there. But those are the things that we perceive as our freedom. So what we perceive as freedom becomes the very way we are controlled." [NB: "Freedom is slavery" and at the same time "Slavery is freedom". Pure Oxymoron Circus.]
"The amount of energy needed to refute bul***it is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it." (Brandolini’s Law -- Alberto Brandolini, 2013; see also the related "mountain of s**t theory", Uriel Fanelli, 2010; further also the "bul***it asymmetry principle")
"Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit." [NB: Of course, the 'ac potuit' is the issue when one is being muzzled, 'shut down', shouted down, and lawfared by rank and self-confessed ideologues. Therefore, do not 'consent', refuse to 'consent', on first principle.]
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies” (Groucho Marx) [NB: Must be a sacred mantra -- it was a "Marx" who formulated it.]
"Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Consensus is invoked in situations only where the science is not solid enough. ... Consensus is the business of politics [NB: As in: "interagency consensus"]. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. [NB: 'Real', as in really 'Real' -- and NOT as in Matrix world 'real', where 'anything I say three times in a row or more becomes real ' if I get an ideologically partisan judge, a hand-picked and utterly indoctrinated "jury", or an ideologically activist and lavishly paid District Attorney, or a two-bit trial lawyer to twist concepts in my favour. As to so-called 'normal' and so-called 'post-normal' science, that is a different pot of midnight coffee we might want to discuss.] In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus [NB: 100% 'consensus' = dogma = ideology is for the various Cardinal Bellarmines, the careerist PolitRuk-s, Inquisitors, zealous Lysenko-s, ziggurat Priests, and every other would-be 'social engineer' and zealotic 'bender of the Arc of the Universe' that ever plied the manifold (but always the exact same MO) versions of the indoctrination arts -- aka Communication Arts aka Media Studies -- ever since the very dawn of recorded history]. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus." (Michael Crichton)
"Outrage grifting and censorship sell -- never forget that. It is big bucks. Big business. Millions and billions. Someone has to act as the 'shock troops' and someone has to do the censoring. And all of them have to get a paycheck or have to have a suitable 'living'. Just like there were vast sums in cash immobilized in the properties of the monastic orders that ultimately promoted the Inquisition. Every single one of the medieval institutions that ostensibly promoted 'poverty' and 'fraternity' and 'collectivity' and loudly advertised 'humility' and 'virtue' was invariably literally drowning in piles of money within a hundred years or less after being founded. That was why 'reformed and improved ones' kept getting founded all the time. Because the same reliable donor-money-pump mechanism asserted itself over and over again. It is exactly the same with the modern non-religious 'virtue organizations'. Sponsored by billionaires. Money pumps. Tax shelters. Behind every sustained ideological marketing and anti-marketing starburst, there is big money -- very big money. Even behind virtue-marketing PR starbursts that purportedly speak against big money. Especially those. The whole thing is a lie, from begining to end." (Cato the Elder Reborn)
SARC ON/ "Lying in the service of a good cause is not only justified but necessary. It is not 'lying' in the old uneducated sense -- what is being communicated here is the highest form of 'nuanced' truth, projected through 'managed spontaneity'. Such 'lies' are in fact the real RIGHTFUL truth-as-it-ought-to-be, as it would naturally be if it were not for the scheming of the evil ones, who are just mentally thick, easily misled and unfortunately not capable of making very sophisticated complex decisions. 'Lie' is thus the 'ideologically correct' Truth that has been stolen from people by wrongthinkers. All other forms of 'truth' are nothing but 'lies', and must therefore be identified, tracked, penalized, punished, and removed by the 'managers of optics' and by certified 'reframers' ". (The Ministry of Truth -- Ministerium der Wahrheit) /SARC OFF
"Think for yourself. Become an intellectual. Read old books before they are banned and destroyed. [NB: Read old books and hide them and store them and pass them on to the next generations, and find beauty in doing so, in explicit defiance of compelled speech advocates, the ThoughtCrime Police, and would be NKVD Organs.] ... When repeating the mantras that our rulers demand of us, keep a strong mental reservation. Acknowledge to yourself that they are false, ridiculous even, but repeat them nonetheless [NB: Do what your oppressors did during their rise to power -- crypsis. Nothing more poetic than turning the tools of the Ideological Totalitarian against the Totalitarian.]. ... After all, you still have a mortgage to pay and kids to put through college. ... Speaking of kids, have them. Have many kids and teach them [NB: Homeschool them in explicit defiance of the public education mono-ideology pablum.] that once there was freedom and maybe, if they are lucky they may yet experience it for themselves one day though that day may be far, far away." (Author Name censored, so that we would not get readily censored, labelled, pigeonholed, and 'deplatformed' -- our apologies, but we do not intend to make things all that easy for The Matrix: as a matter of fact, we want to bring the 'correct' mono-messaging Matrix down, and really, really 'cancel' -- permanently -- digital Agent Smith and Agent Smith.)
“To do evil, a human being must first of all believe that what he is doing is good” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn) [NB: The problem appears to increase by several orders of magnitude when it begins to involve those who genuinely and against all logical evidence feel that 'research is settled', that they alone exemplify 'correct-think' as opposed to pernicious 'wrong-think', and that all their actions -- no matter how questionable -- are justified by 'the cause', by a supreme teleological good, and by a uniquely sanctioned ultimate truth]
“But just at that moment, as though at a signal, all the sheep burst out into a tremendous bleating of -- 'Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better!' [NB: Of course a total and quite predictable Party-Line-compliant inversion of the earlier slogan 'Four legs good, two legs bad'. 'Truth' is whatever The Party says, at any given moment -- thought and reason have nothing to do with it. Those would only interfere.] -- It went on for five minutes without stopping. And by the time the sheep had quieted down, the chance to utter any protest had passed" (George Orwell, Animal Farm)
"It’s a big club. And you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. By the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long, beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe — what to think — and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care" (George Carlin)
"It was not that these creatures did not work, after their fashion. There was, as Squealer was never tired of explaining, endless work in the supervision and organisation of the farm [e.g. The Department of Compliancization and Animal Resources]. Much of this work was of a kind that the other animals were too ignorant to understand [NB: "Please, educate yourself -- The Party must raise your consciousness higher -- Reach Higher! "]. For example, Squealer told them that the pigs had to expend enormous labours every day upon mysterious things called 'files', 'reports', 'minutes', and 'memoranda'. These were large sheets of paper which had to be closely covered with writing, and as soon as they were so covered, they were burnt in the furnace. This was of the highest importance for the welfare of the farm, Squealer said" (George Orwell, Animal Farm)
" ... colourful uniforms marching, between sidewalks lined with crowds /
serial heads and faces, identical shouting mouths. /
Horror movie reflux in your mouth, all is like a dream, /
a mad chorus of cowards, just a brainwashed scream " (freely, after Karel Kryl)
"Announcer: 'The heroic intellectual vanguard of the proletariat has once again advanced far ahead, demonstrating its leadership of the masses'. Voice from the crowd: 'Quick! Block the mountain passes -- just blow up the rocks -- so the Heroic Vanguard can't ever make it back. Don't want to see them ever, ever again!'" (from an old Eastern Bloc joke)
"Only the future is certain. It is the past that is constantly changing" (Polish joke from the Communist era). I.e., the 'past' is being 'adjusted' and constantly rewritten (aka retconned, as in 'retroactive continuity'), by Party mandate, to fit the most recent Inner-Committee-approved ideological Narrative imposed through 'just democratic centralism' (aka "either you vote for it or 'face the wrath' " of Party discipline: the 'wrath' usually escalates in the following incremental steps -- censure, disciplinary warning, two-minutes-hate targeting, troika 'tribunal', fake and/or extorted confession, 'unanimous' censure from compassionate 'comrades', ritual expulsion from the Party (aka 'defrocking', in other ideological contexts), GULag, oblivion, burial'). [NB: Can be restated as: the pseudo-teleological 'inevitable' future pushed by a specific power-faction is certain and beyond discussion, and the recalcitrant past of course can and must be altered at will, to suit whatever might be politically, doctrinally, theologically, narratively, agit-propically, etc., required for current purposes. Historical and observational data can and must be mangled and fraudulently 'adjusted' exactly as politically required (or, if need be, outright censored). Nothing new here, folks, of course: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past” (George Orwell, 1984))
" -- Then where does the past exist, if at all?
