Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 27, No. 2
New Series (Shipped)
Eitan Burstein
“The Meaning of the Toponym ‘Lisbon’ Explained through Biblical Etymology”
Nagendra Rao
“The Portuguese and the Little Kingdoms of Kanara”
Jeremy Roe
“Between Erudition and Affect: The Portrayal and Veneration of John IV”
Hilton César de Oliveira
“O Minho em Minas: traços e vestígios da presença minhota na Comarca do Rio das Velhas (1726-1800)”
Giselle Martins Venancio
“La trahison des traductions : textes français dans les collections Brasiliana e Biblioteca Histórica Brasileira”
Eurico Albino Gomes Martins Carvalho
“José Matias de Eça de Queiroz — ou as Reflexões de Um Professor de Filosofia (da Vontade de Saber à Ironia: Um Retrato Oblíquo da Falência do Panlogismo)”
Rodrigo do Prado Bittencourt
“A Capital! (começos duma carreira): um livro sobre um escritor”
Rui Afonso
“Alberto da Veiga Simões and the Jewish Refugees: The Cases of Sigmund Feist, Elizabeth Feist, Karl Heumann, Gustav Mayer-Alberti, and Eduard Lindenthal"
George Bragues
“The Economics of Language: Implications for Portuguese”
Antonio Cazorla Sánchez
“A Retrospective Review of Selected Works of António Costa Pinto”
Fernando Nunes
“Reminiscences on the Formation of the Lusophone Studies Association"
Carlos Balsas
“O português sou eu! Reflections on a Career Path (thus Far)"