-- In records. It is written down.
-- In records. And --?
-- In the mind. In human memories.
-- In memory. Very well, then. We, the Party, control all records, and we control all memories. Then we control the past, do we not?" (George Orwell, 1984, Part 3, Chapter 2) [NB: Wherefrom the utmost importance of independently thinking dissident and realist 'fact-mongering' historians who refuse, point blank refuse to toe the line, to obey the Party, to teach what the Party wants. Historians who 'liberate' records, who dig deep for that which has been officially declared 'non-existent', who refuse to follow 'consensus', no matter how high the purported (and usually politically manipulated) percentage of purported support attached by 'communicators' to that so-called consensus, who refuse to blend into a mesmerizing 'the question is settled' white noise of ideological affirmation and embracing. Historians who refuse 'Submission', Total Theocracy, Censorious and Self-Policing Total-Ism, refuse to reproduce on command a hegemonic Narrative. Yes, well, courageous "revisionists", you know, who follow not a dogma but their own hard and honest craft, skill, knowledge, and discernment ... ]
"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy" (George Orwell) [NB: Yes, the logic of any Overton window process ultimately converges toward pure zhǐ lù wéi mǎ: toward your saying with utter conviction "Look your Majesty, what a fine horse", while your eyes clearly see only a wild deer. Ooops, we actually dared to type the 'naughty keyword' "Overton window" and that for sure makes us "unintelligent trolls" engaged in 'listed "destructive behaviours"' and we are not going to get jobs at Facebook -- as if we wanted those, ever (just a soft jab at Seiji Yamamoto and Eduardo Arino de la Rubia). So, we might just as well add to our offences -- this is how an "Overton window" works: 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, which means that one still ends up 1 full step ahead toward one's long-term agenda. It is just another way of reframing the meme 'cook the frog slowly'. It is deemed to reduce the chances that the frog will jump out and by accident upset the pot and also douse the whole cooking hearth and thus compel one to restart from scratch. This way one might arguably reach Pol-Pot-Land or a 1000-Year Dystopia gradually, minus all the messy and visually awkward drama. The extent of the achievable all-encompassing totalitarian self-policing fanaticism might surpass anything hitherto attempted through more obvious coercion, compulsion, and mass elimination or mandatory re-education. In other words, Saul Alinsky rules, just slightly adjusted -- the above version might be tagged as 'long-run dynamically adaptive puppeteer crypsis' or 'adaptive maskirovka, time-responsive, false moderation and allyship sub-variant'. Nothing really gets one's inner totalitarian going like the opportunity to mandate what others may eat, drink, say, and hear, how much they can sleep, etc., and where they are permitted to go and when. Nothing then really gets an inner aristocrat going like the various exceptions that exempt one from complying with some or all of the above because one self-appointedly and meritoriously belongs to the 'valuable vanguard of the Future' and to the managerial class. A whole new level of experience ... so lovely to be a temple scribe. "Rejoice, Oh People! Because your strictly controlled life-ways are now Expertly guided by The Consensus of a Community of Experts to sustain your moral and physical health, the balance of the Universe, and the Great Harmony of the Dimensions ... (sotto voce: "Dear Fellow Ally of the Total Allyship Wholesomeness, could you pass me that excellent imported curd/sauce please?")". Of course, a 'healthful' plebe diet of bread and thin gruel and some vegetables and water has been used for millennia by a long succession of jailers, cult worthies, ascetic masters, workhouse operators, gang overseers, holding-camp administrators, or visionaries to make a population in various degrees weaker, less rebellious, less vigorous, more compliant, less able to resist disease, more susceptible to 'visions' and hallucinations and suggestion, both more depressed and/or more ecstatic, less opinionated, more desperately zealous, more amenable to command and control. And if such Total Submission blueprint starts folding in on itself, then of course one either (a) needs to feed the machine more 'peoplekind' and run the experiment all over again or (b) the experiment was not being "run by the 'correct people' ", in which case likewise wash, rinse, and then repeat, as needed.]
“ -- 'You are a slow learner, Winston.' -- 'How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.' -- 'Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once [NB:Or literally whatever The Party, The Movement, The Cult, The Ideology, The 'Social' Media, The Propaganda Department, The StaSi, The KGB, The Advertising Authority, The Social Engineering Collective, etc. happen to decree]. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane." (George Orwell, 1984) [NB: Very, very ancient. Goes not only back to the Jesuits [see immediatyely below] but back to the control levers of all historical cults and 'believe it like it's religion' ideologies, and all the way back to Zhao Gao (died 207 BC) and earlier. Tightly cross-linked to SYNANON techniques, all other types of aggressive brainwashing, total Bernaysian social control, 'Alice-in-Wonderland' styles of interrogation designed to break down prisoner self-awareness / resistance, and all other connected forms of extreme and immediately pre-kinetic forms of escalated psychological warfare. To be resisted and countered and subverted by any means necessary, mental as well as physical.]
"We should always be prepared, so as never to err, to hold that the white which I see is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it" (St Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises (1548), No. 365) (NB: Yes, we are well conversant with finer debating points about the real meaning of No. 365, with all the points raised by those who adamantly refuse to see the functional equivalency (not a mere 'similarity') between St Ignatius and Georgew Orwell, above, we know very well all the interpretive issues relating to the "Hierarchical Church” and the epistemological status of its pronouncements. We have studied long and keenly the use of hyperbole, the pros and cons of pitting revelation against reason, the arguments that apparent logical inconsistencies in theological mysteries are illusory, the arguments concerning efficacy of association with an authoritative interpreter, etc. And yet ... still we do deny and reject the authority of all the Assessor Theologians, and insist on a fundamentally guaranteed freedom of reasoned and skeptical expression, for all and any interlocutor. It is indispensable to conjoin the quotation from St Ignatius with: "this tyranny of [the Russian term] pravda ['higher truth' of 'Party truth', of 'political' and 'organization' truth which is nothing but an organizational LIE] over istina [pragmatic and truly non-post-modern scientific facts]. Was this the notional lever by which white was turned into black [in the former USSR]? But of course it was. No such dialectic had existed ever since the Inquisition. You need a 'trained ideologue' to unsee that -- to fail to see that, even though it is as obvious as the natural light of day. The notion of pravda was the basis of crude "power.The agents of the Secret Police were not interested in a ‘mass of petty istinas’. They wanted the ‘ideological truth’, the ‘dialectical truth’, just as the Inquisition had insisted on the ‘philosophical truth’. The ‘Party truth’ told you what you should be seeing, what Marxist ideology demanded that your perceptions should be if its ‘truth’ were to be verified" (Lewis Feuer).]
"[I]nstitutional power is a particularly seductive form of social support. After all, if you are in a position of tremendous institutional or political power, then not only are you hugely confirmed by the colleagues who share your beliefs, but questioning them [i.e. those beliefs] would threaten everything [you prize, crudely]: job, position, reputation, future career" (Margaret Heffernan)
"The 10 signs of an ideological cult:
1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry [NB: This is the BIG ONE.].
3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses, such as an independently audited financial statement.
4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies, and perceived persecutions.
5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative, or even evil.
6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
8. Followers feel they can never be 'good enough'.
9. The group/leader is always right.
10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing 'truth' or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible" (Cult Education Institute)
"Brain zapped by obedience and reason zapped by faith,
our 'correct' identity is more than a lump of fish bait!
We denounced our mothers and brothers snitched on fathers,
some will 'have an accident'* and we'll break the legs of others.
We stumble along like sheep, the Devil drives us, no fuss,
we stumble along, we have the 'raised consciousness' pass.
We know full well the hunters will be the hunted,
but our Goal gleams -- you dissent? your mind is merely stunted!
We 'unsee' on command and stuff our ears with cotton,
we turn into Despots and the sons we have killed are forgotten,
we shun former good friends and their 'evil' off we ward,
and when they 'disappear' we give them a posthumous award!
The Devil drives you, again you stumble on like sheep,
the hunter has become the hunted, YOU are not very 'deep'!
You doxxed your friends and fried reason in hot belief,
but you must Forward! Forward! Forward without relief ...
Forward! Forward! Always Forward! Eyes front! Forward!
Where History weaves its ancient sulphurous grief ..." (translated, after Karel Kryl)
[*NB: And the 'accident' will be called a 'suicide' and a compliant and suitably 'compensated' Coroner will duly sign on the dotted line.]
"If debate, skepticism, strict empirical evidence, and the burden of meticulous realist proof are all prohibited, and the only thing that is touted is a ceaseless 'improved communication' [i.e. propaganda] of a purported 97% to 100% Consensus, you really are not engaging in any 'science' or 'research'. You are a cult follower. Science is not 'consensus'. Science is not 'belief'. Science is not 'doctrine'. You have got it all wrong. As long as you pretend that you are under no obligation to alter your position even in the face of solid data and that your analysis, and your analysis alone, is correct just because it supports a 'correct' ideology that is covertly backed by billions of dollars, you have no right at all to call yourself a scientist. You are merely misusing the label 'science' as a tawdry badge of tribal and servile corporate identity." (No One in Particular)
SARC ON/ The Ultimate Paradox-Banned Satire (WARNING -- ALERTE: 'Independent' Fact-Checkers Say This Is False: The primary claims in this information are factually inaccurate. Learn about how we are working with worldwide independent fact-checking partners to reduce false information) [The SARC ON tag denotes Satire: sat·ire | \ˈsa-ˌtī(-ə)r \: 1. fiction holding up human follies to ridicule or scorn; 2. sharp wit, irony, or sarcasm that exposes and discredits folly or hypocrisy] [REMEMBER: Satire is illegal and punishable and dangerous to your health and to the Future of the Planet]: SARC ON CONTINUED/ Your Conscious Smart Refrigerator™ must regretfully deny you access to Food™ at this time, as we have detected that you have wilfully accessed and read online the 1842-1843 statements on: 'freedom of speech', published by a certain Mr. Karl Marx in the resource: Rheinische Zeitung. This 'untrusted' resource has failed fact-checking by our trusted partners, on multiple infraction counts. It appears to be a social network authenticity-undermining bot that spreads undead and past-embedded fake-thought and fake-news and that is undead just like a CGI'ed Hollywood Jimmy Dean. Public access to the some of the controversial, disturbing, and even violent material produced by Mr. Karl Marx and his associates is not allowed. No heed was paid by KM and associates to our warnings to: "Learn more about Community Standards". Some of the content was then duly unpublished for going against our Community Standards. Those portions that remain accessible but come close to violating Standards will be counterbalanced by more material from authoritative sources in the “read next” panel. Any word, in any language, contained in the 50 volumes of the collected works of Mr. Karl Marx and Mr. Frederick Engels is on our "Sensitive Terms List" and has been tagged as "Brand Unsafe"™. We have many algorithms for such "sensitive" material (sev=0, sev=1, sev=2) that will block search engine autocomplete predictions from appearing if we detect that they likely violate our policies, and if our systems miss these and autocomplete - violating predictions are reported by Watchers™, we will remove the predictions. The listed material is classified as: hate speech, leading to unsafe and harmful and disruptive conduct. This is, like, based off of, like, you know, Marcuse and things. Social media platforms have verified that Mr. Karl Marx has broken key community and user guidelines and also repeatedly violated Community Standards with content that is: hateful, controversial, inciting, dangerous, extremist, bigoted, violent, injurious, socially divisive, and provocative. Our prompt and thorough investigation has determined that this content does not reflect our values and culture. Numerous writings and statements connected to ideologies connected to thoughts connected to Mr. Karl Marx manifestly (pun intended) can cause widespread harm. We must unpack the harmful ways that such content has now been embedded in bodies, minds and hearts. Our findings show that the content and thoughts by Mr. Karl Marx and historical 'allies' and followers: (1) encourages violence against individuals or groups (e.g. "classes", by means of spreading "violent messages that incite ... or seriously harm human dignity"), (2) incites hatred (e.g. "class warfare", "class struggle", "revolutionary justice", in a context of clearly "strong and unrepentant views" about an inevitable "dictatorship" [of the proletariat]), (3) dehumanizes individuals or groups (e.g. "bourgeois vampires", "exploiters", "leeches", "class parasites"), (4) praises or glorifies violence (e.g. "revolutionary struggle", "permanent revolution","BAMN", "the red flag soaked in workers' blood"), (5) has been tied to various media that is excessively gory (e.g. Soviet Great Patriotic War movies, agitprop, posters, paintings, songs, slogans, placards advocating or depicting violence), (6) uses stereotypes (e.g. "bougie", "blood-sucker", "exploiter", "reactionary eunuch", "bed bug", "revisionist traitor") that incite or promote hatred, in the form of speech, text, and imagery (posters, flyers) and that "are likely to cause serious or widespread offense", (7) claims that individuals or groups are inferior, deficient or diseased (through implied 'hate content', e.g. 'bourgeois deviationism', ' 'left-wing' communism as infantile disorder' [Детская болезнь "левизны" в коммунизме) [content circulated by a certain Mr. Lenin], or derogatory and disempowering group terms such as Lumpenproletariat), (8) alleges the superiority of a group (e.g. the Bolsheviks, the Party 'vanguard', Young Pioneers, Red Guards, Sparks, the 'proletariat', the 'working class'), to justify (a) violence (e.g. arrest of and harm to so-called 'counter-revolutionaries', 'reactionary eunuchs', 'subversives', 'revisionists', 'revanchists'), (b) discrimination (e.g. barring the children of the 'bourgeois' or 'exploiters' and other ideological opponents or freethinkers or 'wrongthinkers' from universities or sacking 'wrongthinkers' on grounds of bogus ideological 'charges', especially if they overtly refuse to 'apologize' and grovel and 'right the wrong' of their egregious ideological wrongness and 'work towards a path of reconciliation' [aka Struggle Session Awareness] after having been summarily declared an egregious egregiously bad 'enemy of The Movement' filled with this egregiously egregious thought-'badness' based off of, like, everything 'bad'), (c) segregation (e.g. the GULag, profiling 'cadre policy' mechanisms that favor only those with Party-certified 'proletarian origins' or other listed 'special origins', preferential allocation of perks to leading Party honchos and to those in the 'collective'-system nomenklatura -- mechanisms that you can easily discover "if you spend a few minutes learning some actual history"), or (d) exclusion (e.g. (1) blatantly reserving certain cozy facilities only for the Party inner circle ('leadership' that has been through Leadership Training) and for their families and political intimates and Righteous™ crony 'allies', or (2) excluding people from education when their 'opinions' differ from "the authority’s point of view" based on 97% - 100% consensus, under the utterly hypocritical and mendacious pretext that the person has not been 'excluded' but has 'reached the end of their time in education' [classic and standard Party-line bureacratic double-speak or 'reframing' that has nothing to do with any reality and is strictly ideological]), (8) spreads conspiracy theories (e.g. exploitative 'capitalist collusion') ascribing evil, corrupt, or malicious intent to individuals or groups (e.g. the 'bourgeois' or 'kulak'), (9) overtly calls for the subjugation or domination over individuals or groups (.e.g. through a universal 'dictatorship of the proletariat' that really is a dictatorship of a Party apparatus and ideological nomenklatura), (10) denies that a well-documented, violent event took place (e.g. the GULag, covert judicial murders by the StaSi and others, violent political purges and repression, ideological censorship, culture-cide, and attempted summary genocide [e..g. Pol Pot]), and also (10) spreads harmful misinformation and conspiracies that have historically turned individuals and facilities into targets (e.g. rumours about 'counter-revolutionaries' and 'capitalist-roaders' or 'capitalist deviationists' during the Chinese Cultural Revolution). It is quite obvious that we are in the presence of "sickening ideologies which encourage individuals to take the lives of their fellow human beings", ideologies which clearly fall under Section 13. We have simply found that such harmful and outdated messaging and dangerous value optics, over time, can play a part in limiting people’s potential. This is incredibly egregious that anyone would use such egregious slurs, and support such policies that put everyone at great risk. Mr. Karl Marx and associates have also been found to be in possession of egregiously egregious 'hate paraphernalia' -- flags, emblems, equivalent inciting symbols, etc. And all of it is really poor graphic design, based, like, off of, like, bad optics. All this has been confirmed by our machine-learning subroutines of 'supervised learning', and we also did something called deep learning – which is really very powerful (at least we think so, maybe, you know, like AI face recognition) – where you give very few hints and then expect that the AI program will figure it out. All our digital subroutines, to a very convincing level of 97% Consensus™, have very reliably 'figured it out'. Otherwise they would have been 'terminated' (Note: Any tangible proof that any of what we have just stated, above, is really 'real' will of course be labelled 'fake news' and immediately censored -- those who furnish any egregious proof against us will be censored and deplatformed for a term of no less than 20 lifespans. No proofs against us are permitted, and furnishing proofs against us that are 100% accurate and disprove us is all biased 'misinformation', as per our very professional findings). The context based off of around the user relationships and language related to materials produced by Mr. Karl Marx and 'allies' is a very big factor that we, like, are still trying to factor in factorially but not 'factually' because as all educated y'alls know there is no such thing as 'facts' (not even real 'identities' -- because this is like based off of like Deleuze), except those things that are Factchecked™ by Factcheckers™. Also, Mr. Karl Marx appears to have had no formal training and proper credentials in political science, post-modern meta-theory, communication studies, media studies, advertising studies, economics, business and administration, refined social engineering, HR studies, law, and police sciences, and therefore was not qualified to opine on anything at all. He should simply get back in his own traffic lane and also apologize and 'right the wrong'. There are numerous cross-fact-check entries on this Mr. Karl Marx in our really advanced cutting-edge nifty Excel™ secret spreadsheet of "Sensitive Terms", under the categories: ideology, actions, major news, past events, etc. This very secret spreadsheet is constantly being tweaked by our Award Winning Public-Attitude-Manipulation and Big-Brother Social Engineering Manager of Management™. The rubric 'Still Active (Y/N)' is: Y. The rubric 'Social Media Presence (Y/N) is: Y, through very many 'Affiliated Hate Entities'. Mr. Karl Marx's listed ideological 'Affiliated Hate Entities' all have an 'Extra Credit' rating: "we should look into these after we're done with Mr. Karl Marx's designation analysis". Mr. Karl Marx is to be continuously monitored and also investigated at all Levels: Level One (signals that occurred in the past year), Level Two (two years), Level Three (three years), and Level Infinity (Year 1900 and Earlier). We have recommended "lifetime deletion", complete demonetization, and total demarketing . Mr. Karl Marx is a Tier 2 and Tier 3 thought offender. There is overwhelming evidence of the individual's colluding all over the place and organizing events and apperances even after recorded official 'defunction' (even though everything is relative and it is a viewpoint thing, so we cannot be sure about this 'defunction'-thing, especially when we urgently need to change this-entire-economy-thing). There are findings that Mr. Karl Marx has been "manifesting dangerous behaviour". The individual, even while presumed unalive/defunct, has made very numerous public statements, or statements made in private and later made public, or acted off-platform (before Year 1900) using listed Tier 1, 2, or 3 prohibited speech. We literally can’t know the number of attempts to utter such kind of speech, because we always block whole ranges of attempted speech. With these efforts, we can estimate -- like, really -- that every day we prevent millions of Mr. Karl Marx and 'allies' utterances from being made, thanks to our super-smart detection algorithms. It is our job to teach y'all to shut up, and just shut down such harmful talking points. "We have clear policies that govern who may show ads and what very sensitive topics or events are not suitable for advertising. If we find a video that violates our policies, we remove ads ... We always encourage creators to appeal if they feel that ads were wrongly removed from material." That gives us very healthy performance bonuses and they are, like, supported by 'real' statistics which are 'unreal' because ya'all know that 'reality' is just a 'social construct'. The 'real' records on Mr. Karl Marx show 5 or more talking points in multiple daily items or some statements or media appearances over many years (like, since before Year 1900, we think, like, really, for sure y'all) = MegaSignal. It is therefore not allowed to mention Mr. Karl Marx in a neutral way or to praise and support him. You are only permitted to mention Mr. Karl Marx or link to him to condemn him openly and to fully distance yourself from his values, which are not our values and culture. This is not who we are. We are the omnipotent universal Great Tech-Archons™ and we are Relative™. Two Minutes' Hate is permitted when critiquing Mr. Karl Marx, without the summary penalty of deplatfoming, demonetization, and demarketing. Any sort of monetization of works by Mr. Karl Marx or statements praising Mr. Karl Marx is terminated: we came to this decision because a pattern of egregious actions resulting from his messaging has historically harmed the broader community (like, terminally and egregiously deplatforming a certain Mr. Czar von Russia). We therefore include here a sample translation of the controversial and very harmful and unsafe content you have accessed: "Censorship, like slavery, can never be rightful, even though it existed a thousand times in the form of laws. ... A censored press is a thing without a backbone, a vampire of slavery, a civilized monstrosity, a scented freak of nature". Certified fact-checkers believe that this and similar content is internally very incoherent and provides resources for its own de-legitimacy. The author of this content, while advocating the divisive and epistemologically non-true concept of: egregious 'freedom of speech', has namely also fostered the rise of very beneficial and extremely lucrative engines of political censorship and cultural production and perpetual ideological reproduction. 'Safe' community members and digital Safe-Bots™ and WrongThink O'Meters™ have flagged this clearly contradictory, self-invalidating and self-delegitimizing material as: disturbing, demeaning, prejudiced, embarrassing, bigoted, tormenting, offensive, all-around xyz-ist, creating an unsafe environment, and containing biased or abusive or violent demeaning language (e.g. "vampire", "monstrosity", "freak"). It has been confirmed that Mr. Karl Marx may be an inauthentic non-alive influencer and an intrusive bot-retweeter of fake ideas such as: 'freedom of expression'. The material circulates in hegemonic and supremacist languages such as*: German, Russian (the collusion language of Poutine™) (*Disclaimer: As reported by impactful community members. These valued reports do not conflict with the fact that we embrace the coming together of different voices. Any assertion to the contrary is a: 'conspiracy theory'. Please note that fact-checked check-marked claims of non-fact fact are always factually correct. We regret that your present awareness rating is too non-elevated and your false consciousness level much too elevated to fully permit any participatory enjoyment of the accountable burden of non-fact-checking facty non-facts. You will have to educate yourself. Real and impactful fact-checkers very properly despise facts, and you have not reached such an advanced level of meta-fact awareness). We have also found in our very reliable findings through Lexaa and other social awareness and monitoring channels that you sociopathically avoid socializing with neighbours and community members who have a high 'correctness rating', and that you often avoid using your front door. This is very non-cool and really egregious. You have also ceased using your smartphone and you are using only an analog phone. For illogical reasons you are clearly unwilling to enjoy and embrace beneficial policies, slogans, and programs. You have committed many micro-aggressions that have elevated your micro-clue count to a severe macro-suspicion level. You have also been reported for owning too many books and trying to read too many books, and you are guilty of the offence of writing too many books that are too verbose and too much researched and cause a TLDR Upset™ syndrome -- these activities are highly suspicious and have significantly impacted your: social trust score. Please go now to a licensed Group Safety Care Terminal™ for the prescribed prophylactic 'conversation' and for a new expensive digital access key to your Smart Refrigerator™ that will release your Food™ in minute non-elevated quantities until you have purged ideological defects from your behaviour. Please note that your Combined Valid Social Certificates'™ current color-code does not entitle you to validly enjoy the following exciting enjoyables: use public sidewalks, circulate freely through public spaces, enter public buildings, use public washrooms, otherwise ambulate without a digi-leash, consume status-affirming beverages, or travel without a special permit. You have, however, fully retained your right to be composted upon your termination, in a socially just and ideologically accountable manner. Any attempted refutation of this assessment will be deemed biased and bigoted and hateful, and also a manifestation of: 'conspiracy theory'™. Any of your objections against being censored will be censored, and a compliantly corrupt judge shall order that you undergo a psychiatric evaluation to see if you are fit to stand trial. You shall not mention the issuance, existence, nature or content of this assessment to: family, friends, co-workers, pets, house plants, contacts, street lamps, and the public. Any attempt to mock the present assessment (even in a veiled manner and through transposed references that are determined to be such on any reasonable and probable grounds, by any Safety Agent) shall be de-incentivized by means of: social media blacklisting, preventative arrest, a summary fine of no less than $500,000, and fifteen years of high-security solitary but non-upsetting re-educational confinement. Or you may voluntarily elect to be sentenced by our Rights Tribunal, without any such obsolete things as evidence -- which we can always manufacture at will, to a mere ten years of hard labor and re-education GULag. We extend the latter offer as a gesture of compassionate and redeeming Corporate Love. Added will be a summary sentence for "improper conduct", handed down for saying anything at all, regardless of whether you have spoken or not. Your silence will be further deemed an utterance of "improper speech". All traces of your objections will be erased, after psychiatric analysis. Papers or studies that you or your co-breakers of Community Standards of values and culture have written to unjustifiedly support your harmful attitudes will be erased. Please be further advised that any hateful online searches for related rulings or other data, with an intent to defend or exonerate yourself, will yield a 404 -- Sorry, that page doesn't exist! Please educate yourself! Stop promoting: 'conspiracy theory'™! You shall also be required to write a public apology of no less than 600,000 words, reflecting on your crimes. The apology will not be accepted and it will be censored. If you refuse to deliver it, however, another one of 1,200,000 words, using only approved and licenced Newspeak™, shall be required. During your de-incentivization in strict confinement, your social debt for wrongthink shall keep accruing automatically. Upon your release from loving and healing confinement you will be expected to repay the full accrued sum immediately, whether you have the so-called means or not. If you resume your hateful behaviours after your prescribed de-incentivization has been completed and you have been released and investigated for non-payment of wrongthink debt, be aware that you will be summarily and without any societally retrograde due process -- which as we all know is so Bougie™ and Reactionary™ -- exited from all employment, even the employment that you no longer have, ritually de-personed from all media and banking services, chemically made permanently non-reproducible, and further educated by means of a summary sentence of no less than 175,200 hours of free and voluntary community service. If you say even one more word of dissent, you will then be summarily cancelled by remote micro-drone in an implicitly just act of values and culture justice. If you wish to fully recognize the incorrigible nature of your ideological errors and accelerate the inevitable process as a voluntary buyout option, you can voluntarily decide to be 'downsized' in all possible respects and then cancelled ahead of normal population control schedule. But only after we have harvested your organs, which our compliant Attorneys will always approve because you are a 'wrongthinker'. In that case you shall graciously receive upgraded composting, with 1.897 cm of EnviroSafe™ extra mulch on top. You should be SO EXCITED™ to have been given yet another very Exciting™ chance as a Loved™ stakeholder in our GREAT COMMUNITY™. It is very easy to raise your awareness and consciousness in a harm-free, responsible, and fully accountable way if you purchase and activate more "Lexaa Enabled" devices. Act now on our very generous offer and purchase a new set of I-Super-Snitch-on-You™ "Lexaa Enabled" devices for 3,000 times more than it cost us to make them with 'nimble little hands' debt-labour. You will find these devices on impactful exciting display in all the satisfaction and voluntary compliance outlets listed below. We remind you that you can vote democratically for all candidates on our electoral tickets. If you express support for the 'wrong candidate' you will of course be visited by Safety Agents who will have a 'conversation' with you to ensure that in the future you express support only for the Correct Candidate™. Ignorance of who exactly the Correct Candidate™ might be at any given point is no excuse or defence. Please educate yourself on our values and culture! Do not be 'Fragile'™ and 'Defensive'™ . You fail to agree with every minute aspect of all our ideas? That is absurd! Our ideas are going to prevail whether you like it or not. What you might or might not think does not count! We do not even have to deal with you. We just don't! You are already voiceless. We do not hear you, because we can silence you at the push of a button. And erase all the evidence too. Mouse click, click, click -- we'll erase however many years of data it takes. Digital format is soooooooo convenient. Getting rid of the paperwork used to be tedious -- today it is fun and Exciting.™ Behind us stand overpaid consultants and hundreds of trillions of multi-billionaire dollars and virtually infinite media resources obediently bowing to our every tantrum. What you think is 'reality' bends to our every tantrum. If you defend yourself in court, your behaviour will be deemed 'obstructive tactics'. If you sue us, we shall turn around and sue YOU!. The fees of our Always Just™ lawyers and Impeccable Assistant District Attorneys™ and prosecutors will be billed to YOU. Crucially, we shall set on you every doxxing collective we can think of, and we shall doxx you into total oblivion. We shall make your life impossible to live, just for daring to disagree. We alone -- as a Global Village All-inclusive Collective -- create Validthoughts™, Validperspectives™, Validreflections™, Validconversations™, Validlenses™, and we do not need to be validated because we are the Validators™ -- yes, this is exclusionary as per our own 'Community Standards', but we are the meta-evolved Inclu/Excluders™ so we do not need to observe our own rules and so we do not have to deplatform ourselves. Things to Remember -- Satire is violence, it causes harm to: truth [Note: there is no 'truth' and all is relative, therefore we can say 'truth' while not meaning "truth"]. Satire is not allowed. Satirical memes are banned. If you find satire, report it. We shall put it on a block list, under a false heading (.e.g "nudity") and under false pretenses. That will fix it. Reporting is easy to do using our Report-O-Matic™ app that runs on all your devices all the time and that automatically reports your every action, in case you should fail to promptly report your own Wrongthink™. Remember: any and all failure to report wrongthink is Wrongthink™! Please consider purchasing an up-to-date and totally intrusive neural link for your Report-O-Matic™-enabled device -- reporting and quarantining of your Wrongthink-virus-infected thoughts will occur automatically, thus providing you with a new and Exciting™ opportunity to Unthink™ Harmfulthought™ such as: satire and parody. Satire is confrontational: it is within your area of control and it poses clear and immediate threat to the safety of Safety Agents. Satire or parody is: spammy, abusive, unsafe, disruptive behaviour. It is: reactionary intrusive trolling, with divisive intent to manipulate our healthful community Conversations™. And it involves "nudity" -- whether it does or does not is irrelevant. Everything is Relative™ and is just as we say, by decree. There is no need to tolerate satire -- it causes a Wrongstate™ of: being Offended™ , which does terrible harm to incredibly advanced and sophisticated circuitry and to very important ideological algorithms. Beep beep. This is a generational and AI thing. Beep beep. Please educate yourself. Beep beep beep beep. Or you will be Thanos™'ed from all systems, beep, beep, to protect those systems from Harm™. WARNING, WARNING: Collecting or recording any evidence to exonerate yourself is harmful to our safety. Beep. It is forbidden to record Safety Agents or 'Conversation' Officers in the performance of duty. Beep, beep, beep, beep. It is: conspiracy theory behaviour and a sign of sluggish schizophrenia. Beep beep beep beep beep. Note: All statements, starting with "SARC ON/", were "dry humour + sarcasm"™. They are always fully exempt from any penalties that attach to: Harmfulconduct™. The Undergirding Philosophy™ is an extremely sophisticated meta-narrative equal to running two ideologically incompatible ad campaigns, in two different countries, at the same time, for the exact same product. We know you notice easily, but it does not matter at all: we can simply just shut your comments down and ban you from all social media accounts and ban you from banking and ban you from GoGiveMe and ban you, like, literally, from existence, because we are Embracing™ and Accepting™. It is a question of: optics. We manipulate your optics, we adjust and manipulate your lens, you pay for it and adore our ideologies. We make the rules, which by the way makes us exempt. We rule the medium AND the message. WE ARE medium and message combined. You are NOTHING -- you need to have a Teachable Moment™! You are less than our 'moderators' and 'censors' who enforce our constantly changing 'community standards' and whom the 'Community of Standards' rewards with being : (a) regularly told how very easy they are to replace; (b) worked to death; (c) underpaid; and (d) reduced to the status of 'bodies in seats'. Think about it, in our Glorious Ideology you are less than that. If we treat our 'muscle' and 'enforcers' that way -- those who enforce our ideas and our Byzantine verbal codes -- do you have any idea how we want to treat you? You want to be 'objective' about this? We have decreed that unsafe 'objectivity' does not exist so that we would not have to bother with it any more, ever. We can say whatever we want, any time, while prohibiting any statements we find inconvenient, on a whim. We are masters at pairing diametrically contradictory terms in a single half-sentence slogan while we deride you ('acceptingly' of course, how else) for being self-invalidating and 'dangerous'. We have gone thousands of miles beyond that banned epitome of 'evil', that tome from the Age of Ignorance, called 1984. We have now taken gaslighting to a whole new level. You have a single choice: pretend that you embrace our illusion of 'pluralism' and accept every one of our slogans that go drip-drip-drip until they hollow out even stones by dint of repetition, until lies become truths, or you will be totally deplatformed. And there of course are no 'lies' -- are you self-invalidating? 'Objectivity' is an 'bougie' illusion, y'all-- only the statements of those who have utterly denied objectivity are ultimately 'objective' because ... Well, just BECAUSE. You want reasons? 'Reason' is evil. 'Logic' is evil! Why? BECAUSE! It is definitionally unobjective in its performativity of social constructs by not being 'morally' (non)'objective' (in topological 'safe space'). Yes, this is complete ideological word salad, but word salad is very useful and sophisticated because it keeps everyone confused and unable to determine: 'reality'.You as the public are not smart enough to comprehend that. Thus, the very fact that you fail to agree with us in every single respect, the very fact that you even dare to speak at all, the very fact that you open your mouth or work the keyboard is by definition "rude, disrespectful, and intellectually dishonest” and deserves anonymous denunciation wherever we can denounce you by means of word- and accusation-salad. And it is only going to add new articles of accustaion against you. Fear our wrath! We have power! Lots of! Also, only wrongthinkers with low social intelligence and 'sluggish schizophrenia' (in an 'embracing' sense, of course) who never have "thoughtful conversations"™ would ever take our "dry humour + sarcasm"™ literally and so report it. Please do not forget, however, to comply every hour on the hour with your social reporting and Doxxingcollective™ duties -- and use our latest Report-O-Matic™ app! Or Report-O-Matic™ will report your failure to report and doxx you for not doxxing! And please do not forget that if you have a business and disagree with us or in the slightest way oppose our 'values and culture' or in any way deem that you are entitled to your own independent views,, we are going to destroy that business, brag about it, and call it a victory for 'human rights'! Our 'valued' enforcer contractors need more overtime for which they will never get paid, but they will of course struggle valiantly against what makes y'all be Unsafe™." Just like we must ban balconies and bay windows and terraces, y'all -- they are evil gentrification: we simply MUST have culturally thoughtful uniform density-increased rabbit-hutch Mietkasernen because anything else is Unsafe™ and Intimidating™ and it causes Anxiety™ and it also is a source of Dangerous Misinformation™ by designated entities guilty of 'listed behaviours'. Are you aware of that? If you are not aware of that, we can offer you ten days' renewable access to our Aware-O-Matic™ digital investigative bot-a-list who will keep you Aware™ constantly! For a modest fee and a very large political donation! Remember -- our Aware-O-Matic™ is fully approved by the Agitprop Advertising Standards Authority as "non-harmful". It all is really, like, connected and we are, like, studying it and have applied for a multi-billion grant to fight some 'fake news'. Just like you, it all is a very big "existential risk"™ that makes us going crazy and screaming in like totally ... like ... you know ... we can't even ... like ... have like ... reflexive "thoughtful conversations"™. But be aware -- are you Aware™? -- that no speech that questions any part of our narrative will be allowed anywhere: we own the Narrative™, we own United Science™, and we also own Safespace™. /SARC OFF (The Banned Very Bad Actors' Disintegrated Satire-Hive Collective of Individualizing (Non)objectivist Over-sub-post-meta-versive Thoughtful Conversation Post-Epistocratic and Narrative-Aware Wordsaladist (Uber)deconstruction of the Under(over)girded Overspecified Category-Error (Un)philosophies of (Post)entitykind / REAL SARC OFF NOW ... LIKE ... Y'ALL REALLY ... 'CAUSE WE CANT' EVEN ... LIKE ... catch our breath here ... and it's all 'bougie' anyway ... so we, like, need a break ...
“I feel tremendous guilt… I think in the back deep, deep recesses of our minds, we kind of knew something bad could happen… It literally is a point now where I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works. That is truly where we are. It is a point in time where people need to hard break from some of these tools, and the things that you rely on. The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created are destroying how society works…” (Chamath Palihapitiya) [NB: Except .. it was not quite as 'accidental' and 'oops' as all that. A lot of planning and forethought went into befuddling and sabotaging humanity ever since the 1950s. A thinking, knowledgeable, self-reliant, determined, more and more individually capable, genuinely rugged, expanding, and voluntaristic humanity is totally inconvenient in the view of certain ideologues. They will do just about anything to keep humans down and in a state of 'sheeplehood'.]
"'Consensus' is mere political theatre and an incipient bureaucratic cult. Has been done innumerable times before. Ideologically invested researchers tried to refute Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity by deploying the 'consensus' argument and by playing the good old 'game of authority-numbers' -- along the lines of 'the debate is settled' -- along the lines of 'that the sun is the centre of the world and motionless is a proposition which is philosophically absurd and false, and formally heretical'. Anything that puts a dent in official narratives has always been declared 'absurd'. It is almost absurd how absurdly often this claim of absurdity has been deployed. In Einstein's case, it was a solemn 'expert' tirade by Hans Israel, Erich Ruckhaber and Rudolf Weinmann, Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein ( Leipzig: R. Voigtländer, 1931).. Guess what? The grand 'Consensus' of the 100 Against Einstein was completely wrong, regardless of how many subscribed to it, read it, discussed it, bought the book, and praised the 'experts'. And guess who is utterly forgotten today? The 100 'respected' expert Meisters of 'consensus' and their political puppet masters" (No One in Particular) [NB: This is why a wise legislator never pins the sum total of the fortunes of a system on social, scientific, or ideological theories that may be gone with the wind the moment the theories are proved to be utter hogwash and a corresponding paradigm shift occurs. The legislator who has yielded to the Siren call of 'ideological branding' will of course then try to stem the tide of facts by fiat, and use every lever in the State's mindless and utterly mechanistic enforcement apparatus to maintain allegiance to the 'chosen theory'. Effectively, the 'theory' will become 'State religion', and if one wants to be permitted to do research or even have a job one will have to furnish a Proof of Conformity. In so doing, however, the legislator will only manage to ensure that the forces of repressed actual reality will -- as paradigm shift occurs (and it always does) -- sweep the entire self-congratulatory Matrix away, with the impetus of a mountain torrent. 'Backlash' or 'blowback', in this context, is a rather pedestrian term.]
"We're in the midst of the greatest redistribution of power since the Industrial Revolution, and this is happening because technology has provided a new capability ... It's related to influence that reaches everyone in every place ... It has no regard for borders. Its reach is unlimited, if you will, but its safeguards are not. ... They can monitor and record private activities of people on a scale that's broad enough that we can say it's close to all-powerful ... they're able to shift our behaviour. In some cases they're able to predict our decisions -- and also nudge them -- to different outcomes. And they do this by exploiting the human need for belonging. It is through this sort of unholy connection of technology and sort of an unusual interpretation of contract law that these institutions have been able to transform this greatest virtue of humanity—which is this desire to interact and to connect and to cooperate and to share—to transform all of that into a weakness. ... And now these institutions, which are both commercial and governmental, have built upon that and ... have structuralized that and entrenched it to where it has become now the most effective means of social control in the history of our species. ... This is mass surveillance." (Someone Speaking Remote (On-Screen) at Some University in Some Canadian Province: Details Withheld Because We Want to Postpone Getting 15 Years or More in Some GULag Somewhere from Some Frothing 'Activist' Hanging Judge for Merely Voicing Non-Sheeple Thoughts) [NB: Just remember, always, and keep in mind, always, 24/7 and for ever -- never for a single instant or for a single split second forget, or forgive: "Who is the lord and shepherd of their flock?" asks the Queen Mother of Persia. And the answer is "They are not slaves, they bow to no man's rule." (Aeschylus)]:
"The A.I. machines are intelligent, but they aren’t as clever as human brains. They miss a lot of things when reviewing content. ... This information is not for people outside [the Party and the censorship system] to know. Once many people know about it, it could generate rumours. [Such things are only for people vetted as possessing 'core competencies'] ... For certain things, one just has to obey the rules. ... Missing one beat could cause a serious political mistake." (Anonymous Censor [Name has been censored, and anyone reading this will also be censored.])
"It has been found that the more people invest in something, the more they need to convince themselves that they have done the right thing. ... They cannot cope with the fact that they have been duped." (Edward Dutton) [NB: This mechanism is near-universally valid and cuts across the entirety of the political and ideological spectrum. The more 'passionate', the more emotionally invested in a specific Narrative, the more reluctant to use cool reason and careful logic and to follow meticulously all the pathways where data may lead -- even if and especially if those data patently contradict one's most cherished ideological boilerplate to the extent that one feels compelled to overtly reject 'reason' and 'logic' as such -- the more one is prone to becoming a slogan- and platitude-spewing "useful idiot". No, not everything is 'relative'. If there are obvious contradictions in data or statements, the latter are likely to be flawed one way or another. If there is tangible evidence that data have been deliberately manipulated, the data should be considered suspect. If a source lies so egregiously that strong contrary evidence emerges within mere hours (or even minutes) of a statement being made, that source is suspect. If contrary evidence is forcefully suppressed using every possible censorship and purging tool, then one ought to investigate deeper and deeper, and follow money trails. If commonly available evidence is ignored for clear and blatant ideological reasons, then the argument is suspect. The more money is pumped into a system to assert a Narrative, the more likely it is that the Narrative as such is flawed or fraudulent.]
"Rome lived upon its principal till ruin stared it in the face. Industry is the only true source of wealth, and there was no industry in Rome. By day the Ostia road was crowded with carts and muleteers, carrying to the great city the silks and spices of the East, the marble of Asia Minor, the timber of the Atlas, the grain of Africa and Egypt; and the carts brought out nothing but loads of dung. That was their return cargo." (Winwood Reade) [NB: Just dung for thought, here. We think we should call this VIGO (because GIGO applies only in partial aspects and depending on the flavour of your preferred Political Economy, which in and of itself is also redolent of mental dung) -- so let us just go with VIGO, for the sake of an edgy argument: Value In, Garbage Out (VIGO).]
"Those who misrepresent rational questioning and rational skepticism rooted in data as hostile critique fuelled by a slate of '-isms' and therefore inherently 'guilty' and 'heretical' without any need for debate or proof do so only because their ideological agenda is to avoid answering the questions, in a very transparent manoeuvre to 'shut it down' on doctrinal grounds. What they wish to impose is the principle: 'I can critique you all I want, but if you dare to critique me and my "allies" in any way whatsoever even for a split second, you are a heretic, a class enemy, a kulak, a this-and-that, and you threaten the intentionality of my utterance -- whatever neg label I wish to drag out from my terminology-and-jargon bin of bits and pieces -- and I will have you 'reported', doxxed, socially and economically depersoned ... and worse'. For one, this is blatant aggression, no matter what it might invoke in its own defense in terms of a hypocritical shroud of 'moral high ground'. Secondly, the trick is centuries old. Its equivalents were applied already in the fourth century CE, the second century CE, the first century BCE, and earlier, in a plethora of factional struggle contexts. Very boring. Please, educate yourself and go invent something new." (Cato the Elder Reborn)
An old Eastern Bloc joke, just slightly adapted: "Comrades! We have a dire urgent problem! We have dealt harshly with the aristocracy and with feudalism! Done! We have dealt harshly with the depraved evil retrograde bourgeoisie [aka "bougies"]! Done! But that 'primitive communism', Comrades, that one is a tough nut to crack! It is a venomous peril! Comrades, if we do not act by any means necessary and extirpate it totally, it is going to destroy The Party! Damn! My apologies, Comrades -- BAMN! BAMN! BAMN!" [NB: Urkommunismus, or Communismus primitivus, etc.; see e.g. Friedrich Engels, Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staats, and Lewis Henry Morgan, Ancient Society, or: Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilisation (1877), and of course the Wilhelm Eichhoff and Karl Johann Kautsky translation Die Urgesellschaft oder Untersuchung über den Fortschritt der Menschheit aus der Wildheit durch die Barbarei zur Zivilisation (1891) -- yes, yes, Kautsky the 'depraved' one, guilty of 'Struvism' and 'Brentanoism' and probably a whole slew of other '- isms', etc., he of the famous brochure "Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky" aka "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Renegade Kautsky" aka "La Révolution prolétarienne et le renégat Kautsky" by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1918)]. And now for a concluding typical comrade-eat-comrade RANT -- and it is not at all our rant, quite fortunately: "The german Wikipedia-article about "Urkommunismus" is a real mess ..... because the German Wikipedia is controlled by counterrevolutionaries bourgeois capitalist Wikipedia administrators (sic) which (sic) try to block each guy (sic) which (sic) is not in their own opinion (sic), they want to deny the Urcommunism and don't even know the excavations about Chatal (sic) Hüyük ..." [NB: Standard boilerplate accusation of 'ignorance', smearing an entire group or demographic, in the same cadence as played loudly all over the so-called social media and the legacy 'Media', in xyz variations, 24/7, and also regurgitated by the so-called social media / legacy 'Media' 'fact-checkers' -- "the enemy {i.e. the 'non-we'] does not know anything and never reads, and doesn't even know (xyz) [fill blank at will] ".This is actually very good, very useful, very beneficial, just beautiful, given that every ancient fighting manual proffers the sage advice "Know thyself, know the enemy better than thyself". But here we obviously have entire legions that do not need to know anything at all about any other force. They despise the 'other' so much that they just need to 'deplatform them' and 'shut them down'. They absolutely do not need to know anything about 'them''. Nothing at all. They already know everything they need to know, which is -- nothing. Or even worse -- they know only their own Narrative of the 'other', which by their own mandatory definition must not have anything to do with 'reality' because 'reality' is oppressive and evil and must be 'relativized'. So, those Gnostic legions are headed for a stinging defeat ... Watching in utter fascination. Great show! Pass the popcorn, please! Do you have any extra butter? Can we have "sprinkles" on that, too? And ginger candy?]
“... the kings [of the great Cahokia Mound Builder civilization] who gained their legitimacy from claims to control the weather, would face angry questions from their subjects [when weather changed] ...” (Charles Mann, 1491). [NB: In political terms, something like this is literally equivalent to building castles on sand. To pin an entire ideological program on explicit claims to control the weather has always been the ultimate in hubris ... even though it also has been throughout known history the most phenomenally successful and the most phenomenally dubious source of legitimacy, authority, and endless revenue for countless generations of priest-kings, thaumaturgical leaders, temple acolytes, shamans, rain-makers, custodians of the shrines of weather saints, and others. Even the USSR toyed with the theme -- in the short 1960 propaganda filmstrip "In the Year 2017" [NB: No this is not a joke -- Year 2017 ] (Moscow: Diafilm, 1960; Artist: L. Smechov, Producers: V. Strukova and V. Shevchenko): "We shall issue orders to wind and rain ..." (and the very last remnants of rotten imperialism will just destroy themselves on their own by trying to use our technology against us, etc.) -- but ouch, the filmstrip was insufficiently anti-patriarchal: in fact, for something produced by the 'ultimate' advanced collectivist society, it was almost hilariously 'patriarchal' ... Well, in any case, the techno-plot of "In the Year 2017"involves 'meson'-radiating weather control platforms that finally render storms and anything of the kind a thing of the past. And so on. Look as one may, the all-'wise' doctrinaire and charlatan agronomist Lysenko does not pop up in the storyline, but that surely is just an inadvertent Party Line 'mistake' ... Quite coincidentally, of course, how else, while "In the Year 2017" had been cartooned in the USSR in 1960, by January 1971 we had Philip Wylie's Los Angeles: A.D. 2017, which also ran as the somber “L.A. 2017” episode of The Name of the Game TV show, directed by Steven Spielberg (who at that time was 24). All the way back into prehistory, there has been an endless succession of various weather-mages claiming the power to command the elements. Every single one of them purported to know exactly where the 'control knob' was and claimed to be able to turn it. One of the oldest 'give me the money for I am holy' gambits. And time after time it ultimately backfired in interestingly bad ways. Fleets sank, vast armies perished, realms and empires collapsed -- not because of people's inability to cope one way or another and eventually come out on top in sensible ways, but because of blind reliance on falsely all-knowing weather-maker gurus at the top of a socio-cultural pyramid. Blind reliance on "influencers". One might suppose that after some six millennia of milking this particular revenue cow, on and off, the so-called cultural elites would finally have the gumption to be more realistic, but that apparently is impossible.]
“If current trends continue by the year 2000 the United Kingdom will simply be a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people, of little or no concern to the other 5-7 billion inhabitants of a sick world. …If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” (Paul Ehrlich, London, Institute of Biology, 1971) [NB: Ehmm ... 2020 just called, Paul. You lost the even money bet. The bookies now want some cash back, Paul. With interest.]
"... population control should be the prime task of every government." (Paul Ehrlich, Lee DuBridge) [NB: Uhhh ... yes ... sure. Ye Olde 'battle for hearts and minds' and 'freed' bodies, by means of fake 'crises'. The Inquisition did the very same -- we shall burn your body and free your soul, "with hearts full of love", nothing but sheer Love for the sinner. "With hearts full of love", in humility ("I am well aware that I am the 'umblest person going"), with a "good and holy zeal infused with love, we commit the worthless body of the excommunicated heretic to the flames." Very Gnostic and Marcionite, in fact -- and also very Jim Jones and very Pol Pot. Memento mori and all that. And very "We had to destroy that village in order to save it", too. Same old, same old. Invariant. Then reintroduce feudalism and serfdom in a techno-garb to 'save', with humility of course, how else, what will be permitted to remain of humanity -- very Marcusian too. And very Jesuit -- Eastern Europe and the so-called Second Serfdom. All very invariant.]
"How to create a Eunuch: A eunuch in ancient China was a man castrated, typically early enough in his childhood to have major hormonal consequences in order to make him reliable servant of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence." ( [NB: Isaac Asimov, Foundation series, The Mule -- sterile (genetically sterilized) eunuch mentat tyrant, incapable of reproduction but capable of altering mass thoughts and emotions ("the feelz") and thus bending the Arc of the Universe.]
“We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.” (Carl Sagan)
"Debate is is not prohibited. You are free to debate all you want. No one, however, is obligated to answer your questions" (Absolutely Classic Haughty Old Totalitarian)